Can Fibroids Cause Spotting And Bleeding Between Periods
Statistics show that approximately 25% of women experience abnormal bleeding during their cycle, which includes heavy bleeding, irregular bleeding, spotting, breakthrough bleeding, or abnormally prolonged bleeding. Today we want to talk about how uterine fibroids and bleeding between periods are related.
Menstrual periods vary among women, but there are universally accepted standards for the duration of each, how much bleeding there should be, and how often they should occur. Periods that last 3-7 days with blood loss between 3-5 tablespoons total occurring approximately every 21-35 days and is considered normal.
Abnormal bleeding or spotting between regular menstrual periods can cause anxiety and frustration so a consultation with your OB/GYN is the best course of action. The cause behind irregular bleeding patterns could be related to the cervix, vaginal wall, contraceptives, uterine fibroids, and more rarely, cancer.
Abnormal Bleeding: Why Women Should Treat It Not Tough It Out
Women of any age can experience abnormal bleeding that is, bleeding that is heavy, lasts long periods of time, or occurs outside of regular menstrual cycles. When we say abnormal bleeding, the textbooks define it as blood loss from the uterus in excess of 2.8 ounces, or about a third of a cup over a few days. But who is actually measuring their blood loss? For practicality, abnormal bleeding is bleeding that interferes with regular activities.
Many women also deal with irregular periods that come so irregularly that they feel they are bleeding all the time or so infrequently that the bleed only once every 3-4 months. Though fewer periods may be desirable, it needs to be evaluated. Abnormal bleeding or spotting often happens:
- After menopause
- After sex
- Between periods
Abnormal bleeding is not normal, and you dont have to live with it.
Changes To The Cervix
Bleeding between your periods may be caused by changes in the cells of your cervix. This may be due to inflammation, hormonal changes, a Human Papilloma Virus infection or cervical cancer. If you have bleeding between your periods, your doctor will be able to examine your cervix using a speculum and can take a sample of cells for a cervical screening test.
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When To Get Emergency Medical Help
If you’re spotting between periods, don’t immediately assume the worst. Still, you should go to your doctor as quickly as possible.
Intermenstrual bleeding should never be accompanied by pain, fever, dizziness, or fatigue. If you are having these symptoms, seek emergency medical help.
For more information on outpatient medical care and specialty surgery, contact BASS Medical Group at 350-4044.
Why Am I Bleeding Between My Periods
Bleeding between periods can be caused by serious or benign causes. The most dangerous causes often involve pregnancy. A failed pregnancy, a pregnancy in which the egg implants in the fallopian tube, disconnection of the placenta from the uterus, or damage to the uterus can all cause bleeding. If you suspect any of these causes, you should seek medical evaluation as soon and as safely as possible. Otherwise, uterine fibroids, tumor, blood thinners, ruptured ovarian cysts and gynecological infections, and changes in contraceptive drugs can cause spotting.
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Does Bleeding Between Periods Mean You Have Cancer
It is not normal to bleed between periods and it is possible that such intermenstrual bleeding can indicate the presence of cancer of the reproductive organs. You need to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis.
Cancer of the uterus is the leading gynecologic cancer and it presents by abnormal bleeding. Bleeding between periods can also be a symptom of other gynecological cancers, including vaginal, cervical, ovarian and fallopian tube cancers. Abnormal bleeding is more common in post-menopausal women, so any abnormal bleeding necessitates an immediate visit to the doctor. Abnormal bleeding can also be a symptom of endometrial hyperplasia, a precursor to uterine cancer.
Can Bv Cause Bleeding Between Periods
It is possible, but spotting is not a common symptom of BV. However, you may develop the pelvic inflammatory disease if you do not seek treatment for bacterial vaginosis. Vaginal bleeding is a common symptom of PID, and you are more likely to notice bleeding during or after sexual intercourse.
You may also have vaginal bleeding due to many different medical conditions. It could be the result of an infection or have something to do with your reproductive system. Any hormonal issue may also lead to bleeding between periods. However, you should also bear in mind that it is quite normal to have light bleeding before menstruating this is especially true for teenagers who have just started their cycle. It is also normal to see spotting after beginning contraceptive pills you may also have occasional spotting when taking birth control.
Can BV cause bleeding between periods? It is quite unlikely but is certainly possible. However, if you have bacterial vaginosis, you will also have a discharge with a foul odor. If you do not have any vaginal discharge, your vaginal bleeding could be due to something else.
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Symptoms Of Spotting Between Periods
Irregular periods are often the first symptom of perimenopause. Women may find that their periods are shorter or longer than normal, and they might arrive at unpredictable times.
However, intermenstrual spotting is clearly different from a period as it occurs outside of a woman’s menstrual patterns, and she does not need tampons or pads to contain it.
Typically, a woman finds just a few drops of blood on her underwear, not enough to soak through a panty liner. Spotting generally lasts for one or two days and may have a light pink, red, or brown color.
Vaginal Bleeding Between Periods
Abnormal vaginal bleeding between periods is also called intermenstrual bleeding, spotting, and metrorrhagia. When bleeding occurs between normal periods, there are many possible causes.
While some causes may be easy to treat, others can indicate a serious underlying condition. Whether you notice spotting or heavier bleeding between periods, its important to see your doctor for testing, diagnosis, and treatment options. Potential causes of bleeding between periods include:
- a growth in your uterus or cervix
- stress
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Questions To Ask Your Doctor
- What is the likely cause of my abnormal uterine bleeding?
- Is my condition serious? Am I at risk for any other health problems?
- Based on the cause, what treatment options do you recommend?
- What are the risks and benefits of this treatment?
- Will the treatment affect my chances of getting pregnant in the future?
How Is The Cause Of Bleeding Between Periods Diagnosed
Your doctor may ask you about your general health and the nature of your normal periods and about the bleeding between your periods. They may also ask whether you could be pregnant.
Your doctor might feel your tummy, do an internal examination to check your vagina and look at your cervix using a medical device called a speculum. They may also swab your vagina to test for infections and take a cervical screening test to see if there are any changes in your cervix. You doctor may also ask you to do a blood test, a pregnancy test or go for an ultrasound.
Your doctor may also refer you to a gynaecologist, who is a medical doctor who specialises in womens health.
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Spotting In The Early Years
Spotting between periods can mean different things at early versus later stages of your reproductive cycle.
When you first start having your period, it may be quite irregular for months or even years. This is because your brain, ovaries, and uterus are still working on getting in sync hormonally. Unless your bleeding is excessively heavy or prolonged, it’s usually not a problem, according to Dr. Ford.
Once you become sexually active, spotting after intercourse raises a red flag. This is especially true if youre having unprotected sex or have just started having sex with a new partner.
Bleeding can signal a sexually transmitted infection , such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, that should be treated promptly, Ford says. Often, the cervix can be very friable or just bleed very easily from the infection, she explains.
Another condition that can lead to bleeding after intercourse is cervical entropion, in which the fragile glandular cells lining the cervical opening grow on the surface of the uterus.
Much more rarely, post-sex spotting can be a sign of cervical cancer. Your doctor can take a Pap smear, a sample of cells from your cervix to test for STIs and abnormal precancerous or cancerous cells.
Treatment For Bleeding Between Periods
The treatment for IMB varies according to the cause. If no cause is found, then treatment may not be required at all. It is however vital to establish the cause so important conditions such as pregnancy, infection and cancer can be treated appropriately.
If the IMB is found to be as a result of breakthrough bleeding from a contraceptive, alternative products can be tried if the bleeding doesnt settle over time.
: 23-12-2020
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Can Stress Cause Vaginal Bleeding
No, stress cannot cause vaginal bleeding. Stress can, however, cause an earlier or later menstrual cycle and cause bleeding in-line with a new cycle. If you have new mid-cycle bleeding and have not consulted a clinician, you should seek medical evaluation. It may be a sign of anything from a sexually transmitted infection , to fibroids, to a pregnancy, or it may have no definable cause.
How Is Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Treated
Doctors treat AUB based on what’s causing it.
If a girl has very heavy bleeding, her doctor might test for anemia and prescribe iron pills or other treatments. For very light or irregular bleeding that goes on for a long time, medical professionals often prescribe birth control pills. Birth control pills contain hormones that can help balance a girl’s menstrual cycle.
Most girls just need time for their bodies to adjust to their hormones. Eventually, their menstrual cycles get regular naturally. If you’re ever worried that your period might not be normal, talk to your doctor.
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When To See Your Doctor
If you notice any vaginal bleeding between periods, cancer could be the cause. However, to find out the truth and get a solution to the problem, visit your doctor who will organize necessary tests. Presence of additional symptoms could require you to have emergency medical attention. Such symptoms include:
- Fatigue
- Pain
- Dizziness
Once you get to a health facility, you will get a consultation and if necessary, undergo tests for STIs and pregnancy. The doctor may also find it necessary for you to get examined and tested in the following ways:
- Bimanual examination of the vagina
- Speculum examination
- Cervical screening for women aged 25 to 64
- Pelvic ultrasound scanning
Not Sure What To Do Next
If you are still concerned about bleeding between periods, check your symptoms with healthdirect’s online Symptom Checker to get advice on when to seek medical attention.
The Symptom checker guides you to the next appropriate healthcare steps, whether its self-care, talking to a health professional, going to a hospital or calling triple zero .
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When Should I Worry About Bleeding Between Periods
Its perfectly natural to be worried if you are bleeding between periods. Its unexpected, it often hurts , and there are chances it can be serious. But dont freak out the second you see a spot on your knickersgive your body time. With that in mind, however, there are some times when bleeding between periods is something to be concerned about.Heres what you need to watch out for:
- Heavy bleedingwere talking filling a pad, a tampon, or your proof® underwear in an hour.
- Feeling faint or dizzyif you feel faint along with the bleeding, get a snack , sit down, put your feet up, and call your doctor.
- Feverif youre also running a fever, check with your doctor. This likely indicates some kind of infection, and hopefully it can be taken care of with an antibiotic.
- Bleeding for a long timeif it lasts a day or two, thats not unusual. But if its like having a second period , you might want your doctor to schedule an ultrasound.
- Bleeding after sexif you start bleeding after having sex with your partner or you are sexually assaulted, let your doctor know immediately. She might want to give you a pelvic exam to make sure everything is ok.
- Postmenopausal bleedingif youve already experienced menopause, and you start bleeding, contact your physician right away.
How Is Bleeding Between Periods Treated
If you have not yet discussed your vaginal bleeding with your doctor, its important you make an appointment to do so, as vaginal bleeding cannot be treated without knowing the cause.
If your doctor has diagnosed the cause of your bleeding, you can treat the bleeding by following their advice, such as by taking a course of antibiotics if you have an infection, or by changing to a different form of contraception if the bleeding is caused by the contraception you have been taking. If the bleeding is light and isnt bothering you, and a serious cause of the bleeding has been ruled out, it may not be necessary to do anything at all.
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Why Am I Spotting Between Periods
It can be a little unnerving to experience spotting or bleeding at unexpected times between your periods. There are many reasons women may spot between periods, and while some of those reasons are nothing to worry about, others are more serious.
At Kelly Morales OB/GYN, our team provides compassionate, patient-centered gynecological care to women in the San Antonio, Texas, area using the latest evidence-based medicine. Dr. Morales understands the frustration and worry that unexpected spotting can bring.
Our care team has curated this information on spotting between periods to help you understand whats normal and whats cause for concern.
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Well tell you all about it.
What is it?
Abnormal uterine bleeding is any vaginal bleeding that occurs between periods, it is also known as intermenstrual bleeding or metrorrhagia.
What causes it?
Lack of Maturity in the Hormonal System
After the first period, the hormonal system is not yet mature, which causes some irregularities, such as spotting between periods. This can last up to 2 years.
Hormone Imbalance
The hormones responsible for regulating our menstrual cycle are estrogen and progesterone, so you may experience some abnormal bleeding if this balance is broken. Some conditions in the ovaries, using hormonal contraceptive methods, or taking the morning-after pill are possible causes of this mismatch.
Although slight spotting may be normal in the first trimester of pregnancy, complications during pregnancy can also cause bleeding. For example, in an ectopic pregnancy, which is when the fertilized egg is implanted in a fallopian tube instead of in the uterus.
Benign Growths
A growth of tissue in the cervix or uterus, such as polyps, can also trigger slight bleeding.
The cavity of the V Zone and the cervix are areas with many blood vessels, so an injury can also cause leaks.
Symptoms of some medical condition conditions can include inflammation and bleeding. In sexually transmitted diseases , such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, the V Zone may be so sensitive or damaged that it is also prone to bleeding more easily.
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What To Do If You Experience Spotting
Its important to track when spotting is happening and any other symptoms to share with your clinician.
You can make a few notes in a calendar on your phone or in a planner. Write down if you notice any major changes in the bleeding pattern or if the spotting is associated with symptoms that impact your life.
See your OB/Gyn or advanced practice provider if the irregular bleeding persists, gets worse, recurs, or if you experience any postmenopausal bleeding or bleeding after sex.
Also, if this irregular bleeding is associated with other symptoms, such as easy bruising, dizziness, fever, abnormal vaginal discharge or abdominal/pelvic pain, let your clinician know.
Your clinician may perform a pelvic exam, obtain cultures or order blood tests or imaging to take a closer look. He or she may also change your medication.
When Should You See A Doctor About Abnormal Bleeding
“You need to see a doctor if you dont have a monthly period or have more than one period per month. Feeling lightheaded or dizzy when you stand is also concerning,” says Dr. Schrop. She also urges women to see a doctor if they experience bleeding after going through menopause, or if they experience bleeding while pregnant.
Finally, Dr. Schrop says to see a gynecologist if you are experiencing any of the following:
- Bleeding that requires more than one tampon or sanitary pad in an hour, for several hours in a row
- Bleeding or spotting between periods
- Bleeding after having sex
- Nipple discharge
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When Do I Need Medical Attention For Spotting Between Periods
Most times, spotting between periods isnt a cause for an emergency visit. But since intermenstrual bleeding is never normal, you should talk to Dr. Morales about any spotting at your regular visit. If you have heavy or persistent bleeding or spotting between periods, its important to call for medical advice sooner.
Ready to talk to us about spotting between periods? Our compassionate team at Kelly Morales OB/GYB can help. Contact our San Antonio office by calling 210-570-7277 to schedule an appointment.
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