What Does It Mean If Your Period Is Heavy

If Your Period Seems Watery This Might Be Why

What does a Heavy Period mean for fertility? | The Fertility Expert

Lets face it: Periods can be weird. At various times they might be clumpy, brown, and, yes, smelly and usually this is all totally standard. But what does it mean if your menstrual blood is thin and watery?

There are a few possible explanations, and they depend on what your baseline looks like and if youve made any major changes recently, such as going on hormonal birth control or beginning to train for a marathon. tend to worry when their period isnt exactly the same as usual, Raquel B. Dardik, MD, an OB/GYN at NYU Langone Medical Center, previously told Refinery29. But theres a large variety of whats normal.

Many people notice that the color and consistency of their period blood changes from day to day. That said, if yours is suddenly light and watery throughout menstruation, and it never was before, its a good idea to check in with your OB/GYN to see whats up. Here are some possible explanations.

When To Seek Help

If this period that keeps coming and going has occurred several cycles in a row or you have any other symptoms like increased pain, bleeding or spotting outside of your menstrual window, its best to visit your primary health care provider or gynaecologist for a check up to make sure nothing else is going on. With other more serious causes ruled out, focus on the strategies above to gently bring your body back into balance.

Frequently Asked Questionsexpand All

  • How common is heavy menstrual bleeding?

    Heavy menstrual bleeding is very common. About one third of women seek treatment for it. Heavy menstrual bleeding is not normal. It can disrupt your life and may be a sign of a more serious health problem. If you are worried that your menstrual bleeding is too heavy, tell your obstetriciangynecologist .

  • When is menstrual bleeding considered heavy?

    Any of the following can be a sign of heavy menstrual bleeding:

  • Bleeding that lasts more than 7 days.

  • Bleeding that soaks through one or more tampons or pads every hour for several hours in a row.

  • Needing to wear more than one pad at a time to control menstrual flow.

  • Needing to change pads or tampons during the night.

  • Menstrual flow with blood clots that are as big as a quarter or larger.

  • How can heavy menstrual bleeding affect my health?

    Heavy menstrual bleeding may be a sign of an underlying health problem that needs treatment. Blood loss from heavy periods also can lead to a condition called iron-deficiency anemia. Severe anemia can cause shortness of breath and increase the risk of heart problems.

  • What causes heavy menstrual bleeding?

    Many things can cause heavy menstrual bleeding. Some of the causes include the following:

  • Bleeding disordersWhen the blood does not clot properly, it can cause heavy bleeding.

  • How is heavy menstrual bleeding evaluated?

    When you see your ob-gyn about heavy menstrual bleeding, you may be asked about

  • pregnancy history

  • your birth control method

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    My Period Is 4 Days Early What To Expect

    If your period is four days early, then its likely due to implantation. Implantation can cause you to have spotting or slight vaginal bleeding that last for hours or days. You should wait for some days then take a pregnancy test. Other causes like stress, eating disorders, emergency contraception can affect your period too.

    What Is The Normal Menstrual Flow

    Do you

    In a randomly selected group of premenopausal women, the most common amount of menstrual flow was about two tablespoons in a whole period . However the amount of flow was highly variableit ranged from a spot to over two cups in one period! Women who are taller, have had children and are in . That means it is normal to soak one to seven normal-sized pads or tampons in a whole period.

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    I Got My Period A Week Early What Does It Mean

    If your period occurs early, then it may be due to non-pregnancy causes like stress or hormonal changes in your body. Early signs of menopause can cause an early period too. However, period that occurs a week early is likely due to pregnancy.

    Now its your turn. Do you have early menstruation? Let us know your symptoms and if we could help.

    Heavy Period Symptoms Are

    • Changing your pads every 1 or 2 hours during the days
    • Waking up many times at night to change your pads
    • Trying to double your pads to prevent staining
    • Feeling weak after days of very heavy bleeding
    • Extremely heavy periods affecting your daily activities or work

    If you have any of these symptoms, then your period may be heavy. To understand how much blood you lose during periods, you should monitor your period length and menstrual cycle.

    • Record the number of sanitary pads you change day and night. Is it fully soaked with period blood clots?
    • Record the length of your menstrual cycle. Is your menstrual cycle getting shorter or longer?Learn how to calculate your menstrual cycle.
    • Try to remember the last time you had a normal period flow. If this is the first time, then stressful activities could play a role.

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    What Is Considered A Heavy Period

    While every womans period can be different, the standard length for a normal period is usually between three and seven days, with the most volume of bleeding during the first few days that gets increasingly lighter. Youve also got your typical cramps, bloating and spotting thrown in there too. But heavy periods? Those can last more than seven days, with a dense flow that soaks through one or more pads or tampons every hour. As well as pain in the abdomen or lower back and fatigue.

    Dr. Jessica Shepherd, OB-GYN and womens health expert, tells SheKnows about common cues that often indicate a heavy period. Signs of a heavy period can be large menstrual blood clots, having to change a pad in less than one hour due to pads being saturated with blood, and having many bleeding accidents through clothes or bedding, she says.

    Having to carry around a change of underwear or pants and excess period supplies in anticipation of a leak, or experiencing blood clots the size of a quarter or larger are distressing burdens, to say the least. And it turns out they might be an indication that something more is going on inside your body.

    Signs To Watch For With Heavy Periods

    What do heavy periods mean? | As told by a Nurse Practitioner

    Here are some signs that menstrual bleeding may be too heavy, and that you should call the doctor:

    • The girl is looking pale and feels dizzy and/or weak. If this is happening, you should call your doctor immediately.
    • She needs to change her pad or tampon during the night.
    • She is bleeding through her clothes.
    • She is passing clots that are bigger than an inch wide.
    • Her periods are interfering with her ability to go to school, play sports, or otherwise engage in regular activities.

    There are many reasons why girls may have heavy periods. The most common reason is simply that the body is just getting started and getting regulated. If that is the case, it usually gets better with time. However, there are other causes as well, which is why its important to see the doctor.

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    Seeing A Gp And Further Tests

    A GP will start by asking you about your heavy bleeding, any changes to your periods and any other symptoms you have, like bleeding between your periods or period pain.

    All women who have heavy periods should be offered a blood test to check for iron deficiency anaemia.

    The GP may also suggest a physical examination or refer you for further tests to try to find out if there’s an underlying cause for your heavy periods.

    Further tests may include:

    What Does It Mean When You Have A Heavy Period

    The amount of menstrual flow can be an indicator whether or not your menstrual period is normal. And in fact, it can vary from woman to woman. While many women experience a moderate heavy flow or light flow, but some can have heavier flow than average. If you have a heavy period, what does it mean? Does it always require medical intervention?

    Heavy menstrual period how common is it?

    It is medically called as menorrhagia. The word heavy is a subjective for bleeding of menstrual flow. And as the name implies, it is a condition for menstruation in which bleeding is abnormally heavy or prolonged.

    In general, it tends to affect women in the menopause transition ). Furthermore, it is also common in girls in the phase of puberty where the hormonal fluctuations occur .

    In other words, being an adolescent and approaching menopause are risk factors of having heavy menstrual bleeding .

    But though this problem is a common issue among women with menopause transition, fortunately most women dont experience bleeding severe enough to be categorized as menorrhagia.

    However, menorrhagia is one of common problems reported by women to their doctors. According to CDC , about 1 out of 5 women experience it .

    What is considered heavy menstrual flow?

    If you in doubt with your condition, see a doctor or a health professional! The symptoms of this problem may vary from woman to woman.

  • The point 1 may make your frustrated, and then you may choose to use double sanitary pad.
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    Youre Taking Blood Thinners

    Have you ever gone to get your ear pierced and forgotten to mention to the piercer that you took some Advil for pain? You probably encountered a LOT more blood than they were banking on.

    It doesnt always clickand we arent always warnedof all the ways that new medication will impact our bodies, so you may have not realized that anticoagulants such as coumadin will indeed cause a heavier period than normal.

    Anticoagulants and other anti-inflammatories prevent clots so that blood can flow more easily through your body which includes, you guessed ityour period.

    When To See A Doctor

    What Does A Heavy Period Mean? Self

    If your period lasts longer than a week, consider calling a doctor for advice. Depending on your symptoms, they may suggest setting up an in-person appointment for a physical exam.

    On the other hand, if you think youre showing symptoms of a rare cause or if youre pregnant, see a doctor immediately.

    If you experience severe heavy bleeding and youre soaking through four or more pads and tampons in a 2-hour period, go to an emergency room right away.

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    Related To Heavy Period Bleeding Dream:

    Dream about heavy period blood means your unhappiness and discontentment at work. You are rejecting unknown aspects of yourself that you do not understand. You have arrived to a decision or common understanding. It denotes your father or father figure. You need to keep your distance from some situation or relationship.

    Dream about period pain states strife and disharmony in both your work and home. You feel like you are on top of the world and that there is nothing you cant handle. You need to give in order to take back. This dream stands for behavioral urges. You need to literally breakdown some walls that you have put up around you.

    Dream about having heavy period indicates your desires to find perfect happiness. You need to slow down. You need to start testing out your boundaries in order to grow. This dream is a premonition for your mind or your body. You are on a quick downward slide.

    Dream about really heavy period draws attention to your need to be more economical. Someone is making you confront some issue that you are not ready to deal with. You need to better get a grip of your inner emotions. Your dream indicates the compromises that you make in life. The tough times you are experiencing will soon be over.

    Endometrial Polyp Or Uterine Polys

    These are hanging mass attached to the uterine wall. They can sometimes protrude into the cervical canal and cause bleeding during intercourse. Symptoms of an endometrial polyps are

    • Very heavy bleeding during periods
    • Bleeding after menopause
    • Bleeding in between periods
    • Pain during periods

    Uterine polyps are common in women taking hormone replacement with only estrogen, obese women and women with high blood pressure.

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    How To Treat The Problem

    The NHS recommends you see your doctor if your periods have suddenly got heavier and youre concerned about it. Also, they state that if you are experiencing other symptoms such as severe cramp and bleeding between periods then a doctor will be able to see if there is an underlying cause for this.

    Some common treatments for heavy periods include contraceptives though I wont go into the details much more than this as what you are prescribed will depend on whats going on with your body!

    Once youve got the green light from your doctor, a herbal remedy such as Agnus castus may be used to address heavy periods.

    This symptom is often associated with too much oestrogen or too little progesterone but the remedy helps to balance these things out. Please note however, that Agnus castus cannot be used alongside hormonal contraceptives.

    Join to receive 7 days of tips and advice from Nutritionist Emma, covering everything you need to know to get your period symptoms under control.

    Symptoms Of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

    Heavy periods: what you need to know

    Symptoms include:

    • bleeding for more than eight days
    • heavy blood loss during the menstrual period for example, soaking through one or more sanitary pads or tampons every hour for several hours in a row
    • needing to change your pad or tampon during the night
    • have to change or restrict your daily activities due to your heavy bleeding
    • bleeding or spotting between periods
    • cramping and pain in the lower abdomen
    • fatigue
    • any vaginal bleeding after menopause.

    If you think you may be experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding, you may find it useful to keep a pictorial blood loss assessment chart this can help you give your doctor an idea of how heavy your period is.

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    What Is The Prognosis For Living With Menorrhagia

    If left untreated, menorrhagia can interfere with daily life. In addition, it can cause anemia and leave you feeling tired and weak. Other health problems can also arise if the bleeding problem is not resolved. With proper treatment and doctor assistance, menorrhagia can be managed and not cause a disruption to your life.

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