How Can Stress Affect Your Period

The Hormonal Changes In The Menstrual Cycle

How stress affects your period hormones

The menstrual cycle is controlled by the repeated rise and fall of different hormone levels in the body. And stress has a pretty big impact on our hormone levels. So before we dive into how stress affects menstruation, lets first review the hormonal changes that occur in the menstrual cycle.

The key hormonal changes include:

  • A rise in the follicular stimulating hormone that tells the ovaries to start maturing eggs for ovulation.

  • A spike in luteinizing hormone that tells the ovary to release a mature egg.

  • A rise in estrogen that tells the uterus to build its lining in the event of egg fertilization.

  • A rise in progesterone that tells the uterus to maintain its lining in the event of egg implantation.

  • A natural fall in estrogen and progesterone at the end of the cycle when an egg is not fertilized, to allow for menstruation and the cycle to begin again.

All of these changes are controlled by a connection between the brain and ovaries. This is called the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland are areas of the brain that trigger the release of FSH and LH. And these hormones are the way the brain sends messages to the ovaries. The ovaries then make estrogen and progesterone, which also send important feedback back to the brain.

How Anxiety Affects Your Period

When youre feeling anxious, its likely youre not paying much attention to your period. But its important to note that anxiety can affect your period in a couple of ways.

  • The first is that it can cause your period to be delayed by a few days or even a week or two. This is common in people who are stressed or anxious.
  • The second way anxiety can affect your period is by causing you to miss it altogether. This is especially common in women who are suffering from severe anxiety. If youre experiencing anxiety-related changes to your period, dont worry. For most women, periods are fairly predictable and they come back after a few days or a week or two, even if theyve been delayed.
  • In some people, the period may be longer than normal. This shows that different people react differently to anxiety. Cortisol, produced during periods of high stress and anxiety affects people differently.

In all these instances, you may need to talk to your doctor to rule out any other issues. This is because you may think that anxiety is the cause and you may be having a more serious condition.

Stopped Or Missed Periods

There are many reasons why a woman may miss her period, or why periods might stop altogether.

Most women have a period every 28 days or so, but it’s common to have a slightly shorter or longer cycle than this .

Some women do not always have a regular menstrual cycle. Their period may be early or late, and how long it lasts and how heavy it is may vary each time.

Read more about irregular periods and heavy periods.

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Consequences Of Abnormal Cycles

  • No periods : If your cycle is late as a result of having low estrogen levels for more than 6 months, your bones might begin thinning. This will put you at a risk for osteoporosis.
  • Late or irregular cycles: The uterus lining might grow abnormally and in turn put you at a risk for developing uterus cancer. This happens in case your periods are continuously late for 3 cycles or youre bleeding on/off for three or more cycles.

In you experience heavy bleeding or it lasts over 10 days, it could be a sign of abnormal uterine lining.

When To Consult The Doctor

Stress affects your period cycle

Any level of stress might cause the menstrual cycles to be irregular or late. The effects as well as how long it will last depends on the stress level and how you can cope with it. Ensure that you speak with your physician or do the home pregnancy test in case theres any chance that you could be pregnant.

If you arent pregnant, you should keep good records of your menstrual cycles and any related symptom for three months. If your menstrual cycle continues to be abnormal, see your physician for preliminary evaluation that could just be a simple body examination or hormonal testing, if the need arises.

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Can Stress Cause A Missed Or Late Period

When your body is so under pressure trying to keep you calm and reacting to whatâs happening around you, you can become anxious, and then yourâ¯bodyâs hormones hold off on critical parts of your menstrual cycle, like ovulation. Think about it from a cavewoman perspective. Stress causes your body to go into fight-or-flight mode, and if youâre running from a giant woolly mammoth, it makes sense that your body would be less concerned about having a baby in that moment and hit pause on keeping your reproductive system ready to go. So although this does introduce a whole new set of stress, your body probably thinks that Cavewoman-you would likely not have time to even think about why your period was late.

In an ideal scenario though, you wouldnât be so anxious that your body interprets your stress level as running-from-woolly-mammoth-high, but you get the picture.

What Symptoms Do You Feel When Your Pregnant

The most common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy might include:

  • Missed period. If you’re in your childbearing years and a week or more has passed without the start of an expected menstrual cycle, you might be pregnant. …
  • Tender, swollen breasts. …
  • Nausea with or without vomiting. …
  • Increased urination. …

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Modern Life Is Full Of Stressful Situations And Triggers That Can Negatively Affect The Mood Of Women Here We Explore The 5 Factors Affecting Menstrual Cycle

Once a month, most women have to juggle all of the emotions that invade their minds and hearts in the lead up to menstrual periods. How stress affects menstruation is quite difficult to assess. However, untreated stress, combined with increased hormone levels, can wreak havoc in daily lives, as well as cause women to suffer from other mental health issues like insomnia, loss of appetite and anxiety. In fact, chronic stress and anxiety are so closely related that it is easy to mistake temporary stress for a chronic anxiety disorder. Here Madeleine Taylor explores the many stressful situations and factors affecting menstrual cycle.

Some Stress In Life Is Unavoidable But You Can Learn To Manage Your Stress

How Long Can Stress Delay Your Period?

Exercising, getting restful sleep, having a healthy diet, confiding in friends and family and having healthy social activities can potentially reduce the effects of stress on your health .

Stress that causes long-term changes in your mood or sleep or that causes chronic physical pain may be serious. If you are experiencing high levels of chronic stress, you may want to consider speaking to your healthcare provider.

Not sure whether stress is affecting your cycle? Clue can help you track your stress, energy, sleep, and exercise. The best way to take care of yourself is to know your body.

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Research On Stress And The Menstrual Cycle

Stress from extreme or traumatic events has been linked to dramatic changes in normal menstruation . War, separation from family and famine have been anecdotally linked to amenorrhea in physician and epidemiological reports . Although these studies and case reports are informative, they are not scientifically rigorous and cannot rule out other associated factors, such as malnutrition, that occur during war or other tragic events. Physical, emotional and sexual abuse have been associated with the development of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder . Post-traumatic stress disorder has also been associated with PMDD .

Can Stress Affect Your Period Flow

Stress can affect your period flow in a couple of ways. It can cause your period flow to be a bit heavier than usual, which some women experience when theyre stressed. Stress can also cause your period to come later than usual.

If youre feeling tense and anxious, its possible youve given your period less attention than usual. If youve been particularly stressed or anxious, its worth keeping an eye out for your period, just in case it comes later than usual.

If your period doesnt arrive by the time its normally expected, its worth keeping an eye on it to make sure everything is okay.

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Why Am I Cramping But Not Due For My Period

Lots of women get pelvic pain and cramping, but your period isn’t always to blame. Cysts, constipation, pregnancy — even cancer — can make it feel like your monthly visitor is about to stop by. It can be tough to tell whether having cramps without a period is caused by something simple or more serious.

Can Stress Cause A Missed Period

How Stress Affects Your Menstrual Cycle

Most of the time, your period arrives on time, but sometimes periods can be missed for so many different reasons.

One of the reasons could take you by surprise, which is possibly being pregnant, of course. But other things like sudden weight changes, starting new hormonal birth control pills, or being diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome are a few that could be causing a delay or missed period altogether.

Like stress, depression can also be a reason for a missed period. According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, people who experience high levels of stress are at a higher risk of experiencing depression. Depression can lead to a shift in hormones, which can cause amenorrhea, the medical term for a missed period.

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Can Stress Delay Your Period Yes And Its A Common Reason

  • Its normal for stress to delay a period, or even cause you to skip it entirely.
  • Stress hormones are known to affect menstruation, and research has found that those with higher levels of perceived stress are more likely to miss a period.
  • If your period is irregular or doesnt occur for three months, you should talk with a gynecologist.

The majority of the time, periods arrive like clockwork. But sometimes, periods are late or skipped entirely.

There are all sorts of reasons for a missed period. Pregnancy tops the list, of course. But other factors including taking some medications, hormonal issues, and menopause can also delay your period.

In fact, stress is a common reason for a period that doesnt arrive on schedule.

A womans menstrual cycle can be a great barometer for her stress level both acute stress and chronic stress, says Lisa Valle, DO, OB/GYN at Providence Saint Johns Health Center.

Stress And Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is a common 21st century disease, affecting up to 80% of people and most dont even know it!

Stress and adrenal fatigue are two peas in a podtwo cruel peas in a compromised pod. Chronic stress can lead to adrenal fatigue, and adrenal fatigue can lead to more stress. They thrive off of each other. Its a vicious cycle that I wouldnt wish anyone to get stuck in, because I was once there.

Chronic stress is a hallmark sign of adrenal dysfunction. When you are stuck in a state of stress, whether it be from your relationships, job, or media consumption, your adrenals go into overdrive cranking out cortisol, your stress hormone. When this happens consistently, its only a matter of time until some level of adrenal fatigue sets in. And when the stress cycle starts to be consistent, hormone levels suffer.

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Stress Impacts Your Menstrual Cycle

The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls your period. Its sensitive to external factors like exercise, sleep, stressor family drama. When working correctly, your hypothalamus releases chemicals that stimulate the pituitary gland, which then stimulate your ovary to release the period-inducing hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Enter cortisol, which is a hormone your body makes when youre under stress. It can wreak havoc on the hypothalamus/pituitary/ovary interaction and result in irregular periods.

When under stress, your body produces cortisol. Depending on how your body tolerates stress, the cortisol may lead to delayed or light periods or no period at all , says Dr. Kollikonda. If stress continues, you can go without a period for a long time.

Stress Can Cause Amenorrhea Or A Missed Period

How much stress can cause a late period?

According to Cleveland Clinic, amenorrhea is the absence of a monthly period. This can occur as a result of issues with the ovaries, reproductive organs, or hormones and stress is a known cause.

In a study that examined the connection between menstrual problems and stress, female students who had high perceived stress were four times more likely to experience amenorrhea. Other studies have found a similar connection between stress and irregular menstruation.

Stress can also lead to a longer cycle, a condition known as oligomenorrhea, says Briana Livingston, MD, OB/GYN at MemorialCare Medical Group. A late or skipped period can be a cause of additional stress, notes Livingston, especially if you’re not trying to get pregnant.

From your body’s perspective, the type of stress you’re experiencing doesn’t matter. “Any type of stress can affect your period. This can be emotional, mental or physical,” says Valle.

If you are stressed, Livingston advises trying meditation, exercising regularly, and discussing problems with loved ones or a mental health professional. The good news is that once your stress passes, your period should go back to normal.

“When major stress in your life resolves, your period will almost always resume its regular schedule without any long lasting effects on your cycle or your fertility,” says Livingston.

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Can Stress Make My Pms Worse

To add yet another inconvenience to the list, stress can also intensify PMS symptoms. According to a study3, there is a link between stress and dysmenorrhoea , which explains the upsurge in pain when youre going through a difficult time. Its a real pain, but nothing that should worry you too much. Check out our article on how to prevent period pains for some top tips.

Can Lack Of Sleep Cause Delayed Period

Since the uterus itself is an organ, it should come as no surprise that a lack of sleep can negatively impact its ability to do its job. In 2008, The American Academy of Sleep Medicine reported that individuals with sleep disorders, like delayed sleep syndrome, were highly likely to have irregular menstrual periods.

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Can I Delay My Period

Often late periods can spark worry but sometimes, an on-time period can be even more inconvenient. If you have an important event coming up such as a holiday, work presentation or wedding then its likely youll want to delay your period yourself.

If youre not on regular contraception then Norethisterone can delay your period for up to 17 days! This hormone tablet is designed to be taken once a day, starting 3 days before your period is due, and then continuing for however long you want to delay by .

Your period will usually start 2 or 3 days after you stop taking Norethisterone. You can buy Norethisterone from UK Meds without an existing prescription and have it delivered to your door.

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Can Stress Really Delay Your Menstrual Cycle

Does Stress Affect Your Period?

By | Feb. 10, 2015, 9:37 p.m.


Can stress really delay Your menstrual cycle?

Yep! Stress can affect your hormones in a way that changes your menstrual cycle. Other things can delay your period, too, like being sick, exercising a lot, having a low body weight, using a hormonal birth control method, or taking certain other medications. Its also normal for your period to be irregular every once in a while, especially if youre a teenager.

If your period is late and youve had sex without a condom or another method of birth control since your last period you should take a pregnancy test to make sure thats not the cause of your late period.

-Emily at Planned Parenthood

Tags:menstruation, no period, periods, pregnancy test, stress

Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of people worldwide. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. is a registered 501 nonprofit under EIN 13-1644147. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law.

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Can Stress Bring On A Period

Even if you rarely have to deal with irregular periods, sometimes stress can throw a spanner in the works and mess up your whole menstrual cycle, causing it to be early or late. Stress levels often affect the part of your brain that controls your hormone levels â the hypothalamus â which means the stress youâre experiencing may cause your period to come when youâre not expecting it â which means itâs possible that your period will come early. Thereâs also a link between women working stressful jobs and having short cycles .

How Can Stress Affect Your Period

Stress can affect your period by delaying it. In simple terms, stress can make your body go into fight or flight mode, which affects your hormones, ovulation cycles, and period length. This can be short-term or for several months.

However, we will look at this in a bit more depth so that you can get a full understanding of what is happening with your body. Stress can impact your period because of increased cortisol in the body, which triggers a suppressed level of reproductive hormones. This in turn may impact your normal ovulation cycle and therefore delay your period.

Stress might not just delay its arrival, but it can also lengthen the period itself. A study of stress in female nurses found there were links between stress and longer cycles, due to the complexity of their jobs and rotating shift work having an adverse effect on their bodies. However, there have also been links between higher stress jobs and shorter period cycles. But, while these are two opposing findings, it is important to note that stress has different impacts on different bodies what might affect a person may be different for another.

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