Will I Get My Period With An Iud

Things To Expect When Using An Iud


IUDs are quickly growing in popularity as a form of birth control in the U.S. There are relatively few side effects in most cases, but they can spark lots of questions for women.

Dr. Alyse Kelly-Jones, the founding provider of in Charlotte, has answers. She offers consultations and treatments for sexual health as well as gynecological needs, and is a pro at bringing both sex talk and IUD information out of the closet.

The little T-shaped devices not much bigger than a quarter are placed in the uterus and stop sperm from reaching and fertilizing eggs. Lately, Kelly-Jones lately has been performing at least one IUD insertion a day. Most women are surprised by how relatively easily the insertion goes despite some cramping and discomfort, said Dr. Alyse Kelly-Jones.

There are three hormonal IUDs that are probably used the most in her clinic: Mirena, Skyla and Kyleena. They share the same advantages: theyre 99% effective, they last three to five years and they release a tiny dose of the progestin, a synthetic form of the bodys hormone progesterone. The progestin gets absorbed by the body.

For women who dont want hormones, the copper IUD is an option. Just make sure you talk to your doctor about the possibility of heavier periods, Kelly-Jones said.

As a gynecologist, Kelly-Jones said, You have to set up expectations with a patient about whats going to happen. If you dont do that, youre not going to have a happy IUD user.

Pros Of Mirena Insertion

There are two main advantages of this type of birth control. We have already discussed them.

  • The first one is that your period bleeding will become lighter and potentially end after some months. And the second is that it is a stronger method of preventing child consumption.
  • These two might just be enough for you to try this method. But what else! Since we are on the subject of Mirena insertion, you should clearly know what to expect from here.
  • The good side here is like pills you dont have to take every day. Mirena will last for 5 to 6 years. So you wont have to fight with the side effects of pills every day. The plus here is that you or your partner wont feel it during sexual intercourse. Thats great right?
  • The best part about it is that you are controlling when you are going to get pregnant.
  • No male will be able to force it on you if you are not ready for it.

When I was researching Mirena before trying it out for myself, one thought crossed my mind. If period bleeding goes away after the first few irregulars and heavy menstrual cycles can there be some actual risk factor?

I wont say there are some major issues. But there are some potential side effects.

I Was Tired Of The Pill But I Couldnt Get A Copper Iud Because Im Bleeding Too Much Already

I got a Mirena in April 2018. I was tired of the pill, but I couldnt get a copper IUD because Im bleeding too much already. The insertion was very, very painful. I fainted, but my doctor was perfect, and explained to me what she was doing step-by-step, and asking me several times if she should stop. The day of insertion was supposed to be the first day of my period and it was a bit late, which is the most painful time of my cycle.

After the insertion, I was very tired but the rest of the day wasnt so painful. For the first few months I had acne and weak cramps sometimes, and my hair became more greasy. It got better after six months. Most of the time I dont have periods anymore but they were painful, so Im okay with that. Sometimes when I have sex I have two days of period-like bleeding afterwards. âMiyne, woman, 26, Leiden, Netherlands

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Can My Iud Fall Out

Your doctor will check your device during your regular office visits. Your cervix should hold the IUD in place, but in rare cases, it can fall all the way or part of the way out.

This is more likely if:

  • You dont have children.
  • Youâre under 20 years old.
  • You had the IUD put in right after having a baby or after having a second-trimester abortion.
  • You have fibroids in your uterus.
  • Your uterus is an unusual size or shape.

IUDs are more likely to come out during your period. You may see the device on a pad or tampon. Check periodically to make sure you can feel the strings. If they feel shorter or longer or if you can feel the IUD itself pushing against your cervix, it may have moved. If this happens, contact your doctor.

How Is An Iud Inserted

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Your doctor will insert the IUD during an office visit. They may suggest you take over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen a few hours before the procedure to offset cramping.

The procedure starts out similar to getting a Pap smear. Youâll put your feet in stirrups. The doctor will then place a speculum in the vagina to hold the vagina open. The doctor will put the IUD in a small tube that theyâll insert into your vagina. Theyâll move the tube up through the cervix and into the uterus. Then theyâll push the IUD out of the tube and pull the tube out. Strings attached to the IUD will hang 1-2 inches into the vagina.

The procedure is uncomfortable, and you may have cramps and bleeding, but they tend to go away in a few days. Some women may also feel lightheaded from the pain.

You can have most IUDs placed at any time in your cycle. But it may be more comfortable to have one inserted while youâre having your period. This is when your cervix is most open. Find out more on what to expect with IUD insertion.

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Your Period Could Stop

For some women, thereâs less bleeding — or none at all.

âI wish I had known how many women stop getting their periods,â says Marissa Blaszko, a blogger in Hartford, CT. âMy doctors warned me about a bunch of side effects, but never that I might stop bleeding. It’s been great for 3 years. Had I known, I wouldâve gotten one years earlier.â

First Period After Iud Insertion

The menstrual cycle after IUD insertion is irregular compared to the regular cycle. Typically, it causes little cramping, pain, and light spotting after insertion. Indeed, it is quite normal. But, your first period after IUD insertion may not be regular.

Occasionally, periods can be heavier after IUD insertion. Moreover, they last longer than usual. Also, they start earlier than expected. Some womens periods begin right after they receive an IUD.

On the other hand, some women stop having periods for months following IUD implantation. It depends on the type of IUD and the medication!

In short, you should expect the unexpected when it comes to your menstrual cycle for the first few months after getting an IUD. Your periods may not be as regular as they once were.

In all likelihood, you will notice spotting between periods or heavier-than-average periods. The length of your cycles may also temporarily expand. But, eventually, it will get back on track.

After your first period, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor to ensure your IUD insertion is still fine .

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Contraception Without The Stress Of A Daily Pill

Iâve had a Mirena for nearly a year. Getting it inserted was very smooth but I took a lot of ibuprofen ahead of time. For the next couple days I had a bit of cramping and pain but not too bad. Having it in has been fine I dont feel it and it doesnt impact intercourse. I do think Im reacting to the hormones, even though its a much lower dose, but Im learning how to manage my emotions. Its nice to have the peace of mind of contraception without the stress of a daily pill or a weekly patch that regularly fell off. âLiz, cisgender female, 43, Seattle, WA

Is My Iud Killing Me And Other Questions Answered By A Doctor

I have a copper IUD. When will my period come back after I stop breastfeeding?

Discussing cramping, bleeding, and all the normalor not-so-normalthings you might experience after an IUD insertion.

Here at ELLE.com we are big fans of the IUD, a small, T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus, and is one of the most effective forms of birth control out there. Since it’s a one-time insertion that prevents pregnancy for three to 10 years depending on which IUD you opt for, as opposed to the Pill which requires you to take it every day, for me, choosing to get one was easy. But that doesn’t mean the process didn’t leave me with a lot of questions.

First off, the insertion hurt , so already I was on high OMG AM I DYING? alert. And though I made it out in one piece, it wasn’t exactly a skippity do-da procedureas my doctor warned me, there was cramping, bleeding, and just plain unpleasantness ahead. And, even though I was warned, I still freaked out: Was what I was experiencing normal? Was the fact that I wasn’t experiencing some things normal? AM I A HYPOCHONDRIAC?

So I was told that there would be spotting and that I’d get my period after I got the IUD. After a week I still hadn’t experienced any spottingI kept wondering, is there something wrong?

So then, when I did get my period, or spotting, whichever it was, a week and a half later, it was very heavy. And I started thinking, is this too much blood? Is this normal? Am I dying?

So I had this IUD inserted two months ago and I haven’t gotten my period since that first time. Is that normal?

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How To Get An Iud

Before getting an IUD, you will need to make an appointment with your healthcare provider to see if Mirena, Skyla or ParaGard is the right contraceptive option for you. It is important that you honestly discuss your medical history and sexual lifestyle with your healthcare provider because an IUD isnt right for all women.

Your healthcare provider will most likely perform a pelvic exam to be sure that your cervix, vagina, and internal organs are normal and not infected. You may be also be tested for sexually transmitted infections, vaginal infections, precancerous cervical cells, or any other condition that needs to be treated before an IUD can be safely inserted.

If it is determined that you are a good candidate for an IUD, your healthcare provider will most likely have you schedule an appointment for you to have your Mirena, Skyla or ParaGard IUD inserted. IUDs can be inserted at any time during your menstrual cycle or immediately after a first-trimester abortion.

  • If you want immediate pregnancy protection , Mirena and Skyla should be inserted within seven days after your period begins. If inserted at any other time during your menstrual cycle, you will need to use another contraception method during the first week after insertion.
  • ParaGard is immediately effective, so it does not matter where you are in your menstrual cycle when it is inserted.
  • Paragard can also be inserted up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse as a form of emergency contraception.

What Hormones Are In The Different Hormonal Iuds

All hormonal IUDs use the same hormone progestin to prevent pregnancy and help treat painful and heavy periods. Progestin is a safe, synthetic form of a hormone called progesterone that your body makes naturally.

Mirena hormones are the same as in all other hormonal IUDs Mirena uses progestin to prevent pregnancy and make your periods lighter and less painful. Liletta, Kyleena, and Skyla also have progestin in them.

Some hormonal IUDs have a little bit more progestin than others. But the amount of hormones in an IUD only affects how long it lasts it doesnt change how well your IUD prevents pregnancy. All hormonal IUDs are more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.

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Iud Cramps: Bottom Line

Cramps are a common side effect of IUD usage, especially copper IUDs. In most cases, IUD cramps can be managed with appropriate pain medication and stop after a while. In rare cases, you may feel unusually severe cramps with an IUD, which is a sign you need to consult with your doctor.

An IUD also has a number of advantages:

  • Its one of the most effective contraceptive methods available today .
  • IUDs have a very good safety profile. They pose no major health risks, including cardiovascular risks and risks of venous blood clots.
  • Its a long-lasting method that provides 37 or up to 12 years of protection from unplanned pregnancy.
  • An IUD can be easily removed, after which you can get pregnant very soon.
  • A hormonal IUD can actually help your period cramps and make your periods less heavy.

First Period After Mirena Insertion

IUD Side Effects: How IUDs Affect Periods

Mirena is fairly new and one of the most effective methods of birth control. Since it is directly inserted in your uterus, it is natural to have many period-related questions.

After all, the period is one of the most essential parts of a womans life.

So what would the first period after Mirena insertion look like?

Well, there is a chance that the first few periods after inserting the Mirena, will be bumpy and irregular. The first one will be the worst. You will experience heavy bleeding and not to mention heavy cramps. But thats just the starting, with time, the situation changes.

But to know how the changes turn out, continue reading the article.

Womens periods were decreased by 85 percent after three months and 97 percent after a year in Mirena tests. So eventually your bleeding would stop.

Table of Content

  • 6 Conclusion
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    Cons Of Mirena Insertion

    • The cost of the procedure can be a big factor for some
    • You might also experience severe pelvic cramps
    • One of the major issues with Mirena is that it does not provide protection from sexually transmitted illnesses.
    • Also, there is an increased risk of pelvic infection, primarily associated with insertion
    • Not to mention the increased risk of benign ovarian cysts
    • The insertion procedure may be difficult for some women
    • It may puncture the uterus wall

    But the matter of fact is these are all what-ifs. In 90 percent of cases, you wont have any of those bodily harms.

    Not spotting, on the other hand, is perfectly OK, and you may consider yourself fortunateif you dont spot. There is no need to worry. It is even more fantastic and perfectly healthy for you. In fact, you are one of the luckiest ones actually. You are not required to spot.

    The cost is a factor here but it is outweighed by the advantages Mirena gives. So the matter of fact is, when should you see the doctor after the insertion process? We will discuss them right now.

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