How Long Does Your First Period Usually Last

How Long Should I Wear A Menstrual Pad

How often should I have my period, and how long should it last?

Menstrual pads should be worn anywhere between 3-7 hours. You may need to change more regularly to match your menstrual flow.

Super, Long and Night time pads are for when the blood loss is heavier at the beginning and at night. Others such as Regular pads or panty liners are for lighter flows at the end of your period. It is good to change regularly to help feel and keep clean.

What Will It Look Like

If a period is made of bloody fluid, you would expect it to look like blood, right? Well, sometimes period flow can look thinner or thicker than ânormalâ blood. First periods sometimes show up as a thick dark âsmearâ in your underwear. Dark? Yep, the color can definitely be different than you expect, ranging from deep red, to maroon, brown or even black. That happens because blood changes color over time. Sometimes your period blood has been waiting in your uterus or vagina for a while before it comes out, so it isnât the color of âfreshâ blood like youâd see if you cut your skin . The color doesnât mean anything about your health, so just know that if you see brown stuff in your underwear , itâs probably your period.

Are There Other Period Symptoms

Besides tracking the timing of your cycle, some people also know a period is near when they develop certain symptoms that are caused by the menstrual cycle hormones. The most common symptoms reported before a period include bloating, moodiness, food cravings, breast tenderness, headache or menstrual cramps. Within a day or two after the period begins, the symptoms disappear naturally. If you experience some or all of these symptoms before most of your periods, itâs called Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS.

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How Might My Period Be Different Postpartum

When you do start your period again, chances are the first period after delivery wont be like your periods before you got pregnant. Your body is once again adjusting to menstruation. You may experience some of the following differences:

  • cramping that might be stronger or lighter than usual
  • flow that seems to stop and start
  • increased pain
  • irregular cycle lengths

The first period after your pregnancy may be heavier than youre used to. It might also be accompanied by more intense cramping, due to an increased amount of uterine lining that needs to be shed. As you continue your cycle, these changes will likely decrease. In rare cases, complications such as thyroid problems or adenomyosis can cause heavy bleeding after pregnancy. Adenomyosis is a thickening of the uterine wall.

Women who had endometriosis before pregnancy might actually have lighter periods after giving birth. Light periods can also be caused by two rare conditions, Asherman syndrome and Sheehan syndrome. Asherman syndrome leads to scar tissue in the uterus. Sheehan syndrome is caused by damage to your pituitary gland, which may be the result of severe blood loss.

How Long Does Your First Period Last Here’s What To Expect

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When youre expecting your first period, educating yourself on whats about to go down is a great way to relieve pre-period stress. One of the biggest questions you might have is: How long does a first period last?! Is it going to be forever? Dont panic! It wont a We talked to Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, MD about what happens down there when you get your first period and how that determines how long your first menstrual cycle may last.

Dr. Minkin is a clinical professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at the Yale University School of Medicine. She is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, and practices at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Dr. Minkin also runs her website and blog, Madame Ovary, in hopes of educating women and physicians on important womens health issues.

We asked Dr. Minkin how long a first period usually lasts. She said that the length usually varies from person to person. But the first few periods are likely to be erratic in both timing and flow characteristics. She further explained:

Its ovulation that creates regularity. So, while your body prepares to begin the ovulation process, your first few periods might fluctuate in flow and length, and may not necessarily predict how your future periods will behave. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reports that the first period can last anywhere from 2 to 7 days.

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Comprehensive Explanation Of The Menstrual Cycle:

The menstrual cycle has three phases:

1. Follicular Phase

This phase of the menstrual cycle occurs from approximately day 1-14. Day 1 is the first day of bright red bleeding, and the end of this phase is marked by ovulation. While menstrual bleeding does happen in the early part of this phase, the ovaries are simultaneously preparing to ovulate again. The pituitary gland releases a hormone called FSH follicle stimulating hormone. This hormone causes several follicles to rise on the surface of the ovary. These fluid filled bumps each contain an egg. Eventually, one of these follicle becomes dominant and within it develops a single mature egg the other follicles shrink back. If more than one follicle reaches maturity, this can lead to twins or more. The maturing follicle produces the hormone estrogen, which increases over the follicular phase and peaks in the day or two prior to ovulation. The lining of the uterus becomes thicker and more enriched with blood in the second part of this phase , in response to increasing levels of estrogen. High levels of estrogen stimulate the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone , which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete luteinizing hormone . On about day 12, surges in LH and FSH cause the egg to be released from the follicle. The surge in LH also causes a brief surge in testosterone, which increases sex drive, right at the most fertile time of the cycle.

2. Ovulatory Phase

3. Luteal Phase

At What Age Do You Get Your First Period Top

Usually, girls get their periods between ages 12 and 14, but it can happen years before or after that. Dont worry if you get your period later or earlier than your friends get theirs that happens a lot. If you havent gotten your period by age 15 , talk to your parents or guardians, your doctor, or another adult you trust.

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Signs Your Period Is About To Start

Physical changes that show you are entering puberty usually occur prior to beginning your period:

  • Breast growth and tenderness
  • Hair in the pubic area between the legs, as well as in the armpits
  • Lower abdominal cramping, bloating or general discomfort
  • White vaginal discharge

Certain experiences, like breast tenderness or cramping, may also appear again each month right before or during the week of your period.

Practical Preparation For Periods

Your First Period: What You Need to Know

Your child will need a supply of sanitary pads, period-proof underpants, tampons and/or a menstrual cup.

Before your child gets their first period, its a good idea to show your child:

  • what pads, period-proof underpants, tampons and cups look like
  • how to use pads, period-proof underpants, tampons and cups
  • how to dispose of pads and tampons, or rinse period-proof underpants
  • how to clean a menstrual cup.

You might want to suggest your child carries pads, underpants, tampons or a cup. For example, they could keep some in a small bag in their school bag and sports bag.

Pads, underpants, tampons or a menstrual cup? Its probably easier for your child to start with pads or period-proof underpants before they try tampons or a menstrual cup.

Your child can use tampons and cups at any age, but it can take some time and practice to get used to them.

When your child is first starting with tampons or a menstrual cup, it might help to practise between periods, to get used to inserting and removing them. For tampons it can help to put a bit of lubricant or petroleum jelly on the tip of a tampon so it slides in more easily, or use water as a lubricant for a menstrual cup. Looking at diagrams of the slope and shape of the vagina can also help, as can using a mirror while practising.

Being comfortable with using tampons or a menstrual cup can be a big help in these busy and active years.

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My Friend Says That Their Breasts Hurt Before Their Period Will This Happen To Me

Breast swelling and tenderness in the breasts are caused by the changes in the hormone levels just before a period. It is important to be sensible about the foods you eat and what you drink to help to manage the symptoms. Avoid salty foods and drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, cola and fizzy drinks. Evening Primrose oil, Borage or flaxseed oil has been shown to be very helpful as are Vitamins B6 and E, also being careful about the types of foods you eat. Avoid junk foods and try to eat healthy foods based on grains, fish, beans, chicken and fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. Eat organically grown foods if you can and make sure you drink plenty of water too.

Mood Changes Before And During Periods

Many people will experience mood changes just before or during the first few days of their periods. These changes can include being a bit irritable or more sensitive, or feeling angry, anxious or even depressed.

This can be hard for your child and the rest of the family to cope with. Giving your child a bit more privacy and space around this time can make it easier for everyone, without making a big deal about it.

If your childs mood changes are upsetting or disrupting their everyday life, they might like to see a health professional, like the GP.

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What Causes Menstruation

Menstruation is a result of puberty. This is when your body becomes capable of reproduction.

When your menstrual cycle begins, your estrogen levels increase. That causes the lining of your uterus to thicken.

The uterine lining thickens so it can support a fertilized egg and develop into a pregnancy.

If there isnt a fertilized egg, your body will break the lining down and push it out of your uterus. This results in bleeding your menstrual period.

It doesnt matter if youve had a period for years or youre waiting for your first one periods can be difficult to navigate.

This article will go over everything you need to know, from how to find the right menstrual products and dealing with cramps to saving stained clothes.

Most people start their periods between the ages of 12 and 13. Your first period . However, its normal to start your period a little earlier or later, too.

As a general rule of thumb, menstruation will start about two years after your breasts begin to develop.

Some people start their periods without any warning. Others may experience premenstrual syndrome in the days leading up to their period.

Symptoms of PMS include:

Keeping Track Of Periods

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Its good for your child to keep track of their periods with an app, calendar or diary. If your childs periods are fairly regular, an app or calendar can help your child know when their period is likely to come. This way your child can prepare for things like sleepovers, school camps or swimming carnivals.

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Period Symptoms And Pain

When your childs period is coming, they might have a range of physical symptoms, including sore breasts, pimples and greasy hair. Your child might also have a sore tummy, feel sick or have diarrhoea.

Period pain and these associated symptoms are common. If your child gets a sore tummy, back or legs before or during their period, your child could try:

  • taking pain medication
  • putting a hot water bottle on their lower stomach
  • walking or other light exercise
  • eating smaller meals more often
  • resting and relaxing, particularly with their legs elevated, or lying on one side with knees bent
  • lightly massaging the lower stomach
  • having warm drinks like hot milk or herbal tea.

Very painful periods are common, as are symptoms like nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. But if your child has period pain that disrupts everyday activities, they should see their GP. Hormone treatments that regulate periods or even turn them off for a while are safe and very effective.

Menstruation: Whats Normal For Girls

New Guidelines Call for Routine Checks, List 12 Menstrual Warning Signs in Young Girls

The guidelines come from the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Adolescence along with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Adolescent Health.

The committees recommend that doctors view girlsmenstruation as a vital sign at medical checkups, just like temperature and heart rate.

And as they enter puberty, girls should get preventive checkups to learn about their reproductive health in a confidential setting, the doctors add.

Girls are 12-13 years old, on average, when they get their first menstrual period , the committees note.

That average age hasnt changed much in 30 years, though black girls go through menarche five months earlier than they did 30 years ago, according to the committees.

Their report appears in the November edition of Pediatrics.

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Know Whats Normal For You

Keep track of your periods with an app or a simple paper calendar. Take note of the rate of flow and when it shows up, so youll spot any changes right away.

Finally, see your gynecologist regularly and discuss your periods during your appointments. If anything seems weird to you, bring it up.

Your period is a clue to whats going on with your reproductive health, Dr. Higgins says. Your doctor wants to know the details so we can help you stay healthy.

Long Or Heavy Periods

First period – how to know when menstruation is coming?

Heavy bleeding is a sign to contact your healthcare provider. So what does “heavy” mean?

  • Soaking one or more tampons or pads every hour for several hours in a row
  • Wearing more than one pad at a time to absorb bleeding
  • Having to change pads or tampons overnight
  • Having periods that include blood clots the size of a quarter or larger

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How Long Should A Normal Period Be

When it comes to the frequency, length and flow of your monthly visitor, a general rule of thumb is that normal periods are defined as whats normal for you. But being knowledgeable about your menstrual cycle can help you identify when things go awry.

You get your period when your uterus sheds its lining also known as its endometrium. Part of your menstrual flow is blood and part of it is endometrium. Most women get their period about 12 to 16 days after ovulation.

The average menstrual cycle is 28 days. A normal period can last anywhere from two to seven days but is usually only three to five days.

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