What Is Considered Last Day Of Period

Factors That Can Affect Menstruation Length And Heaviness

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  • How long does a period last? It can change month-to-month and as you age, modify your diet and change birth control. There are healthy guidelines for menstruation, but everybody is different. Your cycle and your friends will most likely differ.
  • Birth control is one of the leading factors that may affect menstrual cycle changes. For instance, hormonal birth control may shorten it, while a copper IUD may do the opposite.
  • A certain level of irregularity is normal. One study published in Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology found that between 14% and 25% of women have irregular cycles. This can mean a shorter period or heavier/lighter flow between months.

Hormone And Ovulation Changes

Changes to your hormones or ovulation may cause a long period. You may notice hormonal changes when you first get your period during puberty or in perimenopause. You may also experience a hormonal imbalance from different health conditions, such as thyroid disorders or polycystic ovary syndrome.

If your hormones arent at a normal level or if your body doesnt ovulate during your menstrual cycle, the uterine lining can become very thick. When your body finally sheds the lining, you may experience a period thats longer than normal.

At What Age Does Menstruation Typically Begin

Girls start menstruating at the average age of 12. However, girls can begin menstruating as early as 8 years of age or as late as 16 years of age. Women stop menstruating at menopause, which occurs at about the age of 51. At menopause, a woman stops producing eggs . Menopause is defined as one year without periods, and after this time a woman can no longer become pregnant.

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What Could Cause Heavy Bleeding

There are several reasons why you may be experiencing heavy bleeding, some of which are healthy and natural. Do not attempt to self-diagnose seek the advice of a healthcare professional. Here are a few of the more serious medical conditions associated with heavy bleeding according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. They advise seeking an ob-gyn in many of these cases:

  • Birth control, specifically the copper IUD during the first year of use
  • Irregular ovulation

When Does A Long Period Need Medical Attention

What Is Considered First Day Of Period

If you have any questions about your health, whether it’s about the length of menstruation or otherwise, it’s best to see a qualified physician. Though irregular menstrual cycles are commonplace, it’s crucial to speak with a gynecologist if you have questions about birth control, hormonal fluctuations, and pregnancy.

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Menarche And The Teenage Menstrual Cycle

Menarche is a girl’s first menstrual period. A first period usually happens after breasts, pubic hair, and underarm hair have begun to grow. Menarche is a sign of growing up and becoming a woman. It can happen as early as about age 9 or up to age 15. The first few periods are usually light and irregular. About 2 out of 3 girls have a regular pattern of menstrual periods within 2 years of menarche.footnote 1 During the teen years, periods may become longer and heavier. For more information, see Menarche.

What To Do When You Get Your Period

Before you start getting periods it is good to be prepared for when it eventually comes. Hopefully you will have an opportunity to talk with your mother or sister or someone else in your family who can help you to prepare. Meanwhile here are some tips for when you do start bleeding.

  • Use sanitary products like a pad, tampon or panty liner to absorb the bleeding. Pads and liners are longs strips of cotton that you stick to your underwear. Tampons are thin cylinders of dense cotton attached to a string that you put inside your vagina. Pads, liners and tampons come in different shapes and sizes but all of them need to be changed every four to six hours to stop leakage. You can use a tampon whenever you want, you don’t have to wait until you start having sex before a tampon will go in. It may be a little hard to get it in to begin with, but you will get used to it very quickly.
  • Keep a period kit somewhere handy. This is because you might get your period unexpectedly or forget its due. Keeping some painkillers, sanitary products and a spare pair of underpants in your bag, at school or at work can be a lifesaver.
  • Enjoy life as much as possible. Its safe and often possible to do all the things you would normally do. Its also okay to have sex when you have your period, but if youre using a tampon youll need to take it out first.

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Biological Factors That May Affect How Long A Period Lasts

How long does a period last and why can yours differ from month to month? There are a few biological factors that may impact how long a period lasts. These include:

  • Weight Loss: Losing an excessive amount of weight can shorten the length of menstruation. Eating disorders, such as anorexia, may also contribute to shorter or even non-existent menstrual flow.
  • Exercise: Similarly, exercising excessively may reduce the length of menstruation.
  • Stress: Anxiety can also affect menstrual regularity.

If you have any questions or concerns that you are experiencing any of these, please seek medical advice from your doctor.

Difference Between Spotting And Period

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Based on the foregoing, spotting and having a period are two different conditions. The underlying difference is actually in the amount of blood that is discharged through the vagina.

Spotting may occur at any point in time of the menstrual cycle that is why it is defined as irregular or abnormal bleeding. Bleeding is light or minimal and at times negligible as opposed to the heavy flow of blood that is experienced when one has her period.

A light stain may sometimes be seen in your underwear when spotting occurs. Often times, it becomes noticeable only after you have wiped your vagina with a toilet paper.

Unlike in a menstrual period, the use of a sanitary pad or tampon is not necessary when there is spotting. A panty liner will suffice to absorb the blood.

It is advisable to keep a tab of incidences of spotting, as this would help your doctor in evaluating your condition.

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What Is A Normal Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is a term used to describe the sequence of events that occur within a womans body as it prepares for the possibility of pregnancy each month. A menstrual cycle is considered to begin on the first day of a period. The average cycle is 28 days long however, a cycle can range in length from 21 days to about 35 days.

The steps in the menstrual cycle are triggered by the rise and fall of chemicals in the body called hormones. The pituitary gland in the brain and the ovaries in the female reproductive tract manufacture and release certain hormones at certain times during the menstrual cycle that cause the organs of the reproductive tract to respond in certain ways. The specific events that occur during the menstrual cycle can be described as follows:

Whats Considered A Heavy Period

You might be surprised to learn that about one in five women experience menorrhagia, the medical term for heavy periods. Because each womans period is unique, it can be tricky to know if what you think is normal for your cycle is actually excessive bleeding. In fact, half of women who experience menorrhagia dont realize they have it.

While the best way to know if your heavy periods are chronic is to talk to a doctor, you can keep an eye out for some common symptoms of menorrhagia.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, any of the following is considered a symptom of heavy bleeding:

  • Bleeding for more than seven days
  • Blood soaks through one or more tampons or pads every hour
  • You need to change your pad or tampon during the night
  • You need to double up on protection to keep from leaking
  • The blood clots in your flow are the size of a quarter or larger

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Comprehensive Explanation Of The Menstrual Cycle:

The menstrual cycle has three phases:

1. Follicular Phase

This phase of the menstrual cycle occurs from approximately day 1-14. Day 1 is the first day of bright red bleeding, and the end of this phase is marked by ovulation. While menstrual bleeding does happen in the early part of this phase, the ovaries are simultaneously preparing to ovulate again. The pituitary gland releases a hormone called FSH follicle stimulating hormone. This hormone causes several follicles to rise on the surface of the ovary. These fluid filled bumps each contain an egg. Eventually, one of these follicle becomes dominant and within it develops a single mature egg the other follicles shrink back. If more than one follicle reaches maturity, this can lead to twins or more. The maturing follicle produces the hormone estrogen, which increases over the follicular phase and peaks in the day or two prior to ovulation. The lining of the uterus becomes thicker and more enriched with blood in the second part of this phase , in response to increasing levels of estrogen. High levels of estrogen stimulate the production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone , which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete luteinizing hormone . On about day 12, surges in LH and FSH cause the egg to be released from the follicle. The surge in LH also causes a brief surge in testosterone, which increases sex drive, right at the most fertile time of the cycle.

2. Ovulatory Phase

3. Luteal Phase

Could You Be Pregnant

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If you missed your period, answer these 4 questions:

  • Am I trying to get pregnant?
  • Have I had sex during my fertile days?
  • Have I not used contraception?
  • Did I ovulate?
  • If you answered “yes” to all questions, there is a high chance that you are pregnant. But only a positive pregnancy test will confirm your suspicion.

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    Ovulation: Days 12 15

    The pituitary gland releases a surge of luteinising hormone , triggering the release of the mature egg from the ovary and into the fallopian tube. Sperm can survive for up to 2 3 days in the fallopian tubes waiting for the arrival of the egg for fertilisation, however the egg has a window of approximately 12-24 hours in which it can be fertilised after release. The dominant follicle that has released the egg then forms the corpus luteum. This important structure releases progesterone which assist in maintaining the uterine lining.

    How Many Weeks Am I Pregnant From My Last Period

    Wondering how many weeks pregnant you are right now? Well, you first must know when your last period was in order to find out how many weeks you are right now. Calculating an accurate due date is an important first step in pregnancy. The calculation of the estimated due date is based on the day of the date of ovulation and fertilization. The EDD can be calculated by adding 266 days to the day of ovulation/fertilization.

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    How Can I Figure Out What Is Happening In My Cycle When Am I Ovulating

    Simply tracking your cycle on a calendar, along with some details of your bleeding and symptoms can help you understand your cycle. Record when your period starts and ends, what the flow was like, and describe any pain or other symptoms , changes in mood or behaviour that you experienced. Over several cycles you will be able to see patterns in your cycle, or identify irregularities that are occurring. Use your own calendar or try this menstrual diary. There are also numerous apps available to help you track your period. If your periods come regularly every 21-35 days, chances are excellent that you are ovulating.

    Beyond simple calendar tracking, there are a few ways to figure out the timing of your own personal menstrual cycle. Separately or used together, these can be used to help determine when and whether you are ovulating. Three methods you can try are cervical mucus testing, basal body temperature monitoring, and ovulation prediction kits.

    Causes Of A Long Cycle

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    The later into their cycle a person ovulates, the later their period will be. A long cycle may mean that a person ovulated very late, or did not ovulate at all.

    According to the OWH , specific causes for a long menstrual cycle include:

    • Polycystic ovary syndrome : Sometimes, late ovulation is a sign of PCOS. Other symptoms of PCOS include irregular periods, unusual or excessive body hair growth, unexplained weight gain, and insulin resistance.
    • Hyperthyroidism: When the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, it can cause late or missed periods. The OWH list other hyperthyroidism symptoms as feelings of nervousness, unexplained weight loss, a rapid heartbeat, and trouble sleeping.

    A person with these symptoms should speak to their doctor. If a person has not had their period, they should also consider whether they might be pregnant.

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    Uterine Fibroids Or Polyps

    Uterine fibroids and polyps are noncancerous growths in the uterus. They can grow quite large, however, and may cause pain and other symptoms.

    Many women with fibroids or polyps experience irregular bleeding between periods. Certain types of spotting can also signal the presence of these uterine growths. This includes spotting that lasts across several cycles, or that is accompanied by:

    When Should I See A Doctor For Heavy Periods

    Many women have come to accept heavy bleeding as a normal part of their cycle. This helps explain why over half of women with menorrhagia dont know they have it, or know that heavy periods are treatable. If left untreated, heavy periods can cause other health concerns like anemia, a red blood cell condition that makes it difficult for your organs to get the oxygen they need.

    If your period affects your daily life by causing you to miss work or school, cancel social activities or plan your day around bathroom breaks, you might have menorrhagia. Heavy bleeding can cause other physical symptoms that can make you dread getting your period like extreme fatigue, very painful cramps, lightheadedness, anxiety and depression.

    We recommend making an appointment with one of our womens health doctors if you experience any of the above symptoms. A doctor will be able to diagnose whats causing your heavy periods and recommend treatment options. If youre not sure whether your period is normal, just ask!

    Our womens health doctors at HealthPartners and Park Nicollet are here to answer your questions. Well help you put an end to planning your life around heavy periods.

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