How To Make Your Period Flow Heavier

Does The Copper Iud Cause Irregular Periods

How to get heavy flow during periods | Less bleeding during periods, Cause & Treatment home remedy

As your body is adjusting after your placement or removal, copper IUD side effects sometimes include irregular periods. Unfortunately, bleeding in between periods with copper IUDs is quite normal. The copper IUD may cause bleeding in between cycles when youre not on your period, light to moderate spotting, and periods that are more difficult to track.

Women often report period changes after their copper iud removal more than when they first get it inserted.

How Do You Know If You Have Heavy Periods

First things first how do you know if you have a heavy period? Normal period blood loss is considered 30-80 mL, approximately 1-6 tablespoons. But what does that really mean?

Here are the most common signs that your period is truly heavy:

  • Your period lasts longer than 7 days.
  • You need to use more than 6 pads or tampons per day, not fully soaked, or youre soaking through more than two pads or tampons in a day.
  • You typically need to change your pads or tampons after only 1 or 2 hours.
  • Youre regularly soaking through your clothes on your period, or youre having to double up on pads so you dont.
  • You have to change your tampon or pad during the night.
  • Youre passing blood clots the size of a quarter or larger with your period blood.
  • Youre having to plan your activities around your period.

If you consistently have a heavy period, you may also find yourself feeling weak, tired and sluggish during the day, which can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia due to a consistently heavy period.

Vitamin C To Make Your Period Flow Lighter

Even though vitamin C has been used in some circles as a remedy for heavy menstrual bleeding, it is still unclear on how it ties to menstrual health. One study showed that intake of 200mg of vitamin C thrice a day lessened bleeding in 87 percent of the women tested.

Many women get adequate vitamin C from some of the foods that they consume, and therefore, do not require any kind of supplementation. But, there are situations when your doctor may recommend that you take some supplement. The best effective remedy is to allow your doctor to determine the underlying cause for the heavy bleeding.

Iron deficiency

At times, heavy period bleeding can lead to the development of a condition known as iron deficiency anemia. When a woman does not have enough iron in her blood, it leads to a reduction in the total number of red blood cells that are present. In return, this affects the oxygen levels present in the blood, which can lead to reduced cell functions.

Even though it is recommended that you see a physician as a way of diagnosing and treating the condition, it is possible to correct the problem by taking iron based supplements. Consuming iron in conjunction with vitamin C will assist in increasing the absorption of iron.


You should also be on the lookout for side effects that could potentially be harmful e.g.

  • Lightheadedness
  • Severe side or back pain
  • Painful or bloody urination

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How Does Abnormal Bleeding Feel On A Daily Basis

Your flow is heavy if:

  • Soaks through your tampon or pads every hour for a few hours in a row
  • You need to change pads or tampons during the night
  • You collect more than 30ml of blood in your menstrual cup
  • You fully soak 6 or more regular pads/tampons

Your flow is medium if:

  • You use between two and five regular pads/tampons
  • You collect between ten and 25ml of blood in your menstrual cup

Your flow is light if:

  • You use between one and two regular pads/tampons
  • You collect between 5 and 10 ml of blood in your menstrual cup

Your flow is very light if:

  • Pantyliners are sufficient for preventing leakage
  • You collect less than 5ml of blood in your menstrual cup

Period tracking and why is it important? Click here to learn more

Signs And Symptoms Of Heavy Periods:

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Diagnosing heavy periods isnt always easy and women can often have the odd heavy one and then return to normal again. Below we outline some signs to look out for. If these are occurring more often than not, then it might suggest that your periods are heavy.

How much blood you lose:

The amount of blood loss per period is the obvious indicator of how heavy your period is. Periods are considered heavy if you lose more than 60 80ml per period . However, unless you have a tablespoon handy this might be hard to measure. Generally, if you are having to change your pad or tampon every hour for several consecutive hours then this is classed as a heavy period.


Flooding is a heavy surge of blood loss that often results in you soaking through your period product and onto your clothes or bedding. This shouldnt happen for an extended period of time or you can become anaemic very quickly. Frequent flooding suggests you have heavy periods.

Note make sure you are choosing the right period products for you. If the shape or size is wrong, you could leak as a consequence and confuse this for flooding.

Changing your period product during the night:

Generally having to get up during the night to change your period products can suggest you have a heavy flow.

During the night gravity means blood loss should be even slower, although flooding is more likely to occur when you stand up after a nights sleep if your periods are particularly heavy.

Blood clots:

Length of your period:

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Why Is It Important To Induce Menstruation

It is not rare that women and girls for more comfortable holiday use hormone therapy to accelerate the menstrual cycle. If you are expecting some important event or you just paid holidays right when your period should come, and when you could not enjoy quite free, you can try some inducing period tricks.

Perhaps the best way to regulate the menstrual cycle is starting to take birth control pills. But, for this, you should talk to your doctor, who will recommend the most appropriate for your situation. The pill regulates the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body. These pills are often prescribed to women under 35 and can improve other problems like acne.

You should also keep in mind that the weight you have can affect your period: overweight makes you produce more estrogen, which prevents ovulation. Therefore, losing weight is an excellent way to regulate period cycles. There is also the other extreme: losing too much weight or being below ideal weight can provoke amenorrhea or lack of menstruation.

But before you decide to accelerate menstruation in any way, make a pregnancy test for early detection of pregnancy, as many things below may negatively affect pregnancy and cause tragic consequences. Therefore, if there is any chance that you are pregnant, do not attempt to accelerate the period.

What Is ‘heavy’ Bleeding

It’s hard to pinpoint an exact amount when it comes to what constitutes a heavy period, as it varies a lot from woman-to-woman, but it’s thought 90% of women lose less than 80mls, so if you’re losing more than that, your period would likely be considered abnormally heavy. But a better way of knowing if you suffer from heavy periods could be having to change your tampon or sanitary towels too often, having to use both of these together or experiencing ‘flooding’ through to your clothes or bedding.

Foods that can increase menstrual bleeding

Some women, like Kaz Le Mac author of Foods that Cause Menostaxis: My Experience, believe certain foods trigger the condition. Because Kaz has no preexisting medical causes for excessive menstrual bleeding, over 19 years she’s experimented with foods to see if they coincide with heavier or prolonged bleeds.

She emphasises that eliminating certain foods is for women who experience menorrhagia through natural reasons and who aren’t on birth control. Kaz calls it the 28-14 Diet, as she has a cycle of 28 days and cuts out trigger foods the week before and during her period.

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Consider Herbs For Your Flow Type

Herbs work well for addressing menstrual cycle issues, especially when the blood quality is poor.

Single Herbs and Herbal Formulas to Learn More About:

Vitex This herb has an action on the pituitary gland, the master gland involved in hormonal regulation. Vitex promotes healthy hormonal balance, which is important for a healthy menstrual cycle.

Dong Quai Promotes circulation to the uterus, is iron rich which helps to build the blood, encourages a healthy menstrual flow, great for light/scant periods.

Dr. Aviva Romm shares in her text Botanical Medicine for Womens Health that Dong Quai has blood vessel relaxing effects due to the nicotinic acid and coumarin is contains. This is both helpful for circulation and improving menstrual cramps. Romm shares, Interestingly, several studies have shown dong quai to act as a muscle relaxant overall, but to stimulate the uterus briefly before relaxing it.

FertiliCare Phase 1 & 2 These herbal formulas contain the key herb Rehmannia for promoting regular menstrual cycles and flow.

RejuvaFlow Missing your period? RejuvaFlow is a blend of key herbs that have been used traditionally to bring back the menstrual cycle.

Slow Flow Just like the name, this herbal formula is designed to slow the blood flow for those with heavy menstrual bleeding. Slow Flow is a blend of herbs that are astringent, aiding the body in reducing blood loss and encouraging a healthy menstrual flow.

Very Heavy Menstrual Flow

How to Slow Down Heavy Menstrual Bleeding – Heavy Periods Treatment

When periods are very heavy or you are experiencing flooding or passing big clots you have what doctors call menorrhagia. The purpose of this article is to define normal and very heavy menstrual bleeding, to explain what causes heavy flow, and to show what you yourself can do in dealing with heavy flow.

This, and the article called Managing MenorrhagiaEffective Medical Treatments for your doctor or health care provider, are to help you avoid surgeries for heavy flow (

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What Is A Typical Period Volume For People On Progestin

There are many different types of hormonal birth control, all containing differing types and levels of hormones. Some types of birth control do not contain any estrogens and only contain progestinâa synthetic form of progesterone . These methods include progestin-only pills , progestin injections , or progestin implants .

Are There Any Risks To Consider

Ibuprofen may provide some relief in the short term, and it may offer a level of convenience in being available over the counter, but its generally not recommended as a long-term treatment for heavy periods.

Long term use of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen has been linked with kidney disease, blood pressure issues and stomach ulcers. Other common side effects include indigestion, headaches and drowsiness, especially when its taken in higher doses.

Using ibuprofen may not be suitable for people with existing conditions such as liver or kidney disease or stomach ulcers.

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Ibuprofen or other NSAIDs should only be used as a first-line treatment, before discussing longer-term solutions with a medical practitioner.

If heavy and/or painful periods are a consistent issue, there might be an underlying cause. In this case, the evidence suggests ibuprofen does not significantly reduce menstrual flow. So if this is something you struggle with every month, talk to your doctor to find a safe, long-term solution.

There are many evidence-based options available for managing heavy menstrual bleeding in the longer term, such as the oral contraceptive pill or the hormonal IUD. Your doctor can assess your individual circumstances and potential risk factors to see what will be right for you.

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How To Get Rid Of Heavy Period Surgically

Surgery can be an option if medically treatment of heavy flow fails. If you already completed childbirth, then surgery option totally solves your bleeding problems.

Endometrial ablation

This process uses an electrical diathermy loop to destroy the endometrium preventing it from regenerating.


Removal of the fibroid mass

What Causes Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

How to stop Heavy and Long Menstrual Periods pt 2 ...

Hormonal Imbalances During adolescence or menopause are the most common causes of heavy menstrual flow. When youre just starting out, or a few years before menopause sets in, your body is undergoing drastic hormonal changes which could lead to heavier flow.

Likewise, non-hormonal birth control devices such as IUDs could create hormone imbalances. Another common problem with IUDs is adenomyosis, a condition where the glands from the lining of the uterus become imbedded in the muscular wall. This problem is most likely to occur in middle-aged women who have given birth multiple times.

Miscarriages Speaking of giving birth, miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies could lead to heavier period flows. An ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg becomes implanted within a fallopian tube instead of within the uterus.

Uterine Tumors Heavy bleeding could be a sign of noncancerous uterine tumors, which typically occur during childbearing years. Rarely, it may also be a sign of uterine, ovarian, or cervical cancer. Diseases such as thyroid, kidney, liver, or pelvic inflammatory may also contribute to heavy period flows. Blood platelet disorders and lupus are other conditions that could be causing your monthly problems.

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Stopping Periods With Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain medication. During your periods, taking small amounts of ibuprofen may help prevent bloating. It can also help relieve period or menstrual cramps.

Ibuprofen contains small amounts of synthetic hormones that can inhibit prostaglandin from functioning properly. Prostaglandin hormone is the hormone responsible for smooth menstruation. It helps with proper contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the stomach or uterus. Taking ibuprofen can thus help stop your period.

If you would wish to use this method to stop your period, then it is important to have your health care provider prescribe the right dosage. This will often vary from one person to the other. The dosage will depend on your general health, individual body characteristics, and how heavy your menstrual flow is.

Common side effects of having an overdose will include the following:

  • Stomach ulcers
  • Digestive and breathing problems in some people

Why Do Scanty Periods Happen

Scanty periods may be caused by poor blood circulation. If diet intake has more of the bad fats, this can lead to possible cholesterol deposits in the vessels.

When this happens, the flow of blood may be blocked by these deposits. As a result, there will be less blood flow and there is also the possibility of experiencing cramps.

Other possible reasons include diabetes, an injury, and inflammation of the vessels.

Women who suffer from irregular menstrual patterns and quantity may return to healthy food intake to correct the issues.

There are specific foods that can increase blood flow during menstruation as well as improve the periods pattern.

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