Bleeding After Period Has Ended Bright Red

Your Uterus May Be Tipped Or Flexed

What can I expect with postpartum bleeding?

According to Maya Abdominal Massage Therapists, it is very common for women to have tipped uteruses – or a uterus that is in a flexed position. Why your uterus is not in the correct position, it can be more difficult for the menstrual blood to flow freely out of the uterus. This could cause your period to start, and then the flow being stuck for several hours or days.

Maya Abdominal Massage is an ancient technique of massaging the pelvic organs which is said to improve their positioning, increase blood and lymph flow by encouraging the uterus to return to its correct position.

Is It Normal For The Color To Be Different At The Beginning And End Of My Period

Yes! Your period may change colors from the beginning to the middle to the end. You may even have different colors from month to month or at different times throughout your life. There are a number of factors involved, even when your periods are totally healthy.

In most cases, the variation from bright red to dark red to brown has something to do with the flow and time the blood has been in the uterus. Your flow may be faster at the beginning of your period and trail off toward the end. You may have dark red blood after laying down for a long time, too. You may see bright red blood on your heaviest days.

This doesnt mean that all changes in color are normal. If you see a shade thats unfamiliar or gray especially if you have other symptoms theres no harm in making an appointment to get checked out. And any bleeding during pregnancy is reason to touch base with your doctor.

Normal Colors Seen In Period Blood

It’s normal to see period blood in shades of pink, red, and brown. The shades can mean different things.

  • Pink blood: Pink blood is often seen at the time your period starts. At this stage, some of the fresh, bright red blood may mix with vaginal discharge causing the color to lighten and look pink. Vaginal discharge is a mix of fluid and cells shed by your vagina to keep your vaginal tissues healthy, moist, and free from infection or irritation. If your periods are light, the blood may also appear pink.
  • âBright red blood: As your uterus starts to actively shed blood during your period, you may notice that the color is bright red. This just means that your blood is fresh and has not been in the uterus or vagina for some time.
  • Dark red blood: Dark red blood is simply blood that has been in the vagina for longer. It can even be seen with blood clots. Clotting is also considered normal unless the clots are larger than the size of quarters.
  • Brown or black blood: These are color variations seen in blood that has taken longer to exit the vagina. Black blood can be dark red or brown-colored blood that appears black. Sometimes, as your period comes to an end, the dark blood can mix with vaginal discharge and end up looking brown.

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What Is Your Period Blood Telling You

Our periods are a great way to check in with how our bodies are doing. The color, texture, smell, and more gives us great insight into how our bodies are operating, allowing us to get more attuned and in touch with ourselves. Familiarizing yourself with this information will be helpful for making the most of your next OBGYN appointment.

Keep reading to discover what your period says about your health and become your own period whisperer.

What To Expect After Your Vaginal Delivery

Bleeding after period has ended bright red
  • Bleeding: Blood loss at the time of delivery does not end immediately after delivery. While in the hospital, you may have noticed that you have had heavier vaginal bleeding than ever before. This will slowly taper down over the course of the next few weeks. Bright red bleeding that occurred immediately after delivery will slowly change to a darker color and eventually green and yellow. This is all a normal part of the postpartum transition of the uterus. Occasionally, a week or two after your bleeding seems to have stopped, you may have a sudden gush of bright red blood. This is the normal process of the placental site scab coming off. This too will taper off over a few days. Bleeding more than a pad an hour for more than three hours is not appropriate and we would like you to contact us immediately.
  • Pain: The most significant pain that most patients experience after delivery is related to uterine cramping. This may feel similar to contractions while in labor. This too is associated with the uterus returning back to its normal, non-pregnant size. Often times, cramping is worse after a breastfeeding session. The best pain medication to ease the discomfort of uterine cramping is ibuprofen . Though we do not advise the use of ibuprofen during pregnancy, it is completely safe during the postpartum period and while breastfeeding.
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    Treating Post Menopause Bleeding

    If you have postmenopausal bleeding it is important to have it investigated.

    You will most likely be referred to a gynaecologist who may:

    • ask you questions about the history of your health
    • examine you
    • do a blood test
    • look at the inside of your vagina and cervix using special tongs . At the same time, they may take a tiny sample of your cervix for testing .

    The kind of treatment you have will depend on what is causing the bleeding.

    • Atrophic vaginitis and thinning of the endometrium are usually treated with drugs that work like the hormone oestrogen. These can come as a tablet, vaginal gel or creams, skin patches, or a soft flexible ring which is put inside your vagina and slowly releases the medication.
    • Polyps are usually removed with surgery. Depending on their size and location, they may be removed in a day clinic using a local anaesthetic or you may need to go to hospital to have a general anaesthetic.
    • Thickening of the endometrium is usually treated with medications that work like the hormone progesterone and/or surgery to remove the thickening.

    Before treatment there are a number of tests and investigations your gynaecologist may recommend.

    All treatments should be discussed with you so that you know why a particular treatment or test is being done over another.

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    Youre Experiencing A Missed Miscarriage

    A missed miscarriage happens when the fetus stops developing but doesnt pass through your uterus for at least 4 weeks. Some women experience heavy, bright red bleeding and clotting, while others have dark brown spotting or moderate bleeding.

    If youre pregnant and you experience bleeding of any color, its always a good idea to check in with your doctor.

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    The Difference Between Spotting And Your Period

    Generally, periods come every 21 to 35 days. Some women have shorter periods that last up to 2 days, while others menstruate for up to 7 days. Still others can bleed for even longer but this is a sign of a heavy period and, although common, is not normal and can indicate that there are underlying reproductive issues.

    The first day of your period is considered day 1 of your monthly cycle and is often accompanied by period pains: headaches, cramps, cravings, and the like. Though it may seem like youre bleeding out, the amount of blood women release is usually between 4 and 7 tablespoons. The color of period blood can range but is typically red or, if your uterus is shedding off old tissue, brown.

    On the other hand, spotting can occur at any time during your monthly cycle and is most likely going to be just a few drops of blood throughout the day. Spotting blood is usually either light pink or dark brown. Though cramps and periods seem to be best buds, you probably wont feel any pain if youre spottingunless you are experiencing implantation spotting but well get to that.

    Now that youre clear on the differences between spotting and having your period, lets move on to the really important stuff: why youre spotting at different times throughout your menstrual cycle.

    How Do You Know If You’re Spotting

    How long should postpartum bleeding last?

    Spotting blood can have a different hue than period blood. It might be variations of brown, and it can also have a different texture.

    Finally, most spotting is light: A panty liner or leakproof underwear is usually sufficient to handle the bleeding caused by spotting.

    If you experience persistent spotting or heavy bleeding outside a period that requires more than a panty liner, you should consult a medical professional.

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    What Causes Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

    Most of the time, AUB happens because of changes in the body’s hormone levels.

    For teen girls, one of the most common causes of hormone changes is when the body doesn’t release an egg from one of the ovaries. This is called .

    The release of an egg is part of the menstrual cycle. If a girl’s body doesn’t release an egg, the hormone changes can lead to less frequent or heavy periods.

    Anovulation is most likely to happen after a girl first starts getting her period. That’s because the signals from the brain to the ovaries aren’t fully developed yet. It can last for several years until a girl’s periods become regular.

    Other things can lead a girl to develop AUB. Some illnesses can mess with the body’s hormones. Problems like compulsive exercise, not eating healthy foods, or too much stress can cause hormone changes. Some severe cases of AUB are caused by bleeding disorders such as von Willebrand disease.

    Causes Of Vaginal Bleeding Between Periods

    Bleeding between periods isnt a normal part of the menstrual cycle.

    The average cycle lasts 21 to 35 days. Normal vaginal bleeding, also known as your period, can happen for a few days to a week. Any bleeding outside of this is considered abnormal and can be caused by a variety of factors. These include:

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    When To Seek Help

    If this period that keeps coming and going has occurred several cycles in a row or you have any other symptoms like increased pain, bleeding or spotting outside of your menstrual window, its best to visit your primary health care provider or gynaecologist for a check up to make sure nothing else is going on. With other more serious causes ruled out, focus on the strategies above to gently bring your body back into balance.

    An Ob/gyn Explains Reasons For Blood In Cervical Mucus After Menstruation Is Over

    Different Period Blood Colours And What It Says About Your Health ...

    Have you noticed blood in your cervical mucus even though your period has ended?

    Perhaps youve noticed the blood in the cervical mucus on Day 8 or 9 of your menstrual cycle, or even on Day 11 or 12.

    This can be scary, wiping yourself and looking at the mucus on the tissue paper, and seeing a red tinge to it.

    When blood appears in cervical mucus, it either gives the mucus a pinkish tinge, or, the tinge can be pinkish-brown, or light brown.

    Sometimes, blood in cervical mucus can present as a thin red streak or red hair-thin strand.

    Cervical mucus is normally yellowish, cream-colored or somewhat clear, like egg whites.

    So to see blood in there, when your period has ended, can be unsettling unless you know whats really going on.

    For this article questions were addressed by Dr. Christine E. OConnor, MD, an OB/GYN with the Weinberg Center for Womens Health and Medicine at Mercy, Baltimore, Maryland.

    If youve never been concerned about trying to get pregnant, chances are that you do not know that red, pink or brown in the cervical mucus is a sign of fertility.

    When a new egg is released by the ovary, the process can cause a minute amount of blood leakage that makes its way to the cervix, and then gets picked up by expelled cervical mucus.

    This is called mid-cycle spotting, and women who are trying to get pregnant, who have studied up on the subject, welcome this fertility sign.

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    Physical Conditions And Infections

    Spotting can also be caused by infections and physical changes in the reproductive tract, or hormonal imbalances. Physical conditions that can cause spotting episodes include fibroids , uterine or cervical polyps and endometriosis .

    Pelvic inflammatory disease , which happens when certain pelvic infections go untreated, can also be another culprit for unscheduled spotting. Other symptoms of PID can include pain in the lower abdomen, unusual vaginal discharge, and fever . If you suspect you have spotting and other associated symptoms of PID or of physical pelvic conditions, itâs important to discuss this with your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

    Urinary tract infections can cause bleeding from the urethra . Pain while urinating, paired with a small amount of blood on the toilet paper, might be signs of a UTI .

    Consistently spotting after penetrative vaginal intercourse is not considered normal. Bleeding after sex is often caused by an issue with the cervix or polyps . Some people may experience spotting after their first intercourse experience, which is normal. If youâre noticing spotting after sex, talk to your healthcare provider.

    Why Am I Spotting Before After And In Between My Period

    You know when youre on your period. The blood is flowing, your mood is swinging, and your cramping uterus just confirms what you already know to be true. When youre spotting, things might not be so clear. Seeing a few red dots in your underwear could mean so many different things: pregnancy, ovulation, stress, a looming visit from Aunt Flo. Regardless of how well you know your body and your menstrual cycle, unexpected bleeding of any kind can be anxiety inducing. Dont panicweve got the lowdown on spotting before, after, and in-between your periods.

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    Reasons To Worry About Spotting After Period

  • You experience smelly vaginal discharge
  • Your vagina is itching and there is sore down there
  • You are taking aspirin. This drug prevents clotting resulting in increased bleeding.
  • Your period is now lasting longer than 7 days
  • You continue to have bleeding after sexual intercourse
  • You are getting weak from increased bleeding after period
  • Your period has thick blood clots
  • You feel pain in your lower abdomen
  • Your abdomen is swelling with vaginal bleeding
  • Period Blood Color Meaning

    Period blood colours | Is my period blood colour normal? | Explains Chitra Singh

    Changes in your period blood color are normal. Different period blood colors can tell you anything from the age of the blood to how far into your period you are. While your overall health generally affects the length of your menstrual cycle and the duration of your period, here are some reasons why period blood may vary in color:

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