How Do You Get A Period

Avoid Focusing On Any Negative Symptoms They May Not Even Have

How to Tell Your Period Is Coming | First Period Signs!

“Don’t jump in there with a laundry list of things that some people find uncomfortable,” Dr. Natterson says. “On the other hand, cramps, bloating, breast tenderness, and mood swings are real.”

Your best bet is to just address these issues as they come up. If your child has just gotten their period and is suffering from a stomachache, ask, “Are you feeling queasy?’ You might be having cramps. Is this how it feels?” According to Dr. Natterson, “Address it in context, put names to symptoms, and offer the tools to deal with them.”

How Is Abnormal Menstruation Diagnosed

If any aspect of your menstrual cycle has changed, you should keep an accurate record of when your period begins and ends, including the amount of flow and whether you pass large blood clots. Keep track of any other symptoms, such as bleeding between periods and menstrual cramps or pain.

Your doctor will ask you about your menstrual cycle and medical history. He or she will perform a physical examination, including a pelvic exam and sometimes a Pap test. The doctor might also order certain tests, including the following:

  • Blood tests to rule out anemia or other medical disorders.
  • Vaginal cultures, to look for infections.
  • A pelvic ultrasound exam to check for uterine fibroids, polyps or an ovarian cyst.
  • An endometrial biopsy, in which a sample of tissue is removed from the lining of the uterus, to diagnose endometriosis, hormonal imbalance, or cancerous cells. Endometriosis or other conditions may also be diagnosed using a procedure called a laparoscopy, in which the doctor makes a tiny incision in the abdomen and then inserts a thin tube with a light attached to view the uterus and ovaries.

What If I Forget To Remove My Tampon

If you forget to remove your tampon, it can turn sideways or become compressed at the top of your vagina. This can make it difficult for you to pull it out. If you think you’ve left a tampon in and you can’t get it out, go to your GP or nearest sexual health clinic. They can remove it for you.

Read the full answer to What if I forget to remove my tampon?

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Understanding The Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is the process by which your body prepares an egg for fertilization, and also the period in time when your body removes the egg to prepare for the next egg. This is sometimes called a “monthly cycle,” and while 28 days is an average menstrual cycle length, it can range from about 24 days to 34 days.

Menstrual Cycle Timeline

  • Day 1: Your menstrual cycle begins with the start of your period. The tissue lining around your uterus breaks down and an unfertilized egg begins to leave through your vagina along with blood. The bleeding of a period usually lasts 4-8 days, averaging 5 days for US women.
  • Day 5: Your estrogen levels rise once bleeding has stopped, and this does several things. These include:
  • The lining of your uterus thickens, preparing it for a new egg.
  • Ovarian sacs that contain eggs grow and mature, preparing one for ovulation.
  • Ovulation: Starting around day 12-14, an egg releases from your ovary. On this day, and up to three days prior, you are most likely to become pregnant if you have sex. There are subtle ways to help detect that you are ovulating, including body temperature and urine tests. If the egg is not fertilized, the cycle begins again with hormones that tell your uterine lining to break down again.
  • Changes In Your Periods

    What to Expect When You Get Your First Period  Lunette ...

    Your periods can change for example, they may last longer or get lighter. This does not necessarily mean there’s a problem, but it does need to be investigated.

    You can see your GP, or visit your nearest women’s clinic or contraceptive clinic.

    Bleeding between periods, bleeding after having sex, or bleeding after the menopause needs to be checked by a doctor.

    It might be caused by an infection, abnormalities in the neck of the womb or, in rare cases, it could be cancer.

    You could be pregnant if you miss a period and you’ve had sex. See your GP if you’ve taken a pregnancy test and the result is negative and you’ve missed 3 consecutive periods.

    They will investigate the cause and recommend any necessary treatment.

    Read more about stopped or missed periods.

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    When Should I Expect My First Period

    Most girls get their first period somewhere between the ages of 10 and 14, with an average of just over 12 years old. Its hard to tell when your first period will arrive. It usually happens about two years after the first signs of puberty , and about a year after you begin growing pubic hair. You will also notice white or yellowish vaginal discharge in the few months leading up to your period.

    There are numerous factors that are thought to influence the age of the first period, including:

    • Nutrition
    • Parental education
    • Illness and stress

    The average age of the first period has been decreasing over time. In 1900 in the United States, the average age of the first period was between 14 and 15 years of age. The decreasing age of the onset of menstruation seems to have levelled off now at 12.

    There is no way to predict exactly when you will get your first period, and there is nothing you can do to make it start, except wait. If you are worried about your first period, talk to your family doctor.

    If you are sexually active, you will need to consider the possibility that you could get pregnant once you have your period. In fact, you can even get pregnant if youve never menstruated, since its possible to ovulate before your first period. There are many forms of birth control available read about them here. You are also at risk of sexually transmitted infections if you are sexually active learn how to protect yourself.

    Can I Skip A Period For A Month

    Yes. If you have a long menstrual cycle of 35 days, then it possible you may skip period for a month

    Some calendar months have 28 says while others have 31 days. This means if you have a 35 days menstrual cycle, you could miss a period for a month.

    Should I get worried?

    Not yet. There are other reasons why your period is late. However, if you calculate your menstrual cycle and chart it, you can easily detect when its irregular or abnormal.

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    Natural Ways To Induce A Period

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    Its fair to say that few women look forward to getting their period, so it may be surprising that so many have used methods to bring it on sooner.

    There are various reasons why a woman might wish to induce her menstrual cycle. Perhaps she wants to get her period over and done with before a holiday or a special occasion. Maybe she has an irregular cycle and wants more predictability so that she can plan a pregnancy. Or her period could be delayed, causing her to feel stressed or worried.

    Whatever the reason, there are a number of methods that may help.

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    Lets be honest: periods can be inconvenient. Maybe you were planning a trip to the beach, or your wedding is coming up soon, and you wish you could skip the hassle of worrying about your period. Have you ever wondered how to shorten your period, and if this is even possible? Keep reading to find the answer.

    Everyones periods are different, but on average, they last anywhere from 2 to 7 days, and occur every 21 to 35 days.

    The menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones. It all starts in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone . This hormone affects the pituitary gland and induces the production of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone . Despite the fact that these hormones are released in the brain, they are responsible for the normal functioning of the ovaries. If you thought periods were pretty straightforward think again!

    Under the influence of FSH and LH, the ovaries produce estrogens and progesterone. All these sex hormones can directly affect the production of each other and affect each other through a feedback mechanism, when a large amount of one of them slows down the production of another.

    The menstrual cycle consists of several phases linked to fluctuating hormone levels:

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    Why Women Have Periods

    During each period, the inner lining of your uterus is shed through the vagina, the passage that connects your inner reproductive organs to your outer sex organs or genitals. This lining is mostly blood and other tissues that have been building up since your last period.

    The purpose of this blood is to provide nutrients for a fertilized egg if you were to become pregnant. While girls start having their periods early in their lives, most don’t decide to start a family until they’ve already been having their periods for many years. Most women stop having periods when they are between 45 and 55 years old. This is called menopause.

    When Does A Girl Usually Get Her First Period

    The average age for a girl in the United States to get her first period is 12.6This does not mean that all girls start at the same age.

    A girl may start her period anytime between 8 and 15. The first period normally starts about two years after breasts first start to develop and pubic hair begins to grow. The age at which a girls mother started her period can help predict when a girl may start her period.

    A girl should see her doctor if:

    • She starts her period before age 8.
    • She has not had her first period by age 15.
    • She has not had her first period within three years of breast growth.

    Get more information for girls about getting their period at

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    Check If You Have Heavy Periods

    You may have heavy periods if you:

    • need to change your pad or tampon every 1 to 2 hours, or empty your menstrual cup more often than is recommended
    • need to use 2 types of sanitary product together, such as a pad and a tampon
    • have periods lasting more than 7 days
    • pass blood clots larger than about 2.5cm
    • bleed through to your clothes or bedding
    • avoid daily activities, like exercise, or take time off work because of your periods
    • feel tired or short of breath a lot

    Losing Your Period And Your Weight

    How to Stop Your Period Early

    A common myth about HA is it only happens to college athletes who exercise hours a day, or those who are suffering with eating disorders who are dangerously underweight. But the truth is it can happen to anyone who winds up in an energy imbalance.

    Theres no magic numberbe it hours of exercise per week, body fat percentage, or weightthat is known to cause HA. It is completely individual to you and your body.

    You dont have to be underweight according to the BMI chart to lose your period, you just need to be under the weight that is right for you. This means even a healthy weight can trigger hypothalamic amenorrhea if it is too low for your body.

    In fact, the majority of women I meet who develop HA are very surprised when their period goes missing. They think theyre just being healthy. If this is what happened to you, remember: its never healthy to lose your period. When your period is missing, its a sign that there is some imbalance in your body.

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    When Do Periods Stop

    Your periods will continue until you reach the menopause, which usually happens when you are in your late 40s to mid-50s. In the UK the average age of menopause is 51.

    Your periods may start to become less frequent over a few months or years before stopping altogether. In some cases they can stop suddenly.

    What Do I Need To Know About My Period

    Menstruation is when blood from your uterus drips out of your vagina for a few days every month. You start getting your period during puberty, usually when youre around 12-15 years old.

    Your menstrual cycle is what makes your period come every month. Its controlled by hormones in your body. The purpose of the menstrual cycle is to help your body get ready for pregnancy. Your menstrual cycle = the time from the 1st day of your period to the 1st day of your next period. Learn more about how your menstrual cycle works.

    Most people get their period every 21-35 days around once a month . The bleeding lasts for 2-7 days its different for everyone. Your period might not always come at the same time each month, especially when you first start getting it. It can take a few years for your period to settle into its natural rhythm, and some people never get regular periods throughout their lives.

    Missing your period can be a sign of pregnancy if youve had penis-in-vagina sex without using birth control. But there are other reasons your period might be late, too. Learn more about what to do if you miss your period.

    There are lots of ways to deal with the blood that comes out of your vagina when you have your period. You can use pads, tampons, period underwear, or a menstrual cup to collect the blood, so it doesnt get on your clothes. Learn more about using tampons, period underwear, pads, and cups.

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    Real Talk: Yes Your Body Might Need To Gain Weight

    No matter which option you choose, you will most likely need to gain weight in order to heal your hypothalamic amenorrhea.

    Gaining weight is completely OK. Doing so doesnt mean youll be less healthy , less worthy of a person, or that youll be less happy.

    If your period went missing while you were pursing a certain weight you thought you should be, its important to recognize that your health and happiness is not a destination. Weight loss doesnt equate to improved health, and there isnt a linear relationship between leanness and happiness.

    Very few women can reverse HA without gaining some body fat. Yes, even women who are at what most people would consider a healthy weight may have to gain weight to get their period back.

    For most women, youll need to get back to the weight you were at the last time you had a period, and you may have to even go above that.

    Theres no set number or body fat percentage to strive for, but youll know youve gained enough weight when you get your period back. Essentially, you are trying to get to a place where your body knows there is enough energy available, hormones have the nutrients they need, and cortisol is within normal ranges.

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