Why Do I Get Nauseous On My Period

Excessive Flow Of Blood

How to Ease Period Related Nausea

This is one of the major causes of feeling sick and tired during periods. Too much loss of blood means loss of iron from the body and low levels of hemoglobin. When this happens, the woman starts feeling sick, tired and weak with every menstrual cycle and may also be unable to perform day-to-day activities. If heavy menstrual bleeding continues for long, the woman experiencing it runs a risk of anemia in the future.

How To Prevent Period Flu

If period flu is a regular thing for you, its more than understandable that youd want to stop symptoms before they even start. There are a few potential hacks you can try, according to womens health expert Jennifer Wider, MD. Preparation is key for managing and preventing some of these uncomfortable symptoms, she says. Her advice:

  • Ask your doctor about hormonal birth control. When you get your period, the estrogen levels in your body drop. Taking hormonal birth control can help keep them more consistent and lower your risk of developing period flu symptoms.
  • Take an NSAID early. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen can help tackle symptoms like achiness, joint pain, and headaches. Taking a NSAID before the symptoms even start can help prevent them, Dr. Wider says. So, if you know that you tend to get period flu symptoms three days before your period arrives, youll want to try taking an NSAID four days beforehand.
  • Stay hydrated. Dehydration can exacerbate all the symptoms, Dr. Wider says. And, she says, avoiding alcohol and caffeine can do you a solid, too.
  • Get some sleep. Sure, you probably hear this advice a lot, but its important since Dr. Wider says that sleep deprivation can make symptoms worse. FWIW: The National Sleep Foundation recommends aiming to get seven to nine hours a night.
  • Exercise regularly. Getting in regular workouts and keeping them up around the time your period flu arrives can help you feel better, Dr. Wider says.

Your Doctor Will Want To Know

The doctor will want to know how long your feeling sick and being sick have lasted and whether you have any other symptoms. The doctor will particularly ask about symptoms which may suggest an underlying serious condition. These are known as ‘red flags’. The sort of information your doctor will want to know includes the following:

  • Did it start suddenly or develop over time? Did anything trigger it? How long has it lasted?
  • When do you vomit? Is it worse when you move your head?
  • Do you feel feverish?
  • Are you coughing up blood or bile?
  • Do you feel ill? Do you have a high temperature , weight loss or tummy pains? Do you have headaches?
  • How much alcohol do you drink?
  • When was your last period? Could you be pregnant?
  • Have you started any new medication recently?

This information will help the doctor to work out the cause of your nausea and/or vomiting. Your doctor will examine you. He or she will check your temperature, chest and abdomen. You may be asked to produce a urine sample and have a blood test. You may be asked to do a pregnancy test. Further tests of your stomach and abdomen may be advised. Referral to a specialist is possible.

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The Foods You Need To Help Fight Pms

Though symptoms of PMS tend to disappear once your period begins, nausea can be particularly unpleasant to deal with and make daily activities very difficult. If youre someone who falls into this category, there are some things you can do to minimise the discomfort. Avoid foods that are triggering, and consume mint and ginger which tend to be extremely helpful when it comes to nausea.

As Dr Shirazian told Popsugar, I think if youre very symptomatic around PMS and your period, you definitely should talk to your physician about possibly using something hormonal to level the hormones so that your body doesnt notice the natural flux of the LH surge and the progesterone withdrawal.

Jess is a storyteller committed to sharing the human stories that lie at the heart of sport.

How Is Dysmenorrhea Treated

5 Helpful Ways to Treat Nausea During Your Period

Specific treatment for dysmenorrhea will be determined by your health care provider based on:

  • Your age, overall health, and medical history

  • Extent of the condition

  • Cause of the condition

  • Your tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies

  • Expectations for the course of the condition

  • Your opinion or preference

Treatment to manage dysmenorrhea symptoms may include:

  • Prostaglandin inhibitors, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, or NSAIDs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen

  • Acetaminophen

  • Diet changes

  • Vitamin supplements

  • Heating pad across the abdomen

  • Hot bath or shower

  • Endometrial ablation

  • Endometrial resection .

  • Hysterectomy

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What Are The Symptoms

The wild ride caused by hormones can vary greatly from one person to another. Some people experience period flu symptoms in the days just before their period that are part of whats called premenstrual syndrome . Others feel lousy throughout their period.

The symptoms are pretty varied, too, and can include:

I Throw Up During My Period Is That Normal

When I get my period, sometimes it makes me throw up. Is this normal or bad for me, and what should I do? Annie*

Many girls throw up or feel like they might throw up just before or during their periods. Hormone changes are probably the cause, and these feelings usually go away in a day or two.

Treating menstrual cramps can help some girls get rid of the nausea. You also might find that eating smaller, more frequent meals can help.

Sometimes, birth control pills can help ease some of the problems that girls get before or during a period.

  • you throw up a lot
  • you throw up for more than a couple of days
  • you can’t keep fluids down
  • the throwing up gets worse over time

Your provider can see if there’s another problem going on and can help make sure that you don’t get dehydrated.

*Names have been changed to protect user privacy.

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Fluid Retention And Weight Gain

Most women will attest to feeling or actually weighing heavier especially before and after their periods. There is actually no reason to worry since it is absolutely normal for anyone to add a few more pounds during their period.

What happens can all be traced to the pregnancy hormone progesterone. In preparation for a baby, the hormone readies the body by storing a few more pounds of body weight and retaining water in the cells before menstruation.

However, when one does not get pregnant, the water and pounds gained simply go away. In some women, the effects of progesterone may remain active for a while after the periods are over. The good news is that the weight gain goes away by itself eventually.

% Have A Diagnosed Condition


The most common symptoms of PCOS are:

Acne, excessive hair growth, weight gain and irregular cycles

The most common symptoms of thyroid disorders are:

Chronic pelvic pain, cold hands and feet and sudden weight changes

The most common symptoms of endometriosis are:

Chronic pelvic pain, fatigue and painful bowel movements

The most common symptoms of diabetes are:

Headache, lightheadedness and dizziness, acne and weight gain

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Period Cold Might Be The Reason Why You Feel So Sick During Menstruation

As if all the typical period side effects aren’t bad enough, there are also a lot of us who face cold and flu-like symptoms during our periods.

Those of us who menstruate know that periods can come with some truly annoying side effects. They can make us bloated, mess with our skin, and even affect our moods. It ain’t easy shedding that uterine wall lining, and the hard work sometimes takes a toll on us.

But as if all the typical period side effects aren’t bad enough, there are also a lot of us who face cold and flu-like symptoms during our periods as well. It’s like we’ve been hit with a nasty cold the week before our period arrives, complete with a slight fever, stuffy nose, and body aches.

Your period can result in a host of nasty symptoms, and many women are unaware of what constitutes normal.

Sometimes the flu-like ailments can be clearly explained, while other times they’re a mystery. Then there is the small chance they are pointing to something more serious.

No matter what, if you’ve had a fever before on your period, or are wondering why you always seem to get a cold on your period, just know you’re not the only one.

Continue reading to learn more on the reasons why you get those hard symptoms and how you can minimize your suffering from them.

Vomiting First Day Of Period Why

If you are vomiting on the first day of period, it not unusual. This occurs because prostaglandins levels are elevated on the first and second day of period.

Provided you dont feel thirsty or dehydrated for days, there is no reason to panic. Though, you must see your doctor if symptoms become severe.

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% Experience Watery Bloody Or Foul Smelling Vaginal Discharge

Watery, bloody or foul smelling vaginal discharge can be due to many things likecertain medications, infections or allergies . This discharge can varyin texture , smell or color .

Discharge that is bloody or accompanied by a fever and/or abdominal pain may bea sign of a sexually transmitted infection or urinary tract infection, andshould be treated as an emergency .

Things You Can Try Yourself

Why Do I Feel So Drained When Start My Period

If your morning sickness is not too bad, your GP or midwife will initially recommend you try some lifestyle changes:

  • get plenty of rest
  • avoid foods or smells that make you feel sick
  • eat something like dry toast or a plain biscuit before you get out of bed
  • eat small, frequent meals of plain foods that are high in carbohydrate and low in fat
  • eat cold foods rather than hot ones if the smell of hot meals makes you feel sick
  • drink plenty of fluids, such as water
  • eat foods or drinks containing ginger there’s some evidence ginger may help reduce nausea and vomiting
  • try acupressure there’s some evidence that putting pressure on your wrist, using a special band or bracelet on your forearm, may help relieve the symptoms

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Missed Or Late Menstrual Period Nausea Or Vomiting And Upset Stomach

Reviewed on 10/9/2020

A missed or late menstrual period associated with nausea and vomiting can occur as a result of pregnancy. It is also possible that medical conditions or infections can interfere with hormone balance, causing irregularities in he menstrual cycle and missed periods. If you are experiencing these symptoms and may be pregnant, visit your doctor to determine if you are pregnant or if there is another cause of your symptoms.

While the list below can be considered as a guide to educate yourself about these conditions, this is not a substitute for a diagnosis from a health care provider. There are many other medical conditions that also can be associated with your symptoms and signs. Here are a number of those from MedicineNet:

Nausea Two Weeks After Period

Post Menstrual Syndrome is the occurrence of bodily irregularities occasioned by hormonal imbalances in the two-week period after the menstruation is over.

From this definition, it can be seen that the two-week period following the completion of periods is rife with issues on the body of a woman. The reason for that is that, just before the onset of periods, the body undergoes various hormonal changes. These changes only come about due to the release of various hormones into the bloodstream.

Some women even experience high fever and other symptoms during the two weeks after menstruation. Most of the hormones and chemicals will be produced throughout the session of the period. As the period comes to an end, the body naturally stops producing the chemicals and hormones to revert it to normalcy. The chemicals already in the bloodstream slowly reduce in amount until they become nonexistent.

However, chances are that a few chemicals and hormones may still exist in the bloodstream for a fortnight after the period comes to an end. In such a case, post menstrual symptoms will set in. The main one is nausea and it has been exhibited in a majority of the women who experience the post menstrual syndrome. The rest of the symptoms are discussed below. If you are experiencing any of them, seek medical advice given that they may not entirely be caused by your menses.

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Why Does It Happen For Some People With Periods But Not Others

One word: hormones. “In the mid-portion of your cycle when you ovulate, your estrogen and progesterone levels start to surge, and they decline when you do not get pregnant and get your period,” Dr. Dweck explains. “So that precipitous decline, particularly in estrogen, is what causes a lot of the symptoms.”

But that’s not all . “The other thing that’s going on as we get into our periods is that the uterus cranks out a chemical called prostaglandin,” says , MD, clinical professor in the department of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at the Yale University School of Medicine.

Prostaglandin causes that annoying AF uterine cramping. It also causes the muscles to contract and can give you gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea. According to Dr. Minkin, “prostaglandins can also make you feel like you have the flu and even give you a temperature.” Fun, right?

But many women also change up their lifestyle habits before their period starts, Dr. Dweck points out. For instance, you might up your sugar and salty snack intake, which can cause swelling and inflammation, she explains. And you may have increased water retention, which could lead to joint pain, Dr. Dweck says. The effects of these diet and lifestyle changes right before your period can mimic flu like symptoms too. So that’s definitely something you want to keep in mind.

When To Get Medical Advice

Why do I feel nauseous when I have neck pain?
  • Fever of 100.4°F or higher, or as directed by your provider

  • Pain or cramping gets worse or doesnt get better with medicine

  • Pain or cramping lasts longer than normal or occurs between periods

  • Abnormal vaginal discharge between periods

  • Bleeding becomes heavy

  • Pink or gray tissue passes from the vagina

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