How Do I Make My Period Stop

Choose The Right Period Products

How to Stop a Period from Coming | You Need To Know This

There are plenty of nighttime period products to choose from. Natracare Maxi pads are soft and absorbent, and unlike tampons, will keep you comfortable through the whole night. To put your mind at ease, or if your period is especially heavy this month, try covering the entire area of your pants by using two pads instead.

Still leaking? We hear you, it happens to the best of us. If youre down with the idea, reusables might solve all your problems. You wont even realise youre menstruating with a cup, and reusable underwear like WUKAs or cloth pads like Period aisle can absorb all without bleeding through.

Q: How Do You Know Which Option Is Best For A Special Event

A: The options might vary, depending on how far in advance the patient consults us.

If patients contact us a couple of months ahead of an event, birth control is likely their best chance to reliably delay a period. If they ask for help a week or two in advance, a high dose of progesterone can delay their period for a week or so.

But remember: Everybody is different. Some women can skip periods for a whole year, and have no bleeding, on certain treatments. Some can only delay periods for two to three weeks, and then will start to get breakthrough bleeding.

For others, we cant ever completely stop their periods, but we can slow or delay them.

How To Delay Your Period

You can delay your period with certain forms of hormonal birth control. But that’s about all that will work.

Don’t be fooled into thinking home remedies like drinking apple cider vinegar or lemon juice every day will help. “None of these DIY home remedies will delay your period,” says Sherry Ross, MD, an OB-GYN with her own private practice.

Therefore, if you’ve just noticed that you have a big day coming up that happens to fall on the same day as your period, here are two forms of hormonal medication that may help you.

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Why Its Not Possible To Stop A Period That Has Already Started

It isnt possible to stop a period that has already started because the shedding process in the lining of the uterus has already started due to low levels of estrogen and progesterone. Once these hormones decrease, the internal lining of the uterus sheds and leads to the bleeding that occurs during a period.

How To Stop Periods Immediately At Home

How To Get Through PMS! Period Pain &  Cramps

For some women, menstruation can be a hard thing to deal with. Periods can be a messy time of the month. A woman during her periods, deals with pain, bloating, mood swings, cravings, aversions, sometimes even heavy bleeding and whatnot. So how to make period stop immediately? And also, how to stop periods immediately after it has started?

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Menstruation does affect a womans social and personal life in many undesirable ways.

Most women, at some point in their life even wonder if there are ways to stop their periods immediately or maybe for a little time or not.

If you too are searching for answers to the question – How to Stop Periods?

Here is what you need to know,

How to Stop your Period Naturally?

This may sound absolutely disappointing, but the answer is – You Cant.

It can’t happen naturally.

Once your periods begin, you cannot do anything to stop it naturally nor immediately or midway.

There are no natural remedies available that can completely stop your periods immediately or midway once the flow has started.

Moving to synthetic and medical methods, some women do experience that taking contraceptive pills or hormonal pills has an effect on their cycle.

If your periods have stopped on its own and you are looking to test if you are pregnant or not, there are some ways to test pregnancy at home,

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Know Your Options For Next Time

With advance notice, you can try skipping a period next time you have plans and a period just wont do.

Hormonal birth control pills can safely reduce or eliminate periods in most people, but its a good idea to check with a healthcare professional first to make sure theres no medical reason for you to keep your cycle as is.

How you skip a period with birth control pills depends on the type youre using. Keep in mind this method can still result in breakthrough bleeding, especially at first.

Drawback Or Side Effect Of Delaying Your Periods

Stopping your period can be beneficial. Delaying or stopping your menstruation cycle can help treat and prevent various menstrual symptoms.

Depending on what you are using to stop your period, there might be some drawbacks or side effects associated with it. For instance, those using hormonal birth control methods to stop their periods, common side effects may include breakthrough bleeding or spotting between periods. For most women, spotting will typically decrease over time.

Another side effect of stopping or delaying your periods is that it may be difficult to tell whether or not you are pregnant. In such cases, if you have some of the common symptoms associated with pregnancy and you are not sure whether or not you are print, we recommend you take a home pregnancy taste as soon as possible.


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No Matter What Youve Heard Hormonal Birth Control Is The Only Real Way To Stop Your Period Or Make It Lighter

An anatomy lesson: Your uterus builds up a lining of blood and tissue each month just in case your egg gets fertilized. If no little sperm find your egg, your body sheds it allegg, blood, and tissue .

Behind the process are a couple of hormones called estrogen and progesterone, according to the Merck Manual. And when you’re on hormonal birth control , it manipulates your natural levels of estrogen and progesterone to keep you from getting pregnant typically by stopping your body from ovulating and/or by causing a change in the thickness of the mucus in the cervix to make it harder for sperm to get to the egg.

These are some of the popular types of birth control that can help stop your period:

It’s always wise to talk to your doctor first about stopping your period with birth control. They can advise you as to which method might be the best fit for you and your lifestyle.

A Few Scientifically Proven Ways To Speed Up Your Period:

How To Stop Your Period From Coming! | HACKS!

Believe it or not, there are a few studies out there that have found that stopping your period early or even delaying it for a few days is totally possible. However, not all of these methods are suitable for everyone. Speak with your doctor or OB-GYN if you have any concerns about the length of your period or if its suddenly become crazy heavy.

Caveats aside, here are a few scientifically proven ways to shorten your period:

Sweat it out

Your period is no longer an excuse to skip the gym. Turns out, physical exercise may not only make your period less painful, but also has the potential to decrease its duration by about a quarter of a day, according to a study published in medical journal Epidemiology.1 Cardiovascular exercise, in particular, has been shown to reduce pain associated with menstrual cramps and may help uterine blood exit the body a little faster.2

Exercise also reduces excess water content in your body, which helps with bloating, that oh-so-fun reason you hate wearing jeans during your period. And full-body workouts improve circulation and blood flow over time, especially if you keep your exercise routine regular . In general, several studies have shown that exercise reduces PMS symptoms and makes your period a little less uncomfortable, no matter what routine you choose.3

Hormonal birth control FTW

NSAIDs But proceed with caution

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How To Make Period Stop While On Nexplanon 2021

How To Make Period Stop While On Nexplanon. After the nexplanon implant is removed, it is required that one watches for some signs of warning. Another 2 months goes by and i bleed 12 straight days.

As for the lack of a period a lot of girls are quite similar, wondering about the unknown. As the numbness wears off, one may experience soreness for a.

Dont Forget Your Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar isnt just for losing weight. Aside from the fact that its a natural antibacterial, taking apple cider can also lighten and naturally stop your period.

Like water, it also flushes out toxins from your body and helps manage excessive menstrual bleeding. The fact that it helps alkalize the body helps end your period early.

To alkalize means to have faster body processes which can heal some very minor health issues of your body.

Try to dilute the apple cider vinegar with water. You can take five or six teaspoons a day depending on your preference.

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Drinking Enough Of Water

Proper hydration of the body is essential at any moment in life, but in this case, can help in reducing or stopping the period. Large amounts of water will also reduce bloating and cramping during menstruation.

In addition to proper hydration, you should avoid fizzy drinks and too much caffeine because they will be partly responsible for the increase of cramps during menstruation.

Stopping Periods With Ibuprofen

How Can I Make My Period Stop

Ibuprofen is nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain medication. During your periods, taking small amounts of ibuprofen may help prevent bloating. It can also help relieve period or menstrual cramps.

Ibuprofen contains small amounts of synthetic hormones that can inhibit prostaglandin from functioning properly. Prostaglandin hormone is the hormone responsible for smooth menstruation. It helps with proper contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the stomach or uterus. Taking ibuprofen can thus help stop your period.

If you would wish to use this method to stop your period, then it is important to have your health care provider prescribe the right dosage. This will often vary from one person to the other. The dosage will depend on your general health, individual body characteristics, and how heavy your menstrual flow is.

Common side effects of having an overdose will include the following:

  • Stomach ulcers
  • Digestive and breathing problems in some people

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You May Not Know It Being Inconsiderate About The Period Pain Can Be Hurtful

Period pain caused by cramps can be very severe for some women.

Being inconsiderate or not believing that the pain is that much can be hurtful.

Since time immemorial, women and girls have been made to feel that menstruation is taboo.

This has led many people, including women themselves, to shame other women while on their periods.

So period shaming is basically making women or girls feel ashamed or embarrassed because of the natural biological function of bleeding.

In 2019, 14-year-old Jackeline Chepngeno took her own life after allegedly being period shamed by her teacher.

It may not be obvious, but some things we do or say can be considered period shaming.

For example:

1. Ridiculing a girl or woman with a period stain.

Back in primary school, boys used to laugh at girls when they stained their school uniforms.

But as boys grew older, they understood it is natural was a natural occurrence.

However, showing contempt for something that happened accidentally is not okay because pads leak when they are full, and sometimes, you may not find a decent place to change it.

The best thing you can do is alert the lady so they can find a way to secure their dignity.

2. Feeling ashamed of period products.

Boys also used to laugh when a sanitary pad fell from a girls bag or pocket while she was trying to hide it.

Even buying sanitary products can be shameful as some shopkeepers or attendants may feel embarrassed selling the products to you.

3. Not thinking period pain is severe.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Weight fluctuations can affect your periods by making them inconsistent, such as the case with missed periods and low body fat. On the opposite side of the spectrum, its also possible to have heavier flows if you are overweight, or if youre having difficulty maintaining your BMI.

In fact, obese women are at an increased risk of having heavier periods. Some women may even experience heavy, painful symptoms for weeks at a time. This is attributed to increased estrogen production from fat cells, which can make cycles heavier and longer.

If youve experienced heavy periods, you may want to speak with your doctor about possible hormone testing. They can also help give you some tips to lose weight safely and gradually, if you need to.

While this may not offer a short-term solution for ending your period faster now, taking steps to manage your weight will pay off for future menstrual cycles.

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How To Shorten Your Period

There are many ways that you can shorten your periods, and as you age you may notice that your periods naturally shorten in length.

If you want a short period you can try:

  • Taking hormonal birth control these pills can help to regulate your cycle as well as shortening the amount of days your period lasts for.
  • Having sex or masturbating this can help to reduce cramping and lighten your menstrual flow, as orgasms cause the uterine muscles to contract, helping to move blood out of your uterus.
  • Not using tampons tampons can stop the internal flow of your menstrual blood which can make your period last longer. Try sanitary towels instead.
  • Taking over the counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen can help to reduce period pains while lightening your menstrual flow.
  • Exercising regularly – read our exercise guide for ideas.

Potential Health Benefits And Risks Of Stopping Your Period

How To Stop Period Cramps Naturally | Period Talk

So, now that you have an idea of why different people have different beliefs about stopping your period, lets take a look at the potential benefits and risks.


According to the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, the following are possible benefits of using hormonal birth control to stop your period.

  • Less pain with your period
  • Less bleeding each month

Those all sound ideal, right? A life free from wondering when your period will treat you to a surprise visit, stained underwear, and PMS. It sounds great in theory.


Unfortunately, its not quite as easy to list out the possible risks of stopping your period. The reproductive cycle is complex, especially when you take hormones into account. There are more obvious risks and some that are not-so-obvious.

  • The risk of pregnancyno birth control is 100% effective and, if youre taking a hormonal birth control, you may not see the signs of an accidental pregnancy early on
  • Breakthrough bleeding as your body adjusts to the constant influx of hormone
  • Spottingwomen who suppress their period are still subject to surprise spotting

Obviously, there are a lot of side effects, both positive and negative, associated with stopping your period. But it doesnt stop there

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