Can Obstetrics And Gynecology Doctors Specialize In A Certain Area Within Gynecology
Gynecologists can specialize in different fields within the practice of gynecology. Some of these specializations are listed below:1. OB/GYN OB/GYNs specialize in pregnancy management and in the treatment of womens reproductive disorders. They are one of the most known specialists in the field and they provide preventive care, along with also helping you to detect sexually transmitted diseases if any.
2. Urogynecologist These gynecology doctors specialize in curing pelvic floor disorders. They do so through reconstructive surgery as well as non-surgical methods.
3. Reproductive Endocrinologist These doctors can assist you in times of reproductive disorders such as infertility. They are specialists in treating hormonal disorders, infertility, pregnancy loss, menopause, and menstrual problems.
4. Gynecologic Oncologists They play a very important role in this field since they help patients in treating reproductive-organ cancers. The treatment of the cancer is done predominantly through surgery which includes various processes. These processes include urological surgery, radical pelvic surgery, and gastrointestinal surgery.
Intense Monthly Periods Are A Common Occurrence
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In many cases, the heavy bleeding is not caused by illness. Lifestyle issues, such as stress or even travel, can make your period temporarily heavier. Women in their late thirties or forties can also find their period intensifying due to perimenopause, Dr. Kumar says.
When To See A Doctor For A Missed Period
If you missed a period and youre pretty sure youre not pregnant, there could be several reasons for your irregular cycle. Women are more likely to miss a period in the first few years after menstruation starts and again as they near menopause, but it can happen at any age. Knowing when to call a doctor for this common condition can be confusing, so here is some information to help clarify when its time to pick up the phone.
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Q Is A Lack Of Periods Really That Serious
A missed period is as important as the other two categories. When you go in for a consultation, your doctor will ask about your history before doing a pregnancy test and exam.
In women of reproductive age, pregnancy is the first thing that must be considered, Dr. Hjort says. The next is a hormonal imbalance, either in the brain, the ovaries, or the uterus itself. For women who are not on medication that suppresses or regulates their cycles , amenorrhea can be very serious. Alternating presentation of no period, followed by heavy, dangerous, irregular bleeding, Dr. Hjort notes, is a condition that can, over time, increase a womans risk for developing cancer of the uterus. Thyroid dysfunction, a condition that can be diagnosed as early as your teenage years, can also present as cycle irregularity.
Dr. Hjort says women who are experiencing light, short, irregular periods, mood swings, or cycles that are too short or too long may want to call their doctor but dont need to pick up the phone this minute. If the length of time between cycles is getting progressively longer to the point that some months you don’t have a period, you should see your doctor for an evaluation.
Why Do You Poop So Much On Your Period
Dealing with period blood is bad enough, but to add insult to injury, it feels like youre also running to the bathroom every six seconds on your period, right? If youve ever wondered if you could just be imagining the fact that you have to poop more on your period, let me assure you that youre not imagining things. Your menstrual cycle really gets things flowing in your body, including making your stool flow a little more smoothly than usual. The stool is looser, so youre more likely to have a bowel movement when youre on your period.
You have that bonus fun thanks to prostaglandins in your body that help your smooth muscle relax, preparing to shed your uterine lining for you. Thanks, body! Fun fact: Those prostaglandins are also the same vital part of the labor process, to help your body get rid of excess poop that stands in the way of your babys descent into the birth canal.
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Why Are Some Periods So Different
I know some women who have heavy, awful periods that last a week, while other women get away with super light, two-day long periods. What gives? Why the difference?
The answer to this one is that science doesnt know. For all the technology that we have in the world, the female body and intricacies of the menstrual cycle have long been ignored. More and more research is being done, fortunately, to unlock the mysteries of menstruation. What we do know is that there can be a lot of variety to womens cycles. In general, however, if your period is heavy for more than seven days and/or you have heavy bleeding that is a lot more than usual, it could be a sign of a problem.
What Should I Do If I Am Showing Symptoms Of Coronavirus During Pregnancy
If you are in the middle of your pregnancy during coronavirus pandemic or are experiencing symptoms of coronavirus during pregnancy such as early flu symptoms or respiratory infection symptoms, the most crucial step is to talk to a doctor online. This allows you to stay safe by avoiding stepping out to a hospital and allows you to take care of yourself at home. A womens health specialist or gynecologist will be able to talk you through what you need to do based on your symptoms, condition, and how far along you may be in your pregnancy.
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Female Bleeding: When Should You See A Doctor
Thankfully, most of the time your period will come and go without causing much fuss. But what about those times when your cycle gets thrown out of whack and you have abnormal bleeding? Should you be concerned?
Every woman is different when it comes to her cycle. However, when period changes happen such as a heavier or lighter flow than usual or timing abnormalities it can be hard to decide if you need to call your doctor or if what youre experiencing is in the range of normal.
Its a good idea to always track your menstrual cycles, including how heavy your flows are, how long they last and how many tampons or pads you use during a single cycle. This information can be useful for your doctor.
We spoke to INTEGRIS Health OB-GYN Dr. Elise Schrop to get her insights on a scary topic. What causes abnormal bleeding, just what is abnormal anyway, and when should you consult your doctor?
“Abnormal bleeding is a very common problem for women,” Dr. Schrop says. “In fact, about a third of office visits to the gynecologist are for abnormal bleeding. It can happen to women of all ages but most commonly occurs in the first several years after a young woman starts having a period and as women start to make the transition to menopause.”
Will I Need Any Tests
If you go to see a doctor about your periods stopping, first of all the doctor will ask you some questions. For example, the doctor will want to know:
- If you have ever had periods and whether they were regular.
- How long you have not had periods for.
- If you have recently been using any contraception.
- If you are on any medication or have any other medical conditions.
- If you have recently lost weight.
- If you are under any stress.
- If there is any chance you could be pregnant.
- If you have any other symptoms, such as hot flushes or milk leaking from your breasts. The doctor may also ask about symptoms of pregnancy such as morning sickness or tender breasts.
Your doctor may then wish to examine you. The doctor may want to check your weight and height and then work out your BMI. They may also want to feel your tummy. They may want to look for signs of possible causes. In some cases an internal examination may be needed.Whether further tests are needed will depend on what has been discovered from talking to you and examining you. You may not need any tests at all. Tests which may be needed include:
- A pregnancy test .
- Blood tests. These are done to check out a number of possible causes. They may be done to check hormone levels . Occasionally tests for gene abnormalities may be needed.
- An ultrasound scan.
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Can I Visit The Gynecologist During My Period
It is normal to feel apprehensive before your appointment with one of our gynecologists. You may wonder, Is it ok to go to the gynecologist while on your period? You may also wonder what happens at a gynecology appointment. If you are like many women, you are especially concerned when you notice that your appointment happens to fall on a day when you are having your menstrual cycle. We often hear this question from our patients, Can I go to the gynecologist on my period?
You may be worried about the embarrassment of having an examination while you are bleeding, worried about an odor, or even your hygiene. You may be concerned about the exams. So, Can a gynecologist check you on your period? You may also wonder, Can you get a pap smear on your period?
Chapter : Causes Of Irregular Menstruation In Indian Women
Many factors can act as irregular menstruation causes. Changes in your production of hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone are the most common cause of an abnormal menstrual cycle.
Other factors that can also cause hormonal imbalance include:
- Extreme weight loss/ weight gain
- Performing too much exercise
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What Can I Expect At My Obgyn Appointment During A Very Heavy Period
But what if my period is very heavy? What if I am soaking through an entire pad in an hour or less? Can I go to the gynecologist on my period? Yes, it is still recommended to keep your appointment, because heavy bleeding can be a symptom of more serious health issues.
However, it may also be a good idea to call your doctor before your visit to get the best recommendation for your specific health situation. Our doctors often see women while they are bleeding heavily. Thus, it is still a good idea to visit your gynecologist to get the best advice and diagnosis.
What Should I Do If I Have Not Started My Periods
Girls start their periods at a very variable age. So it may be that your friends have been having periods for a while but you have not. Usually this will be normal variation and nothing to worry about. Ask your doctor’s advice if:
- You are 16 years old or older and still have no periods.
- You are 14 years old or older and have not developed breasts or pubic hair and do not have periods.
- You have a pain in your tummy every month but no bleeding.
- You can feel a lump in the lower part of your tummy.
- You have had sex without using contraception .
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Period Problem: Menstrual Migraine
About four in 10 women will get a migraine in their lifetime. About half of those women report that their migraine happens around their periods.
Researchers are not sure what causes migraine. Many factors can trigger migraine, including stress, anxiety, and bright or flashing lights. Also, hormones that control the menstrual cycle may affect headache-related chemicals in the brain.
How Do I Know If My Menstrual Cramps Are Normal
Menstrual cramps feel a little different to every woman. They can feel like a constant dull ache, occasional shooting pains or anything in between. Typically, women feel cramps in the lower stomach but they can also affect the groin, thighs and lower back.
Each woman experiences unique menstruation symptoms and theres no true normal. Some women might have cramps during every period. Some might notice that their cramps lessen with age. Others might never experience period cramps. But up to 20 percent of women experience painful cramps, or whats known medically as dysmenorrhea, making it difficult to enjoy their daily activities. Still, many women are afraid to speak to their doctor about their cramps.
Theres no reason to stay quiet about your cramps. Our OB-GYNs are here to listen to your concerns without judgement and help find a way to make your periods as painless as possible.
If youre not sure whether medical treatment is needed to help with your cramps, just ask us! During your next appointment, talk to your doctor about:
- The level of pain cramps cause you
- How long your cramps last
- The average length of your cycle
- How much you bleed during your period
- Other things you may have noticed, like spotting or pain outside your period
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Other Treatments For Heavy Menstruation Symptoms
Because heavy periods are also thought to sometimes be caused by the bodys reduced production of prostaglandins especially during perimenopause nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Advil or Motrin are often recommended, Kumar says.
Your doctor can also prescribe the drug Lysteda , which targets a protein that helps blood to clot. This drug comes in a tablet and is taken each month at the start of your menstrual period. Side effects, while rare, can include muscle pain, a runny nose, or, more seriously, unusual bruising or bleeding.
If fibroids are the main cause, your doctor may remove them via uterine artery embolism , which blocks blood flow to the fibroid, causing it to shrivel, or myomectomy, their surgical removal.
Period Problem: Missing Periods
The absence of menstrual periods before menopause is called amenorrhea . You may have amenorrhea if you:
- Havent had a period for three months in a row
- Havent had your first period by age 15
Amenorrhea happens in 3% to 4% of women.
Amenorrhea that is not caused by pregnancy or breastfeeding could mean that your ovaries stopped making normal amounts of the hormone estrogen. Missing this hormone can have serious effects on your health.
Causes of amenorrhea include:
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Medicines And Medical Treatment
As discussed above, a number of contraceptive treatments can stop you having periods. Other medicines can affect periods too. Examples are some medicines for schizophrenia , an anti-sickness medicine called metoclopramide and strong painkillers called opiates.A number of operations may result in absent periods. For example, after a hysterectomy you will not have periods. A hysterectomy is an operation where the womb is removed. As the blood during a period comes from the womb, you will never have periods again afterwards. Another operation , which is sometimes done for heavy periods, also causes periods to stop. In this operation the lining of the womb is removed. This is not usually permanent and periods start again in time.
Treatments for cancer, such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy, can also damage the ovaries and result in absent periods. Recreational drugs such as heroin may also cause periods to stop.