How To Make Your Belly Stop Hurting On Your Period

Menarche And The Teenage Menstrual Cycle

[2020] STOP Your Stomach Pain and Menstrual Cramps INSTANTLY!

Menarche is a girl’s first menstrual period. A first period usually happens after breasts, pubic hair, and underarm hair have begun to grow. Menarche is a sign of growing up and becoming a woman. It can happen as early as about age 9 or up to age 15. The first few periods are usually light and irregular. About 2 out of 3 girls have a regular pattern of menstrual periods within 2 years of menarche.footnote 1 During the teen years, periods may become longer and heavier. For more information, see Menarche.

Tricks To Make Your Period Come

Has your period been due for a couple of days but hasnt started yet? Do you feel abdominal, stomach and period pains but your flow hasnt begun? First of all, it’s important to stay calm there are many causes that can explain why your menstruation period hasnt yet started. Stress, weather and illness are all factors which can contribute to having a late period. However, there are some natural remedies which can help induce a period faster.

If you have taken a pregnancy test and are sure you’re not pregnant, there are some measures which you can take to make your period come faster. In this oneHOWTO article, we aim to present you with some tricks to make your period come faster with home remedies.

The first thing you should do before inducing your period, is to find out why your period is late. First of all you should remember that there are many causes which can explain why your period hasn’t started and stress is one of them. That’s why, in this case, you should try and relax trying these tricks to get your period faster.

Here are a list of reasons that may explain why your period is late

  • Weight change.
  • Drug intake.

Heat will help your body’s vessels dilate faster, making it easier for your menstruation to come faster.

This infusion, however, isn’t recommended if you’re taking contraceptives. For more, take a look at ways to make your period come with herbs.

For more, take a look at our article on How to make your period come with Parsley.

Your Gut Isnt Healthy

Okay, this is a BIG one. The health of your GI tract is so intricately linked to the rest of your body . Practically every patient who comes to me with chronic health issues has some degree of imbalance in their digestive system.

When our guts are healthy, good things happen for us. We absorb our nutrients. Our friendly gut bacteria help us detoxify estrogen and reduce inflammation. Our hormonal systems are balanced. All good things!

But when our guts are not healthy, it sets the stage for all of the things that we dont want. Our metabolism doesnt work right. We become full of inflammation. Our immune system is imbalanced and we can develop autoimmunity. It can ruin our thyroid function. We cant get rid of excess estrogen. We cant absorb the nutrients we need. And the list goes on.

More specifically, when the bacteria and other microbes in our gut are out of balance, there are some key factors that directly contribute to period pain. Unfriendly bacteria have something called lipopolysaccharide on their outer surface. LPS is, by far, one of the most toxic and irritating substances known to the human body. And when the gut isnt healthy, LPS can move across the gut barrier and get into the bloodstream.

This creates a cascade of inflammation, revs up the immune system, blocks detoxification, and can specifically cause pelvic pain. In my practice, Ive been able to link LPS with headaches, acne, and a host of other chronic conditions.

Dont get me wrong!

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Drink More Water During Your Period Cramps

Drinking enough water during your period can help to prevent the body from getting dehydrated. Water intake can help to regulate proper functioning of the body cells. Lack of enough water in the body system can dispose women to physical and mental stress and improper functioning.

It is advisable to drink enough water at all times to keep your body active. But how much water is enough?

The Institute of Medicine recommends 9 cup of fluid total per day for women. The reduction in the amount of estrogen and progesterone can cause retention of water in the body. Drinking enough water can help to flush your system and keep you hydrated always.

Can You Use Vinegar To Stop Your Period

How to Stop Your Period Early

Though vinegar cant stop your cycle completely it can slow your flow and regulate your period. Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glassful of water and drink it. During your period, you could do this three times a day.

Hide it: If you are planning on having getting really close with someone, you should consider this method. Use these round spongy makeup pads and your flirt wont notice it. Another solution is to use a tampon cut to a third or half. Keep the string attached to make it easier to pull it out.

Gelatin: With this method, you can stop your period for a few hours. Buy gelatin from the grocery store and mix a package with water. Drink it fast and in about three hours your period should stop.

Lemon: Thats a tip your old aunty would give you, but it works. Chew on a piece of lemon and your period will stop or at least cut short. Read more about how to stop your period with lemon.

Bonus Tip: If you are considering a permanent solution, read this article: how to stop periods permanently.

Every woman and therefore every period is different. Not all of the tips will work for every woman. Try a few and see what has the best effect on you. If you are experiencing pain or heavy bleeding, go and see a doctor.

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How Can Women Take Care Of Bleeding And Symptoms

You can use pads, tampons, or menstrual cups to manage bleeding. Be sure to change tampons at least every 4 to 8 hours. Menstrual cups can be worn for up to 12 hours. Pads or menstrual cups may be best at night.

Many women can improve their symptoms by getting regular exercise and eating a healthy diet. It also may help to limit alcohol and caffeine. Try to reduce stress.

A heating pad, hot water bottle, or warm bath also can help with cramps. You can take an over-the-counter medicine such as ibuprofen or naproxen before and during your period to reduce pain and bleeding.

Take Otc Pain Medseven Before Your Period Starts

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen act by blocking prostaglandin production, and several studies have shown that they can be very effective in treating menstrual pain. All of the NSAIDs studied seem to work better than acetaminophen , according to a 2015 Cochrane Review of previous researchbut its not clear which one of the two is the best medicine for severe menstrual cramps.

Taking Motrin or Tylenol, or a combination of the two, every four to six hours can be helpful, says Dr. Worly. Sometimes it can also be helpful to start taking those medicines before your period startsso if you know its going to start on a Friday, start taking those medicines on Thursday.

Also Check: Is It Possible To Get Your Period And Be Pregnant

Referral To A Specialist

If your period pain has not been controlled after 3 months of treatment with painkillers or a suitable hormonal contraceptive, your GP may refer you to a specialist, which will usually be a gynaecologist.

The specialist will carry out further tests to help confirm or rule out an underlying medical condition. Tests you may have include:

  • a urine or blood test
  • pelvic ultrasound where high-frequency sound waves are used to produce an image of the inside of your body it’s painless and will show any abnormalities in your reproductive organs
  • laparoscopy under general anaesthetic, a small cut is made in your abdomen through which a fibro-optic telescope is inserted it can be used to look at your internal organs as well as take samples of tissue
  • hysteroscopy allows the inside of the womb to be examined using a fibro-optic telescope it’s passed through your vagina and into the womb to check for abnormalities

How To Tell If Your Period Cramping Is Normal

How to stop stomach ache pain naturally and fast

Each girl or woman typically experiences a similar level of cramps from one month to the next, says Jackie Thielen, MD, an internist and womens health specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. For some women, monthly pain is minor. For others, it can be quite debilitating.

The main question doctors ask when determining whether your cramps are normal is Are they normal for you? Dr. Thielen says.

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Relief For Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms

Curcumin, a natural chemical in turmeric, may help with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome . One 2015 study looked at 70 women who took two capsules of curcumin for seven days before their period and three days after. Participants reported significant reduction in PMS.

If you want to give curcumin a try, check out this recipe by In Jennies Kitchen for turmeric tea. Curcumin supplements are also available online.

Uterine Defects: Structural Oddities That Can Lead To Menstrual Cramps And Infertility Too

While a female fetus is still in its mother’s uterus, its own uterus develops from two structures known as Müllerian ducts. In some cases, the uterus does not form correctly, which can cause infertility, period pain, and painful intercourse. For women with structural anomalies such as a bicornuate uterus , septate uterus , unicornuate uterus , uterus didelphys menstrual cramps stem from blockages and membranes dividing the uterus and vagina.

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Food That Hurts: High

A high-fiber diet is usually a good thing. It can help prevent weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. But a sudden uptick can set off stomach cramps or make them worse. Your body needs time to get used to digesting the rough stuff. Add 3-5 grams of fiber a week to your diet until you reach the recommended 25-35 grams a day.

Birth Control For Period Cramps

How To Stop Your Period Early With Natural Remedies? Here ...

When you have period cramps you just can’t seem to relieve with the methods mentioned above, your doctor may prescribe birth control, which provides your body with hormones that may reduce your menstrual cramping. Talk to your doctor about your birth control options. They include birth control pills, injections, a patch, or an intrauterine device. Such a wide array of birth control options are available that there should be something that will work for your lifestyle and individual needs. Just make sure to let your doctor know youre hoping to find a birth control option that will provide relief from your menstrual cramping.

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Lifestyle Changes That Help Relieve Stomach Pain During Periods

It may be possible to find ways to deal with the painful days so they are less of a problem. For example, many women try to take things a bit easier in those days. Some find that relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, yoga or tai chi help them feel more relaxed and reduce stress. Getting a lot of exercises also helps relieve stomach pain during periods in some women.

Measures that may reduce the risk of Menstrual Cramps Include:

  • Eating fruits and vegetables and limiting the intake of fat, alcohol, caffeine, salt, and sweets
  • Exercising regularly
  • Reducing stress
  • Quitting smoking

If these also do not help over 2-3 months, then you can ask a gynecologist, to rule out infection or growth. Hence invasive procedures might be done for diagnostic purposes.

There is Another Type of Pain known as the MittelschmerzMittelschmerz is one-sided, lower abdominal pain associated with ovulation. German for middle pain, mittelschmerz occurs midway through a menstrual cycle about 14 days before your next menstrual period.

The Exact Cause of Mittelschmerz is Unknown, but Possible Reasons for the Pain Include these Just before an egg is released with ovulation, follicle growth stretches the surface of your ovary, causing pain. Blood or fluid released from the ruptured follicle irritates the lining of your abdomen , leading to pain.

Some Herbal Tea Varieties Can Calm Cramping

Certain teas may help relieve menstrual cramps, says Sonya Angelone, a registered dietitian nutritionist in the San Francisco Bay area.

Research on herbal teas for menstrual pain relief is scarce, but teas have been used by menstruating women in numerous cultures for centuries.

Chamomile and peppermint teas are often recommended for menstrual pain because they are calming to the body. Other teas associated with dysmenorrhea are those made from cramp bark, ginger, or fennel.

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Know Your Options For Next Time

With a bit of advance notice, you can try skipping a period next time you have plans and a period just wont do.

Hormonal birth control pills can safely reduce or eliminate periods in most people, but its still a good idea to check with your healthcare provider first to make sure theres no medical reason for you to keep your cycle as is.

How you skip a period with your birth control pills depends on the type youre using. Keep in mind this method can still result in some breakthrough bleeding, especially in the beginning.

Can Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Cause Menstrual Cramps

Quickly Stop Stomach Aches/Pain Self Massage

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the female reproductive tract that is most commonly caused by untreated sexually transmitted infections. Left untreated, PID can cause inflammation, scarring, painful menstrual cramps, and infertility.

most often occurs because sexually transmitted infections that cause PID can create scar tissue and adhesions in the pelvic region. During menstruation, hormones influence the uterus and surrounding structures including the scar tissue and adhesions which can increase inflammation, bleeding, and pain,” says Shilpi Agarwal, MD, a board-certified family medicine and integrative physician in Washington, DC, and a columnist for Everyday Health. If caught early, PID can be treated with antibiotics, but antibiotics wont undo any structural damage caused by the infection. Practice safe sex, and get tested frequently for any sexually transmitted infections, especially if you have severe period pain, Dr. Agarwal advises.

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Do Some Light Exercise

This may sound like the worst idea ever, especially when you barely have the motivation to get off the couch to change your tampon. But don’t worry, you don’t have to run a 5K or anythinga short walk or a few minutes of yoga is enough to get your circulation going and loosen up your muscles. “Stretching and aerobic exercise help with the production of endorphins, which are your body’s feel-good hormones,” Dr. Winter says. Endorphins actually change the way your brain processes pain, so if you can power through those first few I-don’t-wanna-do-this minutes, a sweat sesh can help you feel a lot better.

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