What Do The Different Colors Of Period Blood Mean

How Do Consistency And Flow Affect Period Blood

Period blood colours | Is my period blood colour normal? | Explains Chitra Singh

The consistency and flow of your period blood also affect the color. Your menstrual blood may be a thin and watery consistency. Or it could be thick and sticky . Thin and watery blood is usually seen in lighter periods and tends to be pink in color. By contrast, a thick and sticky flow occurs in heavier periods and is usually brownish. These differences are typical and reflect the tissue discharged from the uterus lining.

From time to time, your period may include clots or lumps. As your period blood naturally contains cells and tissues, this is usually nothing to worry about. However, if the clot is more than one inch in diameter, then its a good idea to discuss it with your health professional.

Normal will differ from woman to woman when it comes to period blood. The amount of blood flow also varies during your period. Your period may start light before becoming heavy and then gradually trickling away. You may experience light blood flow throughout your period, or a heavy blood flow from day one may be the norm for you.

Can The Pill Affect The Color Of My Period Blood


The color of your period blood while taking hormonal birth control will likely be different than the color it is without it.

As I discuss in Beyond the Pill, because the pill works by preventing ovulation and the endometrium from growing thicker, the bleeding you experience while taking it isnt a true period.

Its actually withdrawal bleeding from the medication. This bleeding can be lighter in flow and darker in color than what youre used to without it. Sometimes, just a tiny bit of brown blood is all youll see when on oral contraception. Other women will have no bleeding at all

Breakthrough bleeding is also common on the pill and IUDs for that matter, especially during the first few months of use. This blood can be light red to dark brown.

Also check out my comprehensive contraception guide here to learn everything you need to know about all of your options for pregnancy prevention.

Your estrogen levels will likely be affected by the pill too this can mean your withdrawal bleeding will also likely be a different color than what you were used to pre-birth control.

The pill can also trigger nutrient deficiencies, which can cause changes in your period blood too. Check out my free nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory recipes if youre struggling in this department.

Tissue In Period Blood Or A Stringy Texture:

If your period blood is stringy or there is what appears to be actual tissue within your period blood, it is possible you suffered an early miscarriage. It could also be part of your uterine lining.

Miscarriage tissue is typically described as being grey to white in color. It does not look like a common blood clot. Another type of tissue called amay also be shed in cases. Decidua is part of the mucus membrane of the uterus and is often described as looking like chicken skin. It may come out as one uterus-shaped piece or in small, stringy chunks. It is possible to only see one small chunk and not shed an entire cast.

Keep in mind, that in most cases, minor changes in period blood colors or texture are entirely irrelevant and dont suggest any health problem. However, prolonged changes such as frequent heavy periods, odors, irregular periods, short periods, and/or severe pain during menstruation should be evaluated.

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Other Possible Period Blood Colors

Even if youre well educated about the many different colors of period blood, you may still be alarmed to find an orange shade in your underwear or on a sanitary product. Before you start to panic, check the consistency of the fluid between two fingers it should be slippery if normal, but if you feel a tackiness or if theres also a bad smell, it could indicate that the blood has mixed with cervical fluids as the result of an infection or STD. In such cases, seek your doctors advice as soon as possible.

Gray or off-white period blood or discharge is a reason to visit your doctor. It can be a sign of an infection like bacterial vaginosis. If youre pregnant, this color can indicate that you may have miscarried.

You should also be aware of clots in your menstrual blood. This is perfectly normal if blood clots are not bigger than a quarter, particularly during the later stages of your period, and is the result of an increase in the activity of platelets in your bloodstream. At the same time, be aware that excessive blood clotting can be a sign of miscarriage, so be ready to visit your local clinic if this becomes a concern.

Im Bleeding In The Middle Of My Cycle Should I Be Worried

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No matter the color or consistency, if youre bleeding and its not the time for your period, its best to contact your physician to make sure nothing out of the ordinary is going on.

Bleeding in the middle of your cycle can possibly indicate one of the following:

  • Normal spotting caused by ovulation
  • Bleeding for more than 7 days

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Dark Red Or Brown Period Blood

This shade usually appears at the beginning or end of your cycle. Again, its usually just an indicator of how quickly the blood is exiting your body.

Darker blood indicates normal, rising levels of estrogen. It could also point to a thicker uterine lining.

Hormonal birth control can affect the thickness of the uterine lining, which in turn can mean a brownish color of period blood. If youre just starting the pill and noticing the color of your blood changing, this could be why. Also be sure and check out this article on reducing the side effects of hormonal birth control.

Sometimes, when a fertilized egg implants into the endometrium, a small bit of blood is discharged this is called implantation bleeding and is usually a brownish color. So if youre finding a small bit of brown blood and youre not on your period, it could mean you need to buy a pregnancy testespecially if youre also experiencing:

  • Extreme fatigue

If youre noticing a brown bloody discharge after giving birth, this is completely normal its called lochia.

Dark brown bleeding can also be a hallmark symptom of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome . If your period blood is brown and youve noticed any of the following, its best to follow up with your doctor:

  • Irregular cycle
  • Unusual hair growth

In fact, if youre ever concerned about your period, discharge or hormones then its a good time to make a doctors appointment.

Period Blood Color Meaning

Changes in your period blood color are normal. Different period blood colors can tell you anything from the age of the blood to how far into your period you are. While your overall health generally affects the length of your menstrual cycle and the duration of your period, here are some reasons why period blood may vary in color:

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Youre Experiencing A Missed Miscarriage

A missed miscarriage happens when the fetus stops developing but doesnt pass through your uterus for at least 4 weeks. Some women experience heavy, bright red bleeding and clotting, while others have dark brown spotting or moderate bleeding.

If youre pregnant and you experience bleeding of any color, its always a good idea to check in with your doctor.

Shades Of Period Blood

What Different Colored Period Blood Means

You’ve probably noticed that your period blood varies in colour – from period to period, or even during your cycle.

And whilst there aren’t literally 50 different colours in the period blood rainbow, as such, it’s likely that your period flow can vary in shade between anything from grey, to pink, to bright red, to black. Here’s why your period changes colour, what each colour means and when you should get checked.

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Why Is My Period Blood Brown On The First Day

Now you know why period blood is darker sometimes, but why is your period blood brown at the beginning? For lots of folks, the first and last days of their period are usually the lightest, and some people experience spotting for a few days after the end of their period.

Because blood flow during these days is slower and lighter, it takes longer to leave your uterus. This gives the blood plenty of time to oxidize and become brown, instead of the brighter red that is more frequent during the heaviest days of menstruation.

What Your Different Period Blood Colors Mean

Our menstrual cycle culminates in our monthly bleed, but we realize its not just blood. Our entire cycle, from follicular to ovulatory to luteal to menstrual, is a hormonal journey within our body to shed our uterine lining, preparing us for a new month of possibility or not. So whats with the various mystery shades, and what do they mean? Heather Bartos, MD, host of The ME Spot podcast, is here to tell us that its totally normal and were not dying.

Blood can change in color and texture from month to month or even during a single period, Dr. Bartos explains.

Hormonal changes, as well as a persons diet, lifestyle, age, and environment, can all cause variations in period blood. These can all be normal! Period blood can vary from bright red to dark brown according to changes in flow. Infections , pregnancy, and, in rare cases, cervical cancer can cause unusual blood color or irregular bleeding.

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What To Do About Orange Period Blood

Normal orange period blood doesnt require any special attention. If youre concerned about an infection, choose gentle period care products to keep you protected.

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Diagnosis Of Period Problems

What is Your Period Blood Telling You?

âYour doctor will review your medical history and medications and conduct a physical examination to identify the causes of abnormal periods. The physical examination may include a pelvic exam as well as a pap test. Other tests your doctor may order include:

  • âBlood tests to check if you have anemia or other medical conditions
  • Vaginal cultures to check for possible infections
  • âA pelvic ultrasound to check for fibroids , polyps , or cysts .
  • âAn endometrial biopsy where a small sample of tissue is taken from the lining of the uterus and is examined under a microscope to check for cancer or other cell abnormalities.

âYour doctor will recommend the right course of treatment based on the cause of your abnormal periods.

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Orange Gray Or Green Period Blood Colors

Orange period blood can be a normal outcome of cervical fluid mixing with blood.

Orange spotting not linked to a period may mean you’re pregnant. It can occur when a fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall. This takes place between about 10 and 14 days after conception.

However, orange, gray, or green tinges to your period blood or vaginal discharge are often a sign of infection, such as:

  • Some sexually transmitted infections

Other symptoms of an infection include:

  • Vaginal itching and discomfort
  • Discharge with a bad odor, including a “fishy” smell
  • Painful urination

See a healthcare provider if you have these symptoms. You may need an antibiotic to clear up the infection.


Pink Period Blood Color:

Just like how a woman gets orange period blood, pink period blood may also somewhat mean the same. Getting pink period blood is associated with light spotting that you may find in the start on your periods or towards the end. You may also see pink period blood in your mid-menstrual cycle that is known as the ovulation bleeding. This occurs when your ovaries have released an egg, hence, you experience very little spotting that could be of pink in color or gives it a pink hue.

Pink period blood can also mean low estrogen in your body. Estrogen is a hormone released by the ovaries that play a very crucial role in your period regulation and development of a girlâs secondary characteristics. Many factors can lead to a deficiency of estrogen hormone in a woman. Whatever may be the reason, low estrogen means your uterus was not able to release an egg nor was it able to prepare the blood lining that could have been shed in your period blood. And when this happens, you get lighter periods than normal or just maybe spotting.

On the other hand, if you know you are pregnant and you get heavy bleeding that is pink in color, it could very likely mean that you have miscarried. Miscarriage is associated with other symptoms like pain in the pelvic region, cramps and dizziness.

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Brown Black Dark Red And More What Causes Different Colors Of Period Blood

You might think all periods are equal, but thats not always the case. Believe it or not, period blood can come in a rainbow of different colors, ranging anywhere from bright red to brown to black, or even blue! What do all the different colors mean? Is brown period blood a sign of a medical condition or is it common and normal? How can you tell when to see a doctor and when things are all good? Dont wrack your brain too much no matter what color blood youve got going on, weve got the answers. Lets get into it.

Black or Brown Period BloodWhen you see black or brown period blood and you arent expecting it, it can come as a shock. Theres no need to worry, though black and brown period blood is normal and healthy its just old blood.

The longer blood has been hanging around in your uterus, the more time it has had to react with oxygen and turn a darker color like brown or even black. Youll likely see this older blood at the end of your period, when the flow is slower and blood is taking longer to leave your uterus, get in contact with oxygen and become oxidized. You might also see brown or black blood at the beginning of your period because its left over from last month.

Clots, or clumps of bloody discharge, are completely normal and can range in color from red to a purple-y hue. Regardless of the color, keep an eye on the size of blood clots and make sure you chat with your doctor if youre consistently getting clots larger than the size of a quarter.

Brown/very Dark Red Period Color

What Does Period Blood Color Mean? What Does Dark Red Period Blood Mean?

For many women, their cycles begin with brown/very dark blood, with the blood at times having an almost blackish tone. You can refer to this blood as the older blood. You may be asking yourself, how does your period blood become old? Yet, it appears when your flow is starting.

Well, blood can become old in two main ways: often, the period starts slowly, and is characterized by a light flow, which then becomes heavier as your period week progresses. On these light period days, you will find that it takes longer for your blood to exit the body, and as such, it ends up taking the dark color as it is exiting the body.

Period blood can also become dark depending on the speeds of your periods. There are women who shed their uterine lining at a rate that is fast and steady, ensuring that every uterine lining is expelled during the cycle, and in the process ending up with a uterus that is squeaky clean. However, others shed the lining at a slower rate, and are known as slow-bleeders. For the slow-bleeders, their uteruses do not become completely clean at the end of their monthly cycles.

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Whats The Meaning Of Different Colors Of Period Blood

The color of your menstrual blood is an important indicator of your reproductive health. Changes in the color of your vaginal discharge may be a sign of miscarriage or pregnancy, or they could indicate an abnormal growth or infection. Although there is no one healthy colored blood, each person has their own typical healthy period blood color, usually bright red to cranberry red.

Minor changes in the color of menstrual bleeding from month to month, such as from cranberry red to brownish blood, are normal however, abnormal changes, like a sudden orange blood appearing in between two cycles, should be reported to a healthcare provider.

The different colors of vaginal discharge have different meanings for your reproductive and genital health. There are many different types of dischargekeep reading to find out what the color of your period blood might mean for you!

When To See Your Doctor

If your period lasts longer than seven days or is very heavy make an appointment with your doctor to rule out certain medical conditions. Always see a doctor if youre concerned about any changes to your period.

At Creekside Center for Women, we love our patients and provide comprehensive, patient-focused womens healthcare for women of all ages in a caring atmosphere. Contact us today to schedule your appointment. 582-9268

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