Using Birth Control To Regulate Period To Get Pregnant

Other Fertility Factors To Consider

How Birth Control Pills Work, Animation

As a rule of thumb, your fertility should go back to the way it was before you started birth control. If you had regular cycles before, you should have regular cycles again.

Your age may also play a part. That is because fertility drops as you get older. This is especially true once you turn 35.

There has been a lot of research on the return of fertility after stopping birth control. A review of studies showed that birth control use does not harm fertility. Pregnancy rates within one year of stopping birth control look like this:

  • Birth control pill: 72% to 94%
  • Condom/barrier method: 94%
  • Progestin-only birth control: 70% to 95%
  • Natural family planning: 92%
  • IUD: 71% to 96%

How Does The Pill Prevent Pregnancy

When taken every day at the same time of day, birth control pills are most effective at regulating your menstrual cycle.

Combination birth control pills contain estrogen and progesterone and help to prevent ovulation. Without ovulation, theres no egg to be fertilized. The hormones also help thicken cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to get into your uterus.

The progesterone-only pill, or minipill, helps to prevent pregnancy by:

  • thickening cervical mucus
  • thinning the lining of the uterus
  • suppressing ovulation

However, it doesnt consistently suppress ovulation as the combination pill does. To be most effective, the minipill should be taken at the same time every day.

Use a backup birth control method for at least the first week of using the pill. Talk with your doctor about what precautions are necessary when starting the pill, to be on the safe side.

Up to 13 out of 100 women on the minipill become pregnant. The minipill isnt as effective as the combination pill in helping to prevent pregnancy.

With the combination pill, approximately 9 out of 100 women using it will have an accidental pregnancy. When taking the pill, its effectiveness can depend on:

  • whether its taken every day around the same time
  • other medications or supplements you might be taking
  • certain medical conditions that interfere with the medication

How Can Perimenopausal Women Benefit From Low

Low-dose birth control can be implemented both to prevent pregnancy and alleviate symptoms of perimenopause. Although low dose birth control is typically not recommended for individuals under the age of 30 because it can decrease bone density, it may have the opposite effect for those going through perimenopause. This is especially important, as the risk of osteoporosis increases with age. Low dose birth control may also be implemented to help prevent ovarian and uterine cancers.

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Restore Healthy Cervical Mucus

Once the menstrual cycle is restored, healthy cervical mucus production should be restored as well. If you find you are still struggling with lack of cervical mucus you may want to consider supplements that have been shown to help promote healthy CM production.

Cervical mucus production may be altered for some time as well since the hormones in birth control thicken cervical mucus for some time. Supplements that have proven results for restoring healthy CM are Evening Primrose Oil, Borage Oil, L-Arginine and Fertile CM. Be sure to drink plenty of water daily. At first you may also want to consider using a sperm friendly lubricant until your natural healthy cervical mucus is restored.

What It Really Takes To Get Pregnant After Birth Control

Birth Control Quiz

You’ve quit your contraceptive and are ready to start a family, but could your pill or IUD have lingering effects on your fertility?

When Camillia, 34, decided that she and her partner were ready to try for a baby, she went to her doctor to have her IUD removed. “My doctor said I could get pregnant right away, but I thought that because of my age it would take longer,” she says. Turns out, her doctor was right. Camillia was surprised when she became pregnant just ten days later.

It’s not uncommon for women to believe that there will be a delay in fertility after being on birth control, and it’s a concern that gynecologists constantly try to squash. So what’s going on? Glenmarie Matthews, an OB-GYN in the family planning division at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City says that misunderstandings surrounding conception and birth controlsparked by both poor research and well-circulated mythsare to blame. “There were a lot of misconceptions around the pill when it was first introduced, and in the 1980s there was some research that suggested that oral contraceptives might delay fertility after discontinuation,” she says. But since then, multiple studies have been published that show that the pill does not in fact affect fertility. Ditto goes for most other forms of birth control.

Still questioning how your specific form of birth control will impact your pregnancy plans? We break it down here:

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Number : What’s Normal For A Period On Birth Control

The UK National Health Service says that irregular bleeding, like bleeding between periods, is common when you first start to take hormonal contraception like birth control pills, the patch, or the shot (Depo-Proveraâ¢.

Here are some facts about bleeding irregularities when you take birth control pills:

  • Overall, birth control pills should decrease how much you bleed.

  • Irregular bleeding is a common side effect during the first 3 to 6 months of taking the pill. It’s so common that 30-50% of women experience it.

  • The good news is that irregular bleeding will lessen or go away with time, usually after 3 months, when only 10-30% of women experience unscheduled bleeding.

It may be helpful to describe what bothersome bleeding can look like when you’re on birth control:

  • Spotting

  • Unscheduled bleeding when you’re bleeding between periods or while taking active pills

  • Short periods

Things You Can Do Now To Optimize Fertilityeven If You’re Still On The Pill

If you suspect you may want a baby in the future, the answer isn’t to just quit birth control immediately or live in fear of using the pill. Instead, schedule an appointment with your doctor to have a conversation about your specific situation and concerns and what the best course of action for you is at this time in your life.

Wherever you are on your journey with the pillwhether you’re still taking it or have recently stoppedyou can begin to implement the following steps to improve your fertility now. It takes 90 days for the egg you ovulate to mature, so what you do today can help your eggs in future cycles.

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Should I Avoid Certain Medications While Taking The Pill

You should always check with your healthcare provider before taking any new medications or herbal supplements. Certain drugs can make the pill less effective and increase your chances of getting pregnant. These products include:

  • Antiseizure medications.
  • Herbal supplements, such as St. Johns wort.
  • Medications used to treat HIV.

Does The Birth Control Pill Cause Blood Clots

Chances of Getting Pregnant on Birth Control –

There is a very slight risk of developing blood clots in the legs, but much less than the risk during pregnancy. Among adolescent girls who do not take the Pill, 1-10 in 100,000 will develop blood clots each year. Among girls who take combined oral contraceptive pills, the risk increases 3-5 fold or to 5-50 per 100,000 per year. For women who are pregnant, the risk of developing blood clots is twice as high as Pill users and 4-10 fold compared to nonusers.

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Does Birth Control Affect Infertility 4 Facts You Need To Know

A popular belief is that birth control can have long-term effects on fertility. This is not true. One large study evaluated women who had been using birth control for 7 years. After stopping birth control, 21% of these women were able to get pregnant within the first month, and almost 80% were able to conceive within a year. So why does the myth persist that birth control affects fertility?

Doctors Often Prescribe Hormonal Contraceptives To Manage Menstrual Cramps Or Regulate Periods

If you started taking birth control pills in your early teens to manage your symptoms you may not remember what your cycle is like without them. You wanted to know if its risky to get pregnant before your period regulates after stopping birth control pills. It is very important to take it every day in the same time because you will provide constant concentration of medication in the blood which is the most important thing of using of these pills. If you forget several it could allow egg release. Though the effects of birth control may fade quickly your menstrual cycle can take some time to regulate itself. Some women on progestin-only birth control will eventually experience few or no periods at all.

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What Should I Do If I Miss A Pill

Take the missed pill as soon as you remember. Then take your usual daily dose as planned. You should also use a backup form of birth control until you have your period. Call your healthcare provider if you miss several days of the pill. Your provider can discuss pregnancy test and emergency contraception options. It is helpful to keep the package inserts of the available, most will give specific instructions on what to do if there is a missed pill.

How To Get Pregnant On Birth Control

Top 10 Pros and Cons of Birth Control Pills

The birth control pill is said to be extremely reliable and to prevent about 99 percent of pregnancies. This means that, 99 percent of the time, you will be able to prevent a pregnancy by taking birth control pills but, even with optimum use, the birth control pill can fail. To make matters worse, many women dont take the birth control optimally so that the chance of getting pregnant is even higher than one percent.

It is important to recognize the limitations of the pill and to know which things you can do that reduces the effectiveness on the pill so you can get pregnant. If you arent taking the pill exactly as directed or are extremely fertile, even the pill might not be able to keep you from becoming pregnant.

According to Planned Parenthood, less than one out of 100 women will be able to become pregnant while on the pill, even when used exactly as directed. While most women can confidently take the pill and will avoid a pregnancy, some women will be unlucky that the pill will be unable to prevent a pregnancy from occurring.

Here are some things that may influence the effectiveness of the pill:

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Chances Of Pregnancy On Birth Control Patch

Birth control patches contain estrogen and progesterone, which are absorbed through the skin, where they have to be applied on a weekly basis. The most common birth control patch brands include Xulane® and Ortho Evra®.

With perfect use, a birth control patch is an effective contraception method . As such, the chances of getting pregnant on the patch are about 1%. Certain factors, such as obesity or current medications, might decrease their effectiveness, while increasing the odds of pregnancy to 9%.

Will My Daughter Gain Weight From Taking Birth Control Pills

Its unlikely that your daughter will gain weight on the Pill. Research studies have not shown a connection between birth control pills and weight gain. Some teens gain weight, some lose weight, but most teens stay exactly the same weight when they are taking the birth control pill. Sometimes a young woman thinks she has gained 5-10 pounds, but when weight is actually measured, theres no change. If your daughter thinks she may have gained weight due to the Pill, she should see her health care provider and get her weight measured. Encourage your daughter to eat a healthy diet. Suggest that she eat 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, eat normal portion sizes, avoid fast foods and simple carbohydrates such as cookies, cake, sugary cereal, etc. Also, encourage her to be active and exercise or take part in an activity that she enjoys.

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The Ring Is Convenient

Using the birth control ring is easy and convenient. Its great for people who dont want to deal with taking a pill every day, or who dont want to use birth control that you have to think about right before you have sex.

Depending on how you use it, you only have to think about your ring once or twice a month, when youre inserting and removing it. But always remembering to put a new ring in on time can be hard. Use our birth control reminder app to keep you on schedule.

The ring is birth control you dont have to think about during sex. If you use the ring correctly, youre protected from pregnancy all day, every day. Many people say the ring makes their sex lives better because they dont have to worry about birth control or pregnancy during sex.

You need a prescription from a nurse or doctor to get the ring. But depending on where you live, you might be able to get a prescription online or through a telehealth visit.

If you use NuvaRing, you may be able to pick up several rings at once or have them mailed to you every month. And Annovera is extra convenient because 1 ring lasts for 1 year that means you only need to worry about getting your birth control once a year.

When Should Women Not Take Birth Control Pills For Perimenopause

Pregnancy FAQs : On Using Birth Control While Pregnant

While hormonal birth control can be extremely beneficial, it can increase the risk of blood clots in some individuals with a uterus. More specifically, it is recommended that those with a history of blood disorders, heart disease, and/or cancer stop taking hormonal contraceptives as they enter their late forties. This also applies to individuals who smoke.

Instead of using high-dose hormonal birth control to alleviate the symptoms of perimenopause, individuals with a uterus can try hormone therapies or low-dose birth control pills. With that said, there are pros and cons to these methods, so individuals should consult a doctor in order to determine the best path for their lifestyle.

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How To Get Pregnant Fast After Birth Control

Getting pregnant after birth control is a complaint about many mothers. Because usually the use of these contraceptives is used for a long time. There are several types of family planning that are generally used such as injections, pills, and implants. The use of hormonal birth control in a womans hormonal condition will be temporarily disturbed so that she is in an infertile condition so that this hormonal infertility has an infertile effect on the mother.

Moms are already planning their next pregnancy and are ready to let go of birth control. Before undergoing the pregnancy program, first, know how long it will take for the fertile period to return after leaving family planning. So that mom and dad can plan better and dont worry if pregnancy hasnt happened yet.

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