Should I Watch For Any Problems
Most girls don’t have any problems with their periods. But call your doctor if you:
- are 15 and haven’t started your period
- have had your period for more than 2 years and it still doesn’t come regularly
- have bleeding between periods
- have severe cramps that don’t get better with ibuprofen or naproxen
- have very heavy bleeding
- have periods that last more than about a week
- have severe PMS that gets in the way of your everyday activities
Understand The Science Of Your Body
Get personalized insights when you log your symptoms and track your cycle in the Obie app.
If you are trying to get pregnant and you have regular spotting before your real period begins, we suggest that in addition to using the ovulation calendar, you also use the BBT and an ovulation detection tool in order to find out when you can get pregnant. If you have a lot of spotting, you might want to talk to your Ob-Gyn and assess your progesterone level shortly after presumed ovulation.
What Are Irregular Periods
Even though girls get their periods on a cycle, that cycle can take different amounts of time each month. For example, a girl might get her period after 24 days one month and after 42 days the next. These are called irregular periods.
Irregular periods are very common, especially in a girl’s first few years of getting her period.
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How To Use Menstrual Period Calculator
It is quite simple 3 step process to calculate your next period and your menstrual cycle using MomJunction period calculator. Also, download customised menstrual calender for year.
- Enter the first day of your last menstrual period.
- Enter the average length of the menstrual cycle.
- Average duration of the last period.
Once you share all the above information,period calculator will share your following menstrual date for a year, fertility calendar, ovulation phase, fertile phase and estimated due date.
How Much Blood Is Lost During A Period
The amount of blood lost during a period will vary from woman to woman, but, on average, a woman will lose about 6 – 8 teaspoons of blood per period. A loss of 80 ml or more, having a period longer than 7 days, or both, is considered heavy. However, most women have a good idea of whether or not their bleeding is within the normal range for them.
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Whats A Normal Menstrual Cycle
Your menstrual cycle lasts from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. The average menstrual cycle is about 25-30 days, but it can be as short as 21 days or longer than 35 its different from person to person. The number of days in your cycle may also vary from month to month. When you get your period, its normal to bleed anywhere from 2 to 7 days.
The average person loses anywhere between 1-6 tablespoons of menstrual fluid during each period. It can be thin or clumpy, and varies in color from dark red to brown or pink. If your period is so heavy that you have to change maxi pads or super tampons every hour, call your doctor or your local Planned Parenthood health center.
Everyones body is different, so their periods are different too whats normal varies from person to person, and can change over your lifetime. Some birth control methods or health conditions may also affect your period.
What Controls The Menstrual Cycle
Your hormones control your menstrual cycle. During each cycle, your brain’s hypothalamus and pituitary gland send hormone signals back and forth with your ovaries. These signals get the ovaries and uterus ready for a pregnancy.
The hormones estrogen and progesterone play the biggest roles in how the uterus changes during each cycle.
- Estrogen builds up the lining of the uterus.
- Progesterone increases after an ovary releases an egg at the middle of the cycle. This helps the estrogen keep the lining thick and ready for a fertilized egg.
- A drop in progesterone causes the lining to break down. This is when your period starts.
A change in hormone levels can affect your cycle or fertility. For example, teens tend to have low or changing progesterone levels. This is also true for women close to menopause. That is why teens and women in their 40s may have heavy menstrual bleeding and cycles that change in length.
Other things can change your cycle. They include birth control pills, low body fat, losing a lot of weight, or being overweight. Stress or very hard exercise also can change your cycle. Pregnancy is the most common cause of a missed period.
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When Do Most Girls Get Their Period
Most girls get their first period when they’re around 12. But getting it any time between age 10 and 15 is OK. Every girl’s body has its own schedule.
There isn’t one right age for a girl to get her period. But there are some clues that it will start soon:
- Most of the time, a girl gets her period about 2 years after her breasts start to develop.
- Another sign is vaginal discharge fluid that a girl might see or feel on her underwear. This discharge usually begins about 6 months to a year before a girl gets her first period.
How Long Is My Fertility Window
The fertility window has a length of 8 days. The fertility window begins when sperm can theoretically survive within your body long enough to fertilise an egg. The fertility window ends with the maximum lifespan of an egg. As an egg can only survive 1 day outside of the ovaries, the window ends 1 day after ovulation.
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Q How To Track Your Period Manually
- Note the first day of your last menstrual period as day One.
- Count the days in between before you start another period. Or you can just count 28 days.
- After a couple of months of marking likewise, you will be then able to figure out the actual menstrual cycle length, and you can calculate accordingly.
Another way is to keep track of the physical signs you experience in a period. Cramping, breast tenderness, white discharge are some of the common symptoms. The next time, when you start to experience such symptoms, you should be aware that your next period is going to start.
Emotional changes is another way to track your period manually. The fluctuating hormones alter your emotions such as feeling depressed, anxious or irritable for no apparent reason.
What Is The Best Way To Determine When Youre Most Fertile
Being aware of your menstrual cycle and the changes in your body that happen during this time can help you know when you are most likely to get pregnant.
The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. But normal cycles can vary from 21 to 35 days. The amount of time before ovulation occurs is different in every woman and even can be different from month to month in the same woman, varying from 13 to 20 days long. Learning about this part of the cycle is important because it is when ovulation and pregnancy can occur. After ovulation, every woman will have a period within 14 to 16 days.
Knowing when you’re most fertile will help you plan or prevent pregnancy. There are three ways you can keep track of your fertile times:
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Causes Of A Short Cycle
People who ovulate earlier in their cycle often have fewer days between periods. Some specific causes for a short cycle include:
- Endometriosis: A
- 34% less likely to get a positive result when researchers tested if they had ovulated.
- Birth control: Sometimes, a person using hormonal birth control will experience breakthrough bleeding. This type of bleeding is not a true period, but rather a side effect of the birth control.
Can Plan B Affect Your Period
The short answer is yes: Plan B can affect your period because it can change your menstrual cycle’s timing. The National Institutes of Health says that emergency contraception may cause mild side effects like menstrual bleeding changes. After taking Plan B, your next period may start earlier or later than you expect, and it could be heavier or lighter than usual. To understand why you have to know how emergency contraception works.
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Understanding Your Next Menstrual Cycle And Fertilization
If you are trying to get pregnant you need to understand how the menstrual cycle works. The process starts when the thick lining of your womb starts to break up due to the decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels.
Without a sufficient amount of these hormones, your body will shed the lining and it will start to prepare for your next menstrual cycle.
However, if a sperm does make contact with and fertilizes the egg, it will close all pores to prevent more sperms from getting in there. The fertilized egg will stay in the fallopian tube for 3-4 days and then move to the uterus and attach to its wall, staying there for the long haul of pregnancy.
Your body will produce human Chorionic Gonadotrophin or pregnancy hormone right away .
The body will continue to produce the required estrogen and progesterone hormones so that the womb lining will not be shed and the placenta can grow mature enough that it can support the pregnancy.
Can You Ovulate More Than Once During A Cycle
A woman should not ovulate more than once during each cycle. This is due to a careful balance of hormones and their levels it takes just the right timing and release of hormones to bring on the release of a mature egg. Therefore, she cannot get pregnant more than once during a cycle. Remember, if you are not using a tracking method such as OPKs, basal body temperature, or cervical mucus, there is no guaranteed way to pin down the day you are ovulating. Many period tracking apps will give you your day of ovulation, but this is only an estimation of when it might happen. Thus, two days after the predicted ovulation day may not be a safe day to have sex to avoid pregnancy, since its possible that you have not actually ovulated yet.
Multiple ovulation is another phenomenon that can occur and is when two or more eggs are released in a single cycle. The eggs are released during one 24 hour period and are responsible for the birth of fraternal twins. It is believed that this may occur in as many as 5-10% of all cycles but does not result in that many twins due to a type of miscarriage referred to as the vanishing twin phenomenon.
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How Do I Calculate My Fertility Window
How To Use This Ovulation Calendar Tool
- Pick a date on the calendar that matches the day you started your last period
- The calendar will display your estimated ovulation date, marking it in red.
- The days leading up to your ovulation date will appear marked in purple those are the days you are likely the most fertile.
- If you have records of how long your own menstrual cycle lasts, change the default number of 28 days in the dropdown menu in the results box for a more accurate calculation.
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When Should I See A Doctor About My Menstrual Cycle
Contact your doctor or your local Planned Parenthood health center if:
Youre worried that you might be pregnant because youve had unprotected sex and missed your period.
Your period is so heavy that you have to change maxi pads or super tampons every hour.
Your period lasts much longer than usual, or longer than 7 days.
You’re light-headed, dizzy, or your pulse is racing.
Youre 16 years old and still havent gotten your period.
You have severe pain before or during your period.
You have unusual bleeding between periods.
You suddenly feel sick or get a fever when using a tampon.
Your periods or PMS keeps you from your normal day-to-day activities.
Your periods stop or suddenly become irregular.
Your period comes more often than every 21 days or less often than every 45 days.
You get very anxious or depressed around the time you get your period.
How Do I Know When I Will Get My Next Period
Its impossible to predict when your next period will start. Most girls and women go about 28 days from the first day of one period to the first day of the next, but anywhere from 21-35 days is normal. Especially in the first few years of menstruating, your period may be very irregular. If you track your period on a calendar , you will begin to notice a pattern over time. You can use this menstrual diary to keep track of your periods.
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When Will I Ovulate How To Work Out Your Ovulation Date
There are a few methods used mostly depending on the hormone surge that occurs prior ovulation. Mr Faris says, This includes temperature rise, cervical mucus and urine ovulation
He warns, however, They may not be accurate as some women may not show signs of ovulation but would have ovulated already. The best advice would be trying naturally soon after the period is over till day 20 of the cycle, but it could be extended .
While Dr Matthew Prior from Dr Fertility explains, Some women can tell if they are ovulating where others cant. When you ovulate, you may notice a change in your discharge and a slight increase in temperature or change in urine ovulation predictor kits.
While these are all useful tools there is no evidence to suggest monitoring your cycles improve your chance of getting pregnant. This is because sperm can survive for several days in the reproductive system so as long as you are having sex every couple of days it is not important to get the timing to coincide with ovulation.
But if you want to try it, heres a step by step guide to working out your ovulation date