Why Do I Get Yeast Infections Before My Period

Does The Menstrual Cup Cause Vaginal Infections

Yeast Infection | Why Do I Get Yeast Infections After My Period

In recent years the use of the menstrual cup has become more and more popular.

Among the reasons that bring the menstrual cup to stardom were its economic, ecological, and health benefits. However, along with its popularity, it was also accompanied by a series of myths: such as, for example, that using a menstrual cup could cause vaginal yeast infections.

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Can Vaginal Thrush In Pregnancy Go Away On Its Own

Yes, its possible for a yeast infection during pregnancy to go away on its own.

Mostly, fungal infections take about a week to fully heal and normalize the vaginal discharge. This also depends on your bodys ability to regain the pH balance, hormone balance, and reduce the blood sugar spikes.

Although, we recommend taking prescribed meds or following proven home remedies for treating pregnancy yeast infection as soon as you can.

Waiting will not only worsen the symptoms but could be seriously uncomfortable for you.

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Its Definitely Time To Call A Doctor

These are instances when its best to get a professional opinion about your itchy crotch instead of suffering in silence:

  • If its your first time with an infection like this, its better for a doctor to confirm your suspicion that its yeast.
  • If home remedies and OTC treatments arent helping, you may need a different medication.
  • If you have recurrent yeast infections, your doctor can set you up with long-term treatment.
  • If you have diabetes, HIV, or a condition that suppresses your immune system, infections are nothing to mess with.

Another good reason to call a doctor is to be sure you dont have a more serious type of infection. According to the Office on Womens Health, symptoms of a yeast infection are often the same as bacterial vaginosis or some sexually transmitted illnesses.

Warning: Overuse of antifungal treatments can lead to growing a colony of treatment-resistant fungi. You dont want to pick a fight with them.

Try these tips to lower your chances of getting a yeast infection in the first place:

  • Change pads, tampons, and panty liners often.
  • Take probiotics to support a healthy microbiome.
  • Wear cotton underwear and loose pants.
  • Skip soap and douches .
  • Avoid scented products because they can cause irritation.
  • Wash your genitals with water only.
  • If you have diabetes, tighter blood sugar management will reduce your risk of yeast infections.

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How Do I Know If I Have A Yeast Infection

Yeast infections can be very uncomfortable, but they usually are not serious. Symptoms include the following:

  • A thick, white discharge that looks like cottage cheese

  • Pain during sexual intercourse

  • Swelling of the vulva

Yeast infections are so common that three out of four women will have one at some time in their lives. One half of all women have more than one infection in their lives. If you have the symptoms of a yeast infection, your doctor will probably want to talk to you about your symptoms and examine you to see if you have a yeast infection.

Preventing Vaginal Yeast Infections With Lifestyle And Diet Changes

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About 75% of women will experience a vaginal yeast infection sometime in their life, and up to 45% of those women will have repeat yeast infections. Thats a daunting prospect if youve had one before its not something you want to do again. Thankfully, you can make lifestyle and diet changes to prevent a yeast infection.

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How Can I Prevent A Yeast Infection

You can take steps to lower your risk of getting yeast infections:

  • Do not use scented feminine products, including bubble bath, sprays, pads, and tampons.
  • Do not wear tight underwear, pantyhose, pants, or jeans. These can increase body heat and moisture in your genital area.
  • Wear underwear with a cotton crotch. Cotton underwear helps keep you dry and doesnt hold in warmth and moisture.
  • Change out of wet swimsuits and workout clothes as soon as you can.
  • After using the bathroom, always wipe from front to back.
  • Avoid hot tubs and very hot baths.
  • If you have diabetes, be sure your blood sugar is under control.

What You Need To Know About Recurring Yeast Infections

The first thing you need to know about yeast infections is that we all have yeast in our bodiesin our GI tracts, our mouths, and yes, in our vaginas, too. A problem only really occurs when yeast grows out of control, which is what we call a yeast infection. Because we have yeast all over, we can also get a yeast infection in many areas of the body, including the skin, mouth, digestive system, and vaginal area.

So what are common causes of yeast infections? Yeast tends to proliferate when your blood sugar increases, your pH changes, or when there is a change in the microbiome .

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What Are The Symptoms Of A Vaginal Yeast Infection

There are several tell-tale signs of a vaginal yeast infection. These symptoms can include:

  • A thick, white vaginal discharge with the consistency of cottage cheese.
  • Small cuts or tiny cracks in the skin of your vulva because of fragile skin in the area.
  • A burning feeling when you pee.

In some cases, another symptom of a vaginal yeast infection can be pain during sex.

Symptoms of a yeast infection are similar to the symptoms people feel when they have a sexually transmitted infection or other vaginal infection. Contact your healthcare provider if you have any of these symptoms so they can examine you.

Getting Your Period And A Yeast Infection Can Happen Pretty Easily

Yeast Infections: Debunked

While most people dont regularly get yeast infections simultaneously with their periods, its definitely possible to have both at once, Taraneh Shirazian, M.D., a gynecologist and assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at NYU Langone Health, tells SELF. This is because hormones, vaginal pH, and bacteria levels can all fluctuate in the time leading up to your period, making it easier for yeast to grow too much, H. Frank Andersen, M.D., a clinical education director and ob/gyn in the Department of Medical Education and Clinical Sciences at Washington State University, tells SELF.

More specifically, an increase in estrogen in the days before your period could predispose you to a yeast infection/menstruation combo. A significant enough uptick in estrogen is a known risk factor for yeast infections high levels of estrogen appear to lower vaginal pH, causing it to become more acidic in a way that makes it easier for yeast to overgrow to the point of infection.

Even if youre on a combined hormonal contraceptive that suppresses this kind of natural hormonal fluctuation, the estrogen in your birth control itself can also increase your risk of a yeast infection, the Mayo Clinic says. There is also research to indicate that levels of Lactobacillus drop during your period, which causes vaginal pH to become more acidic.

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Can I Get A Yeast Infection From Breastfeeding

Yes. Yeast infections can happen on your nipples or in your breast from breastfeeding. Yeast thrive on milk and moisture. A yeast infection you get while breastfeeding is different from a vaginal yeast infection. However, it is caused by an overgrowth of the same fungus.

Symptoms of thrush during breastfeeding include:

  • Sore nipples that last more than a few days, especially after several weeks of pain-free breastfeeding
  • Flaky, shiny, itchy, or cracked nipples
  • Deep pink and blistered nipples
  • Shooting pain in the breast during or after feedings

If you have any of these signs or symptoms or think your baby might have thrush in his or her mouth, call your doctor. Learn more about thrush in our Breastfeeding section.

A Natural 12 Hour Yeast Infection Cure

According to a research paper published in Clinical Microbiology Reviews , Candida species are quite ubiquitous organisms. Candida are most frequently present in the mouth and, live in 31% to 55% of healthy people. The species that causes approximately 70% to 80% of all Candida infections is C. albicans.

The Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology reports there appears to be a correlation between intestinal Candida infections and vaginal yeast infections. And, this provides a clue, as to why yeast infections in general, can reoccur.

This study states, in 148 cases of vaginal candida infections, 33.1% of the women were infected in both the intestines and vaginal area. The recurrence rate of yeast infections, in women with simultaneous intestinal infection, was significantly higher than for women who did not have an intestinal infection. This study concluded that vaginal yeast infections are highly associated with simultaneous intestinal Candida infection.

As research appears to indicate, systemic Candida infections can and do happen. A more systemic Candida infection may primarily get a foothold in the intestines and cause a wide array of problems. If your yeast infections keep happening, a systemic Candida problem may be why.

Linda has since published a book detailing how to copy her success. She also includes a 12 hour yeast infection cure that can get rid of a superficial yeast infection in about 12 hours.

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How Can I Reduce My Risk Of A Yeast Infection

You can often prevent vaginal yeast infections by making a few lifestyle changes. These changes can include:

  • Not douching douching can kill bacteria that actually control fungus.
  • Avoiding the use of feminine deodorants.
  • Not using scented tampons or pads.
  • Changing out of wet clothing, like bathing suits or gym clothes, as soon as you can.
  • Wearing cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes.
  • Using water-based sexual lubricants.
  • Keeping your blood sugar levels in a normal range if you have diabetes.

The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection are similar to other conditions. If you have any questions, a physical exam by your healthcare provider will help.

Lower Levels Of Progesterone

Candidiasis weight gain

One study, postulated that there was a link between lower levels of progesterone and increased vaginal Candidiasis. The study was published in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology . The study looked at women after ovulation and before their menstruation i.e., the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. There were 50 women who participated in the study and, 84 luteal phases of menstruation were analyzed. According to the study:

Significantly lower progesterone levels in the RVVC patients as compared to the healthy controls suggest a link between an altered hormonal status and one of possible causes of RVVC in these women.

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Related: Fyi: You Can Get A Yeast Infection In Your Mouth

The bottom line: Yeast infections are super common and announce themselves with a few distinctive signs. But bacterial vaginosis could easily be mistaken for a yeast infection, as could trichomoniasis, symptoms of which include itching, irritation, and white discharge. If you have a vaginal complaint, its always better to check in with a doctor if you can, rather than seek an internet diagnosis. Thats true whether youre menstruating or not.

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Is It Safe To Use Over

Yes, but always talk with your doctor or nurse before treating yourself for a vaginal yeast infection. This is because:

  • You may be trying to treat an infection that is not a yeast infection. Studies show that two out of three women who buy yeast infection medicine dont really have a yeast infection. Instead, they may have an STI or bacterial vaginosis . STIs and BV require different treatments than yeast infections and, if left untreated, can cause serious health problems.
  • Using treatment when you do not actually have a yeast infection can cause your body to become resistant to the yeast infection medicine. This can make actual yeast infections harder to treat in the future.
  • Some yeast infection medicine may weaken condoms and diaphragms, increasing your chance of getting pregnant or an STI when you have sex. Talk to your doctor or nurse about what is best for you, and always read and follow the directions on the medicine carefully.

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What Are Its Symptoms

Usually, the symptoms associated with a yeast infection may not be present in everyone, and they may overlap with those of other illnesses. You should visit your doctor for an accurate diagnosis if you experience any signs of it. Self-treating a yeast infection may be the easy way out, but if your symptoms are linked with another ailment, self-treating might cause more harm than good.

Symptoms of a yeast infection include:

  • Inflammation and itching in the vaginal region
  • Burning sensations during sexual intercourse or urination
  • A thick white discharge
  • A rash on or inside the vaginal canal.
  • Vaginal discomfort or pain

Should I See My Doctor Every Time I Have A Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection and Late or Missed Periods

You should see your doctor the first time you have symptoms of a yeast infection. It is very important to make sure that you really have a yeast infection before you start taking medicine for it. The symptoms of a yeast infection also can be symptoms of other infections, including some sexually transmitted diseases. Treating yourself for a yeast infection when you actually have another kind of infection may make your problem worse. It is important to see your doctor when you are pregnant, or think you may be pregnant, and you have symptoms of a yeast infection.

If you have had many yeast infections, talk to your doctor about using a medicine you can buy without a prescription.

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Progesterone And The Immune System

Elevated glycogen, and higher pH, may not be the only reasons you are experiencing yeast infections before periods. As the above graph explains, progesterone is significantly elevated in the days prior to your period. Progesterones effects on the immune system, was documented by a study published in Microbiology and Immunology . The study examined the reaction of white blood cells to progesterone specifically, their ability to fight Candida. The study found that progesterone seemed to significantly hinder the ability of white blood cells to fight Candida in rats that also had been pretreated with estrogen.

If you are currently taking an estrogen birth control pill, this may play a critical role in your development of vaginal Candidiasis. The rats in the study were pretreated with estrogen, and given doses of progesterone. Similarly, your progesterone levels are elevated before your periodat the same time estrogen levels are naturally lower. If you have an elevated level of estrogen due to birth control pills, you are in a similar state the pretreated rats were in: a state of high estrogen and high progesterone. Consequently, the ability of your white blood cells to fight Candida, could be significantly weakened.

Additionally, elevated levels of estrogen in the body may also cause the vaginal lining to be over enriched with glycogen .

What Are Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection

Yeast infection symptoms can be nonexistent, mild, or severe, and can include:

  • Vaginal discomfort
  • Pain during sex or when you pee
  • Thick, white discharge thats compared to cottage cheese

Some vaginal discharge is normal. However, discharge can also be a sign of problems such as a yeast infection or other vaginal infection. Pay attention to any change in the amount, color, or smell of the vaginal discharge if it lasts more than a few days.If youre experiencing these symptoms, you can take a Stix Vaginal pH Test for Yeast Infections to help determine the cause of your discomfort. If your test results indicate that you may have a yeast infection, you can treat your yeast infection from the comfort of your home with our Yeast Infection Test & Treat Combo.

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The Connection To Oral Contraceptives

    • While oral contraceptives are not the direct cause of yeast infections, these medications can throw off hormonal levels such as those of estrogen. This can lead to an increased susceptibility to yeast infections in women.
    • Oral contraceptives are also known to hamper the vaginal pH balance – another important cause of vulnerability to yeast infections.
    • Like oral contraceptives, any form of hormone therapy that tends to increase the levels of estrogen is also linked as an indirect influence on yeast infections and the susceptibility to them in women.

Antibiotic Use Increases Infection Rate

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If you have recently taken antibiotics, this is another factor that greatly elevates your chances for developing a yeast infection. This is a widely known fact, and one study demonstrated this increase in Candidiasis due to antibiotics. The study was published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine . The studys chart shows 27 women who took antibiotics and 27 women who did not recently take antibiotics. The women who took antibiotics had taken about 3 days worth of oral antibiotics recently. The chart below shows the great increase in Candida infection at the time of follow up checks.

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The Most Common Causes Of A Chronic Yeast Infection

There are also a few medical conditions that make yeast infections more likely to return:

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