How To Stop Cramps While On Period

Some Herbal Tea Varieties Can Calm Cramping

How To Reduce Period Cramps While Sleeping – WATCH THIS BEFORE PERIODS

Certain teas may help relieve menstrual cramps, says Sonya Angelone, a registered dietitian nutritionist in the San Francisco Bay area.

Research on herbal teas for menstrual pain relief is scarce, but teas have been used by menstruating women in numerous cultures for centuries.

Chamomile and peppermint teas are often recommended for menstrual pain because they are calming to the body. Other teas associated with dysmenorrhea are those made from cramp bark, ginger, or fennel.

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Yes Period Poop Is A Thingheres Why Things Are Off + How To Help

Nicolai Women’s Health

Ladies, tell me if this sounds familiar: Youre humming along just fine all month with perfectly average digestion and thenBAM! Things suddenly become all out of sorts . Unfortunately, the topic of period poop isnt quite as easy to commiserate over as cramps and mood swings, so no one really addresses it.

But were here to tell you these cyclical changes in your bowel movements that crop up just before or during your menstrual cycle are actually pretty common, thanks to shifting levels of hormones and hormone-like substances in the body. Fortunately, there are ways to make this unpleasant side effect less severe. Let us explain.

Do Bananas Help With Leg Cramps

Bananas: A Time-Tested Treatment You probably know that bananas are a good source of potassium. But they’ll also give you magnesium and calcium. That’s three out of four nutrients you need to ease muscle cramps tucked under that yellow peel. No wonder bananas are a popular, quick choice for cramp relief.

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Do You Need To See A Doctor

If your menstrual cramps are unusual or severe, or if they last more than a few days, you may want to see your doctor. Painful period cramping is treatable, so anytime you’re worried about your symptoms, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor.

Your doctor may perform a pelvic exam to make sure everything is normal. They may also ask you questions about your menstrual period history, suggest lifestyle modifications, or even recommend and prescribe medicines that may help relieve your painful periods.

When To See A Doctor

Your Ultimate Period Survival Guide

A person may wish to talk to a doctor if home remedies do not help reduce cramps or if they are experiencing very severe cramps.

A doctor can suggest other home remedies to try or prescribe medications, such as birth control pills or some types of pain reliever, to manage the symptoms.

Other symptoms that may warrant a visit to the doctor include:

  • very heavy bleeding
  • cramps that get worse over time or with age
  • severe pain or discomfort
  • cramps that interfere with daily life

These symptoms may indicate an underlying condition, for which a doctor will be able to suggest an effective treatment.

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How Can You Tell If The Pain Of Your Menstrual Cramps Is Normal

If you have severe or unusual menstrual cramps or cramps that last for more than two or three days, contact your healthcare provider. Both primary and secondary menstrual cramps can be treated, so it’s important to get checked.

First, you will be asked to describe your symptoms and menstrual cycles. Your healthcare provider will also perform a pelvic exam. During this exam, your provider inserts a speculum . The provider is able to examine your vagina, cervix and uterus. The doctor will feel for any lumps or changes. They may take a small sample of vaginal fluid for testing.

If your provider thinks you may have secondary dysmenorrhea, you may need additional tests, such as an ultrasound or a laparoscopy. If those tests indicate a medical problem, your healthcare provider will discuss treatments.

If you use tampons and develop the following symptoms, get medical help right away: over 102 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Dizziness, fainting or near fainting.
  • A rash that looks like a sunburn.

These are symptoms of toxic shock syndrome, a life-threatening illness.

Keep Track Of Your Cycle

For those of you counting or guesstimating the days on the calendar for Aunt Flows visit, you probably hope that Aunt Flow doesnt drop by during the week of your exam. Every female student knows how disruptive periods are to her study schedules. If you are unfortunate to have Aunt Flow visit around your exam, you first have to accept the fact that it is going to happen during that crucial and stressful time. Instead of despairing, start preparing. It is important to study early, rest, exercise, stay hydrated, and pamper yourself. Yes, you do need to pamper yourself. No, pampering yourself won’t be a waste of time if you’ve studied enough.

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When All Else Fails Call The Doc

If nothing seems to be helping, talk to your gyno. They can check for any underlying causes, like endometriosis, that might be making your cramps extra-painful. She may also recommend birth control pills, which can thin the uterine lining and make cramps less intense. Cramps may be common, but they shouldn’t interfere with your life, so if you’ve tried everything and you’re still in pain every month, definitely let your doc know.

Do Some Light Exercise


This may sound like the worst idea ever, especially when you barely have the motivation to get off the couch to change your tampon. But don’t worry, you don’t have to run a 5K or anythinga short walk or a few minutes of yoga is enough to get your circulation going and loosen up your muscles. “Stretching and aerobic exercise help with the production of endorphins, which are your body’s feel-good hormones,” Dr. Winter says. Endorphins actually change the way your brain processes pain, so if you can power through those first few I-don’t-wanna-do-this minutes, a sweat sesh can help you feel a lot better.

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Low Back & Glute Stretch

The benefit: This move can help alleviate some of the tightness that may develop in your muscles from period cramping and bloating. Here, youll open up the outer hips, ribs, abdominals, and back.

The move: Start with the left foot flat, and right foot directly back from the hip at 6 oclock. Plant the ball of the back foot like youre wearing a stiletto heel and slightly bend the front knee. The left arm is going to reach straight out at shoulder height while the right arm reaches overhead. Sway the hips to the right as you reach up and out with the right hand. Repeat 6-8 times on both sides.

What To Pack If Youre Menstruating On The Day Of Your Exam

  • Pads and tampons. Remember to bring your goodies on the day of the exam. Its not fun to wear a soiled pad before an exam. If your flow is particularly heavy and youre concerned about leakage, consider getting an adult diaper. You shouldnt be worried about how to sit and angle your butt to prevent bloodly stains. No one, except you, will know that youre wearing one.
  • Water. Stay hydrated before, during, and after the exam.
  • Healthy snacks. Fruit and veggies good. If not, choose snacks low in sugar and sodium.
  • Pain medication. Bring some even if you typically don’t take pain medication during your period. It doesnt hurt to pack a small bottle in case you suddenly experience painful cramps. Your mind is under a lot of stress, and stress may cause you to experience symptoms you normally dont experience.
  • Materials to review. Study guides, outlines, lecture notes, flashcards, and etc. Don’t worry about bringing these if you’re taking an exam like the SAT or ACT.
  • Motivational cards. Youre under a lot of stress during the day of your exam. You want to be positive and stay positive. Write positive notes to remind yourself that youre ready for the exam. You can write messages like You can do it! or Aunt Flow will not defeat me! on index cards or a sheet of paper. If you dont want to waste paper, you can type the messages on your phone.

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Give Yourself An Acupressure Massage

Acupressure is a method almost as old as time. It’s been used for centuries and proved its effectiveness not only for pain relief but also as a treatment for various conditions. So if you’re not that lucky one who suffers no pain during her period, you might give it a try. Here are some points to press to normalize periods and relieve cramps and PMS symptoms:

  • First of all, Sea of Energy, which is located 2 fingers below your belly button, and Gate Origin, which is 2 fingers lower.
  • Then Mansion Cottage and Rushing Door, which are located next to each other in your pelvic area, in the middle of the creases where your legs are attached to your trunk.
  • The next group of points is called Sacral and are situated on your lower back, right over the coccyx.
  • Womb and Vitals can be found right outside your sacrum , halfway between the base of your buttocks and your hipbone.
  • Three Ying Crossing point is on your leg, 4 fingers above your ankle.
  • And the last point, called Grandfather Grandson, is on the upper arch of your foot, a finger-width from the ball.

By the way, when talking about alternative types of massage, chiropractic can also help you ease the pain.

What Causes Painful Menstrual Cramps

How to Stop Menstrual Cramps Naturally

Menstrual cramps happen when a chemical called prostaglandin makes the uterus contract . The uterus, the muscular organ where a baby grows, contracts throughout your menstrual cycle. During menstruation, the uterus contracts more strongly. If the uterus contracts too strongly, it can press against nearby blood vessels, cutting off the supply of oxygen to muscle tissue. You feel pain when part of the muscle briefly loses its supply of oxygen.

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How To Tell If Cramping Is A Sign Of A More Severe Problem

Cramping is painful but this can be your body telling you something is wrong. If over-the-counter pain medications dont help, you are crippled with pain or notice the cramps start before the period and last long after, speak to a doctor.

You could also experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting and digestive problems that could signal your cramps are caused by an underlying health issue. One sign your cramps are an underlying health issue is that you have cramps but no period.

Check out this article to find out more about why you sometimes get cramps, but your menstrual cycle isnt regular:


Sudden extreme cramping could be a sign that there is a problem in your ovaries. Your ovaries are a central part of your menstrual cycle, so if there is a problem, it could mean you have a more painful period. Keep a lookout for other signs and speak to a doctor if you are concerned.

Follow A Healthy Diet High In Fiber And Essential Fats

During menstruation, it is advisable to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Craving for junks during menstruation is a result of hormonal changes of the estrogen and progesterone getting reduced. This is how to stop cramps during periods, a well-balanced diet can help fight against cramps and keep your body healthy. It is advisable to eat fruits and other foods high in fiber and essential fats, and dont forget about boron and calcium during this period. Some of the prescribed foods for consumption are as follows:

  • Broccoli: this food has a high fiber content that can help fight against menstrual symptoms. It has various nutrients such as vitamins, potassium and magnesium. Broccoli can help fight against bloating since it is very high in water.
  • Dairy products, leafy green vegetables, soy, sesame seeds, almonds are rich in calcium. Calcium can help reduce period muscle cramps.
  • Salmon, walnuts, avocado, pumpkin and flaxseeds contain omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce muscle cramps during menstruation.

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What I Can Do To Relieve Pms

Many of the things that help ease cramps can also help with PMS. Here are some different ways to relieve PMS symptoms:

  • Take over-the-counter pain medicine like ibuprofen , naproxen , or acetaminophen . Always follow the instructions on the bottle. Talk with your doctor before taking pain medication if you have an allergy to aspirin or severe asthma.

  • Do aerobic exercise, like walking, running, riding a bike, swimming, or any activity that gets your heart rate up. Regular exercise is ideal.

  • Do breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga.

  • Get plenty of rest. Sleeping regularly every night can help with stress, mood changes, and feeling tired or fatigued.

  • Eat healthy foods like fruits, veggies , whole grains, and yogurt.

  • Limit fat, salt, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol.

  • Make sure you get enough vitamins in your diet, or take vitamin supplements. If you dont get enough calcium, take a supplement of 1200 mg of calcium daily. Magnesium and Vitamin E might also help.

  • Use hormonal birth control . Your doctor can help you find a birth control method that can help with PMS.

Birth Control Pills May Lessen Painful Cramping Too

How to Stop Period Cramps | Breathing Technique

While not exactly a home remedy, birth control pills and hormonal intrauterine devices are potential tools in your anticramping arsenal and should not be overlooked, Thielen says.

Consider cramp relief a benefit to some types of contraception. Many women find relief from painful cramps when they start the pill, Thielen says. Hormonal birth control typically lessens the amount of bleeding, and less bleeding can translate into fewer cramps, she says.

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Referral To A Specialist

If your period pain has not been controlled after 3 months of treatment with painkillers or a suitable hormonal contraceptive, your GP may refer you to a specialist, which will usually be a gynaecologist.

The specialist will carry out further tests to help confirm or rule out an underlying medical condition. Tests you may have include:

  • a urine or blood test
  • pelvic ultrasound where high-frequency sound waves are used to produce an image of the inside of your body it’s painless and will show any abnormalities in your reproductive organs
  • laparoscopy under general anaesthetic, a small cut is made in your abdomen through which a fibro-optic telescope is inserted it can be used to look at your internal organs as well as take samples of tissue
  • hysteroscopy allows the inside of the womb to be examined using a fibro-optic telescope it’s passed through your vagina and into the womb to check for abnormalities

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