Can You Have Your Period Twice In A Month

Uterine Polyps Or Fibroids

Is It Normal To Have Your Period Twice In One Month? | PeopleTV

Uterine polyps are soft growths in the endometrium. They can be as small as a sesame seed or larger than a golf ball.

You can have one or multiple polyps, which are usually not cancerous. They’re more common with age and rare in people under 20.

Symptoms of uterine polyps include:

  • Post-menopausal bleeding or spotting
  • Bleeding after vaginal penetration
  • Infertility

Uterine fibroids are growths in the muscle tissue rather than the endometrium. They’re also called leiomyomas, myomas, or fibromas.

Fibroids can be inside or outside the uterus. As with polyps, you can have one or several.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids include:

  • Bloating and swelling in the abdomen
  • Frequent urination and being unable to empty your bladder
  • Pain during vaginal penetration
  • Constipation
  • Vaginal discharge

Both polyps and fibroids can cause problems with your menstrual cycle. You may have more frequent periods , longer and heavier periods, and bleeding between periods.

The treatment for polyps and fibroids ranges from symptom management and hormonal therapies to surgical removal of the growths. In more serious cases, people need to have a hysterectomy.

Uterine growths can also affect your fertility and may even cause miscarriages.

How To Track Periods

Keeping track of when periods occur can help people recognize any irregularity and spot patterns. For example, if someone starts birth control or experiences a stressful event, they may notice that this affects their period.

People can track periods in a diary, on a calendar, or with a period tracking app. Begin by marking the first day of a period, and continue marking the days when bleeding occurs. Within a few months, a person can tell if their periods are regular.

Some people also note down any symptoms, how light or heavy the bleeding was, and any factors that might have affected it. It can be useful to show this record to a doctor when speaking with them about irregular periods.

Once In A While Irregularity

It is not always a problem to have two periods in a month. A woman who has a shorter menstrual cycle may experience two periods in one month. However, the periods come back to the regular period cycle after that. The menstrual cycle can be an occasional change. Usually, doctors look for frequent bleeding before diagnosing treatments.

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Reasons Your Period Is Late When You Know Youre Not Pregnant

Have you ever had a late or missed period when you are certain you arent pregnant? It may cause you a moment of panic, but a late period is often caused by factors that have nothing to do with reproduction. If you have a late period and you are sure youre not pregnant, one of the following factors may be to blame.

When Should I See A Doctor About Irregular Periods

Is It Normal Having Period Twice in One Month?
  • Your periods last for more than 7 days
  • Your menstrual cycle is more than 35 days or less than 21 days
  • You bleed between periods
  • Using tampons leads to a sudden fever and sick feeling
  • Despite not being pregnant, your periods suddenly stop for more than 90 days
  • Your periods are heavier than usual to the extent of soaking more than one pad or tampon every hour or two
  • Your regular periods suddenly become erratic
  • Your periods are extremely painful

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Should You Get Tested For Perimenopause

The short answer: No.

The blood tests that measure your ovarian reserve are rarely accurate during perimenopause. FSH and estrogen change by the day and throughout the day so they are generally not helpful.

We do consider testing these hormones if you experience perimenopausal symptoms under the age of 45. We generally will also check other pituitary hormones, like TSH and prolactin, if you are experiencing these symptoms prematurely.

Keeping a menstrual diary is generally the best test you can do. This will give you and your OBGYN insight into what your body is doing and for how long.

Any time you experience abnormal uterine bleeding , checking in with your doctor is a good idea to make sure it is normal and that no other work-up is needed.

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How Is It Even Possible To Get Two Periods In One Month

The average cycle should occur every 21 to 35 days and last anywhere from two to seven days, explains Lakeisha Richardson, MD, an ob-gyn based in Greenville, Mississippi. So, if youre on the shorter end of that spectrum, that math could easily translate into getting your period twice in one month. And about 40 to 60 percent of women will have some irregular periods throughout their lives, she says.

About 40 to 60 percent of women will have some irregular periods throughout their lives.

Meanwhile about five percent of women can have one period followed by mid-cycle bleeding, says Anna Rhee, MD, an assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive science at Mount Sinai. “Mid-cycle bleeding occurs during ovulation due to increasing luteinizing hormone . It is usually light and lasts two to three days just in the middle of a cycle,” she explains.

If you don’t just have a cycle thats on the shorter end of the spectrum, your period might be bleeding linked to a medical condition or birth control. Even though most of the reasons are totally benign, seeing your doctor can help identify the cause and start treatment early if needed.

Here’s what might be going on if you’re getting two periods in one monthand what to do to get your cycle back on track.

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Periods Every Two Weeks Or Two Periods In One Month

When a woman’s period deviates from a fairly regular cycle – for instance, having a period every two weeks or a period twice in one month – it is said to be irregular. Abnormal periods can encompass a broad range of issues concerning a woman’s menstrual cycle, including their frequency.

Continue reading to learn more about periods every two weeks, including what is an irregular period, what causes two periods in one month, and how to manage and treat them with ease!

How Long Is A Typical Menstrual Cycle

Bleeding in Between Periods | Is It Normal to Have Your Period Twice a Month

The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days long, but each woman is different.2 Also, a womans menstrual cycle length might be different from month-to-month. Your periods are still regular if they usually come every 24 to 38 days.3 This means that the time from the first day of your last period up to the start of your next period is at least 24 days but not more than 38 days.

Some womens periods are so regular that they can predict the day and time that their periods will start. Other women are regular but can only predict the start of their period within a few days.

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How Long Does A Woman Usually Have Periods

On average, women get a period for about 40 years of their life.6,7 Most women have regular periods until perimenopause, the time when your body begins the change to menopause. Perimenopause, or transition to menopause, may take a few years. During this time, your period may not come regularly. Menopause happens when you have not had a period for 12 months in a row. For most women, this happens between the ages of 45 and 55. The average age of menopause in the United States is 52.

Periods also stop during pregnancy and may not come back right away if you breastfeed.

But if you dont have a period for 90 days , and you are not pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor or nurse. Your doctor will check for pregnancy or a health problem that can cause periods to stop or become irregular.

Changes To The Cervix

Bleeding between your periods may be caused by changes in the cells of your cervix. This may be due to inflammation, hormonal changes, a Human Papilloma Virus infection or cervical cancer. If you have bleeding between your periods, your doctor will be able to examine your cervix using a speculum and can take a sample of cells for a cervical screening test.

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You Have An Infection Down There

Vaginal and cervical infections are incredibly annoying for a number of reasons, not least of all that they can cause bleeding outside of your period. Inflammation or infection of the cervix with bacteria, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis, can cause irregular bleeding, says Dr. Richardson.

Many STDs often dont cause any other symptoms, although you may experience foul-smelling or gray, white, or green discharge itching or burning in your genital area or burning during urination.

Why Am I Not Getting My Period At All

Getting your periods twice a month ?  MyMedicineBox

The medical term for absent periods is amenorrhea, and is considered to occur when a woman who has previously had normal periods stops menstruating for six months or more. Many of the causes of amenorrhea are the same as those for a skipped period. Your period can be absent for a number of reasons:


The most common reason to not get your period is because you are pregnant. A home pregnancy test can quickly tell you if that is the reason.


Most women stop getting their periods in their late 40s or early 50s. The average age is 51 years old.


If you breastfeed frequently, including at night-time, you may not get a period for many months. Be aware that you will ovulate prior to getting your period back, so birth control is important if you are not ready to be pregnant again.


While a sudden stressful life event can result in a single missed period, ongoing, high level stress and anxiety can cause your period to stop altogether. Managing stress though self-care, counselling, changing your life circumstances, medication, or other strategies can help you return to having normal periods.

Weight loss

Ongoing, dramatic weight loss, from low intake, excessive exercise, gastric bypass surgery, or eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia can stop your period. This happens because the hormones required for ovulation are not produced.



High levels of prolactin

Ashermans syndrome

Absent uterus

Premature ovarian failure

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You’re On Or You Forgot To Take Your Birth Control

Duh, right? Missing birth control pills or forgetting your Depo-Provera shot will always cause irregular bleeding, says Dr. Richardson. Anytime you fail to take a birth control method correctly, you will bleed because you have an abrupt withdrawal of hormones. This kind of bleeding, though, is not an emergency.”

You can also experience irregular bleeding if you’re just starting to use birth control. “Birth control like the arm implant and IUD can be linked to intermenstrual bleeding or spotting, a.k.a. unscheduled bleeding or random bleeding that isn’t a true period. This is especially true the first few months after having either the implant or IUD placed,” says Jennifer Lincoln, MD, an ob-gyn based in Portland, Oregon, and the author of Let’s Talk About Down There. “In addition, this kind of bleeding can continue with the arm implant no matter how long you’ve had it, while for many it stops over time with the IUD.”

Menstruation 2 Times In 1 Month Pregnant

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I Got My Period A Week Early What Does It Mean

If your period occurs early, then it may be due to non-pregnancy causes like stress or hormonal changes in your body. Early signs of menopause can cause an early period too. However, period that occurs a week early is likely due to pregnancy.

Now its your turn. Do you have early menstruation? Let us know your symptoms and if we could help.

You Have Uterine Or Cervical Polyps Or Fibroids

Is it normal to have your period twice in one month?

Uterine issues like polyps or fibroidsbenign lesions or tumors that can grow in the uterusare very common and may be related to hormonal issues. Uterine polyps can cause bleeding in between periods, says Dr. Dweck, especially if they are touched, like during sex, and fibroids can cause pain, back pain, abdominal bloating, anemia, pain with intercourse, and spontaneous bleeding because theyre not associated with the menstrual cycle, explains Dr. Richardson.

While fibroids can affect women of any age or race, Black women are about three times more likely to develop them compared to white women, and their symptoms tend to emerge at an earlier age with greater severity. Its unclear why exactly Black women are disproportionately impacted by fibroids, but some studies suggest that greater exposure to racial discrimination or genetics could play a role.

As the Black Womens Health Imperative notes, heavy, painful periods may seem like a fact of life since theyre so commonand many women wait years to seek treatment for fibroidsbut you dont have to needlessly suffer.

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Two Periods In One Month

An adult womans menstrual cycle can range in length from 24 to 38 days and in teenage girls it can last even longer. Based on how long your cycle normally lasts, if you think youre having a second period in that stretch of time, it is important to determine if it is just spotting or menstrual bleeding.

In most cases, having two periods in a month occasionally is not serious. However, if youre frequently having two periods in one month, you may have an underlying health condition.

What To Do If You Have Two Periods In One Month

If you get your period more than once per month, contact your healthcare provider. “You can have a weird period episode, especially since stress, diet changes, travel, or exercise can cause irregularities, but if it’s happening over and over, you should be seen by your doctor,” Dr. Dweck explained.

They might also ask about other symptoms you may be experiencing along with the multiple instances of menstruation and run additional testingblood work, ultrasound, etc.depending on what’s suspected. After that, the underlying cause will inform treatment, whether it’s thyroid medication, a new birth control method, or a plan for managing PCOS.

Figuring out why you’re dealing with two periods in one month isn’t always so cut and dry, but knowing why you might be having this experience can give you a better idea of what’s going on.

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Potential Causes Of Bleeding During Pregnancy

Brian Levine, MD, MS, is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology as well as in reproductive endocrinology and infertility.

It is not possible to have a true menstrual period during pregnancy. Your hormone levels during pregnancy will change to prevent you from menstruating, and it is not possible for your body to shed its entire uterine lining while maintaining a pregnancy.

It is, however, possible to have menstrual-like bleeding for a variety of reasons during pregnancy.

When Should You Seek Medical Attention For Abnormal Menstruation

9 Reasons Why Youre Getting Your Period Twice In One Month

Contact a doctor or medical professional if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain during your period or between periods
  • Unusually heavy bleeding or passing large clots
  • An abnormal or foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • High fever
  • A period lasting longer than seven days
  • Vaginal bleeding or spotting between periods or after you have gone through menopause
  • Periods that become very irregular after you have had regular menstrual cycles
  • Nausea or vomiting during your period
  • Symptoms of toxic shock syndrome, such as a fever over 102 degrees, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting or dizziness

You should also see a doctor if you think you might be pregnant.

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You Have Precancerous Or Cancerous Cells

When found in either the uterus or cervix, precancerous and cancerous cells can cause irregular bleeding. Suffice it to say, a tumor growing on the cervix or uterus can bleed erratically, says Dr. Dweck. One study even found that irregular periods are more likely to lead to ovarian cancer, so early detection is key.

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Incidence rates of gynecological cancer vary by race and ethnicitycervical cancer disproportionately impacts Hispanic women, while Black women and white women are more likely to develop uterine cancer, per the CDC.

Vaginal Infection In Women

Women with pelvic inflammatory disease caused by gonorrhea and chlamydia infection can sometimes have irregular bleeding or spotting during their menstrual cycle. This bleeding is usually lighter than you menstruation with other symptoms like

  • Low abdomen pain
  • Abnormal green discharge or yellow discharge from your vagina
  • Vaginal itching and pain

If you notice these symptoms, then your early period may be due to an infection. Inform your doctor as vaginal infection can easily be treated with antibiotics.

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What Is Abnormal Menstruation

Most women have menstrual periods that last four to seven days. A woman’s period usually occurs every 28 days, but normal menstrual cycles can range from 21 days to 35 days.

Examples of menstrual problems include:

  • Periods that occur less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart
  • Missing three or more periods in a row
  • Menstrual flow that is much heavier or lighter than usual
  • Periods that last longer than seven days
  • Periods that are accompanied by pain, cramping, nausea or vomiting
  • Bleeding or spotting that happens between periods, after menopause or following sex

Examples of abnormal menstruation include the following:

  • Amenorrhea is a condition in which a womans periods have stopped completely. The absence of a period for 90 days or more is considered abnormal unless a woman is pregnant, breastfeeding, or going through menopause . Young women who haven’t started menstruating by age 15 or 16 or within three years after their breasts begin to develop are also considered to have amenorrhea.
  • Oligomenorrhea refers to periods that occur infrequently.
  • Dysmenorrhea refers to painful periods and severe menstrual cramps. Some discomfort during the cycle is normal for most women.
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding may apply to a variety of menstrual irregularities, including: a heavier menstrual flow a period that lasts longer than seven days or bleeding or spotting between periods, after sex, or after menopause.

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