What Causes Blood Clots In Period

Know The Causes Of Blood Clots During Menstruation In Women

What Causes Bloodclots During Your Period

Passing of blood in the form of blood clots on your periods can be normal.

Where many women experience this condition of blood clots in their days of heavy bleeding for others it might be a regular thing.

On one hand where occasional clotting is not worrisome, experiencing these large clots on a regular basis can be an indication of some underlying condition.

Normal clots are small in size and occur occasionally towards the beginning or end of your periods depending upon the blood flow.

Abnormal menstrual clots are comparatively larger in size and darker in colour as compared to the normal period blood.

Period blood is supposed to be in fluid form, clotting is the bodys natural defense mechanism.

Blood clots can be understood as collection of blood in veins and arteries when blood changes from liquid to a partially solid form.

Generally these come up as a response to injuries. This happens due to the presence of two substances namely platelets and fibrin.

Menstrual cramps generally occur due to a heavy flow and feels like blood clots are passing through the private part.

In most of the cases these clots tend to appear on the first and second day of your periods as the flow is comparatively heavier on these days.

In some cases a woman might experience clots in alternative months depending upon the heaviness of the flow.

Passing blood clots can be normal in some cases whereas it can be an indication of some or the other underlying disease.

1. Thyroid.

What Is A Menstrual Blood Clot

Menstrual blood clots are globs of coagulated blood that have a gel-like appearance. These globs can also be tissues and by-products of blood that are expelled from the uterus during the menstrual cycle.

Small and less frequent blood clots are a common occurrence, and you dont need to worry about them. However, if you are regularly passing large clots during your period, it could be an indication of an underlying medical condition.

Blood clots are often classified as normal or abnormal, depending on their appearance. Lets look at the types in detail

What Causes Severe Period Cramps And Blood Clots

Prolonged, heavy menstrual cramps in conjunction with excessive bleeding or passing large blood clots can sometimes indicate endometriosis or another reproductive tract disorder. Dysmenorrhea is also a word applied for severely severe menstrual cramps accompanied by excessive bleeding or passing large blood clots.

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Are Blood Clots Normal During Periods

In most cases, occasionally passing small menstrual blood clots is considered normal and nothing to worry about. However, passing large clots, especially when accompanied by other symptoms like heavy bleeding, severe cramps, and low energy levels, can signal that something is wrong.

One common underlying health condition that may explain your period blood clots is the presence ofuterine fibroids. Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop within or on your uterus. An estimated 70 to 80 percent of women develop fibroids by age 50.

Uterine fibroids vary in type, size, and number. Additionally, they can cause a range of uncomfortablesymptoms such as:

  • Heavy or prolonged menstruation lasting more than 10 days
  • Irregular bleeding between cycles

Potential Causes For Large Blood Clots During Your Period

Period Blood Clots: Causes, And When To See A Doctor

Passing blood clots during your menstrual cycle is often a normal occurrence during the heaviest days of your period. In fact, most women experience clots at some point in their lives however, heavy bleeding and passing large clots can sometimes Read More

Passing blood clots during your menstrual cycle is often a normal occurrence during the heaviest days of your period. In fact, most women experience clots at some point in their lives however, heavy bleeding and passing large clots can sometimes be a cause for concern.

Are huge blood clots normal during your period? What other symptoms can you look out for to ensure that more worrisome health conditions arent occurring?

Menorrhagia is defined as menstrual bleeding that can be heavier than usual. If youre changing your tampon every two hours or sooner, or are passing blood clots the size of a quarter or larger, you may be suffering from heavy periods. This is uncomfortable and often painful, and many women suffer from the debilitating symptoms that come from heavy periods.

There are numerous potential reasons that your period is getting heavier and youre passing abnormal period clots, and the good news is that many of the conditions and reasons for these symptoms are both common and treatable.

Here are seven reasons why you may be passing big blood clots and experiencing heavier-than-normal periods:

Last updated on By Jing J.

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Causes Of Blood Clots During Periods

Normally blood produces anticoagulant factors which maintains the viscosity of blood and do not let blood clot but sometimes when the flow is heavy these anticoagulant factors do not get enough time to work and hence clots begin to form. However, this is a normal phenomenon during periods. Somehow blood clots become a cause of concern when they are larger than the size of a womans fist, passed throughout the periods excessively, occur after periods and come along with pain.

What To Do When Experiencing A Heavy Period With Clots

If you notice period blood clotslarger than a quarter accompanied by heavier than normal bleeding during your cycle, its important that you seek a medical diagnosis immediately to determine the cause.You should know that these are abnormal menstrual symptoms which may indicate the presence of fibroids.

At USA Fibroid Centers, our doctors are fibroid specialists who can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend a personalized treatment plan. Our specialists are interventional radiologists, which means they are trained in the use of advanced imaging technology to diagnose and treat diseases. During your initial consultation, a fibroid specialist may perform a pelvic exam and ultrasound to determine if your period blood clots and heavy bleeding are due to fibroids.

Fortunately, if fibroids are detected, you arent limited to major surgery. USA Fibroid Centers offers Uterine Fibroid Embolization , a non-surgical treatment for fibroids that can alleviate your heavy periods and blood clots.

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Blood Clots In Menstrual Blood Due To Miscarriage

Women who have recently undergone miscarriages may release blood clots or sometimes clumps of tissue that are usually grey in color.

When suspected in a person who is pregnant where the said clumps of grey tissue are visible, the attention of medical doctors is necessary to ascertain the cause of the problem.

However, cases of light bleeding or spots of blood during pregnancy are not unlikely.

Vaginal Infections In Women

Why does menstrual bleeding have blood clots? Is it normal? – Dr. Shalini Varma

If you have infection down there at your vagina, then it may cause blood clots in period.

What are vaginal infection symptoms?

Abnormal discharge like greenish yellowish discharge, yellowish smelly discharge or thick white discharge with odor are symptoms of vaginal infections. Others are vaginal itching, vulva sore, fever, abdominal pain and body weakness.

You should inform your doctor if you have these symptom. Vaginal discharge samples are collected and tested for the cause. Treatment with antibiotics will follow after testing your blood and vaginal discharge with good success rate.

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Okay Are Large Blood Clots Ever Normal During Your Period

Its important to remember that normal is a relative term for everyone, Christine Greves, M.D.,5 a board-certified ob-gyn at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies, tells SELF. If your usual is to pass occasional larger clots, then that may simply be your usual, as long as you are not anemic and your quality of life is not affected, she explains.

Meaning, if youve always had one period clot that youre tempted to take a photo of or pester your best friend about every month, but you otherwise feel okay and arent soaking through tampons or pads like its your job, its probably nothing to be too stressed about. Still, Dr. Greves says, its not a bad idea to bring it up during your next checkup with your ob-gyn, just to get their take. And, remember, if youre bleeding heavily, are in pain, or have any other symptoms of menorrhagia, you should get it addressed sooner rather than later.

Is Heavy Bleeding After 50 Normal

Heavy bleeding is common among women transitioning into menopause, the point when your bodys reproductive system stops releasing eggs. One study found that among women ages 42 to 52, more than 90% experienced periods that lasted 10 days or more with 78% reporting their blood flow as heavy.

This is because when women approach menopause, there are fewer eggs to mature in the ovaries. The body releases higher levels of follicle-stimulating hormone in an attempt to maintain normal ovulation, which produces more estrogen.

These greater levels of estrogen thicken the lining of the uterus, often resulting in heavier, longer periods. The time it takes for a womans body to complete this cycle can extend as well, leading to longer gaps between periods and more blood flow.

This change in reproductive hormone levels called perimenopause generally begins about four years before a woman has her last period. But the transition can start as early as 10 years before menopause.


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Blood Clots Are Shed During The Heaviest Days Of Menstruation

Menstrual period blood clots are normally shed during the heavy days of menstruation.

This happens because the blood clots require some pressure to be moved out of the body. The need for more blood will be essential to generate more pressure.

Multiple clots in the flow makes menstrual blood seem thicker and denser than usual.

What Is The Relationship Between Blood Clots And Heavy Periods

Heavy Blood Clots During Period

When menstrual blood flows in large quantities, it makes sure to coagulate so as not to flow too quickly and avoid haemorrhage.

As for menstruation, the blood flow must be naturally evacuated and therefore less thick. The body will then produce a kind of anticoagulant to liquefy the blood to guarantee a continuous flow.

When you have heavy periods, your body may find it challenging to produce enough anticoagulants. This is when you may observe larger clots at the bottom of your menstrual panties or when you go to the toilet. From a few millimetres, they can sometimes go up to 4 cm but don’t worry! This is entirely normal!

So are period clots dangerous? First, beware of the pain that accompanies them.

As we previously said, blood clots are not dangerous. However, there are some exceptions in which we suggest you seek medical help right away.

If your period is very heavy

Suppose you observe blood clots and very heavy or hemorrhagic periods. In that case, it is best to consult your gynaecologist or your doctor to check that you are not suffering from menorrhagia .

We remind you that we consider “very heavy” or “hemorrhagic” periods that:

  • Your period lasts more than 8/7 days.
  • Will make you change every hour for several hours or several days. Complete this table with the number of hygienic protections used daily to find your Higham score
  • Will make you wake up at night to change your protection.

If you are experiencing severe abdominal pain

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What Are Heavy Periods

The amount of blood lost during a period varies a lot between women. This makes it difficult to give a general description of heavy periods. The amount of blood lost can also vary at different times in your life, including if you have had surgery or take medication. However, most women have a good idea of how much bleeding is normal for them during their period and can tell when this changes.

A good indication that your periods are heavy is if you:
  • lose more than 56 tablespoons of blood
  • pass clots that are larger than a 50 cent coin
  • bleed so much that you have to change your pad/tampon every hour
  • have to get up most nights to change your pad/tampon
  • have to put a towel in your bed or use large maternity pads when you sleep
  • bleed through clothing
  • have bleeding that lasts more than 8 days .

Heavy periods can lead to a drop of iron levels and red blood cells. This means you may feel tired more easily, feel weak or dizzy or be short of breath and have chest pains.

Causes Of Abnormal Clotting

Physical and hormonal factors can impact your menstrual cycle and create a heavy flow. Heavy flows increase your chances of menstrual clots.

Some causes of abnormal uterine bleeding include:

  • Uterine fibroids: These are noncancerous growths that develop in or around the womb and can cause heavy or painful periods.
  • Endometriosis: In this condition, the tissue that lines the womb is found outside the womb, such as in the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  • Adenomyosis: This is a condition in which the endometrial tissue in your uterine lining breaks through and begins to grow in your uterine wall.
  • Hormonal imbalances: Hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome , perimenopause, and menopause can cause irregular shedding of the uterine lining, resulting in clotting and heavy bleeding.
  • Miscarriage: Pregnancy loss can happen very early, sometimes before you even know that youre pregnant. Clotting and bleeding are common symptoms.
  • Cancer in your uterus or cervix: This is a potential but less likely source of blood clots.
  • Bleeding disorders: Disorders such as platelet function disorder or von Willebrands disease may cause abnormally heavy menstruation.
  • Uterine or cervical polyps: These are growths on the cervical canal or uterus.
  • Precancerous changes in the uterus: This doesnt mean that you have cancer.

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Uterine Causes Of A Giant Blood Clot During Period

The causes located in the uterus that cause blood clots during menstruation are:

Uterine polyps: Polyps are formations of tissue that protrude into the uterine cavity. They modify the endometrium by pushing it and obstruct the outflow of menstrual blood. Clots are formed by the blood that remains retained inside the uterus for longer.

Adenomyosis: when the uterus muscle enlarges because of other surrounding tissues that invade it, something similar happens with polyps. The modification of the endometrium and the obstruction at the exit conclude in clots.

Endometriosis: is a pathology where endometrial tissue grows in organs other than the uterus. As it is an endometrial disease, a symptom may be blood clots during menstruation.

Uterine hypertrophy: the uterus may enlarge in size due to physiological causes or diseases. A normal and expected reason for its enlargement is pregnancy and the months after delivery. With more endometrial surface and more space to accumulate blood, clots can form spontaneously.

Abortions: pregnancy losses include the expulsion of clots vaginally as if it were a menstruation. Although it is not strictly a usual menstrual cycle, if it happens very early in pregnancy, the dates tend to overlap and cause confusion.

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