Dont Eat Too Much Salty Or Sweet Food
Very salty foods can worsen cramps and add to the water retention that some women experience during their periods, warns Dr Tania.
Sweet food isnt much better either, which is bad news when all youre craving is a Kinder Bueno. Sweet food create chemicals in your body that increase your pain receptors making you feel worse. Trying to be conscious of eating lots of fruits and vegetables, plenty of water or herbal tea and regular meals will go a long way to reducing period pain and PMS, says Kelly Mulhall.
Top 10 Donts During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, you should avoid the followings:
You probably heard this before, but it is excessively important to skip. Alcohol could seriously harm your babys health. Behavior problems, disabilities, and low weight are just a few side effects of alcohol overtake during pregnancy. Small amounts of alcohol can also lead to problems.
These high-temperature locations may be more dangerous than you think. In fact, so dangerous that they might even lead to miscarriage. Anything that increases your body temperature is just as dangerous.
You can safely drink one or two cups of coffee a day, so do not panic if you are a coffee lover. You do not have to prevent caffeine completely however, decrease the amount as it affects your babys heart rate.
Obviously! Smoking may put your baby at risk especially for some kinds of disabilities, while being more likely to experience low birth weight. Moreover, physiological nicotine addiction increases the chance of your child smoking later in life.
Cannabis in any format, cocaine, metformin, and other psychoactive substances lead to health problems for your baby. Please make sure to talk to your doctor if you take any illegal drugs, considering they can be extremely dangerous for your baby.
What Not To Do During Periods:
- Stay away from dairy. Craving that extra cheesy pizza or a cup of hot chocolate? Strictly no. Dairy products are your biggest enemies during periods. They cause the uterus to contract, thus worsening your cramps. Yes, this also means NO CAFFEINE.
- A big no to alcohol. While you believe alcohol might help you get through your periods better, it actually has a lot of adverse effects on the body. Your oestrogen levels might get messed up and also lead to irregular periods. Moreover, itll make you more dehydrated, and you may fall ill.
- I know its sad, but come on, its just for three-four days. Stay after from fast food and fatty food.
- Avoid salt. I know the list is becoming longer, but sorry, you cant have salty food. Itll cause bloating and dehydration which can make your body uncomfortable.
- Four-hour rule. It doesnt matter if its your first or last day, dont wear the same tampon or pad for more than four hours. Else, it might lead to bacterial or fungal infections which can cause a lot of annoyance.
Every Body Is Different
The human body is amazing and unique to each of us. The tips mentioned above are common for all, and some of these tips might apply to you, some may not. So, it would help if you experiment each time to figure out your cure. If you feel theres something you could add to the list, feel free to comment below!
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Food Dos And Donts During Menstruation
Food to eat
- Curd: Rich in calcium and vitamin D may help to reduce symptoms of PMS.
- Whole Grains: Rich in magnesium & fibre which helps reduce menstrual pain and improves bowel movement.
- Bananas: High in potassium and vitamin B6, which ease bloating and help muscles relax including the uterus.
- Fatty Fish: Rich in omega-3 that is good for the heart & helps to ease muscle tension and reduce cramps.
- Broccoli: It is a good source of fibre, vitamin B6, vitamin E, iron and magnesium which help beat PMS and regulate your digestion.
- Red Meat: Red Meat is rich in iron.
- Dark Chocolate: It is high in antioxidants and magnesium to help ease cramps and mood swings. It also keeps you calm and happy.
- Alcohol: Increases oestrogen levels, thus worsening period symptoms.
- Caffeinated Drinks: It increases blood pressure and heart rate leading to tension and anxiety attacks.
- Processed Foods: Frozen foods, fats foods, bacon, pickles, canned soups, papad etc. come with preservatives that amplify PMS discomfort.
- Foods High in Fats: Fatty foods influence hormones, leads to cramps and can make you feel gassy.
- Fried Foods: They contain trans-fats or hydrogenated vegetable oil. These increase oestrogens levels and worsen mood swings.
- Refined Grains: Bread, pizza, cereals and tortillas should be avoided as they lead to bloating and constipation.
- Foods with a High Salt Content: canned soups, bacon, chips etc should be avoided because they are high in salt. This will cause a gassy bloating feeling.
Menstrual Cramps: 10 Dos And Don’ts
Most women go through the pangs of menstrual cramps. Menstrual cramps are dull, throbbing or cramping pains in the lower abdomen that women experience usually before and during their menstrual periods.
For some women, the discomfort is merely annoying. For others, it can be severe enough to interfere with everyday activities for a few days each month. Menstrual cramps are the result of uterine contractions when your uterus tightens and relaxes to allow the blood to flow.
The uterus is a muscle that tightens and relaxes causing jabbing or cramp-like pain. It is normal to have mild cramps during your period because of uterine contractions. Most often the discomforts are relieved with over-the-counter medications.
Here’s list of 10 dos and don’ts which could help you to manage well the inevitable menstrual cramps:
1. Take special attention on your food habits during your periods. It can really help you solving many difficulties associated with menstrual cramps.
2. Try to take a vitamin B and calcium pill after food, if possible. Nutritional supplements could help to reduce the pain.
3. Eat fish, chicken, vegetables and fruits along with rice.
4. You can try keeping a bottle of warm water above the stomach for some time to relieve pain and other associated symptoms of menstrual cramps.
5. Try out simple exercises such as yoga in the days before you get your periods.
6. Consumption of dates regularly is considered to help solve problems during periods.
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The Dos And Donts During Your Period
byFebruary 8, 2020, 10:54 am1 Votes
Is it that time of the month, when you feel like the most cursed person on the planet? Dont worry, we have you covered. If you dread the arrival of your period and spend six days in self-loathing and pain, then you havent been informed enough. Here is a list of dos and donts that you have to keep in mind when your next period begins.
Praying After Period Islam
As mentioned earlier, Islam is a religion that has its ownset of rules which are carried in specific areas with certain reasons. Beforepraying, a woman has to perform a ritual known as ghusl. This means that shehas to purify her whole body.
Since its a purification process, water is supposed to reach your scalp. This means that when you have braided hair that is tight, consider running water over them for your ghusl to be complete.
Mentioned below are steps that are followed when performing ghusl they include
Keep in mind that if you are done with performing your ghusl and that you forgot to wash certain parts of your body, its always recommended that you rewash yourself for your purification to be genuine.
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When To See A Doctor
Its always best to see a doctor if you have a yeast infection. In some cases, its especially important to see a doctor because youre more likely to have complications.
If you have recurrent yeast infections, or if home remedies and over-the-counter remedies arent working, you should see a doctor. You should also contact your healthcare provider if you get yeast infections and you have diabetes or HIV, or if you have another condition that affects your immune system.
You should also see a doctor if you have had more than four yeast infections in the space of one year.
Things You Should Never Do On Your Period
August 12th 2021 / Melanie Macleod /
From fasting to flat whites, unprotected sex and over-washing health experts fill us in on the period no-nos we never knew about
We all have our coping mechanisms when it comes to our periods, from curling up with a hot water bottle, applying a period patch or munching on a family-sized Galaxy bar, but did you know there’s a long list of things that could actually be making our periods worse? We spoke to doctors, gynaecologists and personal trainers about what to avoid when you’re on your period.
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Diet Plan For Healthy And Comfortable Periods Must Include:
1. Whole grains like whole wheat, oats and brown rice are a good choice. These provide fiber to prevent constipation and are also rich sources of B vitamins and antioxidants
2. Low-fat milk, preferably, dahi, lassi are a must. Indigestion is a problem so taking milk as dahi will help by adding probiotics and the calcium will help with the cramps. Lassi will add to hydration, which is of prime importance.
3. Healthy proteins from legumes, nuts, seeds, especially, flax and chia and salmon provide phytonutrients, omega-3 and help because proteins are needed to make up for the blood loss.
4. Lots of vegetables, especially the green leafy ones add fiber and provide iron to make up for blood loss. Vegetables also provide important antioxidants to keep the body stress-free.
5. Fruits add vitamins and antioxidants. Whole fruits are better than juices as the latter may lead to bloating because of excess sugar and no fiber. Juices like fresh lemon water and coconut water are good for hydration.
6. Healthy fats in limited quantities are essential. Avoiding fried foods to prevent aggravating indigestion.
Dont Sleep With Your Tampon In
Leaving a tampon in for longer than four hours runs the risk of developing toxic shock syndrome . “This is when toxins from the staphylococcus aureus bacteria start to seep into the bloodstream and can cause life-threatening reactions,” says Kelly. “You may begin to experience fever, rash, dizziness and vomiting. If you suspect you may have TSS then seek medical advice asap.”
Don’t forget to change your tampon either. This seems an obvious one, but its particularly relevant for people who have light periods. We generally advise women to change their tampon every four hours, says Dr Tania. Dont leave it any longer due to the risk of bacterial infection. This isnt as much as a problem for women who bleed heavily, women with lighter periods need to make sure they remember to change the tampon even if its not finished.
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Dos And Donts For Period
Having periods is certainly not a good experience for a woman as most of the women experience mood swings so much that they remain irritated and agitated throughout their periods. About periods, there are so many new things to learn, there are so many mysteries to solve. There are few things, which you should not be doing and there are so many things, which you should be doing. Recent surveys and researches have confirmed that women who are menstruating face varying degrees of mental and physical challenges, which leave them stressed out. This is the time when women go through mood swings, cramps, headaches, nausea, temper tantrums and bloating.
First and foremost during menstruation there are changes in a womens hormones due to which women fail to concentrate on anything. There are certain foods, which should be avoided during periods and there are some activities that are not recommended for women to do during periods. Therefore, here is a quick to-do and not-to-do lists for women, a simple task manager that helps women to understand what they should be doing and not be doing during their periods.
Donts During Your Menstrual Period:
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Causes Of Yellow Discharge After Period
Muslim women need to know that a yellowish vaginal discharge after period ends may have its reasons and meanings and this may vary from one person to another.
The following causes will help you in narrowing down and solve the reasons why you are having yellow vaginal discharge.
1. Hormonal Imbalance
For a womans body to function normally, the hormones estrogen and progesterone should strike a balance between them.
An increase in the level of estrogen causes hormonal imbalance and affects a womans reproductive system leading to the production of Yellow Discharge After Period.
This imbalance can be caused by stress, depression, and change of diet or the use of certain types of medication.
2. Sexually transmitted diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases STDs are diseases that are passed from one person to another during unprotected sexual intercourse.
Most of them are treatable. Yellow discharge after period is a symptom of sexually transmitted diseases. The following are the common types of such diseases and other related symptoms
3. Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is bacterial sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
This infection can be transmitted even via kissing, oral sex, or anal sex. Antibiotics provide effective treatment. The following are related symptoms of gonorrhea
According to Mayo Clinic.
6. Yeast Infection
7. Bacterial vaginosis
Dos And Donts During Menstruation
Menstruation, with its painful cramps, weird cravings, and terrible bloating, will make for a crazy week. We make it through, but it doesnt have to be a miserable week. It is possible to have a menstrual period that is not necessarily stressful and awkward. All you have to do is remember these dos and donts the next time Aunt Flo comes to visit. Therefore, read this article about dos and donts during menstruation.
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