Period Every 6 Weeks When Do I Ovulate

What Happens During The Menstrual Cycle

6 Weeks Pregnancy & Ultrasound Update

To understand the menstrual cycle, it helps to know about the reproductive organs inside a woman’s body. These are:

  • 2 ovaries where eggs are stored, developed and released
  • the womb where a fertilised egg implants and a baby develops
  • the fallopian tubes two thin tubes that connect the ovaries to the womb
  • the cervix the entrance to the womb from the vagina
  • the vagina

The menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones. In each cycle, rising levels of the hormone oestrogen cause the ovary to develop and release an egg . The womb lining also starts to thicken.

In the second half of the cycle, the hormone progesterone helps the womb to prepare for implantation of a developing embryo.

The egg travels down the fallopian tubes. If pregnancy doesn’t occur, the egg is reabsorbed into the body. Levels of oestrogen and progesterone fall, and the womb lining comes away and leaves the body as a period .

The time from the release of an egg to the start of a period is around 10 to 16 days.

Watch an animation about how the menstrual cycle works.

The Importance Of Ovulation Predictors

The whole idea of determining when your most fertile days rests on the notion that you can accurately predict your ovulation. So the very first step in understanding your fertility is knowing when you ovulate.

Becoming a good ovulation predictor means relying on your own fertility awareness and the ovulation signs your body shows you each month. Fertility iPhone apps are actually really good at helping you to chart your fertility to determine when your most fertile days may be occur.

Can You Track Your Ovulation

While the most accurate ways to confirm ovulation is with an ultrasound in the doctors office, or with hormonal blood tests, there are many ways to track ovulation at home.

  • Basal body temperature charting. This involves taking your temperature with a basal thermometer each morning throughout your cycle to record its changes. Ovulation is confirmed after your temperature has stayed elevated from your baseline for

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What Is The Basal Body Temperature Method Of Determining Fertility

Basal body temperature is your temperature at rest as soon as you awake in the morning. A woman’s basal body temperature rises slightly with ovulation. So by recording this temperature daily for several months, you’ll be able to predict your most fertile days.

Basal body temperature differs slightly from woman to woman. Anywhere from 96 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit orally is average before ovulation. After ovulation most women have an oral temperature between 97 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit. The rise in temperature can be a sudden jump or a gradual climb over a few days.

Usually a woman’s basal body temperature rises by only 0.4 to 0.8 degrees Fahrenheit. To detect this tiny change, women must use a basal body thermometer. These thermometers are very sensitive. Most pharmacies sell them for about $10.

The rise in temperature doesn’t show exactly when the egg is released. But almost all women have ovulated within three days after their temperatures spike. Body temperature stays at the higher level until your period starts.

You are most fertile and most likely to get pregnant:

Two to three days before your temperature hits the highest point 12 to 24 hours after ovulation

A man’s sperm can live for up to three days in a woman’s body. The sperm can fertilize an egg at any point during that time. So if you have unprotected sex a few days before ovulation, you could get pregnant.

Response 20th November 2014 From Cris

Cramping After Ovulation : Causes, Symptoms, Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ...

Dear Kate

I am in the same situation as Pregtobe, I ovulate on the 9th day nowI am 42, I have one son who is 6, I have had 2 recent at 6 weeks in Dec 2013 and one at 17 weeks because of a undeveloped Placenta in April 2014, I had a D+E for that because baby stopped breathing. 6 months later, nothing happening. I got pregant right away with my son on day 13 at the time of ovulation. But I do have most recently hair on my upper lip and chin and some back acnePlease let me know the co-relation, I am so in the dark and wanting to have a second child before its too late.

Thank you Cris

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How Do I Know If My Cycle Is Normal

This is one of the most common questions that Pamela Berens, M.D., professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston gets asked in her practice. Although the average cycle occurs every 28 to 32 days, some variation each month is common, says Dr. Berens. “Many women are concerned that they’re not regular if their cycle is off by a few days, but most cycles will not be perfect every month,” she says. In fact, it would be unusual to have a period every 28 days on the dot with no deviation. “When your doctor asks if your cycle is regular, she’s really just making sure it isn’t occurring every two weeks or that you’re not skipping months between cycles.”

How To Track Ovulation When You Have An Irregular Period

While women with regular cycles can simply assume theyre ovulating at the same time each month, its a bit trickier for those with irregular periods. Fortunately, there are a few ways to figure out your bodys schedule.

The first sign to look for is mucus. If you get a lot of clear, sticky mucus in the middle of your menstrual cycle, then youre probably ovulating, says Beth Taylor, an OB/GYN with the Vancouver-based Olive Fertility Centre. The mucus, which is secreted thanks to an increase in estrogen, means your cervix is ready to be penetrated by sperm to get pregnant.

Another way to determine if youre ovulating at all is to track your temperature each morning with a basal body temperature thermometer, which can hone in on small changes up to 1/100th of a degree. After the egg is released in your body, both estrogen and progesterone are flowing. The progesterone causes your bodys temperature to increase by half a degree Celsius .

But this method is a bit tricky for women with irregular cycles. Because the temperature change indicates the egg has already released, it means you need to have sex just before the increase in order to hit your fertile window. Most women track their temperature and use the data to predict when its going to rise in future months. But even if your cycle is a little unpredictable, It can be useful in looking backwards to see: am I likely to ovulate? And when? says Carson.

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Are Your Cycles Truly Irregular

An irregular period is defined as a menstrual cycle that is either shorter than 21 days or longer than 36 days. Your cycle may also be considered irregular if it varies significantly from month to month. For example, if one month your cycle is 23 days, and another it’s 35, your cycles would be considered irregular.

Research has found that variations in cycle length are associated more strongly with infertility than just having a shorter or longer regular cycle. In other words, if your cycles tend to be slightly longer than the normal range, but they are consistently that length, you may be less likely to experience fertility problems than someone whose cycles vary significantly but the length falls within the norm.

If your cycles are off by a day or two from month to month, you dont need to worry. Its when the variations are longerfive or more daysthat you may face fertility difficulties.

An occasional irregular cycle is also normal. Stress or illness can delay ovulation or menstruation, causing your cycle to be longer, and sometimes shorter, than usual. If you have just one or two of these “off” periods a year, you don’t need to worry. However, if your cycles are frequently irregularor you go quite a long time between menstrual cyclesyou should see your doctor for an evaluation.

Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle

My periods are irregular. So how do I know when I’m ovulating?

Women’s cycle lengths vary, and the most common cycle length is somewhere between 23 and 35 days. Any variation in menstrual cycle length that does occur is more likely to be during the part of the cycle before you ovulate . For most women, the length of time between ovulation and their monthly period is between 12 to 16 days .

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Using Ovulation Test Kits

Ovulation predictor kits are available from chemists and are fairly simple to use. They work by detecting a hormone in your urine that increases when ovulation is about to take place.

The simplest ovulation test kits check for luteinising hormone , which surges 24-36 hours before ovulation. This will help to identify the best two days for conception, although a woman can be fertile for a day or so before and after this time.

It is best to become familiar with your usual menstrual cycle to help figure out when you should start testing. If you have an irregular cycle then an ovulation predictor kit can help you identify the time of ovulation, but expect to use more of the test strips.

What You Can Do

Consider keeping a journal to track your periods. Include information such as:

  • when they start
  • whether you have any in-between spotting

You can also log this information in an app, like Eve.

Worried about leaks and stains? Consider wearing panty liners. Disposable panty liners are available at most drugstores. They come in a variety of lengths and materials.

You can even buy reusable liners that are made of fabric and can be washed over and over again.

When your estrogen levels are high in comparison to your progesterone levels, your uterine lining builds. This results in heavier bleeding during your period as your lining sheds.

A skipped period can also cause the lining to build up, leading to heavy bleeding.

Bleeding is considered heavy if it:

  • soaks through one tampon or pad an hour for several hours
  • requires double protection such as a tampon and pad to control menstrual flow
  • causes you to interrupt your sleep to change your pad or tampon
  • lasts longer than 7 days

When bleeding is heavy, it may last longer, disrupting your everyday life. You may find it uncomfortable to exercise or carry on with your normal tasks.

Heavy bleeding can also cause fatigue and increase your risk for other health concerns, such as anemia.

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Medications To Help You Conceive

If it turns out that you are not ovulating, you may need fertility drugs to help boost your ovulation. Even if you are ovulating, if ovulation is irregular or occurring very late in your cycle, fertility treatments may help.

Clomid is the most commonly prescribed drug for ovulatory dysfunction, and it has a good success rate. Another possible option is the drug letrozole. This cancer drug is used off-label to trigger ovulation. Research has found it to be possibly more effective than Clomid in women with PCOS.

While not a fertility drug, another medication your doctor may suggest trying is the diabetes drug metformin. Metformin may help women with insulin resistance and PCOS ovulate on their own. If these medications don’t work, your doctor may suggest moving onto injectable fertility drugs , IUI treatment, or IVF.

If your irregular cycles are caused by primary ovarian insufficiency, your fertility treatment options may be limited. In many cases with POI, IVF with an egg donor is needed to conceive. This isnt always the case, however. Talk to your doctor about your options.

If the cause for your irregular cycles is a thyroid imbalance or hyperprolactinemia, treating these problems may regulate your periods and return your fertility to normal. This is why getting evaluated by a doctor is essential.

Causes Of Irregular Cycles

Implantation Bleeding

Irregular cycles may point to a subtle hormonal imbalance. You may still be ovulating every month, but your ovulation day may vary. If you’re ovulating, you may be able to get pregnant without the help of fertility drugs. Here are some possible causes of irregular cycles that are also infertility risk factors.

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What If Youre Not Trying To Conceive

If you want to prevent pregnancy, its important to use contraceptives during your fertile window. Although barrier methods like condoms are better than no protection at all, you may have a greater peace of mind when using a more effective method.

Your doctor or other healthcare provider can walk you through your options and help you find the best approach.

Response 12th December 2014 From 5homebirths4kate

Hi Cris,

If you are ovulating around day 9, and experiencing some hair on your upper lip and acne, it sounds like you need to balance your hormones. The first thing I would suggest is to remove all sugar and refined white flour from your diet. That includes pasta, biscuits, cookies, pancakes, muffins, etc. That alone can make a significant difference.

If youd like to give your body an even bigger boost, remove milk products, including cheese, and all gluten including wheat. Gluten, milk, sugar and refined food products are the biggest contributors to inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation in the body is the underlying cause of many fertility challenges, including hormonal imbalance, PCOS and habitual miscarriage.

Taking a high quality food grade supplement can also help you get pregnant faster. Organic Barley Grass Powder is wonderful to take both before and during pregnancy. Barley Greens contain all the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, fibre and special nutrients like chlorophyll which are essential in a fertility diet.

Another thing you can do is to take Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes which helps to reduce inflammation in the reproductive organs and reduces the risk of miscarriage. I recently read of a study done on 144 women who had a history of miscarriage. These women were treated with Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes and 114 of those women were able to conceive and sustain their pregnancies.

Warm Regards Kate

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How Many Days After Your Period Do You Ovulate

On average, a woman will ovulate about 14 days after her period begins. This is based on a 28-day cycle length and a 14-day luteal phase.

If your cycle is different than the average, youre better off counting backward 14 days from the next projected period. For example, if your cycle is 30 days long, you would ovulate 16 days after your period begins. Likewise, if you have an average 28-day cycle but your luteal phase is 16 days, you would ovulate 12 days after your past period began. This can all get a bit confusing, which is why an ovulation calculator and ovulation tracker is such a great tool. Just plug in your information and let the ovulation calculator determine your most fertile days, which are unique to your body.

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