What Should I Do If I Have Missed My Period
Dont panic! In most cases there is nothing serious going on. The most important thing to do is to do a pregnancy test if there is any chance at all you could be pregnant. If you otherwise feel well in yourself, and you are not pregnant, then the chances are your periods will start up again in due course.
You should consult a doctor if:
- You have not had a period for three months and your periods were previously regular.
- You have not had a period for 6-9 months but your periods have always been infrequent.
- You could be pregnant.
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What Do You Mean By Late Period
Some people have predictable periods. However, many others have some variation, dont be alarmed if your period arrives a day late. Dr. Higgins explains that your menstrual cycle refers to the time between your first period and your next period. These cycles last on average between 24 and 38 days. This means that a 28-day period one month and a 26 day cycle the next month are probably not something to be concerned about. If:
- It has been more than 38 consecutive days since your last period.
- Normally, youre very regular and your period is not more than three days late.
Things that can delay your period Missing periods are often the first sign that youre pregnant, but there are other reasons. These are other factors that could delay your monthly flow.
Are Hormones To Blame
When you get your period, your levels of estrogen and progesterone are low.
In the first 4 or 5 days, your pituitary gland increases output of follicle-stimulating hormone and your ovaries start producing more estrogen.
Between days 5 and 7, estrogen levels typically crest, your pituitary gland releases a surge of luteinizing hormone , and your progesterone levels start to increase.
A shift in hormone levels could create the appearance of a stop-and-start pattern.
Period flow or regularity issues could be affected by a variety of health conditions, including:
- Fibroids, which are abnormal benign growths that develop in or on the uterus.
- Endometriosis, which occurs when endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome , which occurs when the ovaries make large amounts of androgens . Sometimes, small fluid-filled sacs form in the ovaries.
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Stress Can Cause Your Period To Be Late
It is not only a drain on your mind, but can also cause mental problems. It can also cause physical symptoms such as irregular periods. Dr. Higgins states that minor, daily stress wont usually affect your period. But, big-time stressors can disrupt your bodys delicate hormonal balance and cause your period to be late. Here are some examples of major stress:
- Death of a loved-one
- Exams for high school and college.
- Loss of employment.
- Major life events such as a marriage.
Youre In Early Menopause
Early menopause, also known as premature ovarian insufficiency, happens when your ovaries stop working before you turn 40.
When your ovaries are not working the way they should, they stop producing multiple hormones, including estrogen. As your estrogen levels drop to all-time lows, you will begin to experience the symptoms of menopause.
Late or missed periods may be an early sign. You may also experience:
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Can Stress Cause Spotting
Absolutely. That fight-or-flight response we mentioned above isnât limited to just shutting your period down or delaying it for a few days. Stress can also cause spotting, aka when you kind of have a little blood coming out , but not enough for you to qualify as a full period. This often happens between periods, leading you to be like, âwhy is this happening 15 days early?â
You’ve Been Getting Less Sleep Than Usual
Our bodies need sleep for a number of reasons, including regulating our temperature and ensuring our organs are functioning normally. Since the uterus itself is an organ, it should come as no surprise that a lack of sleep can negatively impact its ability to do its job.
In 2008, The American Academy of Sleep Medicine reported that individuals with sleep disorders, like delayed sleep syndrome, were highly likely to have irregular menstrual periods.
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The Basics Of Birth Control Pills
When you swallow birth control pills, youre ingesting one or more synthetic hormones. This could be a combination of estrogen and progestin, or just progestin, depending on the type of birth control that youre taking. These hormones work to prevent pregnancy in three different ways.
First, they work to prevent your ovaries from ovulating, or releasing an egg each month.
They also thicken the cervical mucus, which makes it harder for sperm to reach an egg if one is released. The hormones can thin the uterine lining, too. This means that if an egg does get fertilized, itll be difficult for it to attach to the uterine lining and develop.
Birth control pills are over 99 percent effective when used correctly. This means taking the pill at the same time every day. If you miss a day or youre late taking your pill, the efficacy can decrease. With typical use, the failure rate is about
Several different types of birth control pills are available.
Some are similar to the pill packs that were first made available in 1960. They included 21 days of pills with active hormones and seven placebo or inactive pills. When you take an inactive pill, it allows for bleeding that mimics normal menstruation.
There are also packs that allow for 24 days of active pills and a shorter menstrual-like bleeding period.
Extended-cycle or continuous regimens consist of a couple of months worth of active pills. They can either reduce the number of periods you have or eliminate your period entirely.
What Are Irregular Periods
Even though girls get their periods on a cycle, that cycle can take different amounts of time each month. For example, a girl might get her period after 24 days one month and after 42 days the next. These are called irregular periods.
Irregular periods are very common, especially in a girls first few years of getting her period.
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Being Overweight Or Obese
Being overweight or obese can also affect your menstrual cycle. If you’re overweight, your body may produce an excess amount of oestrogen, one of the hormones that regulate the reproductive system in women.
The excess oestrogen can affect how often you have periods, and can also cause your periods to stop. Your GP may refer you to a dietitian if you have a BMI of 30 or more, and it’s affecting your periods. The dietitian will be able to advise you about losing weight safely.
When Should You See Your Doctor
There are several cases when consulting a doctor is advised so they can perform blood tests and assess you for various health conditions:¹²¹³
- No period for months
- Typically regular periods suddenly become irregular
- Menstrual cycles last less than 21 days or more than 35 days
- Bleeding lasts more than seven days
- Heavy bleeding or passing large clots during periods
- Breakthrough bleeding between periods
- Periods become extremely painful or cause nausea and vomiting
- Experience symptoms of toxic shock syndrome after using tampons
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What Are Regular Periods
Most girls get their first period between the ages of 10 and 15, but some get it earlier and some later. The first period is known as menarche .
A girls monthly cycle is the number of days from the start of her period to the start of the next time she gets her period. You often hear this is a 28-day cycle. But 28 is just an average figure that doctors use. Cycle lengths vary some are 24 days, some are 34 days. And a girl may notice that her cycles are different lengths each month especially for the few years after she first starts getting her period.
Early in a girls cycle, her ovaries start preparing one egg. At the same time, the lining of the uterus becomes thick to prepare a nesting place for a fertilized egg in the event that the girl becomes pregnant.
About 2 weeks before a girl gets her period, the egg is released from the ovary . The egg travels through the fallopian tube into the uterus. If the egg isnt fertilized by sperm, it starts to fall apart. Then the lining and egg leave a girls body as her period and the whole thing starts all over again thats why we use the word cycle. The first day a girls period comes is Day 1 of her cycle.
Its also normal for the number of days a girl has her period to vary. Sometimes a girl may bleed for 2 days, sometimes it may last a week. Thats because the level of hormones the body makes can be different from one cycle to the next, and this affects the amount and length of bleeding.
Youve Just Started Menstruating
Young women who have only had a few periods may not have regular cycles at first. It can take a few months for cycles to become regular. This is also true if you have just come off of birth control medication that stopped menstrual periods. It makes take a little while for you to get a period every month again.
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Why Is My Period Late 10 Reasons And What To Do
A missed period could mean you’re pregnant, but there might be another cause.
Monique Rainford, MD, is board-certified in obstetrics-gynecology, and currently serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor at Yale Medicine. She is the former chief of obstetrics-gynecology at Yale Health.
Pregnancy is by far the most common cause of a missed period. However, other medical and lifestyle factors can also affect your menstrual cycle making your period late.
Weight changes, hormonal irregularities, and menopause are among the most common causes if you’re not pregnant. With these issues, you may miss a period for one or two months, or you may experience complete amenorrheathat is, no period for three or more months in a row.
A normal menstrual cycle is about 28 days. However, a normal cycle could be up to 38 days. If your cycle is longer than this, or longer than usual for you, it’s considered late.
This article explores 10 common reasons your period may be delayed.
Verywell / Cindy Chung
Change In Your Schedule
Minor changes in your schedule arent going to have an impact on your menstrual cycle but intense ones, like switching to the night shift or having jet lag from traveling across the world , can. The good news is that its temporary. Once your body acclimates to your new schedule, your periods should resume as normal. If they dont, its worth calling your doctor about.
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Overactive Or Underactive Thyroid
Your thyroid is responsible for helping to regulate your bodys metabolism. If anything goes wrong with it, then it could cause an imbalance in your bodys hormones. Signs of an underactive or overactive thyroid include excessive fatigue, a rapid heartbeat and mood swings. Thyroid disorders are easily diagnosed with a simple blood test and physical exam.
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What To Do When Your Period Is Late
Its important to be aware of what is normal for you so that you can spot atypical changes to your period. If your period is much later than normal and none of these external factors are playing a part, then make sure you check in with a doctor to get some answers or find a solution.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message.
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Mood Swings Irritability And Crying Spells
For some women, mood swings are common during pregnancy because of the changing hormones. Mood swings can cause you to feel overly excited or angry for no reason.
Irritability is also a common symptom of early pregnancy. This may be because your body is adjusting to these new hormones. You may feel tired or even nauseous. Your breasts may also feel tender and sore.
Crying spells occur when you become overwhelmed with emotion during early pregnancy. It can be hard to deal with the changes happening inside your body at this time, so its normal for you to cry more than usual.
How Late Is Too Late For Your Period
Because menstrual cycles can vary from person to person, Lincoln recommends you track your cycle to figure out what is normal for you.
If you typically have regular cycles and your period is late, you may want to take a pregnancy test. “The best time to test is to wait until you’ve missed your expected period, but some can detect pregnancy a few days earlier than this. If you got a negative early test and your period still doesn’t show up, you can test again,” Lincoln says.
If you’re not pregnant, and you still aren’t getting your period, you should see your doctor. “The missing period is a symptom, not a diagnosis, so it’s important to figure out why it isn’t there,” Lincoln says.
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Cervical Or Uterine Cancer
Gynecological cancers, including cervical and uterine cancer, are forms of cancer affecting female reproductive organs.
Anyone with female reproductive organs is at risk for gynecological cancer, and risk increases with age.
The HPV vaccine is recommended to help protect against cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers.
Abnormal bleeding, including heavy bleeding and irregular discharge, is a common symptom of cervical, ovarian, uterine, and vaginal cancer.
Pelvic pain or pressure is another symptom of uterine cancer.
Treatments for gynecological cancers include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.
Symptoms of gynecological cancers vary both by location of cancer and the person experiencing it. Heavy bleeding can be a symptom of many disorders, so this symptom alone doesnt indicate cancer.
Why Would I Have A Late Period
Having a late menstrual period is among the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Other early pregnancy signs include breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue, and frequent urination.
Just enter the first day of your last menstrual period and the average number of days of your menstrual cycle above to calculate whether your next menstrual period is late or see if you might be pregnant!
Read More:
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Remember: Everyones Cycle Is Different
No two menstrual cycles are exactly the same. Some periods can last one day while others last a week, and the time in between periods can vary too.
The average cycle lasts 28 days however, this doesnt mean that something is wrong if yours doesnt last that long.
Cycles can range in length from around 21 days to as long as 35 days.
Cycles shorter than 21 days typically signal that ovulation may have occurred earlier than normal or not at all.
Cycles longer than 35 days indicate that ovulation isnt occurring or its occurring irregularly.
A period thats longer than 7 days can also signal that ovulation hasnt occurred.
Now that you know the basics, youre probably wondering whats causing your period to be longer than usual. There are many different plausible causes, and theyre typically manageable.
Top 5 Reasons Why Your Period Is Late
Medically reviewed by Sophia Yen, MD, MPH Written by Pandia Health Editorial Team
NOTE: If you are 12 years old, your period wont be regular for another 2 years!
Most of us have been there you check the date on your period tracke app and realize youre supposed to meet Aunt Flo today. But she never comes and then a few more days pass and she still doesnt arrive. Seriously, the one time you want your period and it doesnt show up?! There are many explanations for why your period is late. Check out our video on the top reasons why your cycle is taking longer than usual to start here!
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Reasons Your Period Might Be Delayed
A typical menstrual cycle is considered to be 21 to 35 days.
The absence of menstruation during the reproductive years is called amenorrhea. For people who regularly have their period, if you go without it for 6 months, you may have amenorrhea. This condition affects about of females in the United States.
Amenorrhea can be caused by conditions that may include:
Substances that can help induce a period are called emmenagogues. Be aware that some emmenagogues are also abortifacients, which is a substance that can cause miscarriages in pregnancy.
Pregnancy warning
If theres a chance your period is late because you are pregnant, using emmenagogues to induce a period may terminate your pregnancy. This can be dangerous. If theres a chance you are pregnant, do not take these substances.
If you are trying any herbs, be sure to get them from a reputable source. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not monitor herbal supplements the same way they monitor other medications and drugs. While the FDA sets guidelines surrounding dietary supplements, supplements are not required to be proven safe to these standards before being sold. However, some safety monitoring steps are in place once they are in the market, such as the reporting of adverse events.
There may be concerns with quality, purity, or dosage. They may contain more or less of the ingredients on the label.
It is best to look for herbal supplements that may be verified by a third party, such as ConsumerLab or USP.