Is It Possible To Have 2 Periods In One Month

What Causes Irregular Period


Menstrual cycle irregularities such as having period twice in one month can be due to various factors. Here are some of the causes:

  • Premature ovarian failure: Premature ovarian failure or primary ovarian insufficiency is described as the loss of normal ovarian function before 40 years of age. It can cause infrequent periods over a number of years.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome: This is a common hormonal disorder that can cause small cysts to form on the ovaries, leading to irregular periods.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease: This is an infection of the reproductive organs that can cause irregular menstrual periods.
  • Uterine fibroids: These are noncancerous growths that occur in the uterus. Heavy periods and bleeding between periods can be due to uterine fibroids.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding: Missed or delayed periods can be a sign of pregnancy. After pregnancy, breastfeeding normally delays the resumption of menstruation.
  • Extreme weight loss, eating disorders or excessive exercising: Menstruation can be disrupted by extreme weight loss, eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or increased physical activity.
  • Thyroid problems: The uterine lining can thicken as a result of thyroid diseases and in turn cause more bleeding.
  • Stress: Stress due to financial worries, arguments, or even exams can change your menstrual cycle temporarily.

Potential Risk Factors For Shorter Menstrual Cycle

Teens and preteens who have just gotten their period could easily experience having two periods in one month simply because hormonal fluctuations during puberty are normal. Moreover, this could happen for up to two years after starting menstruating.

On the other hand, youre also at a higher risk of having a shorter menstrual cycle and sometimes getting a period every two weeks if you have a family history of early-onset menopause, cysts, and/or fibroids.

Of course, just because you may be in the increased risk group doesnt mean youll necessarily have to deal with more frequent menstrual bleeding at all.

Is Blood Loss A Concern

In some instances, a bimonthly period may produce potential complications related to excessive blood loss. The thing is, losing too much blood can cause a damaging domino effect in your body.

For example, “if a person experiences too much bleeding, it can result in a low blood count , which can be serious if not treated,” Dr. Marshall says. So, when your period comes twice a month, keep an eye out for other signs of anemia such as pale skin, weakness and fatigue.

If you suspect you have period-related anemia, speak with your doctor, who can perform bloodwork to properly assess and diagnose the condition.

In severe cases, “sometimes a blood transfusion is needed,” Dr. Marshall says. “More often, though, iron and vitamin supplementation are necessary for several months to restore the red blood cell level.” But always check with your doctor before and while taking iron supplements, as too much iron can cause other problems.

Also, keep in mind “there’s a difference between chronic abnormal bleeding and a sudden, severe case of uterine bleeding,” Dr. Verma says. The latter can be acutely dangerous.

If your menstrual cycle leads to abrupt, heavy bleeding along with chest pain, dizziness or shortness of breath, something serious might be up, and you should seek emergency care immediately to treat any possible complications from blood loss or change in blood pressure, Dr. Verma says.


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Possible Risks And Complications Of Irregular Bleeding

Frequent bleeding can cause anemia in some women due to a lack of iron in the blood. While your doctor is doing other results to determine the cause of your abnormal bleeding, make sure to request checking of your iron levels.

Some of the most common symptoms of anemia can include:

  • Irregular heartbeat

You Might Have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Or Pcos

Causes of missed period

If you are frequently getting periods twice or thrice in a month, chances are that you might have PCOS. This condition causes hormonal imbalance in the body which can further cause period irregularity. Watch out for other signs of PCOS such as unintentional weight loss and abrupt weight gain.

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Causes Of Irregular Periods

There are many possible causes of irregular periods. Sometimes they may just be normal for you.

Common causes include:

  • puberty your periods might be irregular for the first year or two
  • the start of the menopause
  • early pregnancy take a pregnancy test to rule this out
  • some types of hormonal contraception such as the contraceptive pill or intrauterine system
  • extreme weight loss or weight gain, excessive exercise or stress
  • medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome or a problem with your thyroid

Is It Normal To Have Period Twice In One Month

The menstrual cycle occurs in all females from the onset of puberty to the menopause in middle age. Normally, the menstrual bleeding lasts for two to seven days and the cycle repeats once every 28 days . The menstrual cycle occurring once in 21 days to 35 days is usually considered normal. Before we go in-depth about the irregular period and period twice in one month, let us understand the menstrual cycle.

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Two Periods In One Month For The First Time

People with short menstrual cycles frequently have periods at the beginning and the end of a month. For someone with a typical menstrual cycle usually about 28 days or so having a period twice a month may be a bit surprising and seem unusual. Its important to remember that irregular bleeding can indicate a medical concern, and its easy to mistake for a period. In some cases, bleeding could indicate one of the following:

The treatment for two periods in one month depends on the cause of the bleeding. People who have a short menstrual cycle naturally or who are in the early stages of puberty typically dont require treatment.

Health care providers may suggest hormonal birth control as a possible treatment for multiple periods in a month, as it can help regulate periods and resolve anemia that occurs due to heavy and frequent bleeding. If youre already taking hormonal birth control and you think it might be causing you to have a period twice in one month, then be sure to talk to a health care provider.

For hypothyroidism, a health care provider may prescribe thyroid hormone replacement therapy. For hyperthyroidism, several treatment options are available, and health care providers will suggest the one that is best for each condition.

During perimenopause, health care providers may suggest menopausal hormone therapy to regulate periods until they cease with menopause.

Menstrual Cycle Or Just Spotting

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The first thing you need to do is determine whether your vaginal bleeding is spotting or a menstrual cycle for the second time of that month, causing you to have two periods in one month.

Here is how to tell these two kinds of vaginal bleeding apart:

Some of the characteristics of spotting include:

  • The blood that comes from spotting will usually be dark red or brown in color
  • The flow of this vaginal bleeding will be so light that you will not be able to bleed through your tampon or completely fill a pad

Some of the characteristics of traditional menstrual bleeding include:

  • The blood flow is heavy enough to soak through a pad or tampon every few hours, just like it would be when having a regular period.
  • The period blood is very likely to be dark red, red, brown, or pink.

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Two Periods In One Month: Are Multiple Periods A Reason To Worry

Normal menstrual cycles range from 21 to 35 days. However, its not uncommon to experience monthly variations in menstrual cycles. Some cycles may be shorter and others longer, which means its possible to have 2 periods in a month.

In most cases, getting a period twice a month has a simple explanation. If it happens repeatedly, however, its important to take notice of any signs and symptoms. Read on to learn why two periods may happen in the same month.

You’ve Been Traveling Recently

If you get back from vacation and find an earlier-than-expected period welcoming you home, you might be able to blame said vacation on your irregular bleeding. Depending on how far from home you went, excessive traveling can disrupt your period.

Interfering with your circadian rhythms, like changing time zones or working night shifts, can cause changes in the hormones that trigger your cycle, says Dr. Masterson.

What to do about it

As long as the travel was a one-time thing, this should resolve on its own. If you work the night shift regularly, though, irregular periods might be your new normal. Aim to clock at least six hours a night, and make the most of the sleep you do get by blocking out noise and light and avoiding using screens right before you nod off.

Since youre already feeling the effects of late nightsand shift work can do harm to your health over time, increasing the risk of anxiety, depression, GI problems and even heart diseaseyou may want to consider talking to your boss about whether its possible to rework your schedule.

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You Forgot To Take Your Birth Control

Duh, right? Missing birth control pills or forgetting your Depo-Provera shot will always cause irregular bleeding, says Dr. Richardson. Anytime you fail to take a birth control method correctly, you will bleed because you have an abrupt withdrawal of hormones. This kind of bleeding, though, is not an emergency.

What to do about it

If you resume your birth control by following the instructions, the bleeding will subside, she says. Just make sure to use a backup method of birth control to prevent pregnancy until your next period.

What Causes Someone To Start Bleeding Again After Their Period


First, it’s important to understand the difference between spotting and a period. Like the name implies, spotting is less blood than you’d see while menstruating. It’s actually fairly common and can be linked to pregnancy, ovulation, and even rough sex, explains Sherry Ross, MD, a board-certified ob-gyn. It can be confusing and frustrating to figure out if what you’re experiencing is spotting or irregular bleeding or both, she says but generally, your period should be happening on a fairly regular schedule, and light bleeding that occurs between periods is typically classified as spotting.

While spotting is more common with pregnancy or ovulation, Dr. Ross says that it can also be caused by extreme weight changes and stress. The stress hormone cortisol can affect how the ovaries function, which may result in your period coming early or late, your periods being shorter or lighter, or even spotting between periods. There are also medications that can cause unusual bleeding, including hormonal birth control, which is known to cause spotting when you first start taking it.

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Associated Complications Period Lasting 2 Weeks:

If you are experiencing a deviation in menstrual cycle from the normal and for no evident reason you are getting periods every two weeks, this can be an alarm of some underlying diseases and you need to see a doctor if the abnormality in periods is accompanied by factors such as:

More bleeding can cause anemia, if this occurs, it can be due to iron deficiency in the blood. You need to seek advice from a doctor regarding it. Doctor will check the iron level in the blood and hemoglobin, the decline in both is not a good sign, and a doctor will advise iron rich medicines for the increased hemoglobin production.

Having a low level of iron in the blood or low hemoglobin can be due to dietary imbalance or some other factors. Anemia can result in certain medical conditions like fatigue . It is therefore advised to take these things seriously and consult a doctor. Sometimes, if you are suffering from clotting disorders like low platelet count, you can also suffer from heavy bleeding which in turn makes you anemic. If you experience the following symptoms followed by heavy menstrual flow, this may be a sign of anemia . The symptoms of anemia include fatigue, headaches, weakness, dizziness, breathlessness or having difficulty in breathing, irregular heartbeat or heart palpitations. Hence if you experience such symptoms along with two periods in one month, you must see a doctor.

Period Twice In One Month

A womans body goes through a series of changes every month in preparation for a possible pregnancy. This process is called the menstrual cycle. About once every month, the uterus prepares itself for a fertilized egg by growing a new lining also known as endometrium. Hormonal changes prepare the uterus for pregnancy simultaneously. In the event that there is no fertilized egg to initiate pregnancy, the uterus lining sheds off. This is termed as the menstrual period that occurs in women from teenage to menopause at about 50 years of age. However, there are times when women can get their period twice in one month. Read on to find out more about this phenomenon.

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I Highly Disagree With This

That type of information is a huge disservice to you. Your body is on your side and when things come up like this it is trying to tell you something.

You should have a nice, regular period with no spotting so if it comes up, get it checked out. For my patients, I make sure that their health is optimized so they can have the energy and vitality that they are looking for. This includes making sure they dont have any underlying hormone issues going on and working together to find the root cause of what they are struggling with to help them find the vibrant health they are looking for.

If you are working with a practitioner who tells you spotting between periods is normal, then its time to find a practitioner who will work on finding that root cause for you and helping you achieve vibrant health. Book a time with me to talk about your options.

How To Deal With Periods Every Two Weeks


There are wholesome habits that can help women manage having a period every two weeks. They include:

  • Staying hydrated to flush the body properly

  • Keeping a period calendar with the exact dates of your periods to help you make sense of your menstrual patterns

  • Carrying sanitary pads and tampons with you at all times so as not to be caught off guard in public

  • Trying gentle, regular exercises, such as calisthenics, long walks, or stretching routines. Restorative yoga can also relieve muscle tension and cramping as well as greatly help with premenstrual syndrome .

However, some women who receive a period every other week for an extended period of time without reprieve may want to consider treatment for long-term effectiveness.

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