What’s The Chances Of Getting Pregnant On Your Period

Can You Have A Period And Still Be Pregnant

When are my chances of getting pregnant the greatest?

No once pregnancy begins, the uterine lining no longer sheds each month. Once the body starts releasing a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin, monthly periods will stop. However, some people experience light bleeding after conception, around the same time their period would have started. This is called implantation bleeding.

If youre pregnant and experience bleeding or spotting, contact your health care provider.

Pregnancy can occur even if youre on your period. To avoid pregnancy, it is important to use contraception.

Birth control methods that can prevent pregnancy on your period include:

  • Male condom

Chances Of Getting Pregnant While On Your Period

Its very unlikely you will get pregnant in the days immediately before your period. However, we are all unique and our cycles are not the same and so our peak fertility varies. This means for some women the days before menstruation are fertile. Getting pregnant 5 days before your period is a possibility for some women, if they ovulate close to the end of their menstrual cycle, but typically peak fertility occurs earlier in the menstrual cycle.

Pregnancy With A Period: Is It Possible

While some people may experience intermittent vaginal bleeding while they are pregnant, it isnt possible to have a period. Menstruation only takes place in the absence of pregnancy.

Each month, ovulation occurs when your ovary releases an egg to be fertilized by the sperm. The uterine lining thickens in anticipation of a fertilized egg being implanted, which then results in pregnancy. If an egg isnt fertilized and implanted, both the egg and the uterine lining are shed through the vagina as menstrual blood.

So, can you have a period while youre pregnant? The short answer is no. Since you dont ovulate or release an egg during pregnancy, you will not get your monthly period.

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Immediately Before Your Period

By and large, your likelihood of conceiving right before your period is low. During a typical 28- to 30-day cycle, ovulation will most likely occur between Day 11 and Day 14. When this happens, the egg will only be available for conception for 12 to 24 hours.

The days immediately before your period would be the “safest” if you want to have sex without the risk of pregnancy.

It’s important to remember, though, that this window of opportunity can vary. Longer cycles will usually have more “safe” days, while shorter cycles will have fewer. As such, you may risk pregnancy if you ovulate later in the cycle or simply miscalculate your “safe” days.

On the other hand, if you are trying to conceive, now would not be the best time to start. You can still enjoy sex but are more likely to conceive if you do so after your period.

Why You Might Experience A Period During Your First Trimester

Ovulation Symptoms and Signs

Though people stop getting their period during pregnancy, its possible that they may still experience some bleeding. This bleeding does not necessarily indicate an underlying issue, but its important to understand the cause of it and whether its time to see a health care provider.

Bleeding tends to occur more often during the first trimester of pregnancy than the second or third. Estimates suggest that about 25 to 30 percent of pregnant people experience spotting at some point during their first trimester. There are a number of reasons for this bleeding.

Implantation bleeding: This refers to the light spotting that occurs about 10 to 14 days after conception, around the time when your period is due. Many people havent yet taken a pregnancy test at this point, so its easy to mistake the spotting for a period. This bleeding is lighter than a normal period, however, and only lasts for a couple of days. It occurs due to the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine lining.

Cervical changes: Spotting can occur shortly after you get pregnant due to cervical changes, and particularly after having sexual intercourse. As long as no infection is present, theres no need to be concerned about this.

Other causes: Heavier bleeding that more closely resembles a period during the first trimester of pregnancy can indicate something more serious, including:

  • Back pain
  • Severe abdominal pain or cramps
  • Loss of consciousness or faintness
  • Fatigue

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Trying Very Late In Life

The difference in fertility goes down by almost 50% from your 20s to your 40s. If you really want a child, it is better to try while you have better chances for success.

When it comes to conception, timing is almost everything but only almost! There are still several other factors that can affect your chances of being able to get pregnant. Make sure you take the necessary precautions and measures to achieve your objective and stay healthy.

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Can You Get Pregnant Right Before Your Period

The chances of getting pregnant right before your period are extremely low. For people with regular cycles, ovulation likely occurs 1016 days before the next period. The eggs released during ovulation can only be fertilized for 12 to 24 hours.

onception is least likely on the days before a period starts.

About 24 hours after ovulation, the chances of becoming pregnant start to decrease. The more days that pass after ovulation, the lower the chances of conception become.

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Check Your Basal Body Temperature

It’s also a good idea to pay attention to the signs that your body is ready to ovulate. Checking your basal body temperature is one way to do this.

The BBT is your temperature first thing in the morning. Just after you ovulate, it rises slightly — sometimes by less than a degree — and stays higher until your period starts. If you record your temperature every day, you can spot the subtle changes that mean one of your ovaries has released an egg.

To take your BBT, you need to:

Use a basal body thermometer. It’s more sensitive than a standard one and will show temperature changes down to a fraction of a degree. You can get them at many pharmacies for less than $20.


Take your temperature at the same time each morning. Always do it before you get out of bed. Even getting up to go to the bathroom can affect your body temperature. So can smoking, drinking, or getting a bad night’s sleep.

Remember, your BBT won’t tell you exactly when you’ve ovulated, and it may take a couple of months before you start to see a pattern. You’re most likely to get pregnant 2 or 3 days before your ovary releases an egg, and then another 12 to 24 hours after that. When your temperature has spiked for 3 days, your chances of conceiving drop.

Ovulation And The Fertility Window

Chances of Getting Pregnant on Birth Control – Onlymyhealth.com

Can you get pregnant on your period? Menstruation sex can lead to conception, though research conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that there are typically six days a month when a woman may become pregnant. This period, known as the fertility window, occurs during ovulation.

Ovulation is the stage during which a womans body releases the egg for the purpose of fertilization. A womans fertility window may occur between days 10 and 17 according to a study published by the British Journal of Management. During this window, a woman has a minimum of 10% chance of pregnancy without the use of birth control, according to the same study.

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What Are The Chances Of Getting Pregnant After Period

The chances of getting pregnant after period depends on your menstrual cycle length. Do you have a short menstrual cycle or a 28 day cycle?

If your menstrual cycle is 21 days, then intercourse during and immediately after your period will likely get you pregnant. This is because ovulation will occur 7 days after your period starts. Since sperm lives for 5 days, it will fertilizes your egg during this time.

However, if you have a regular 28 day cycle or a cycle more than 28 days, then having intercourse after period may not get you pregnant.

If your cycle is 28 days or longer, the first 2 days after your period ends may be safe. This is because women with 28 day cycle usually ovulate on day 14. If your period last for 7 days, then you will have 7 days before ovulation occurs. The lifespan of sperm is 5 days on average. This means you may get pregnant if you have intercourse on the 10th day of your menstrual cycle. However, the 8 and 9th day may be safe.

Please note

  • There are difference studies on how long the sperm can survive. Some research shows sperm can live up to 7 days. If this occurs, you can get pregnant immediately after period.

What About Right Before Your Period

The likelihood of getting pregnant right before your period is extremely low. For women with a typical 28- to 30-day cycle or longer and their cycles are regular, it is fairly safe to say your ovulation occurred between Day 11 and Day 21. The egg is only available for 12 to 24 hours for conception.

This means the days right before your period are the safest to have sex without the expectation of getting pregnant. The number of safe days right before your period go up with longer cycles and lessen with shorter cycles.

If you wait 36 to 48 hours after ovulation, you should be beyond the possibilities of conception. The further you are from ovulation, the less likely your chance for conceiving. This is not the time to have sex if you are trying to conceive. Its still a good time to enjoy intimacy with your partner.

Want to Know More?

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Pregnancy Chances During Ovulation: High

As aforementioned, fertilization of the egg by the sperm can only happen on ovulation, which lasts for 12 to 24 hours. So, a woman’s chances of getting pregnant during ovulation are very high.

However, couples are advised against having sex only on the day of ovulation. It is because it takes time for the sperm to get through the reproductive tract to reach and penetrate the egg. With ovulation lasting only a limited time, it is easy to miss the opportunity within a given menstrual cycle.

Instead, studies have shown that partners have the highest odds of conceiving if they have sex every day or every other day during the fertile window and on the ovulation day. This way, there are plenty of sperm already present in the tract and awaiting egg release, which greatly increases the likelihood of successful conception.

How Do You Improve Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

Whats A Normal Period After Birth

Fertility starts to decline after about 28 years of age, drops significantly after 35, and drops very dramatically after 40. Assisted reproductive methods can help, but often cannot overcome the effects of age.

See your doctor for pre-pregnancy planning. This may include:

  • a reproductive health check including a detailed history and examination looking for factors such as:
  • genetic or medical conditions
  • medications or substance use

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How To Know When Youre Ovulating

Knowing when you ovulate can help you plan for sex at the right time and improve your chance of getting pregnant. You can keep track of your menstrual cycles on a chart, in a diary, or on a free period-tracker app on your smartphone.

To work out the length of your menstrual cycle, record the first day you start bleeding . This is day 1. The last day of your cycle is the day before your next period begins.

  • Some people think the menstrual cycle and a period are the same thing.

    A period is when you bleed .

    A menstrual cycle starts on the day when a period starts and ends the day before the next period. A cycles length is considered normal if its between 21 and 35 days. They can vary between women and from one cycle to the next.

  • Working out your average menstrual cycle length

    If your menstrual cycles are different lengths you can work out your average cycle length.

    The number of days in a womans menstrual cycle can vary month to month. Periods are not always regular. It can be useful to work out an average cycle length, based on the length of three menstrual cycles, to estimate when youre most likely to be ovulating.

    If you add the number of days in three cycles and divide the total number by three, it gives you your average cycle length.


    Sarah tracked her last three menstrual cycles by counting the time from the first day of one period, to the day before the next period.

    Cycle 1 was 28 days Cycle 2 was 32 days Cycle 3 was 27 days

    28 + 32 + 27 = 87

Causes Of Pregnancy While On Your Period

Knowing when youre ovulating can help you get or avoid getting pregnant. However, there are some factors that may throw off your calculations regarding ovulation.

Vaginal bleeding

Some women experience vaginal bleeding during ovulation, which can be mistaken for menstruation. The chances of getting pregnant during your actual period are much lower because ovulation is a couple of weeks away, but its not impossible. A woman may mistake spotting from ovulation as her period, which could cause pregnancy if a form of birth control isnt used during sex.

Early ovulation

Its possible that you may ovulate early. Factors like stress, weight gain or loss, and hormonal changes can affect your cycle and when you ovulate, even if you have a fairly normal cycle. If you ovulate early and do not use protection, your chances of getting pregnant increase.

Sperm can live in your body up to seven days after you have sex. If you ovulate early, even when you think its the safest, its still possible that you can get pregnant. So, even though chances are the lowest of getting pregnant during your period, its not impossible.

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Understanding Ovulation And Your Menstrual Cycle

Before we dive into whether you can get pregnant on your period, lets first talk about ovulation, since understanding how your cycle works is key hereand regardless of whether youre trying to conceive or avoid pregnancy, timing when you have sex is a critical piece of the puzzle.

Ovulation refers to the midpoint phase of your menstrual cycle when the ovary releases a mature egg. The average length of a cyclefrom the first day of your period to the first day of your next periodis 28 days, but that varies greatly from person to person. In fact, cycles that last anywhere from 24 to 35 days are considered normal, says Jaime Knopman, MD, a fertility specialist in New York City.

Most women regularly ovulate each month, sometime between day 12 and 21 of their cycle, but the precise day that ovulation takes place can vary from person to person. Whats more, according to the American Pregnancy Association, your ovulation timing can differ month to month. Several factors can contribute to irregular timing, such as stress, obesity, illness, smoking and drastic changes to your sleep or work schedule.

After the egg is released, it moves on to the fallopian tube, where it typically survives for 12 to 24 hours. There, it can meet up with any available sperm, which can usually live in a womans body for about three days and sometimes as long as five. Thats why the five days leading up to ovulation, and the day of, are when women are most fertile.

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