Best Pain Relief For Period Cramps

The Sunshine Of Vitamin D

Best Remedies for Menstrual Cramps Pain Relief

Cramps associated with dysmenorrhea can be disabling. Painful cramps associated with dysmenorrhea occur due to increasing levels of prostaglandins, which cause the uterus to contract. These contractions cause the shedding of the uterine lining. Vitamin D reduces the production of prostaglandins. In one study of young women who had primary dysmenorrhea and low vitamin D levels, high weekly doses of supplemental vitamin D decreased pain intensity significantly both 8 weeks into treatment and 1 month after the end of treatment. The women taking vitamin D also took less pain medication to treat period pain. You can ask your doctor to measure your vitamin D levels with a simple blood test.

Birth Control Pills May Lessen Painful Cramping Too

While not exactly a home remedy, birth control pills and hormonal intrauterine devices are potential tools in your anticramping arsenal and should not be overlooked, Thielen says.

Consider cramp relief a benefit to some types of contraception. Many women find relief from painful cramps when they start the pill, Thielen says. Hormonal birth control typically lessens the amount of bleeding, and less bleeding can translate into fewer cramps, she says.

Period Products That Help With Cramps

It wasnt that long ago that we had very few options when it came to period products. You either wore pads or tampons or a combination of the two. Today, boy is that different!

One new product that can actually help with period cramps is Flex Disc. Designed with ComfortSeal technology, the discs flexible rim moves with your body when your uterus contractsand since it sits in the vaginal fornix , most users cant feel it at all once inserted.

When compared to their previous period product, 60% of surveyed Flex Disc users reported less period pain. Even if you have a known condition that causes severe pain and cramping , Flex Disc is safe to use and may reduce discomfort significantlyespecially when compared to tampons.

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Milk And Other Dairy Products

Milk and other dairy products can generally be healthy options. However, during your period, your body is particularly susceptible to inflammation. The saturated fats in dairy products can trigger inflammation, which can worsen your menstrual pain.

Nevertheless, the calcium in dairy products can help cramps by controlling your muscles nerve activity. Calcium deficiencies can increase muscle spasms. Depending on your needs, it might be a good idea to consume dairy products in moderation.

Other Natural Remedies For Menstrual Cramps

How To Help Period Cramps
  • Low-fat diet
  • Chiropractic
  • Exercise

Due to a lack of supporting research, it’s too soon to recommend any natural remedy as a treatment for menstrual cramps. Supplements haven’t been tested for safety and due to the fact that dietary supplements are largely unregulated, the content of some products may differ from what is specified on the product label.

Also keep in mind that the safety of alternative medicine in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and those with medical conditions or who are taking medications has not been established.

If you’re considering the use of any form of alternative medicine, talk with your primary care provider first. Self-treating a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious consequences.

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Do You Need To See A Doctor

If your menstrual cramps are unusual or severe, or if they last more than a few days, you may want to see your doctor. Painful period cramping is treatable, so anytime you’re worried about your symptoms, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor.

Your doctor may perform a pelvic exam to make sure everything is normal. They may also ask you questions about your menstrual period history, suggest lifestyle modifications, or even recommend and prescribe medicines that may help relieve your painful periods.

What Causes Period Pain

Period pain can occur when chemicals called prostaglandins are released from the lining of the uterus . The release of prostaglandins causes the muscles in the uterus to contract which may cause pain in some women. Although its not entirely clear why some women experience stronger period pain than others, women with higher levels of prostaglandins may experience stronger cramps and pain.

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When To Talk To Your Doctor: Prescription Relief For Severe Cramps

As always, talk to your doctor if you experience menstrual cramps that severely disrupt your life. Of course, your period wont be all puppies and butterflies, but it shouldnt be so painful that you have to call out sick from work or school. If it does get to that point, its a good idea to check in with your healthcare provider and rule out any potential underlying conditions .

If endometriosis is suspected, your doctor may recommend a pelvic exam, ultrasound, or even laparoscopy to investigate further.

Oral contraceptives may help with severe period pain due to endometriosis or other reproductive health conditions. For some, prescription pain relief may be an option, as well: Both diclofenac and mefenamic acid are occasionally prescribed as a level up from your typical over-the-counter NSAIDs. Keep in mind that, while neither are addictive, they can cause stomach ulcers if used frequently.

We hope it goes without saying, but if you ever get to a point where youre unable to move or stand up straight due to period pain, go to the emergency room.

Lastly, if you feel youve lost more blood than you think you should have or youve been bleeding heavily , contact your doctor right away. 11

This article is informational only and is not offered as medical advice, nor does it substitute for a consultation with your physician. If you have any gynecological/medical concerns or conditions, please consult your physician.


Try Some Yoga Poses To Ease Menstrual Pain

Menstrual Cramps Relief – BEST WAY to stop Period pain in Tamil

Whether it’s the stretching of your muscles or the relaxing effect of the poses, a regular yoga practice can indeed help your cramps.

When 20 undergraduate students did an hour-long yoga program once a week for three months, they had less menstrual cramping and period distress than 20 women who didnt, according to researchers for a study published in September 2016 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

The Journal of Physiotherapy review that sanctioned heating pads also found benefits for yoga.

You can practice during your period or between them, but some instructors advise women against doing inverted poses in the midst of menstruation, so as not interfere with your natural flow.

RELATED: 5 Simple Yoga Moves for Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Relief

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Trust Ginger To Help You Out

Ginger tea is an age-old home remedy for menstrual cramps. Ginger is anti-inflammatory and can thus help with pain and inflammation in the body. A great solace for menstruating women, a study found that ginger was as effective as ibuprofen in relieving menstrual cramps. Both ginger soup and ginger capsule are good to go.

Plants That Relieve Pain

Herbal Treatment

Health practitioners may prescribe herbs to treat a woman’s menstrual cramps. Black cohosh, cramp bark, turmeric, and chasteberry are a few herbs that have been used. They are effective for pain relief and decreasing inflammation. Chasteberry has been used extensively in Europe for the treatment of irregular menstrual cycles, cyclical breast discomfort, premenstrual syndrome , and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Make sure your doctor knows about all of your medical conditions, medications, and supplements because herbs are not appropriate for every woman. Herbs may interfere with the action of some medications or decrease their effectiveness.

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The Power Of Pycnogenol

Pycnogenol is a plant extract derived from the maritime pine tree found in the southwestern region of France. The extract contains several potent antioxidant compounds. In one study of women between the ages of 18 and 48 years old, those who experienced dysmenorrhea who took a supplement containing 60 milligrams of pycnogenol during their periods had significantly less pain and needed less pain medication compared to when they didn’t take the supplement. They also needed pain medication for fewer days when they took the pycnogenol supplement. Surprisingly, women still needed less pain medication during their periods even after they stopped taking the pycnogenol. However, women who had low levels of menstrual pain weren’t helped by the supplement. Ask your doctor if pycnogenol may help relieve severe pain associated with your period.

How To Relieve Period Cramps: 17 Ways

PsLove Menstruheat Menstrual Cramp Relief

The discomfort is merely annoying for some women. For others, cramps can be severe enough to interfere with daily activities for a few days each month. If you belong to the first group, you need to know how to reduce period cramps. Maybe you will be surprised, but home remedies are the best in these cases. You can relieve cramps naturally, without pills. Does a heating pad help with cramps? How can your diet help? Can vitamins help? Lets discuss the details.

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Try Fish Oil And Vitamin B1 For Natural Relief

Another natural route to period cramp relief is taking fish oil supplements, vitamin B1, or both, according to research published in September 2014 in the Global Journal of Health Science. Scientists assigned 240 teens with menstrual cramps and other pain to take B1 and fish oil, B1 alone, fish oil alone, or a placebo. The teens took 100 milligrams per day of B1 and 500 mg daily of fish oil supplements.

When the teens reported their pain, those taking either the fish oil, B1, or both had significantly less pain than the placebo group. The pain also didnt last as long if they took fish oil or B1.

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It fights the fatigue associated with the premenstrual syndrome too. Moreover, it makes irregular period regular. So if you want to reduce the cramps, please follow these steps here:

  • Cut a small piece of ginger
  • Put it in a cup of water and then boil it for about 5 minutes
  • After boiling, strain it
  • Add some honey or lemon juice if you want
  • Drink this tea three times a day during the menstrual period

You also add ginger in your meals when you cook or suck the ginger candies on when cramps attack you.

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What Are The Signs Of Not Being Able To Have A Baby

Common Signs of Infertility in Women

  • Irregular periods. The average woman’s cycle is 28 days long. …
  • Painful or heavy periods. Most women experience cramps with their periods. …
  • No periods. It’s not uncommon for women to have an off month here and there. …
  • Symptoms of hormone fluctuations. …

Relief For Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms

Best Yoga Asanas For Period Cramps | Menstrual Cramp Relief | Period Pain hacks | Voguenyog

Curcumin, a natural chemical in turmeric, may help with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome . A 2015 study looked at 70 women who took two capsules of curcumin for 7 days before their period and 3 days after. Participants reported significant reduction in PMS symptoms.

If you want to give curcumin a try, check out this recipe for turmeric tea by In Jennies Kitchen. Curcumin supplements are also available online.

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Foods That Might Help With Cramps

If youre looking for the best food for period cramps, choose light, healthy fruits and vegetables that wont be heavy in your stomach. Fruits and veggies, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds can help decrease inflammation in the body and can help menstrual cramps.

The great news is the best foods for period cramps can often be found in your fridge! Top health foods on this list are common and great choices when youre looking for what to eat when you have cramps. There are plenty of foods that might help with menstrual cramps.

If youre looking to adjust your diet and stock up on foods that might help with cramps, here are some to try:

When Do People Usually Get Cramps

It is no secret that pain symptoms can appear at specific times in a womans cycle.

  • Perimenstrual cramps. Pain starts before your period and lasts during menstruation. It can be felt in the lower back and thighs.
  • Mid-cycle/ovulation pain. This pain can also occur in the middle of your cycle. Ovulation pain is usually felt in the lower abdomen. It may last from a few hours to even a couple of days.

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Up The Magnesium In Your Diet To Help Nerve And Muscle Function

Dietary magnesium seems to help ease the pain of cramps, says DeJarra Sims, ND, an assistant professor of naturopathic medicine at Bastyr Universitys California campus in San Diego and the author of Your Healthiest Life Now. A Cochrane review of dietary and other remedies published in 2001 concluded that getting enough magnesium can help relieve pain.

Magnesium is found in many foods and as a supplement if you cant get what you need from your diet. Magnesium helps regulate nerve and muscle functioning, among other vital tasks researchers who evaluated the evidence on magnesium call it a promising treatment for menstrual cramps. But they cannot recommend a specific dose, because researchers have studied various doses. The recommended dietary allowance of magnesium for women of childbearing age is about 320 mg daily. An ounce of dry almonds or one half cup of boiled spinach each has about 80 mg.

Dr. Sims says the dose you may need depends on the severity of your cramps and other factors. Ask your doctor about the best magnesium intake for you.

Can You Heal Menstrual Cramps With Home Remedies

10 Best Period Cramp Relief Products

Most of the time, menstrual cramps can be treated by women at home.

But if your pain is severe and impacts your lifestyle, dont be afraid to talk to your doctor. You might need medicines that are only available by prescription or some other treatment to help.

To help reduce period pain, here are 10 safe and effective home remedies for menstrual cramp relief.

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Massage With Essential Oils For Pain Relief

Massaging your skin with certain aromatic essential oils can relieve menstrual cramp pain, according to research published in The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. Investigators asked 48 women with menstrual cramps and other symptoms to massage either essential oils or a synthetic fragrance into their lower abdomen between periods.

Women in both groups reported less pain, but the essential oils group did better. Based on the women’s reports, researchers found that the duration of pain was reduced by almost a half a day after self-massaging with the essential oils.

Some oils thought to be helpful include lavender essential oil, clary sage essential oil, and .

Just be sure youre using essential oils safely. Buy high-quality oils that are tested for purity. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy suggests diluting pure essential oils in an unscented cream, lotion, or carrier oil before placing it on your skin to avoid irritation.

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