Does The Depo Shot Stop Your Period

If I Decide To Stop Getting Depo

How soon after stopping the Depo shot can I get pregnant?

If you want to stop getting Depo-Provera® injections, all you need to do is just stop. Even though, the progesterone in the Depo-Provera® injection actually protects against pregnancy for more than 3 months, its very important to play it safe and start using another type of contraception 3 months or sooner after your last injection.

Other Things To Think About

Hormone levels are very low while using Depo Provera, so there is some concern that this may lead to thinning of the bones in women who use Depo Provera for a long period of time. The importance of this is not yet known, but the changes would be expected to happen more slowly than those that occur normally after menopause and reverse after the injections stop.

Although it is extremely difficult to prove a complete lack of risk, Depo Provera has not been shown to have any effect on the risk of breast cancer. It should be noted that protective effects against cancer of the ovary and uterine lining are very likely. No ill effects on the developing baby have been shown to occur if Depo Provera is given when a woman is already pregnant or in the very rare case where a woman becomes pregnant despite the injection.

How Long Does Bleeding Last After Depo Shot

Bleeding after the Depo-Provera shot wears off. The hormone from the birth control shot stays in your body for at least three months. Side effects, such as bleeding, may continue for several weeks beyond the shots effectiveness window. These side effects may last for several more weeks or months after stopping.

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How Can I Prepare For My First Shot

Before you get the shot, youll want to:

Depending on when you get your first shot, you may want to plan on a backup method of birth control for the first week.

But you wont need to use a backup method after any following shots you get, unless more than 15 weeks pass between them.

How Long Does The Birth Control Shot Take To Start Working

Aging Study

When beginning the depo shot its important to know where you are in your menstrual cycle. The depo shot can start protecting you right away if you get your first shot within the first week after the start of your period. However, if you get it at any other time in your menstrual cycle, you need to use condoms for at least a week after getting the shot. From there, you should set up reminders or calendar events on your phone so you remember to get your next shot at the right time.

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Fact: The Prolonged Use Of Medical Masks* When Properly Worn Does Not Cause Co2 Intoxication Nor Oxygen Deficiency

The prolonged use of medical masks can be uncomfortable. However, it does not lead to CO2 intoxication nor oxygen deficiency. While wearing a medical mask, make sure it fits properly and that it is tight enough to allow you to breathe normally. Do notre-use a disposable mask and always change it as soon as it gets damp.

* Medical masks are flat or pleated they are affixed to the head with straps or have ear loops.

Where You Can Get It

You can get the contraceptive injection for free, even if you’re under 16, from:

  • contraception clinics
  • sexual health or genitourinary medicine clinics

Find a sexual health clinic.

Sayana Press is a new form of Depo-Provera and is available in some clinics.

It’s very similar to Depo-Provera in the way it works and the effects it can have on your body.

But you’ll be taught how to give yourself the injection, rather than having a doctor or nurse give it to you.

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Test Positive On An Ovulation Predictor Test

These are ovulation test kits you can buy in any pharmacy or online. They work a lot like a pregnancy test, in that you use your urine to test your hormones. While pregnancy tests look for hCG, an ovulation predictor test looks for the hormone luteinizing hormone . LH spikes just before you ovulate.

Why Havent I Got My Period After The Depo Shot

What should I know about the Depo Shot?

Many women stop having their menstrual periods after about 6-12 months of getting Depo-Provera® injections. This is no reason to worry. Its not a medical problem and it does not mean you are pregnant. It just means that your ovaries are resting, and the lining of your uterus does not grow.

How do you know if Depo is working?

If you get it in the first 7 days of your cycle, it works right away. If you dont, youll need to use another form of birth control for 1 week. Your doctor will confirm you are not pregnant before giving you the injection. Most women who use Depo-Provera have changes in their menstrual periods.

When will I get my periods back after Depo-Provera?

Usually, your period will return within 6 months of the last injection, but it may take longer. As long as you want to prevent pregnancy, you need to receive an injection every 90 days. This is because, after 90 days, the levels of Depo-Provera are not high enough for most women to reliably prevent pregnancy.

What to expect when you stop Depo Provera?

After stopping the use of Depo-Provera, women expect to resume menstruation within 1 to 3 months and their bones begin accumulating calcium again. Depo-Provera acts as a birth control, offering users options of receiving protection in the form of shots, which they inject every 11 weeks.

What are the side effects of Depo birth control?

changes in your menstrual periods

  • swelling,weight gain
  • lumps or dimpling in your skin where injections were given.
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    Side Effects Of The Depo

    These are the same for both the original version and the at-home one. You might notice:

    • Uneven menstrual periods or no periods at all
    • Allergic reaction

    Changes to your menstrual cycle are the most common side effects. After a year of use, about 50% of women will stop getting their periods. If this happens to you, your period should come back when you stop getting the shots.

    Long-term use of Depo-Provera may cause you to lose bone mineral density, which makes you more likely to get osteoporosis. Your chances are higher if you’ve taken the shot for longer than 2 years, especially if osteoporosis runs in your family, if you drink a lot, if you smoke, or if you have other risk factors for the condition.

    Do I Need To Do Anything Else

    For maximum effectiveness, youll want to schedule an appointment to get your shot every 12 to 13 weeks .

    It may help to make your next appointment before leaving the doctors office or clinic. You can also jot down a reminder on your calendar or use an app to help you remember to make your next appointment.

    Barrier methods of birth control can further lower your chances of unplanned pregnancy and help protect against STIs.

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    There Can Be Negative Side Effects While You Use The Shot

    Like all medicines, there can be side effects with the shot. But lots of people adjust to the shot with no problems. Many negative side effects usually go away after 2-3 months, once your body gets used to the shot. You can use our birth control app to keep track of the side effects you may be having.

    Most people on the shot have some change in their periods, including bleeding more days than usual, spotting between periods, or no periods. This is most common during the first year. Other possible side effects include nausea, weight gain, headaches, sore breasts, or depression. You may also get slight bruising where you got the shot, or rarely, a small, permanent dent.

    Lots of people who use the shot stop getting their period altogether after about a year of using it. Like all the side effects of the shot, this goes away after you stop getting the shot. Your period should go back to normal within a few months after your last shot wears off.

    Birth control shouldnt make you feel bad. Luckily, there are many different types of birth control, so youve got options. If you keep having side effects that bother you, talk with your nurse or doctor about trying another birth control method.

    When It Starts To Work

    Noristerat injection

    You can have the injection at any time during your menstrual cycle, as long as you’re not pregnant.

    If you have the injection during the first 5 days of your menstrual cycle, you’ll be immediately protected against becoming pregnant.

    If you have the injection on any other day of your cycle, you’ll need to use additional contraception, such as condoms, for 7 days.

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    Ovulation Detected Using A Bbt Chart

    Your basal body temperature is your body’s temperature at complete rest. This temperature changes depending on where you are in your cycle. If you’re ovulating, your BBT will jump up and remain higher until you get your period. Then, it will drop back down and stay there until ovulation occurs again.

    You can track your BBT at home. This is a way to know if ovulation has returned after Depo-Provera, and it can help your doctor help you if you find that ovulation has not returned as expected.

    Is It Possible To Stop Your Period For A Few Hours

    Once a period has started, it is not possible to stop it. Some home methods may help reduce the amount of bleeding that occurs for a short time, but they will not stop the period altogether. People who are interested in preventing their period for medical or personal reasons should talk with their doctor.

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    How Should I Take Nikki

    Follow all directions on your prescription label and read all medication guides or instruction sheets. Use the medicine exactly as directed.

    Take your first pill on the first day of your period or on the first Sunday after your period begins. You may need to use back-up birth control, such as condoms with spermicide, when you first start using this medication.

    Take one pill every day, no more than 24 hours apart. When the pills run out, start a new pack the following day. You could get pregnant if you do not take one pill daily.

    You may have breakthrough bleeding, especially during the first 3 months. Tell your doctor if this bleeding continues or is very heavy.

    If you need major surgery or will be on long-term bed rest, you may need to stop using this medicine for a short time. Any doctor or surgeon who treats you should know that you are using this medicine.

    Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat.

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    Anxiety And Mood Changes

    Depo-Provera Shot Side Effects, Schedule & More

    Some people have reported mood changes, depression, and anxiety while using Depo-Provera, but the evidence that the shot causes these side effects is inconsistent.

    In clinical trials, nervousness was reported by 10.8% of those using Depo-Provera, and depression was reported by 1.5%.

    If you have a history of depression, you should be monitored for mood-related side effects while using Depo-Provera. If you experience symptoms of depression, discontinue use.

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    Should I Be Worried If I Stop Getting My Menstrual Period While I Am On Depo

    No. Many people stop having their menstrual periods after about 6-12 months of getting Depo-Provera® injections. This is no reason to worry. Its not a medical problem and it does not mean you are pregnant. It just means that your ovaries are resting, and the lining of your uterus does not grow, so there is no menstrual bleeding. You will get your menstrual period back within 6-18 months after you stop taking the Depo-Provera® injections.

    Wearing Pads Protective Underwear Or Tampons

    Irregular bleeding can ruin clothing. An unexpected heavy period is an experience that most people find unpleasant.

    Being able to anticipate an abnormal flow when starting Depo-Provera therapy may help a person plan to wear pads, protective underwear, or tampons during the adjustment months.

    This can help save money and frustration. It can also be beneficial to carry around an extra pad or tampon, or even a pair of underwear, for the first year or so after starting Depo-Provera therapy.

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    If You Do Not Want To Get Pregnant

    If you dont want to get pregnant, you shouldnt rely on your lack of menstrual cycles as birth control. This is true even if youve been previously diagnosed as infertile .

    As mentioned above, depending on why youre not getting your periods, its possible to ovulate and not get a period first as an indication that youre fertile again. Talk to your doctor about the best contraceptive choice for you.

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    What Is The Depo

    Coming off Depo

    Depo-Provera is a birth control method that you can get as a shot. You might hear people call it a contraceptive injection or birth control shot. Itâs a manmade hormone, medroxyprogesterone, which is similar to the natural hormone progesterone.

    You get the shot in your arm or buttock. If you get your shot at the doctorâs office, your clinician will inject Depo-Provera deep into your muscle or under your skin. You have to get it every 12 weeks to get full protection.

    After your first injection, doctors recommend that you use a back-up birth control method for 7 days.

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    If You Miss An Injection Or Stop Having The Injections

    You need to have the injection every 12 weeks if you want to prevent pregnancy. It can be given up to 2 weeks late, but if you wait any longer than that, it’s best to use condoms until the injection has had time to start working again.

    When you stop getting the injection, it can take several months for your periods to return to normal, and even longer to become pregnant.

    Fact: People Of All Ages Can Be Infected By The Covid

    Older people and younger people can be infected by the COVID-19 virus. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease are more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.

    WHO advises people of all ages to take steps to protect themselves from the virus, for example by following good hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene.

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    How Do I Use Depo

    If the shot sounds like a good fit for you, reach out to your doctors office, OB-GYN, or local health clinic to make an appointment.

    At your appointment, the clinician will go over your health history to make sure its safe for you to receive the shot. They may ask questions about:

    • other types of birth control youve used in the past
    • any side effects you experienced
    • your last period
    • the possibility of pregnancy

    If theres any chance you could be pregnant, youll typically need to take a pregnancy test before you can get the shot.

    Some healthcare professionals may also recommend getting the shot:

    • during the first 5 days of your period
    • within 5 days after giving birth, or by the 6th week postpartum if you nurse exclusively
    • within a week of having a miscarriage or abortion

    If theres no possibility of pregnancy, you can get the shot at any time.

    If you doget the shot within 5 days of starting your period or within 5 days of giving birth, youre protected from pregnancy immediately. The shot will have time to take effect before you ovulate, in other words. Otherwise, youll want to use a backup birth control method for 7 days to avoid an unplanned pregnancy.

    As for the injection itself, it can go into your upper arm or buttocks. You can choose where youd like to get the shot.

    Remember: Youll need to return to a doctors office or clinic every 11 to 14 weeks to get your next shot, so it might help to schedule your next appointment before you leave.

    Effects On Bone Mineral Density

    What bleeding changes can I expect when I’m on the Depo shot?

    Because the shot can lead to a over time, some experts recommend getting the shot for only 2 years or less, especially if you can use other methods of birth control.

    Your clinician may also recommend trying another method during your teen years and early 20s, since adolescence and young adulthood are important times for bone density development.

    If you cant use other birth control methods, they may recommend taking calcium and vitamin D supplements as long as you continue getting the shot. These supplements can help protect against bone thinning.

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    When To See Your Doctor

    If your cycles are not coming back or youre not ovulating, and its within two years of your last shot, there is unfortunately very little your doctor can do to help. You just need to wait. Which can be extremely frustrating.

    You should see your doctor if:

    • It has been 24 months since your last injection and you are still not ovulating
    • Your cycles are irregular two years after your last injection
    • You dont conceive within 12 months of ovulation returning
    • You have other risk factors or signs of a possible fertility problem

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