What To Eat While On Period

Our Advice Figure Out What Works For You

Avoid These Foods During Periods | Women’s Health | Foods to Avoid in Mensuration

Everybody is different, and everyone experiences their menstrual cycle differently. What works for someone else might look different for you. Take your time and experiment with these foods and others.

Life doesnt stop for your uterus so try not to be too rigid with yourselfif you need to grab that cup of coffee, make it up with a healthy meal and plenty of water for lunch. You cant do any better than your best, and whats the point of beating yourself up about it? No reason to make your period harder than it is.

But do go the extra mile to balance the not-so-helpful things with the helpful things and you might just find that youve found your ticket to a happy, pain-free period.

What Foods To Eat During Your Cycle

The reason? All the hormones in our endocrine system that work together to carry out vital functions and promote homeostasis in the body, are influenced by many factors, including what we eat. In particular the balance of progesterone and oestrogen is imperative not only for hormone health, but overall physical mental and emotional well-being.

Certain nutrients help support hormone detoxification, influence hormone activity or promote their production. Its fascinating when we look at the symptoms food can help us with. For example, protein provides amino acids the raw materials needed for making hormones while foods such as kale and broccoli can help support detoxification processes including removal of excess oestrogen. Vitamin C, found in foods such as dark leafy greens, citrus and parsley, is a key to help the production of cortisol, which influences our stress response, while magnesium-rich foods such as tofu, dark greens and nuts may help to support PMS-associated water retention and menstrual pain.

Keeping our blood sugar levels steady also contributes to overall hormone balance, helping to reduce mood swings and better manage weight, sleep and cravings. To do this, try eating balanced meals filled with fibre and protein at regular intervals, and being mindful of the types of sugars and carbohydrates that we are eating.

How To Have A Baby After The Menstrual Cycle

If youre trying to conceive and youre wondering what to do during your menstrual cycle, there are a few things you can do. First of all, you should eat a nutritious diet. If you are menstruating, you should have a high intake of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin D. You should also eat foods rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. You should avoid caffeine and alcohol and stay hydrated. Additionally, you should avoid foods that can cause nausea, especially foods that contain caffeine, fats, and salt. You should also avoid dairy products and acidic foods. Keep in mind that you dont have to stop consuming these foods, but you should consider not eating them during your period. A couple of days before your period, you should start going on a low-fat, low-salt diet. One of the reasons you should avoid these foods is because they can increase your period blood flow and thus make it more difficult for sperm to swim.

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Eat Like Goldilocks And Crack Out The Porridge

Oats are a great food to eat while on your period. This food is full of fibre which is aids heart health and also pesky mood swings. Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, RD, author of The Better Period Food Solution, told Refinery29 that oats are rich in B1 or thiamin, thiamin-rich foods break down carbohydrates in the body, so more mood-boosting neurotransmitters become available in the brain. This process can help combat PMS-related moodiness and anxiety. Make yourself some overnight oats with some dark chocolate and your gut will be ready to kick your periods butt.

Tip : If You Dont Suffer From Endometriosis Consider Natural Remedies Before Popping A Painkiller


Natural remedies for menstrual cramps, such as herbal teas or heating pads as well as can effectively help with period symptoms.

Also, reconsider the period product you use. Did you know that menstrual cups can shorten the days you have your period, make period cramps less agitating and help you feel more comfortable during your period?

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How To Reprogram Those Cravings

Youre not going to go from loving brownies and chips to appreciating salads overnight, but its possible to make better choices gradually. Dr. McClure recommends not just making healthy swaps around period time but changing the way you eat overall, so its easier to stay on track when your cycle starts. For example, instead of finding comfort in your favorite chocolate dessert, she suggests going for a small piece of dark chocolate.

Its really about reprogramming and changing the foods that youre going for. In the beginning, it might be tough to make a complete switch from hot fudge sundaes to healthier foods, but its possible. For instance, if you want dessert, switch to something like a small piece of dark chocolate. Youll still get the antioxidants from the chocolate that youre craving only not in a large amount and with less sugar. Eventually, you can make a goal to try to avoid sweets altogether.

Dr. McClure also recommends cutting back on caffeine and alcohol as well because these beverages can dehydrate you. If you simply cant live without coffee, she suggests that you have a cup in the morning, then switch to drinking water the rest of the day. She adds that sipping water throughout the day can actually help keep you awake. But if you find water is boring, just add some of your favorite fresh flavors to it like lemon slices, berries, herbs or cucumbers.

What Are Period Pills

Today, some women choose to use a period pill to help regulate their menstrual cycle. These pills, sometimes referred to as the period pill, help to manage symptoms associated with menstruation, including cramps and heavy bleeding. These pills can also help regulate your hormones, allowing you to get a better nights sleep and feel more energetic throughout your day. Many women use period pills along with a more natural period to help regulate their cycle. Some people may also choose a period pill as a form of contraception. However, some women choose to use this contraceptive method after their period and not use it as a method of contraception. There are several different types of period pills available, including pill, patch and ring. Which of these methods of contraception is right for you?

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Things You Should Avoid

Salt and spicy food

Steer clear of fried food and readymade snacks including packaged food since they are rich in salt and sodium. Consumption of excess salt causes water retention that leads to bloating during your period, said Dr Patil. In fact, also avoid spicy food since it can upset your stomach and cause acid refluxes.


Avoid drinks like coffee, energy drinks etc as they can cause headaches and constipation. It can also cause digestive problems, she said.


Foods To Eat During Periods

Foods for period relief! What to eat on your period & during PMS

Lets be honest- even without symptoms, periods arent easy on anyone. Sudden cravings are also often accompanied by an increase in hunger, and that should not be ignored. However, eating right can not only help you satiate your hunger and curb cravings but can also make you feel much better! Below is a list of foods to eat during your period.

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Make Sure You Have Magnesium In Your Diet

According to research published in 2020, either 150 milligrams or better yet 300 milligrams of magnesium could help reduce menstrual cramping and improve mood, including your ability to cope with depression. One of the culprits is prostaglandins, lipid compounds that cause inflammation, contributing to cramps and mood swings magnesium can reduce prostaglandins and help you better manage your PMS symptoms.

To get extra magnesium in your diet, Dr. Gersh suggests a magnesium glycinate supplement of about 500 milligrams daily, or if you want to go the dietary route, start eating pumpkin seeds and walnuts for significant amounts of magnesium. And good news if you crave chocolate during your period: Dark chocolate, which is rich in magnesium, can also help boost mood and decrease cramping, Azzaro says. There are about 64 milligrams of magnesium in one ounce of dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa, so its not a bad deal.

What Not To Eat On Your Period

Okay, so weve gone over what foods help menstrual cramps. But just as important are what foods actually cause menstrual cramps. Eating the wrong foods during your period can make your symptoms worse: bloating, mood swings, and decreased energy levels are all influenced by what you eat and drink.

No one needs that, so at the very least, try and wean yourself off the following food groups when that time of the month is coming up.

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How To Avoid Long Term Side Effects

According to WebMD, you may want to avoid eating certain foods while on your period. Foods that may be bad for you include avocados, asparagus, beans, cabbage, kale, mushrooms, nuts, onions, peanut butter, potatoes, spinach, strawberries, and soybeans. Common foods that may be good for you include onions, whole grain cereals, dairy products, and eggs. These foods may help keep your period regular and reduce cramps. As your period gets closer, it is more important to be careful about which foods you eat, because sometimes you may have to avoid certain foods even while on your period. For example, eating asparagus can cause stomach upset, and this can become worse as your period approaches. Nuts are often hard to digest, which can make you feel worse if you eat them while you are on your period. An eating disorder may be the result of stress, and can cause you to overeat or not eat enough to maintain your weight. It can also cause weight gain or loss. People with eating disorders may eat a lot of high calorie, high fat foods, and may not eat as much as they should. Depression is another common side effect of eating disorders. It can cause you to feel sad or guilty. People who have anxiety may be afraid of going on a diet or may have a hard time losing weight. Food may become a way to cope with stress and anxiety, but in the long term, this behavior may cause other

Exactly What To Eat At Every Stage Of Your Menstrual Cycle

5 Foods you should eat during your period http://www.sheknows.com ...

Because managing the physical and emotional symptoms is actually a month-round job

Periods, while a beautiful, natural thing, can also bring with them tiredness, bloating, breast tenderness, skin breakouts, cramps, mood swings and lets not forget hanger.

We all have coping strategies for the phases in our cycles where were feeling less than perfect, from using a hot water bottle to eating a tub of ice cream in front of Netflix, but managing the physical and emotional symptoms of our menstrual cycle is actually a month-round job.

Following a diet to optimise the four phases of your menstrual cycle is an important step for every woman, but its also important to just go with the flow, listen to your body and honour your cycle, Priscila Gonsalez, holistic dietitian for INTIMINA UK explains. You can focus on practices that can help regulate your cycle. When your body is connected to the fluctuations of natures rhythm, your cycle tends to be less painful and conception will be easier.

But what does a diet to optimise your menstrual cycle really mean? Here, Priscila talks us through exactly what to eat during each stage of our cycles so we can take control back from our hormones once and for all.

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Is It Normal To Feel Extra Hungry Just Before Your Period Starts

Around three-quarters of all women experience pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS. For some women, this does not affect their daily life, but for others, it can be more disruptive.

Right before your period starts, your hormones go through a cyclical change as progesterone levels rise. This can cause bloating, increased hunger, headaches or mood fluctuations.

As your hormones go through this natural cycle, serotonin levels can fluctuate too, contributing to the typical mood swings and increased appetite that can occur right before your period.

This is all a perfectly normal part of your cycle!

What Causes The Pain

Before a period begins, the cells that form the lining of the uterus, also called endometrial cells, begin to break down during menstruation and release large amounts of inflammatory prostaglandins. These chemicals constrict the blood vessels in the uterus and make the muscle layer contract, causing painful cramps. Some of the prostaglandins enter the bloodstream, causing headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.2

Researchers have measured the number of prostaglandins produced by cells of the uterus and found that it is higher in women with menstrual pain than for women who have little or no pain. This helps explain why nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs work for menstrual pain. Ibuprofen , naproxen , and other NSAIDs reduce the production of prostaglandins. NSAIDs have been found to decrease menstrual flow, which may reduce menstrual pain.

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What Foods Help With Period Cramps

During your period, fluctuating hormones constrict your uterine muscles, which cause cramping. Some foods that help with period cramps are those that have a calming effect like herbal teas or camomile tea, and potassium-rich food like bananas and kiwis. Also, some menstrual cup users report experiencing less cramping, even though research has yet to prove this claim.

Stay Away From Caffeinated Drinks

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Coffee, tea and fizzy drinks all contain caffeine. Caffeine restricts blood flow to those cramping areas which causes your body to produce more prostaglandins the hormone which induces cramps. The artificial sugars in fizzy drinks also make your body retain water, leaving you feeling even more bloated and yucky.

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Whether Youre Suffering From Pms And Cramps Or Just Feel Like You Want To Hide Under A Duvet Being On Your Period Can Be Difficult Here We Speak To A Nutritionist To Find Out How A Tweak In Diet Could Help Us Feel Calmer Less In Pain And More Alert

There are a couple of weeks every month where I feel like Im operating at half-speed. I feel lethargic, irritable and when my period comes, Im often in a lot of pain. For me a combination of pain-killers, hot water bottles and CBD balm helps take the edge off, but Im convinced theres more I could be doing.

Feeling low in energy and agitated for half the month isnt ideal, especially for my partner who tends to be on the receiving end of my spikey moods. Through menstrual cycle tracking Ive gained a lot of awareness of how my moods change and why my anxiety peaks, but knowing what to do about it feels like the missing piece.

And I wonder if looking at what Im eating could be this missing piece. Were starting to understand just how much our diet affects not only mood but our mental health. So when our bodies experience hormonal and mood changes, there must be tweaks we can make to our diet to support that.

I spoke to nutritionist and asked her what we can eat to help us feel more energised and calm during our period and she offered the following recommendations.


Ensuring that our blood glucose levels are in balance can help us feel energised and prevent sugar crashes and cravings. Good sources of protein include poultry, fish, eggs, pulses, nuts and seeds.


Leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables also contain compounds called indole-3-carbinol which support liver function, important for helping to eliminate âoldâ hormones and keep hormone levels balanced.

Is Chocolate Good For Periods

Chocolate is a comfort food. It can be eaten any time of the year, but its especially popular during the holidays. And for good reason chocolate is delicious!

Chocolate is made from cacao beans, which are filled with nutrients such as magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc. These minerals are essential for many bodily functions, including blood pressure regulation and energy production.

Benefits of Chocolate

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What To Eat On Your Period According To Experts

If youre struggling with PMS, cramps, fatigue, or other period-related side effects, diet can help. Heres what to eat during your period to help relieve symptoms.

Lets face it: Periods suck. As well as being an inconvenience, they can accompany a variety of annoying PMS symptoms and make you feel generally nauseous. Anything you can do to relieve menstrual cramps is a welcome addition to your self-care routine, whether youre reaching for a heating pad to relieve cramps, taking a nutritional supplement to ease PMS symptoms, synchronizing your cycle, or just simply treating yourself just curl up with a cup of tea. Chances are youve also indulged in some comfort food during your period.

While eating during your menstrual cycle is often viewed as a treat or just written off as just period cravings , the truth is that nutrition can be a helpful tool to help you feel your best during your period.

Although the same hormones, estrogen and progesterone, are behind the workings of everyones menstrual cycle, each persons experience will be different as you may feel these cravings very strongly, or you may be super-cramped and have no desire to eat, or both. The common denominator between all cycles is that menstrual nutrition is key: Balanced meals of healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates will keep you full, energized, and keep your hormones as balanced as possible so PMS cant throw you out of the loop as much, according to nutritionists .

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