What To Eat During Your Period

Avoid: Sugar And Artifical Sweeteners

What to Eat During Your Menstrual Cycle


We fully understand that when your uterine lining is plotting its exit strategy, few things are more satisfying than a soft-baked chocolate chip cookie from your local coffee shop. Just keep in mind that sugar is a slippery slope, especially when it comes to mitigating your period symptoms. By messing with your blood sugar and cortisol levels, sugar will likely only exacerbate bad mood swings, acne, and energy levels. That’s especially important to remember if overwhelming fatigue is one of your most consistent side effects.

Artificial sweeteners aren’t a wise replacement, since they’re shown to disrupt hormones as well. Our advice? If you’re craving something naughty, reach for some unsweetened dark chocolate instead.

What To Eat During Your Period And What Foods To Avoid

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  • Our experts share what to eat during your period to help combat pain, cramps, and bloating.

    Do you find yourself feeling run down, tired and experience period cramps during your menstrual cycle? Well youre not alone with Womens Health Concern reporting 80% of women will suffer with their periods at one point during their lifetime. Whilst painkillers usually help, theres actually more natural steps you can take to help aid your body through the process, with your diet an important factor to consider.

    As Mina Khan, nutritionist and founder of Formulate Health explains: Its really important to make good nutritional choices during your period. The body is already going through a lot and losing vital nutrients such as iron, so during this time its crucial that you keep an eye on your intake of a variety of key vitamins and minerals.

    Weve done the research and compiled a list of the period-friendly foods you need to know about

    What Foods To Eat And Avoid On Your Period

    Did you know that by eating or not eating certain ingredients you can change how you feel during your period? We have listed a number of products below.

    Whole-wheat products Your digestion slows down during your period. This makes it important for you to take enough fibers. Healthy fibers help keep your bowels going and provide a feeling of satiety. Go for good fiber-rich bread or breakfast, for example some oatmeal. You will also grab snacks less often.

    iron-rich vegetablesYour iron level may be a little low during your period. You can replenish your iron by eating iron-rich vegetables. Examples of iron-rich vegetables are lentils, chard, kale, Brussels sprouts, spinach, peas and asparagus. In addition, these vegetables are of course also full of other good vitamins and minerals.

    Red meat Are you a meat eater? You also increase your iron content by eating red meat. Think of carpaccio, a steak or minced meat. Meat is also rich in proteins, zinc, selenium and various B vitamins.

    ShellfishIf you are not such a meat eater then you could opt for shellfish. Shellfish are very rich in iron and very nutritious. Oysters and mussels, for example, contain a lot of iron.

    WaterIt is always important to drink enough water but during your period you can use some extra fluid. Many women also retain some fluid and by drinking enough water you could remedy this.

    Food & drinks better to avoid during your period.

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    Whats Best To Eat Before Your Period

    This is the phase after ovulation has occurred and lasts until the first day of your period. During this phase, your estrogen drops and your progesterone levels rise. For your mind and body, this means that youll likely to have less energy and youll feel the urge to slow down. You might even feel a bit foggy and sad.

    Cravings are strong and youll feel hungrier more often during the day. Thats why its important to be prepared with healthy snacks that support your body in feeling better instead of increasing the cramps, cravings and bloating.

    During this luteal phase, its actually more important to focus on what foods to avoid, rather than what to eat. Generally, reduce your intake of refined sugars, processed food as well as alcohol. A few drinks will likely not have an effect on your body, but they can alter your hormones, leading to increased moodiness.

    • Eat healthy fats! Your body needs fats to make the hormones fluctuate smoothly. Avocados, nuts and olive oil are a good option for a healthy fat intake.
    • Adding sesame seeds, which have a high content of zinc as well as adding sunflower seeds, with their high levels of vitamin E to your smoothies, salads or breakfast bowls will support your body in its progesterone production.
    • Include fibre-rich fruits and nuts like almonds, apples, dates, peaches, and pears to combat bloating and bowel irritability. These are perfect to keep as healthy snacks throughout the day. Opt for these instead of a snickers bar.

    Eating Right During Your Period

    Food to eat during your #period #nutrition

    Your dietary needs are about the same during your period as they are the rest of the month. One thing to watch for, if you have heavy blood flow, is that you might need some extra iron. Your body needs iron to replace the lost blood cells.

    It’s probably not a big deal if you’re a meat-eater, as red meat is a rich source of iron. But if you’re on a vegetarian or vegan diet, you might want to take an iron supplement. Or you can eat more foods that are high in iron, such as iron-fortified foods, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes. You can also boost your iron absorption by eating vitamin C-rich foods along with those plant-based iron sources.

    If you feel any fatigue or have any other concerns about PMS or your menstrual cycle, you should speak to your healthcare provider before taking any iron supplements.

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    Weight And Your Menstrual Cycle

    Maintaining an overall healthy weight can help to keep our menstrual cycles regular, said Huntriss, adding that losing or gaining weight can affect your cycle. Adipose tissue in which fat is stored is an endocrine organ that is involved in the production of and release of hormones, including those involved in reproduction and our menstrual cycles, said Huntriss. Having a high or very low proportion of body fat can lead to changes in the levels of oestrogen and other reproductive hormones in the body, leading to problems with ovulation and regular periods, she concluded.

    This article is not a replacement for medical advice. See a GP if you are concerned about your menstrual cycle or symptoms. This article was published in October 2021.

    Consuming A Healthy Diet And Avoiding Certain Food Items Go A Long Way In Managing Cramps And Other Symptoms During Your Period

    Periods arent easy. They can cause pain and severe discomfort in many women. Which is why it is important to eat healthily when menstruating. Agrees Dr Rohini Patil, nutritionist and founder of Nutracy Lifestyle, who says, menstruation doesnt hurt itself, but the cramps or other symptoms may be uncomfortable. During this time, girls should take extra care of their diet and sanitation.

    This is primarily because an improper diet can result in pain, headache, nausea, diarrhea among many other symptoms. Ahead, the nutritionist has shared a few food items women should eat and also steer away from during period. Take a look and say hello to healthy periods!

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    The Key To Balancing Hormones Is A Balanced Lifestyle And Diet

    Youll receive the best results through a holistic approach. Food is not the only factor that influences how you experience your period and its symptoms. Working with your menstrual cycle to help make your periods easier is about taking an all-round approach to it: a balanced lifestyle with self-care, exercise and healthy diet are what will help you feel calm and good through every phase of your cycle.

    Tip 1: Track your menstrual cycle. It will help you plan out your month so you know when and how to support your mind and body. For instance, make room for some quiet me-time and days to slow down before the first day of your period. And make sure you have the grocery shopping for healthy, healing foods done before the period cramps, moodiness or cravings hit you.

    Tip 2: If you dont suffer from endometriosis, consider natural remedies before popping a painkiller. Natural remedies for menstrual cramps, such as herbal teas or heating pads as well as can effectively help with period symptoms. Also, reconsider the period product you use. Did you know that menstrual cups can shorten the days you have your period, make period cramps less agitating and help you feel more comfortable during your period?

    Remember, this is about supporting your body. It will not make your periods completely painless but it will reduce some of the pains and discomfort. Love your body and your body will love you back!

    Eating During Your Period

    Foods for period relief! What to eat on your period & during PMS

    Water intake could decrease the duration of menstrual bleeding, the amount of pain relievers consumed, and the severity of pelvic pain among the young women suffering from primary dysmenorrhea ,” said Huntriss. However, drinking alcohol can dehydrate you, as it increases urine output, and could worsen symptoms, such as low mood, headaches and bloating, according to Huntriss.

    Including sources of omega-3 fats in your diet, such as oily fish, may also help relieve period pain, according to one small study. Zinc, which is found in meat, shellfish, dairy and bread, may also reduce pain.

    People “who lose a lot of blood during their monthly period are at higher risk of iron deficiency anaemia,” says the NHS website. Women aged 19 to 50 need more iron from their diet than any other gender or age group: 14.8mg per day, on average. However, the National Diet and Nutrition Survey found over a quarter of these women had iron intakes below the lower reference nutrient intake , or the minimum requirement. It also found over half of girls aged 11 to 18 had iron intakes below the LRNI. Iron deficiency anaemia and low iron stores were evident in nine percent of the girls and five percent of the women.

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    The Reason To Know What To Eat During Your Period

    A proper diet and dinner as well are crucial during your period like normal days. Foods play a vital role in various actions in your body. Many foods are responsible to increase or decrease several issues during these days.

    Eating the right foods during our period can do wonders from decreasing bloating to improving our mood and energy. But eating the wrong types of food and drink can make PMS symptoms, and leave you feeling more bloated, lethargic, and irritable.

    Essential nutrients can make your period dates easy with less suffering. We may suffer much during these days for the lacking of proper nutrition.

    In our busy days, we are not always able to pay concentration for our lunch. As we have time to make our dinner at home with our own choice, we can pay attention while we are preparing our dinner.

    We can ensure the necessary nutrients for our body at our dinner time while we are having menstruation.

    What To Eat And What Not To Eat During Your Period

    22 August, 2020

    During that time of the month, women can get more stressed out and suffer from mood swings. By eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones, you can help reduce stress and stay bright and breezy. In this article, youll discover great nutritional tips on what to eat and what to avoid during your period.

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    Chocolate And Ice Cream

    Sometimes all you want to do is curl up on the sofa with a tub of Ben and Jerrys. Yet this comfort food could actually be doing more harm than good, as Mina explains:

    Foods such as these are really high in both saturated fat and sugar. When we eat excessive amounts of foods such as these, were putting ourselves at risk of weight gain, skin problems, diabetes and heart disease not to mention mood swings!

    Wed recommend swapping milk and white chocolate for dark when the cravings kick in thanks to its high iron content. And any other sugary treats can be enjoyed though moderation is key.

    Drink Turmeric Water Twice A Day After 15 Days Of Your Last Period

    5 Foods you should eat during your period http://www ...

    What does it do:

    Turmeric raises heat in the uterus and brings early menses. Besides it, turmeric and milk are healthy and reduce cramps associated with periods.

    How to use turmeric for early period:

    In a cup of boiling water, add ½ levelled teaspoon turmeric powder. Mix well and consume.

    This should be done twice a day after 15 days of last period so that the next dates fall at least 5-7 days prior to the expected date.

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    Whats Best To Eat During Your Period

    Especially during the first couple of days of your period youll feel withdrawn, your energy levels will be low and youll be tired. Thats why its important to focus on a diet that keeps your energy levels up.

    • To beat tiredness replenish your iron and vitamin B12 intake by eating organic red meat, salmon, legumes, liver, beans, chickpeas, raisins, cheese, milk, almonds or fish.
    • Even though cravings will still be strong, try to avoid eating junk and processed foods as they contain a lot of sodium and refined carbohydrates which increase bloating.
    • You can replace unhealthy food cravings with healthier options like pieces of fruits, nibblling on nuts or almonds which are rich in omega-3. Try switching a candy bar for a piece of dark chocolate.
    • Soft drinks are a hidden source of great amounts of refined sugar, which can increase your cramping. Try to replace the soda with lemon-water, a glass of freshly pressed juice, fruit or herbal tea or a smoothie.
    • Try not to consume anything that is very cold. Drinks should at least be at room temperature.
    • Have a cup of herbal tea instead of coffee to avoid increasing cramps due to the high levels of caffeine.
    • Spice up your veggies or soup with some turmeric, cardamom, ginger, cilantro or cumin these are all spices that will support anti-inflammation

    Find great recipe inspiration for this phase here.

    The Real Reason Your Periods Are Difficult

    PMS symptoms, period cramps, and heavy bleeding are clues that all is not well with your hormonal system. Female hormones rise and fall in a choreographed rhythm throughout your 28-day cycle. This delicate and complex dance can easily be thrown off balance.

    Womens hormones interact with other bodily functions, including the nervous system , digestive function, and other hormones such as cortisol . These complex interactions are the reason why female hormone imbalances can lead to such a wide range of symptoms, including period symptoms.

    Digging a bit deeper, the two most common causes of hormonal imbalance in women are gut imbalances and stress. Lets take a closer look:

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