How To Stop Period Pain Naturally

How To Stop Menstrual Cramps Fast: 10 Best Natural Remedies


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Menstrual cramps can be an annoyance for some and a debilitating interruption of daily life for others.

Whether it is a mild form of muscle cramping in the lower abdominal area or stabbing, sharp pains throughout the lower body, the unwelcome symptoms of menstruation are seemingly a natural part of life.

This doesnt mean that women have to suffer in silence. Want to know how to stop menstrual cramps fast? Read on as we share 10 of the best natural remedies.

Mood And Behavioural Changes:

  • A woman may feel more irritable, edgy, depressed or anxious.
  • Some women may also be more likely to feel emotional – cry, have poor self-esteem, get angry or have mood swings.
  • Poor concentration, forgetfulness or even loneliness may also occur.
  • It’s possible that during this time, there may be a dip in sexual interest and desire.
  • Prior to the start of a menstrual period, women might experience food cravings and an increase in appetite.
  • Sleep may also be disturbed as you tend to feel more tired than usual.
  • How To Get Rid Of Period Cramps Naturally

    A lot of women have their own ways of dealing with tough menstruation cycles and PMS symptoms, from tips handed down by mom to turning to medications. And if those work for you awesome!

    But if youre looking for some new, natural ways to combat that painful time of the month, then this is the list for you. From essential oils and Epsom salts to fish oil and your favorite tunes, these methods for how to get rid of period cramps will help ease period pain so you can live your best life all month long.

    1. Try acupuncture.

    When youre in pain, the idea of getting pricked by needles probably doesnt sound too appealing. But acupuncture, a type of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been used for more than 2,000 years to treat chronic pain and can be especially effective during a hard-to-handle menstrual cycle. In fact, one small study out of Australia and New Zealand found that acupuncture treatment can ease period pain, including secondary symptoms like headaches and nausea, in women.

    The pilot study of women ages 18 to 45 years old had them undergoing one of four types of manual or electro-acupuncture treatments over three menstrual cycles. Half of the women experienced at least a 50 percent reduction in the severity of their symptoms over three months of being treated with acupuncture and reported they were able to use fewer painkillers to treat pain.

    2. Take a hot bath with Epsom salts.

    3. Get a dose of extra-virgin olive oil.

    4. Try fish oil supplements.

    5. Get more sleep.

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    Birth Control Pills May Lessen Painful Cramping Too

    While not exactly a home remedy, birth control pills and hormonal intrauterine devices are potential tools in your anticramping arsenal and should not be overlooked, Thielen says.

    Consider cramp relief a benefit to some types of contraception. Many women find relief from painful cramps when they start the pill, Thielen says. Hormonal birth control typically lessens the amount of bleeding, and less bleeding can translate into fewer cramps, she says.

    Ayurvedic Medicine For Menstrual/periods Pain Relief

    How to Stop Menstrual Cramps Naturally
  • Pradarantak Churna: It is a very beneficial ayurvedic medicine for ovarian cysts and also useful for the treatment of painful menstrual cramps. Take one tablespoon of this churna twice daily with plain water.
  • Shatavari Powder: This powder is used to relieve pains and controls blood loss during menstruation. Take two tablespoons of this powder by mixing it with a cup of milk.
  • Divya Stri Rasayan Vati: Another wonderful herbal remedy that gives quick relief from discomfort felt during the menstrual period. This remedy is made by Baba Ramdev, especially for menstrual cramps stomach pain relief.
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    When Should You Contact Your Healthcare Provider About Menstrual Cramps

    Bad cramps keep some women from working and going to school. You dont have to suffer and you dont have to put your life on hold. Contact your healthcare provider if you have painful periods.

    It may be helpful to keep track of your periods and the days on which pain is the worst so you can make a complete report. If you notice other symptoms, like headaches or heavy flows, you should keep track of those, too.

    Your provider will probably ask you when you started getting your period, how long they last, if you are sexually active, if other women in your family have problems with their periods and what kinds of treatments you might have tried already.

    A note from Cleveland Clinic

    Menstruation is normal. You might get cramps, but you dont have to suffer silently with them. There are ways to make painful periods less painful. Make sure you talk to your healthcare provider about painful periods.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 11/20/2020.


    Herbs To Relieve Menstrual Cramps

    Menstrual cramps, also called dysmenorrhea, are cramping aches and pains that typically affect the lower abdomen but may also radiate to the lower back and thighs.

    Thought to be caused by excess levels of prostaglandins , menstrual cramps often occur just before and during the first few days of the menstrual period. Some people also experience loose stools, headaches, nausea, or dizziness.

    For many people, menstrual cramps occur without an underlying health condition . But if you’re experiencing regular or severe cramping, consult your healthcare provider to see if you’re suffering from an underlying health issue that might be causing the pain .

    So far, scientific support for the claim that any remedy can treat menstrual cramps is limited.

    Here’s a look at four kinds of herbal medicine that are sometimes recommended by alternative medicine practitioners.

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    You Have Celiac Disease

    Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where eating gluten causes serious damage to the small intestine.

    Many health care practitioners dont realize that the symptoms of celiac disease can vary, so many people go undiagnosed. In fact, less than half of people with celiac disease have the classic symptoms of GI pain and diarrhea.

    Skin rashes, neurological symptoms, fatigue, painful sex and menstrual pain can all be clues that you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Remember, anything that causes inflammation in the gut will cause inflammation in the rest of your body!

    What Is Are Menstrual Cramps

    How To Stop Period Cramps Naturally | Period Talk

    Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for pain with your period or menstrual cramps. There are two types of dysmenorrhea: primary and secondary.

    Primary dysmenorrhea is the name for common menstrual cramps that come back over and over again and arent due to other diseases. Pain usually begins one or two days before you get your period or when bleeding actual starts. You may feel pain ranging from mild to severe in the lower abdomen, back or thighs.

    Pain can typically last 12 to 72 hours, and you might have other symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and even diarrhea. Common menstrual cramps may become less painful as you get older and may stop entirely if you have a baby.

    If you have painful periods because of a disorder or an infection in your female reproductive organs, it is called secondary dysmenorrhea. Pain from secondary dysmenorrhea usually begins earlier in the menstrual cycle and lasts longer than common menstrual cramps. You usually dont have nausea, vomiting, fatigue or diarrhea.

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    Try Some Yoga Poses To Ease Menstrual Pain

    Whether it’s the stretching of your muscles or the relaxing effect of the poses, a regular yoga practice can indeed help your cramps.

    When 20 undergraduate students did an hour-long yoga program once a week for three months, they had less menstrual cramping and period distress than 20 women who didnt, according to researchers for a study published in September 2016 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

    The Journal of Physiotherapy review that sanctioned heating pads also found benefits for yoga.

    You can practice during your period or between them, but some instructors advise women against doing inverted poses in the midst of menstruation, so as not interfere with your natural flow.

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    Can You Use Vinegar To Stop Your Period

    Though vinegar cant stop your cycle completely it can slow your flow and regulate your period. Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glassful of water and drink it. During your period, you could do this three times a day.

    Hide it: If you are planning on having getting really close with someone, you should consider this method. Use these round spongy makeup pads and your flirt wont notice it. Another solution is to use a tampon cut to a third or half. Keep the string attached to make it easier to pull it out.

    Gelatin: With this method, you can stop your period for a few hours. Buy gelatin from the grocery store and mix a package with water. Drink it fast and in about three hours your period should stop.

    Lemon: Thats a tip your old aunty would give you, but it works. Chew on a piece of lemon and your period will stop or at least cut short. Read more about how to stop your period with lemon.

    Bonus Tip: If you are considering a permanent solution, read this article: how to stop periods permanently.

    Every woman and therefore every period is different. Not all of the tips will work for every woman. Try a few and see what has the best effect on you. If you are experiencing pain or heavy bleeding, go and see a doctor.

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    How Foods Change Hormones

    A low-fat, high-fiber diet can significantly reduce estrogen levels.5,6 Cancer researchers have taken great interest in this phenomenon because lowering the level of estrogen in the blood helps reduce the risk of breast cancer. Less estrogen means less stimulation for cancer cell growth.

    If a woman eating a Western diet cuts her fat intake in half, her estrogen level will be about 17% lower. If the amount of fat is cut even more, the estrogen level will drop further. A lower hormone level will have less effect on the uterine cells.

    In addition to lowering estrogen, a low-fat diet may also be beneficial because high-fiber vegetables, beans, fruits, and whole grains help the body to eliminate estrogens. Estrogen is normally pulled from the bloodstream by the liver, which sends it through a small tube, called the bile duct, into the intestinal tract. There, fiber soaks it up like a sponge and carries it out with other waste. The more fiber in the diet, the better the natural estrogen disposal system works.

    Animal products and many processed foods do not contain fiber. When an individuals diet consists predominantly of packaged foods, refined grains, meat, or dairy, daily fiber needs may not be met. The extra estrogens, which should bind to fiber in the digestive tract and leave the body, get absorbed back into the bloodstream. This hormone recycling increases the amount of estrogen in the blood.

    How To Stop Your Periods Cramps

    How To Stop Your Period Early With Natural Remedies? Here ...

    Period cramps are one of the annoying symptoms that accompany your menstrual cycle. These cramps can be painful, annoying, and causes a lot of discomfort. For most people, this can be the reason for them to want to stop their period permanently.

    Period or menstrual cramps can be felt as a painful sensation that affects a majority of menstruating women before and during their menstruation cycle.

    The pain is medically known as dysmenorrhea. It ranges from dull and annoying to severe and extreme. For most women, the pain will occur in the lower abdomen and lower back. It will start a day or two before your period and last for about four days top.

    Medically, when the pain is only related to menstruation, then it is described as primary dysmenorrhea. On the other hand, when the pain is due to other conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease, the cramps are described as secondary dysmenorrhea.

    The question now is, how do you stop your period cramps? Different options are available to help relieve and stop these painful cramps. For starters, there are some over the counter medication that can help treat most causes of menstrual cramps. If you are not sure what the best medication to use, have your health café provider prescribe one for you.

    You could also use anti-prostaglandins to reduce cramping in uterus. This option will also help lighten the flow of menstrual blood and help relieve discomfort.

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    Yoga Poses To Relieve Cramps

    The most popular answers have been applying a hot compress , OTC medication , and having an orgasm . Based on your answer you may find this related reading useful:

    The most useful home remedies so far have been applying a hot compress , OTC medication , and having an orgasm . Based on your answer you may find this related reading useful:

    The most popular answers have been applying a hot compress , OTC medication , and having an orgasm . Based on your answer you may find this related reading useful:

    The most popular answers have been applying a hot compress , OTC medication , and having an orgasm . Based on your answer you may find this related reading useful:

    The most popular answers have been applying a hot compress , OTC medication , and having an orgasm . Based on your answer you may find this related reading useful:

    The most popular answers have been applying a hot compress , OTC medication , and having an orgasm . Based on your answer you may find this related reading useful:

    The most popular answers have been applying a hot compress , OTC medication , and having an orgasm . Based on your answer you may find this related reading useful:

    The most popular answers have been applying a hot compress , OTC medication , and having an orgasm . Based on your answer you may find this related reading useful:

    You should contact your doctor if you have severe pain and very heavy bleeding. See a doctor if:

    Can Fresh Air Reduce Period Pain Naturally Really

    Cool, refreshing outdoor air will revive your spirits and help reduce period pain naturally. Go outside, whatever the weather, and take slow, deep breaths, filling your lungs with revitalizing oxygen. This will boost your energy, helping you rise above the pain. Deep breaths will also relax muscles, relieving pressure on tender places.

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    What Causes Period Pain

    If you experience chronic painful periods, its only natural to wonder why. Maybe youre the only woman in your family who gets severe cramps. Maybe your painful periods didnt start until your twenties. Whatever your situation, a doctor can help you understand why you get painful cramps every month. Some of the most common causes of painful periods are:

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