When Will I Get My Period Exact

Am I Eligible For Benefits During A Leave Of Absence From My Job

5 Signs Your FIRST Period is Coming! (how to tell) | Just Sharon

Generally, you are not eligible for benefits during a leave of absence from your job. In order to be eligible for benefits, you must be unemployed through no fault of your own, be actively seeking work, and be able and available to accept work if it is offered to you. In limited circumstances, an exception may apply to the general rule. DES will make a determination in each case.

Some Important Information Regarding The Calculator

The period calculator above also comes with a fertility calendar. You can navigate through different months by clicking on the NEXT 2 MONTHS and PREVIOUS 2 MONTHS links. This allows you to plan and prepare for your fertile and menstrual periods in the upcoming months.

What you do need to remember though is that the information isnt 100% accurate as it is impossible to predict the human body.

Your fertile period gives you a good range in when to have intercourse to potentially get pregnant. You can learn more about the likelihood of conception in this article.

That being said, the menstrual calculator is still an extremely useful tool. It provides a simple way of knowing when to anticipate your next period and when is the best time to try for getting pregnant.

This could be a huge help for those with busy schedules to plan their days to start their family.

Learn more

Want to learn more about your menstrual cycle? Find out how does the Fertility Calculator work or how to to calculate your period manually.

Want to know if youre pregnant? Take this online pregnancy test, read more about the most common reasons why your period might be late or find out when its the best time to take a home pregnancy test.

When Will I Get My First Period

Find out if you’re displaying the common signs of starting your period.

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As they approach their teenage years, most girls start to wonder when their periods might start. Some look forward to this moment as a sign that they are really growing up. Others are a little nervous about how they will feel, or how they might manage their period. Either way, it can be good to know whether you are likely to get your period soon.

With periods usually starting between the ages of 10-16 years, it can be hard to predict when your first period will arrive. However, your body will probably start to show some tell-tale signs when your first period is on its way. “Puberty has a predictable pattern,” explains GP Dr Jeff Foster. “Understanding the significance of different signs such as breast development, vaginal discharge, pubic hair and underarm hair can give us an indication about whether a first period is likely to occur soon.”

Also Check: Can You Get Laser Hair Removal On Your Period

When Do Periods Stop

Periods stop temporarily while a woman is pregnant. They also stop permanently after menopause.

Menopause usually occurs when a woman is in her late 40s to mid-50s. Periods will either become less and less frequent over a few months or may suddenly stop.

Some symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, difficulty sleeping, increased anxiety, and problems with memory and concentration.

Look For Puberty Signs And Symptoms

The Definitive Guide to Trying to Conceive

The menstrual cycle is linked with puberty. So, when the signs of adolescence show up, you should expect your period to be around the corner. Here are the five symptoms you need to keep an eye on.

· Height growth

If you experience faster bone growth, you might be closer to your initial bleeding.

· Pubic hair

Thicker hair around your genitals and armpits is another symptom of a reaching period age.

· Fluid or discharge

When your cycle is about to happen, you see a whiteish or yellowish fluid on your underwear more frequently. This sticky and scentless liquid is a sign of puberty and possible bleeding in the near future.

· Boddy odor

Puberty causes your sweat and body scent to be more pungent. So, if you feel like your odor has changed, you should be prepared for your first period.

· Breast growth

This one is usually a women-specific symptom. Enlarged breasts are a sign of puberty and menstrual cycle age.

Recommended Reading: My Period Is Longer Than Usual

Heads Up: Dont Forget The One

There are three instances where you have to see a doctor or menstruation health specialist immediately.

  • If you use 1 tampon per hour.
  • If your menses last for more than 10 days.
  • If the gap between your cycles is less than 20 days.

The above red flags are abbreviated as the 1-10-20 rule. Make sure to seek professional help if you face any of the said situations.


The First Period Quiz is not a diagnostic test. And you should take the results lightly. The questionary is designed to give you an idea of when your initial menses might happen. Please, make sure to talk to a specialist if you have menstruation-related problems and do not rely on the online test results.

Stay healthy and keep loving your body

How Many Days Are There Until Your Next Period

Toâ¯calculate how many days there are between each period, you need to know how long your menstrual cycle is. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, which means the average time between periods for most girls is 28 days. So, if you want a very general estimate of when your next period is coming, count 28 days from the first day of your last period. However, just be aware that 28 is only an average, so the number varies from girl to girl. Whatâs even more helpful is to work out the average for your individualâ¯menstrual cycle.

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What Causes Pain To Occur 7

Cyclical pain, pain thats related to the menstrual cycle, in a reproductive age person with ovaries, almost always has something to do with hormones and ovulation. Any abdominal or pelvic pain occurring monthly should be examined to see what changes in anatomy and physiology may be responsible for causing the pain.

In the week or two prior to a menstrual period, a corpus luteum cystic gland forms on one of the ovaries at the site where an egg was released from that ovary. This is a hormonally functional gland that produces progesterone primarily. The gland causes the ovary to become larger and heavier for a while until the cystic area goes away when your period starts.

The other main pelvic change during this time is that the veins of the pelvis often swell under the influence of progesterone. They can become like varicose veins of the pelvis and sometimes will produce a throbbing pain, which lasts throughout most of the last week of the cycle.

Since the pain only lasts for 3 days and does not start 14 days before the menstrual period but rather 7-10 days, the best guess as to cause would be that the pain has to do with the enlarging ovary. One would expect the pain to alternate sides if it were due to a corpus luteum gland because ovulation usually alters one month from one ovary and one month from the other. However, we have seen ovulation occur pretty regularly from only one ovary even though there appears to be no disease in the other one.

Read More:

What Is A Waiting Period Week

How to Tell Your Period Is Coming | First Period Signs!

Your waiting period week is the first eligible week for benefits under each claim filed. You must serve a waiting period week for each claim filed. You will never receive payment for this first week, but it must be claimed to be counted. It does not mean you should wait a week before filing a UI claim.

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What Will My First Period After Labour Be Like

You first period may be different from how your period was before.

You may have:

  • irregular periods especially if it returns while you’re breastfeeding
  • cramping this may be worse or better than before you were pregnant
  • heavier periods
  • small blood clots in your periods

If you have blood clots in your period, or have much heavier blood loss than you have had before, you should speak to your midwife, health visitor or GP.

Before You Start The Calculation

Check these boxes to confirm you are prepared before you start your calculations:

  • You are an eligible employer during this claim period
  • Both of the following apply:

    You know which of your employees are eligible for this claim period

  • Both of the following apply:

    You know if you had any eligible employees on leave with pay for any full weeksduring the claim period

  • You have your monthly eligible revenue amounts from the current period and prior to March, 2020
  • One of the following applies:

    You know the total amount your eligible employees received under theWork-Sharing benefit program through Employment Insurance for this claim period

  • You did not participate in the Work-Sharing program

    Before you proceed

    You should understand the definitions and gather all the necessary information before you calculateyour claim.

    You can now proceed

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    What Is Pre Period

    Pre period, also known as premenstrual syndrome , is a syndrome that up to 90% of women will experience in their reproductive lives. It is characterized by headaches, mood swings, anxiety, irritability or upset, tiredness or trouble sleeping, stomach pain, breast tenderness, spotty skin or greasy hair, and changes in libido and appetite. The causes are not fully understood, but some doctors think that changes in hormone levels due to the menstrual cycle is the cause.

    What About An At

    How do I Determine my Luteal Phase Length? (with pictures)

    The best time to take an at-home pregnancy test is first thing in the morning and with your first morning urine. This is when the urine is most concentrated and has the highest level of the pregnancy hormone hCG. Try not to get up and go to the bathroom during the night and then do the test as soon as you get up.

    Despite what many manufacturers of urine pregnancy tests want you to believe, the urine pregnancy test will usually not become positive in most women until about a week after implantation, around the time of a missed period.

    Had a negative pregnancy test? Find out what the chances are that you could still be pregnant even though you had a negative pregnancy test.

    When the pregnancy test first becomes positive has a wide variation and depends on several variables. The following variables determine when the home urine pregnancy test becomes positive:

    Exact day of ovulation: A urine pregnancy test is usually positive 4-5 days after implantation. However, it’s the day of ovulation that’s important too, as implantation can only happen if ovulation took place and the egg was fertilized. So if your day of ovulation was later than you thought, then implantation and subsequently the pregnancy test are further delayed, too. That is why it’s really important to keep track of your ovulation day so you can start counting the days to implantation, and eventually the positive pregnancy test.

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    How Do I Get Keywords That Will Generate Traffic

    Director of Luxe Hub Marketing | HubSpot Growth Specialist | Sustainable Growth Solutions Tailored For The Luxury Market

    Some handy tips to help you generate keywords that will drive traffic…

    Use a keyword research tool

    There are a number of tools available that can help you identify keywords that are relevant to your business and have a high search volume. Some popular tools include Google’s Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush.

    Analyze your competitors

    Look at the websites and online content of your competitors to see which keywords they are using. This can give you an idea of which keywords are generating traffic in your industry.

    Consider long-tail keywords

    Long-tail keywords are more specific and often have less competition than more general, short-tail keywords. They may not have as high a search volume as short-tail keywords, but they can be an effective way to target a specific audience.

    Use Google’s autocomplete function

    Start typing a keyword or phrase related to your business into Google’s search bar and see what suggestions appear. These suggestions are based on the most popular searches related to the letters or words you have typed and can be a good source of keyword ideas.

    Use Google Trends

    This tool allows you to see how popular a particular keyword or phrase is over time. You can use it to see which keywords are currently trending and which ones have a consistent level of popularity.

    #SEO #keywordresearch #content #google

    What Do I Need To Do To Prepare For My First Period

    There is nothing in particular you need to do to prepare for your first period, besides having feminine hygiene products and over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or naproxen on hand. If you happen to get your period with no access to menstrual products, toilet paper will work in an emergency. If you get your first period at school, your teacher or school nurse will have a pantiliner or pad on hand.

    There are a variety of menstrual products available to you:

    Disposable pads

    These absorbent pads have an adhesive backing that sticks to the inside of your underwear. They are available in different lengths and absorbencies, and some have adhesive wings that wrap around the sides of your underwear. Disposable pads should be changed every 4-6 hours and are thrown out after a single use.


    These are small, thin, disposable absorbent pads that can be used on their own on days of light flow. They can also be used in combination with a tampon, in case of leaks or discharge.

    Reusable pads

    These are usually made of cotton, bamboo, or other natural absorbent fibres, and are often available at health food stores. They can be washed with detergent and reused. Some have velcro tabs to secure them around your underwear.


    Menstrual cup

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    Understanding The Menstrual Cycle Properly

    While you may already have a fair understanding of your own menstrual cycle, there are women who have cycle lengths that vary. Sometimes, your own cycle can be as short as 23 days on cycle and 28 or 30 days the next.

    When a variation in menstrual cycle length occurs, it usually happens before you ovulate. This is referred to as the follicular phase which encompasses menstruation as well and ends when you ovulate . A woman generally ovulates between days 12-16 of their cycle which is the start of the luteal phase .

    There is a multitude of reasons as to why your period could be altered, be it stress or medications, even weight gain/loss or travel. Unless you think you are pregnant, it could be a myriad of reasons that have your period coming irregularly.

    When Does Ovulation Occur

    ð? Get your first period instantly ð?

    In an average 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs about 14 days before the beginning of your next menstrual period. The exact timing varies your cycle length may be longer or shorter. You may find it helpful to track your menstrual cycle using an app on your phone or a calendar. This can help you determine when ovulation is most likely to occur. Most people will have a period 14 to 16 days after ovulation, regardless of the length of their overall cycle.

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    How Much Blood Is Lost During A Period

    The amount of blood lost during a period will vary from woman to woman, but, on average, a woman will lose about 6 – 8 teaspoons of blood per period. A loss of 80 ml or more, having a period longer than seven days, or both, is considered heavy. However, most women have a good idea of whether or not their bleeding is within the normal range for them.

    How Does Fertility Differ With The Pill

    Birth control pills aim to prevent unintended pregnancy. The pill prevents pregnancy by releasing synthetic hormones that stop ovulation from occurring and the uterus lining from thickening.

    So, even if the ovaries do release an egg, a fertilized egg would be unable to implant in the wall of the uterus. The pill also thickens cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to reach an egg.

    According to the CDC , the birth control pill is more than 99% effective with perfect use but only 91% effective with typical use. This means that around 9 out of 100 women would become pregnant in a year of taking the pill with typical use.

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    How Do Menstrual Cycle Calculators Work

    Menstrual Cycle Calculators vary in complexity. Some will ask you for information such as your average body temperature, as well as various other bits and pieces about what your body is currently going through.

    While there are women who measure their basal body temperature, its not something that the everyday woman uses.

    However, it is a rather accurate way to determine when a woman is ovulating.

    Some feel that these types of cycle calculators are overkill, but for those who are using the basal body temperature to prevent and plan a pregnancy, they have this information handy.

    If you arent into this type of strict monitoring, a simple calculator like the one provided here can give you really good results and help you plan.

    Why Should You Know When Your Next Period Will Start

    How Long Can A Period Last After Having A Baby

    Knowing when your next period will start is useful for women to prepare for that day – there may need to be some minor adjustments to your routine. It can also be useful for booking gynecological exams, like a pap test which should be completed on a day you don’t have your period.

    Knowing when to expect your next period can also help to prevent pregnancy, as your period days are the days you are least fertile .

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