What Should Your First Period Look Like

Introducing Your Child To Their First Period

What does the first period feel like?

As the subject of the first menstruation is often neglected, it is no wonder that young girls and all menstruating people may have a distorted view of the process and may not fully understand the symptoms and meaning of the entire period of puberty. For many women, the appearance of bleeding appears to be unfit and precludes them from taking part in a lot of activities. It is important not to treat menstruation as a disease on the contrary, it indicates the proper functioning of the body and its proper development concerning the age of the girl. Unfortunately, most of us got the stigma of the school corridor, where we hastily walked with a sanitary napkin hidden under the sleeve. That is why it is worth talking about your experiences and overcoming this unnecessary fear together!

If youre a parent and you would like to introduce your child to menstruation but dont know how we got your back!

American scientists conducted research that proved that people with a uterus whose relatives engaged in conversations about the menarche had much better experiences and subsequent bleeding was not that stressful for them. Others, when listing associations with the term “menstruation”, used terms such as “trauma” and “shame”. Blood has negative connotations, so it’s no wonder that without proper explanation, period causes a lot of anxiety and fear.

Will My Period Change After Pregnancy

Many new moms are surprised by how much they bleed after having a baby. For two to three weeks after a vaginal or cesarean section delivery, they experience what looks like a heavy period. This is called lochia, a mix of blood and uterine tissue the body doesnt need after pregnancy.

Like a period, it typically starts heavy and becomes lighter over time, eventually ending with some spotting. The color will transition from dark red to brownish-pink to off-white. However, you are not ovulating regularly yet releasing eggs from your ovaries so lochia isnt a true menstrual period.

Cramping further blurs the line between lochia and menstrual bleeding. Your uterus expands several times its size to keep up with the growth of your baby after birth, it shrinks back down. The muscle contractions from this process feel similar to period cramps.

Caring for a newborn will consume most of your attention, but be sure to monitor the amount of blood youre losing during the first few weeks after delivery. Up to 5% of patients experience uncontrolled bleeding, or postpartum hemorrhage, a condition accompanied by symptoms such as low blood pressure, pale skin, and nausea.

If your blood loss seems excessive, see your provider right away. After lochia ends, the timing, flow, and duration of every womans period varies, but enough similarities exist to answer common questions about postpartum menstruation.

Why Do Period Poops Hurt

There are several reasons why passing a bowel movement may hurt during your period. These include:

  • Constipation: prostaglandins and progesterone can make you constipated. If you are experiencing hard and dry stools during your period, they may be painful to pass.
  • Menstrual cramps: you might experience a flare in menstrual pain when straining to pass a bowel movement.
  • Pain sensitivity: During your period, you are more sensitive to pain. So you may experience more pain and have a heightened awareness of it.

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How Long Do 12 Year Olds Periods Last

The average period lasts 3-5 days. It can be shorter or longer than that, depending on your body.

At 12, youre at the tail end of puberty which means youll probably start having periods regularly by this age. But its not unusual for girls to start menstruating earlier or later than this, especially if theyre overweight or underweight, or if they have an eating disorder.

If youre still not getting your period by age 15, talk to your doctor about it so they can help figure out the cause and how to treat it.

How long do 12 year olds periods last?

The average period lasts 3-5 days. It can be shorter or longer than that, depending on your body.

At 12 years old, youre at the tail end of puberty which means your periods will probably begin regularly now . But its not unusual for girls to start menstruating earlier or later than this age range it depends on your weight, whether youve been exercising a lot lately, and more factors like these. If you havent begun yet but think you should have started by now , talk to a doctor who can help figure out whats going

How long does a period last?

The average length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days. However, it can be shorter or longer depending on how many days you ovulated. If you have a regular cycle, your period should start about two weeks after ovulation.

If you are not sure what day it is, or if you are worried about having a late period, then you should use a pregnancy test.

What Are The Signs My First Period Is Coming Soon

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The best way to predict your first period is to notice the changes happening to your body during puberty. The body changes that predict your first period most accurately are your breasts, pubic hair, and height. Most periods start 1½ to 3 years after breasts first start growing, when the pubic hair has filled in, and about 6 months after your fastest growth in height. Obviously, that doesnât tell you the day, the week, or even the month it will start, so you will just have to accept that your first period will be a bit of a surprise. Thatâs why itâs so helpful to be prepared â just in case!

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What To Do When It Starts

When a period begins, try to find a way to absorb the blood. A female can do this by asking a friend or family member for a pad or tampon.

If it is not possible to use a pad or tampon, try to wrap something absorbent, such as toilet paper or a clean washcloth, around the crotch area of some underwear. This can absorb the blood and prevent leaks.

It can be helpful to prepare a period kit before the first period arrives. This can help with feeling ready. This period kit could consist of:

  • an extra pair of underwear
  • a variety of tampons and pads, so a female can choose what works best for them
  • unscented baby wipes to clean any leakages

Most periods last for

The following sections will look at some absorption methods in more detail.

Be Clear And Straightforward

Girls typically start puberty between ages 8 and 13, though it can happen earlier or later. While thereâs no way to pinpoint exactly when itâll happen, this milestone usually happens 6 months after a girlâs fastest growth spurt.

A good way to bring up the topic is to simply to ask your child if theyâve noticed any changes with their body that theyâd like to discuss, says Melissa Dundas, MD, an adolescent medicine doctor at Hassenfeld Childrenâs Hospital at NYU Langone. âThis allows the child to invite parents into that safe space to facilitate a conversation.â

Whether your child asks questions or not, you should consider that they might be stressed, scared, or confused about whatâs going to happen â and that good information can help a lot.

Start with the basics. You should explain that some bloody fluid will trickle out of the slowly over the course of 3 to 7 days, and that sheâll use pads or tampons to collect it so it doesnât get on her clothes.

You should also explain that some women get premenstrual symptoms like bloating, cramping, headaches, and breast tenderness. These arenât very common when a girl gets her first few periods, but they are possible, so she shouldnât be totally caught off-guard.

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What Causes A Period

A period happens because of changes in hormones in the body. Hormones are chemical messengers. The ovaries release the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones cause the lining of the uterus to build up. The built-up lining is ready for a fertilised egg to attach to and start developing. If there is no fertilised egg, the lining breaks down and bleeds. Then the same process happens all over again. It usually takes about a month for the lining to build up, then break down. That is why most girls and women get periods around once a month but sometimes can get little less or more often.

Should I Watch Out For Any Problems

what to do when you get your FIRST PERIOD!! *like right after you get it*

Most girls dont have any problems with periods but contact the doctor if

  • Age 15 and havent started period
  • Have had period for more than 2 years and it still doesnt come regularly
  • Theres untimely bleeding between periods
  • Have severe cramps that dont get better with painkillers
  • Having very heavy bleeding
  • Have periods that last more than about a week
  • Suffering from a severe premenstrual syndrome that gets in the way of everyday activities

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Why Have My Periods Not Started Yet

Your periods will start when your body is ready. This is usually between age 10 and 16, or 2 years after your first signs of puberty.

Possible reasons for delayed periods include being underweight, doing lots of exercise , stress and a hormone imbalance.

See a GP if your periods have not started by age 16 . Your GP may suggest a blood test to check your hormone levels.

You may be referred to a specialist to find out what’s causing your delayed periods and discuss any treatments that might help.

Why Do We Have Periods

  • Day one of your cycle is the first day of your period. This is when your uterus starts shedding the lining it has built up over the last 28 days.
  • After your period is over, the lining of your uterus starts to build up again to become a thick and spongy nest in preparation for a possible pregnancy.
  • On day 14 , one of your ovaries will release an egg, which will make its way through a fallopian tube and will eventually make its way to your uterus .
  • On day 28 , if you have not become pregnant, the lining of your uterus starts to shed. This is your period. The blood you lose during your period is the lining of your uterus.

The menstural cycle

If you have sex during a cycle, and your egg meets a sperm, you can become pregnant. When youre pregnant, you dont get your period.

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Is The First Period After A Miscarriage Painful

The first period after a miscarriage may be more painful than in the past, especially if ovulation doesnt take place. Thats because the endometrial lining becomes thicker when you dont ovulate and menstrual pains and cramps tend to worsen with a heavier flow.

Keep in mind that your periods should eventually get back to the way they were before your miscarriage given a few cycles.

Why Women Have Periods

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The purpose of this blood is to provide nutrients for a fertilized egg if you were to become pregnant. While girls start having their periods early in their lives, most dont decide to start a family until theyve already been having their periods for many years. Most women stop having periods when they are between 45 and 55 years old. This is called menopause.

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When Should I Expect My First Period

Most girls get their first period somewhere between the ages of 10 and 14, with an average of just over 12 years old. Its hard to tell when your first period will arrive. It usually happens about two years after the first signs of puberty , and about a year after you begin growing pubic hair. You will also notice white or yellowish vaginal discharge in the few months leading up to your period.

There are numerous factors that are thought to influence the age of the first period, including:

  • Parental education
  • Illness and stress

The average age of the first period has been decreasing over time. In 1900 in the United States, the average age of the first period was between 14 and 15 years of age. The decreasing age of the onset of menstruation seems to have levelled off now at 12.

There is no way to predict exactly when you will get your first period, and there is nothing you can do to make it start, except wait. If you are worried about your first period, talk to your family doctor.

If you are sexually active, you will need to consider the possibility that you could get pregnant once you have your period. In fact, you can even get pregnant if youve never menstruated, since its possible to ovulate before your first period. There are many forms of birth control available read about them here. You are also at risk of sexually transmitted infections if you are sexually active learn how to protect yourself.

Will Exercise Stop My Period

Being active can cause menstrual abnormalities, but it takes a lot of very intense exercise. Usually, only women who compete professionally experience changes in their periods. Why this happens isn’t clearly understood, but is likely a combination of extreme exercise, an increase in lean body mass, not eating enough or getting the proper nutrients, and stress related to competition.

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The Onset Of Menstruation

Periods can start anytime between nine to sixteen years of age, but it varies widely, depending on racial, ethnic and genetic factors. On an average 80 per cent of girls start menstruating by 11-13 years of age. Periods is the hallmark of the onset of the reproductive capacity of a girl. Once a girl starts her period, she is capable of becoming pregnant. This happens because of a complex interaction between the pituitary and ovarian hormones. It actually prepares the uterus for pregnancy and when there is no pregnancy, the bed sheds down in the form of menstruation.

Initially, she can have irregular periods as it takes some time for ovulation to become regular and cycles to be regular because of hypothalamic immaturity. And sometimes a girl may bleed twice in a month or sometimes it may be once in two months.

Your First Period Guide: Age Symptoms Duration & More


If youâre looking to learn more about when to expect a first period or how to manage it, congratulations on being prepared! Knowing what to expect when getting your period and having accurate information can really increase confidence and decrease worries as puberty progresses and first periods arrive! So whether youâre preparing for your first period or youâve already started and just want to learn more about it, weâve got you covered.

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How Much Will I Bleed During My First Period

Your first period, as well as the next few after that, are often very light. Thatâs because your body is just getting a hang of this whole menstruating thing and hasnât quite sorted out what to do with all the new hormones floating around your body.

Your period may get heavier after the first day or so, or it may stay light. Your body will do its own unique thing. There is no right or wrong. Just keep in mind that you may not bleed much on your first period.

How Much Blood You’ll Lose

There is also a great range in how much blood flow each woman loses during her period. You may have a heavy flow and need to change your pad or tampon frequently. Or you may have a light flow with barely any blood loss.

Usually, your flow will be heaviest at the beginning of your period. It may start out light, get heavier, and then get lighter again until it’s over. It’s also common to see some small clots or pieces of tissue in your menstrual blood. Most women’s periods last from 3 to 7 days.

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What Are Some Common Menstrual Problems

There are a variety of problems that can occur with the menstrual cycle. Some of the common problems are covered briefly below but its best to discuss any specific period problems with your local doctor, Family Planning clinic, or Aboriginal Medical Service .

Painful periods

Most people have some pain with their periods. This common type of period pain is caused by hormones which make the muscles in the uterus cramp so that it can shed its lining during a period. As long as its not particularly severe and it settles after a couple of days, its probably nothing to be concerned about. Pain-relieving and anti-cramping medications, a hot water bottle or a heat pack on the lower abdomen might help make sure to read and follow the instructions on the packet.

If the pain is severe and the treatments you are using are not helping, other pain relieving medications and/or a hormonal method of contraception can be used as treatment options. The most common method used is the combined oral contraceptive pill.

If severe period pain is still experienced after trying all these treatments there may be an underlying condition such as endometriosis.


There are different ways to treat endometriosis. Treatments include hormonal contraception like the pill or a hormonal IUD. There may be surgical options for some people where hormonal options do not work.

Heavy periods

If your periods are heavy, see your doctor for advice.

Absence of menstrual periods

Unusual vaginal bleeding

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