Early Pregnancy Symptoms Quiz
For each question, choose the best answer. The answer key is below.
No Period Not Pregnant
In a regular and healthy menstrual cycle a female generally has anywhere between 11 to 13 periods/ menstrual cycles each year. In a similar fashion, the average length of the period varies from three days to five days but sometimes can exceed to seven to ten days. A missed period is generally considered as an indicative of pregnancy but it does not always mean that pregnancy has taken place. There are some other conditions in which the notion of no period, not pregnant holds true i.e. there is absence of periods without pregnancy.
Home Pregnancy Test Accuracy
If used correctly and at the right time, home pregnancy tests are fairly accurate at detecting pregnancy. Used correctly means that you read the directions and follow them. Each test has slightly different directions, so if using different brands, it’s important to read the directions. Also, using the test at the right time makes a difference in ‘accuracy’. Women who test too early will get inaccurate results.
The absolute best time to take any pregnancy test is a few days after a missed period. This is when the hormone hCG, the pregnancy hormone produced by the growing balls of cells if there is indeed a pregnancy, is most easily detected by home pregnancy tests. Too soon before that and you may get a false negative as your body has not produced enough hCG.
Some tests do claim that they can get you early results, meaning results before your next expected period. If you truly read their statements, however, you’ll find that the early results are only possible for a small percentage of women, not every woman. It’s most likely a marketing ploy to encourage you to take more tests and hence spend more money.
I have had three different experiences with home pregnancy tests. With my first pregnancy, I saw a positive result on the day of my expected period. With my second pregnancy, I didn’t get a positive result until almost my sixth week of pregnancy . With my third, I was able to test two days before my expected period and get a positive result.
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Okay Maybe You’re Pregnant
Even if you are on reliable birth control and have been ~careful~, this should be your first instinct if your period is late or missing entirely. “The first three things to check for are pregnancy, pregnancy, pregnancy, this is the number-one thing I look for when you miss your periodeven if you don’t think you could be,” says Dr. Dweck. Plus, because early pregnancy symptoms can be so similar to PMS-y ones , it can be tough to tell the difference. Since it’s probably the first thing your ob-gyn office will inquire about, if you’ve been sexually active, go ahead and take an at-home pregnancy test to be sure.
Dont Ignore A Missed Period
If you keep track of your periods, youll probably know right away if something is amiss. Keep a period diary in your calendar or get an app designed for that purpose. Your period records can provide valuable information for you and your doctor.
Doctors want to know details about your previous periods so we can determine if theres an issue, Dr. Higgins says. An occasional late period is often the result of something minor, but if you frequently have late or irregular periods, check with your doctor to rule out other health conditions.
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Calculator: Is My Menstrual Period Late
Is your period late or could you be pregnant? Use this menstrual period calculator to see if your period is late or if a baby may be the way!
Missing a period, especially if you always had regular menstrual periods, is a significant event, so naturally, the next question that follows is, “Am I pregnant?” Pregnant women have no menstrual period. But not every woman who misses her period is pregnant.
I Had My Period Last Month And I Havent Had Sex In Two Months But I Am Late I Can’t Be Pregnant Right
I had sex Feb. 15, I got my period March 6th, it was normal, nothing different about it. I havent gotten mine in April. My calendar app’s tell me i am 18 days late. I am usually later than the calender, but not this bad. I have been walking alot more, to try to lose weight, and stressed with finals coming, could this be the reason I am late? I feel as if my period is coming, but every time i check, its not there. Please Help!Thanks
HeyIm 19 years old and i had sex about two months ago on the 30th April, but he didn’t ejaculate at all because i got scared and stop him.I got my period on the 12 of May for 7 days super normal.This month i was supposed to get it 2 days ago, but i am late and i have never been so late.Is their a chance i could be pregnant
I had sex with my bf 13th September unprotected and I got periods on 26th September but I haven’t got my next period am I pragnent
Hi Anon,
Thank you for sharing your question with the EmpowHER community.
Even though you haven’t had sex in 2 months, you can be pregnant if when you did it was unprotected or if the birth control method failed in some way.
Hormone levels fluctuating can cause your menstrual cycle to become irregular, but other things too like a few you mentioned -increased exercise and stress, but even with that, 18 days is a long time to be late.
Take a pregnancy test to be on the safe side. If the result of that is negative, make an appointment to see your doctor.
Be well,
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When To See A Doctor
Missing a period does not always indicate pregnancy or a health issue. Speak with a doctor if periods do not arrive by age 16 or if they stop for more than 3 months in a row.
Tracking periods can help a person recognize any irregularity. Anyone who notices a change in the length of time between periods should speak with a doctor. Also, it is a good idea to consult a doctor if periods come more often than every 21 days or less often than every 45 days.
Amenorrhea is not life-threatening . However, the hormonal imbalances that can cause it can also lead to harmful complications, such as hip and wrist fractures. A doctor can help identify the cause of menstrual irregularity and recommend an effective treatment or management plan.
Also, anyone who suspects that they are pregnant, even after taking Plan B, should speak with a doctor.
Heavy Bleeding Flooding And Perimenopause
Very heavy bleeding occurs when your oestrogen levels are high relative to progesterone causing the lining of your womb to thicken more than usual. During perimenopause, your body’s main systems are working hard to adjust to the changing hormone levels that are taking place in advance of full menopause. The most difficult situation to handle is probably very heavy, extended bleeding, or flooding cycles. Some women find they are changing tampons every hour, sometimes having a very heavy bleed during inopportune times for example, at a formal dinner. This often happens at night as well as during the day. Make sure to wear liners and change tampons or pads very regularly.
If you have recurrent heavy and prolonged periods you may become anaemic as the body doesnt have time to make up for blood loss before the next period. You can end up feeling weak, exhausted, and maybe even depressed as a result of the anaemia, which then becomes associated with the menopause. Make sure to get help early on and don’t the situation develop.
Very heavy bleeding can also be caused by fibroids. If you experience prolonged heavy bleeding, seek professional advice from your GP, homoeopath or another health expert. Vaginal bleeding is not normal after the menopause so again get professional advice if this occurs.
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Menopause Symptoms Can Feel Like Pms
Some women develop symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome for the first time or have more acute levels of their normal PMS. These symptoms can be physical, psychological, or emotional. Most of us will have had some level of PMS during the second half of the monthly cycle over the years. Symptoms may have been getting stronger during your 30s and 40s, approaching menopause. Most common symptoms are irritability, aggression, tearfulness, mood swings, breast pain and fluid retention.
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Is It Common After Taking Plan B
People take Plan B to prevent pregnancy following sex without contraception.A person should take the medication within 72 hours of sex, as the efficacy of the drug decreases over time. It contains only levonorgestrel, a synthetic version of the hormone progestin.
After taking Plan B, a person can expect to get their period at the usual time, but there may be a delay of up to 1 week.Also, some people experience spotting or bleeding between taking Plan B and getting their period.
It is important to note that Plan B is not 100% effective. If a person does not get their period within a week of taking the drug, it is probably a good idea to take a pregnancy test.
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Does A Missed Period Mean You’re Pregnant
Rachel Gurevich is a fertility advocate, author, and recipient of The Hope Award for Achievement, from Resolve: The National Infertility Association. She is a professional member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and has been writing about womens health since 2001. Rachel uses her own experiences with infertility to write compassionate, practical, and supportive articles.
When you don’t get your period as expected, you might start to worry. The absence of your normal menstrual cycle can be concerning since it can indicate a pregnancy or it may be related to an illness or stress. It is considered one of the major possible signs of early pregnancy.
People have different names for it such as a late period, skipping a cycle, or a missed period. In essence, it simply means that your normal menstrual cycle or period didn’t happen when it should have happened. Throughout your lifetime, you may have a missed period for a variety of reasons. It may also just be delayed.
Many women will go through various cycle abnormalities in their life due to various factors. This is not necessarily a problem for all women, but can also indicate a larger health concern for some. A missed cycle can also make trying to get pregnant or confirming early pregnancy more difficult for others.
Missed Periods And Pregnancy
If youve had unprotected sex, you may have missed your period because youre pregnant. You may want to rule out pregnancy first by taking a pregnancy test, or you can see if you need to take a test with our .
Keep an eye out for any early pregnancy symptoms, like:
- tender breasts
These symptoms coupled with a missed period could mean you are pregnant
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Why Did I Miss A Period
Missing a period is not uncommon, and most of the time, it is not a cause for concern. Some of the reasons you might miss a period include:
Normal lifecycle changes
There are a number of changes that happen in the female lifecycle that can result in a skipped period. All of these are normal reasons to miss a period and are not cause for concern.
For example:
The most common reason for a missed period is pregnancy. If this is a possibility, take a home pregnancy test to see if this is the cause of your missed period. If you skip a period and then have one the next month at the expected time, its possible that a non-viable pregnancy occurred, and the period is actually an early miscarriage.
Breastfeeding can suppress your period, depending on how frequently you are nursing. You may get a period while breastfeeding, and then not have another one for several months or more, particularly if your baby is nursing exclusively. You can ovulate before you get your period, so its important to use birth control during this time, if you dont want to get pregnant.
A skipped period may be a sign that you are entering menopause and your periods are beginning to become less regular, especially if you are experiencing other symptoms of menopause . If you are 45 or older, there is a good chance this is the cause of a missed period.
Weight loss
Birth control
Hormonal changes
Producing Too Much Prolactin
Prolactin is a hormone that the body usually makes during breastfeeding. It can halt menstruation and is the reason why most breastfeeding women do not have periods.
In people who are not breastfeeding, a milky discharge from the nipples can signify that the body is making an abnormally high amount of prolactin. Doctors can treat excessive prolactin production with medication.
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Causes Of A Missed Period
Often there is nothing to worry about when periods stop, and no serious cause. There are certain times when it is normal not to have periods. These include:
- Before puberty. Girls start to go through puberty from around the age of 9 years and their periods start a year or two later. Up until that point girls do not have periods.
- During pregnancy. If you are pregnant, your periods will normally stop until after the baby is born.
- During breastfeeding. If you are fully breastfeeding, you will normally not have a period until you stop. You may find you have a bleed if you drop a feed, or start to breastfeed less.
- After menopause. The menopause is the time in your life when your ovaries stop producing eggs and you stop having periods. The average menopause is around the age of 51. You will be classed as having gone through the menopause a year after your last period. However, it is extremely common for your periods to become less regular in the years leading up to the menopause. See the separate leaflet called Menopause for more details.
- If you are using certain types of contraception. Some types of contraception may stop periods. They do not do so in all women however, it is normal not to have periods if you are using: