What Medical Condition Can Cause 2 Periods In One Month

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Is It Normal To Have Your Period Twice In One Month? | PeopleTV

If you are still concerned about bleeding between periods, check your symptoms with healthdirect’s online Symptom Checker to get advice on when to seek medical attention.

The Symptom checker guides you to the next appropriate healthcare steps, whether its self-care, talking to a health professional, going to a hospital or calling triple zero .

What Can Cause Having Two Periods In One Month

  • Uterine lining may have thickened which can be a cause of this condition. Any hormonal imbalance or intake of estrogen can cause having two periods in one month.
  • Fibroids or cysts, which is formation of an abnormal mass can also cause this problem. It causes pain and discomfort along with causing bleeding between the periods. Medications are there to ease these symptoms but these are generally removed from a surgery.
  • Any hormonal imbalance may lead to having two periods in a month and that may include thyroid dysfunction. This condition can affect women of any age and cause menstrual irregularities. To normalize this condition, hormonal replacement therapy or HRT is used.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease, which is the infection of the reproductive organs can disturb the menstrual cycle and cause having two periods in one month.
  • Change in weight is also seen as a disruptive cause for making you bleed twice in a month.
  • Strenuous exercise regime as well as persistent mental stress can contribute to having two periods in one month.
  • Being ill for a long time can affect your menstrual cycle. If you are having two periods in one month after a prolonged illness, it is necessary to seek medical opinion.
  • STD can cause vaginal bleeding in woman may be mistaken as a menstrual period.

However, it is in the best advantage to seek medical advice and get any possible causative conditions evaluated, if you are having two periods in a month.

When should you see the doctor?

Changes To The Cervix

Bleeding between your periods may be caused by changes in the cells of your cervix. This may be due to inflammation, hormonal changes, a Human Papilloma Virus infection or cervical cancer. If you have bleeding between your periods, your doctor will be able to examine your cervix using a speculum and can take a sample of cells for a cervical screening test.

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Is Blood Loss A Concern

In some instances, a bimonthly period may produce potential complications related to excessive blood loss. The thing is, losing too much blood can cause a damaging domino effect in your body.

For example, “if a person experiences too much bleeding, it can result in a low blood count , which can be serious if not treated,” Dr. Marshall says. So, when your period comes twice a month, keep an eye out for other signs of anemia such as pale skin, weakness and fatigue.

If you suspect you have period-related anemia, speak with your doctor, who can perform bloodwork to properly assess and diagnose the condition.

In severe cases, “sometimes a blood transfusion is needed,” Dr. Marshall says. “More often, though, iron and vitamin supplementation are necessary for several months to restore the red blood cell level.” But always check with your doctor before and while taking iron supplements, as too much iron can cause other problems.

Also, keep in mind “there’s a difference between chronic abnormal bleeding and a sudden, severe case of uterine bleeding,” Dr. Verma says. The latter can be acutely dangerous.

If your menstrual cycle leads to abrupt, heavy bleeding along with chest pain, dizziness or shortness of breath, something serious might be up, and you should seek emergency care immediately to treat any possible complications from blood loss or change in blood pressure, Dr. Verma says.


Uterine Polyps And Fibroids

Two Periods in One Month: Should I Be Worried?

Uterine polyps and fibroids are harmless lesions and tumours. They grow in the uterus and are common among women. They are also related to hormonal issues. Uterine polyps cause bleeding between periods. This type of bleeding is a common occurrence when the polyps are touched during sex. Fibroids cause pain, abdominal bloating, back pain, anaemia, pain during intercourse, or spontaneous bleeding. These are not associated with the menstrual cycle.

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Causes Of Having Two Periods In One Month

Here are over 10 possible explanations for why you have two periods in just one month:

1. A Natural and Regular Menstrual Cycle

A natural menstrual cycle can last anywhere between 21 to 25 days. This means that a woman can have her period every 3 weeks, meaning she would consistently experience two periods in one month, one at the beginning of a month and one at the end of it. This is entirely natural and requires no medical attention.

2. Puberty

Two periods in one month is entirely normal for girls who are going through, or who have recently gone through puberty. It can take many months and even years for teenage girls’ cycles to become regular.

3. Hormonal Imbalance

An imbalance of hormone like thyroid dysfunction can also cause increased frequency in a woman’s period. This is particularly apparent in women who are going through menopause, so it can be an indication of the onset of the menopause process.

Hormonal therapy is usually successful in regulating a womans natural menstrual cycle if this becomes a regular occurrence.

4. Abnormal Mass

Two periods in one month can also be caused by abnormal masses in the uterus, such as fibroids or cysts. These masses can cause discomfort and pain, as well as disrupting a woman’s normal menstrual cycle.

Medication can be used to help ease symptoms, but surgery is most commonly needed to remove the masses.

5. Thickening of Uterine Lining

6. Other Causes for Having Two Periods in One Month

Reaction To Birth Control

Hormonal birth control introduces hormones into your body. This can affect your menstrual cycle, and cause spotting in between periods.

You may need to try a few different types of birth control to find one that works for you. It also takes a few months for your body to adjust to a new method of birth control.

Talk to your doctor about what you should expect when starting a new birth control method.

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How To Find The Best Birth Control Method For Your Lifestyle

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We have to make choices of all sorts each and every day. These decisions range from simple things, like what to have for breakfast or which running route to take, to more serious things, like the best birth control to use. In fact, it can be totally overwhelming to sort through all of the information and advice out there when it comes to birth control.

Thats where this guide comes in handy. It will set you on the right path to making a solid decision about the best birth control method for you.

Second Period Vs Vaginal Bleeding

What causes spotting before & after periods for few months? – Dr. Shailaja N

It may be difficult to tell whether the bleeding you are experiencing between menstrual cycles is a second period or unexpected vaginal bleeding.

A 2016 research article describes the differences as follows:

It may be a second period if⦠It may be unexpected vaginal bleeding ifâ¦
It occurs within 5 years of starting your period or 5 years before menopause. It occurs before puberty, after menopause, or between expected periods during the primary reproductive years.
It follows your typical period duration. It lasts longer than expected or does not stop.
It has a blood flow similar to your typical period. Bleeding is heavier or lighter than usual.
You recently began hormonal birth control. You are or could be pregnant. Bleeding in early pregnancy is common, but it could also be a sign of a complication.
You do not experience other unusual symptoms. You experience additional symptoms, such as abdominal pain, passing of large blood clots, or a fever of 100.4°F or higher.

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What Could Cause Two Menstrual Periods

Its not uncommon for adult women to have cycles from 21 to 35 days, and during adolescence, these cycles could be from 21 to 45 days.

Therefore, its important that you take note of your menstrual cycles so that you know what is a normal interval for your body. If this interval suddenly gets shorter for no apparent reason, it could be caused by any of the following reasons:

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Extreme weight loss or gain

Its normal for some of these conditions to cause confusion. Miscarriages can also be caused by intense hemorrhaging.

Thats why if you suspect that you are pregnant, and you notice bleeding similar to that of a menstrual period, see a doctor immediately.

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Two Periods In One Month: Are Multiple Periods A Reason To Worry

Normal menstrual cycles range from 21 to 35 days . However, its not uncommon to experience monthly variations in menstrual cycles. Some cycles may be shorter and others longer, which means its possible to have 2 periods in a month.

In most cases, getting a period twice a month has a simple explanation. If it happens repeatedly, however, its important to take notice of any signs and symptoms. Read on to learn why two periods may happen in the same month.

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What To Do About It

Obviously, a bun in the oven can be ruled out with a simple pregnancy test. Keep in mind that false negatives are relatively common if you havent yet missed your period. If you experienced earlier-than-expected bleeding after your normal period, take the test again about a week after youd usually expect to get your period.

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Since ectopic pregnancies also result in a positive pregnancy test and can become an emergency if left untreated, see your doctor for an ultrasound to confirm whether the embryo has implanted in your uterus. If it is an ectopic pregnancy, youll receive meds and potentially other treatments to prevent life-threatening complications.

Possible Risks And Complications Of Irregular Bleeding

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Frequent bleeding can cause anemia in some women due to a lack of iron in the blood. While your doctor is doing other results to determine the cause of your abnormal bleeding, make sure to request checking of your iron levels.

Some of the most common symptoms of anemia can include:

  • Irregular heartbeat

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Period Every 2 Weeks Or Spotting Know The Difference

Some of these tips may be able to help you determine if bleeding outside an expected period is due to an irregular period, ovulation, or a reproductive issue:

  • Typical period bleeding, including having two periods in one month, often means soaking through a tampon or pad every few hours. The blood is usually bright or dark red, brown, or pink.
  • With spotting, usually the bleeding wont be enough to soak through a tampon or pad. The blood is usually brown, pinkish, or dark red in color and typically doesnt last longer than one to two days.

The treatment for two periods in one month depends on the cause of the bleeding. People who have a short menstrual cycle naturally or who are in the early stages of puberty typically dont require treatment.

Health care providers may suggest hormonal birth control as a possible treatment for multiple periods in a month, as it can help regulate periods and resolve anemia that occurs due to heavy and frequent bleeding. If youre already taking hormonal birth control and you think it might be causing you to have a period twice in one month, then be sure to talk to a health care provider.

For hypothyroidism, a health care provider may prescribe thyroid hormone replacement therapy. For hyperthyroidism, several treatment options are available, and health care providers will suggest the one that is best for each condition.

What Does It Mean To Have Two Periods In One Month

Quick caveat: were not medical experts, so if youre worried about your health at all, please speak to your doctor and let them know how you feel.

There are several things that can potentially influence your cycle and make it a bit wonky, meaning you get an unexpected early period. These include:

  • Your age. Remember back when you started your periods? They could be unpredictable and all over the place, sometimes meaning you got a period every 2 weeks or every 8 weeks. A similar thing happens when youre older and approaching perimenopause. Perimenopause is the name for those years before you reach menopause, and its a potential cause for more than one monthly period.

  • Theres a condition that does cause irregular bleeding called PCOS . Its a hormonal imbalance, which means that youre ovulating irregularly.

  • Your thyroid can also have an impact on the regularity of your periods. As your thyroid is related to your metabolism, your menstrual cycle might be impacted if its overactive or underactive .

  • Fibroids are benign growths that develop in or on the uterus. They can cause heavy and/or irregular bleeding, but many women have them without experiencing any symptoms at all.

  • Cysts, or polyps are fluid-filled sacs, which can develop on your ovaries. Many women can develop at least one cyst during their lifetime, but often theyre painless and cause no significant symptoms. Sometimes theyll affect the menstrual cycle.

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    What Are The Symptoms

    You might notice a few abnormalities in your normal menstrual cycle, along with light spotting, that could make you suspect that you will have two menstrual periods in one month.

    First, you need to determine whether it truly is a second period. Check to see if you are bleeding through a pad or tampon within a few hours.

    If so, it should be bright red in color. Its important that you take note of this because sometimes women experience spotting when theyre in the first trimester of pregnancy.

    If You Dont Have Insurance Or Are Underinsured

    Can you get Pregnant right after your period? – Dr. Shashi Agrawal

    First, breathe! You do have options.

    There are birth control options that you can purchase without insurance at the pharmacy, Dr. Felice Gersh says. Gersh is the author of PCOS SOS: A Gynecologists Lifeline To Naturally Restore Your Rhythms, Hormones, and Happiness.

    Many family planning clinics and health centers have programs that can help you pay for the options. Some examples are:

    Many telehealth services offer birth control as well. This can be super convenient if you live far from a clinic or health center or otherwise cant get to one, or if you simply prefer a virtual meeting. Some of these services include:

    There are ways to avoid getting pregnant that dont involve taking, wearing, implanting, sticking, or blocking anything!

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    Summing Up On Periods After 15 Days Again

    Instead of worrying about why your period comes two or three times a month, look for the reason behind this. Irregular periods can result from comprehensive factors, including some medical circumstances. Most reasons for irregular periods are not severe, but some are. You must visit a doctor to determine the cause and periods after 15 days again treatment or other approaches.

    Potential Complications Due To Extra Bleeding

    While a naturally shorter menstrual cycle shouldnt pose any danger to ones health, some complications could happen, especially if having more frequent periods is not typical for you.

    Anemia is the most prominent issue that could arise from extra bleeding. Its characterized by the lack of iron in the blood. The common symptoms of anemia include weakness and fatigue, headaches and dizziness, as well as irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath. Just having two periods in one month doesnt necessarily warrant anemia this condition can happen after several months of experiencing very heavy menstrual flow.

    In case getting a period twice a month is not something youre used to, you might find it challenging to keep track of your ovulation. If you dont plan to conceive any time soon, make sure to use some kind of contraceptive method during sexual intercourse.

    On the other hand, if you wish to get pregnant but have issues with very heavy menstrual bleeding, definitely discuss this with your doctor. This issue can make it more challenging to conceive.

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    Traveling Across Time Zones

    Estrogen levels change throughout your period. But there is an inverse relationship between the hormones estrogen and melatonin, meaning that when estrogen levels are up then melatonin levels are down, and vice versa.

    Your brain produces melatonin to signal to your body that it’s time to go to bed. But when you travel to another time zone, your body releases melatonin as if you’re still at home, even if it’s broad daylight in your new location.

    To adjust to the new schedule, your body suppresses the hormone until it’s dark again. These fluctuations aren’t good for your flow: “It’s probably not a big deal if you’re traveling once in a while, but these adjustments may throw off your cycle if they’re happening regularly,” said Dr. Baker.

    You may also experience irregular periods if you have different health conditions. These conditions may include:

    • Eating disorders
    • Pelvic inflammatory disease
    • Primary ovarian insufficiency
    • Uncontrolled diabetes

    Depending on the health conditions, you might experience irregular periods because of situations such as infections of reproductive organs or hormonal imbalances .

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