My Period Is 4 Days Late Should I Be Worried

What Should I Do If I Have Not Started My Periods

How Many Days After A Missed Period Should I Be Worried About Being Pregnant

Girls start their periods at a very variable age. So it may be that your friends have been having periods for a while but you have not. Usually this will be normal variation and nothing to worry about. Ask your doctor’s advice if:

  • You are 16 years old or older and still have no periods.
  • You are 14 years old or older and have not developed breasts or pubic hair and do not have periods.
  • You have a pain in your tummy every month but no bleeding.
  • You can feel a lump in the lower part of your tummy.
  • You have had sex without using contraception .

Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period

As stated above, some women can sense that they’re pregnant before a missed period due to some early symptoms, usually 1-2 weeks following the missed period Those symptoms are usually pregnancy fatigue, constipation, increase in breast size and sensitivity, and frequent urination.

Some symptoms can actually be signs of an upcoming period, though. Many women experience breast changes before a period, along with some bloating of the stomach. On their own, they may not be signs of pregnancy but instead signs of impending menstruation.

Another very early sign of pregnancy may be implantation bleeding, which some may confuse with an early period. Implantation bleeding can occur when the fertilized egg burrows into the lining of the uterus, a week or so before the next expected period. It’s usually light spotting and does not last long. Fewer than half of all pregnant women experience implantation bleeding.

If you are experiencing some of these early signs of pregnancy, it would be wise to wait until you miss your period to begin taking pregnancy tests. It will give your hCG levels a chance to build up in your system to be detected by the tests. Despite how early some pregnancy tests say they will detect pregnancy, it’s best to wait so that you are not wasting money taking multiple tests.

Other Reasons For A Late Period

The human body is a wonder in its own right where thousands of metabolic reactions are occurring at the same time. Considering this it is no surprise that there is a wide range of reasons why a woman’s period may be late. When your period is late, it can be concerning, but remember that it is normal for girls in early puberty to experience irregular cycles or periods since their body is adapting to these new changes. However, a late period in adult women might signify something else. Let’s understand the possible other reasons for a late period.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

One of the most common causes of a late period is this endocrine disorder. The World Health Organization predicts that this disorder has affected 116 million women worldwide since 2012. It is a complex genetic disorder suffered by women. Women suffering from PCOS experience a hormonal imbalance that makes them produce more male hormones, collectively known as androgens. These androgens develop certain male characters in such females as excess facial or body hair, weight gain, or irregular periods. The exact cause of this disorder is unknown. It is advisable to visit a doctor if you believe that you might be suffering from PCOS as this disorder has potential long-term effects on women’s fertility and requires appropriate treatment.

Taking Birth Control
Other Medical Factors

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Should I Worry About Irregular Periods

Talk to your doctor if you have had sex and have missed a period because you could be pregnant. Also let the doctor know if:

  • You were having regular periods that then become irregular.
  • You stop getting your period.
  • You have extra hair growth on the face, chin, chest, or abdomen.
  • You start having periods that last longer than 7 days, are heavy, or are coming more often than every 21 days.
  • Your period comes less often than every 45 days.
  • You have severe cramping or abdominal pain.
  • You have bleeding in between your periods.
  • Your periods are irregular for 3 years or more.

The doctor may prescribe hormone pills or other medicines, or recommend lifestyle changes that can help you to have regular periods.

I’m Pregnant Now What

My period is 5 days late should i be worried NISHIOHMIYA ...

If you get a positive result on the test, you’re pregnant! Your next step is to contact your healthcare provider and set up your first prenatal appointment. It’s so important to make sure that you and your baby get the best possible care during this pregnancy.

It’s also important that you start taking prenatal vitamins to ensure that you and the baby will get the proper nutrients needed to sustain a healthy pregnancy. The most important vitamin to have right now is called folic acid, which is a B vitamin that helps to prevent neural tubal defects in the early development of the baby.

Having a healthy diet during pregnancy will help you gain the right amount of weight and help with ailments like pregnancy fatigue and pregnancy constipation.

For most normal-weight pregnant women, the right amount of calories about 1,800 calories per day during the first trimester, about 2,200 calories per day during the second trimester, and about 2,400 calories per day during the third trimester.

Make sure those extra calories are from healthy sources or you could gain too much weight during pregnancy.

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How Many Days Late Can A Period Be Before Worrying About Pregnancy

Everyones cycle is different. Healthy cycles can range in length from 21 to 35 days, and how long a cycle lasts can vary from cycle to cycle. Unless you have irregular cycles due to a medical condition, you probably have at least a rough idea of when to expect your next period.

A period is considered late if it hasnt started within seven days of when you expect it. Most pregnancy tests will be able to give you accurate results by the time your period is late. If you get a negative pregnancy test after missing a period, and your period is more than a week late, you may want to see your health care provider to figure out whats going on.

If you get a negative pregnancy test result, still havent gotten your period, and start to experience early pregnancy symptoms, consider taking another test. Sometimes, home pregnancy tests can give a false-negative result if its taken too early in the pregnancy to detect human chorionic gonadotropin in your urine. In these cases, it can take a bit longer to know youre pregnant after a late period. The earliest hCG detection can be done with an hCG serum test performed by a doctor as early as 8 to 10 days after ovulation.

How Can I Take Care Of Myself If Im Not Pregnant But Im 6 Days Late On My Period

There are numerous things you can do to ensure proper menstrual health. These include:

1. Charting Your Period

Make a note on a calendar when each of your periods starts and stops. This will help you and your healthcare provider to determine any abnormalities.

2. Eating Healthy Foods

Eating healthy foods will ensure your body receives the nutrients required for optimum functionality, as well as ensure that your weight remains at a healthy level.

3. Lightening Your Exercise program

Cutting back on your exertion during your exercise routine, or reducing the amount of time you exercise, can help to restore your natural menstrual cycle.

4. Talking to Your Doctor

Paying a visit to your doctor will help you properly determine the cause for your late period. If you have kept a record of your menstrual activity, then this can be discussed with your doctor to establish whether there are any abnormalities.

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Take A Home Pregnancy Test

The cheapest, easiest, most accessible way to confirm youâre pregnant is with a home pregnancy test. This form of testing can identify a positive pregnancy result as early as two weeks after fertilization, making it one of the fastest ways to learn more about your situation. Youâre probably familiar with how the little stick you buy at the supermarket or convenience store worksâyou bring it to the restroom with you, urinate on it, and wait for the results.

The test works by looking for human chorionic gonadotropin in your urineâa hormone your body starts to crank out in large quantities shortly after conception. If you test negative on the first try, many pregnancy tests recommend you check again three to five days later. Why? Because hCG can take several days to build up in your body, the first test may accidentally give you a false negative!

This retest is really important. If your first test suggests youâre not really pregnant , you may not know to reach out to your doctor or physician to get the checkups, vitamins, or medications you need to ensure you and your baby remain healthy. If/when you get a positive resultâwhether itâs on the first, second, or eighth timeâmake sure you take the next step by scheduling a medical visit!

Change In Your Schedule


Minor changes in your schedule arent going to have an impact on your menstrual cycle but intense ones, like switching to the night shift or having jet lag from traveling across the world , can. The good news is that its temporary. Once your body acclimates to your new schedule, your periods should resume as normal. If they dont, its worth calling your doctor about.

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Period 2 Days Late And White Discharge

Two days late period and increased white discharge is a sign youre likely pregnant.

During the menstrual cycle and just before youre expecting period, your vaginal discharge becomes thick or you may have no discharge before period.

If your period is 2 days late with a lot of white discharge, then its likely pregnancy. Other causes of increased discharge 2 days after period are late ovulation, breastfeeding, and intercourse.

Reasons For A Late Period That Don’t Mean You’re Pregnant

A menstrual cycle that’s off schedule doesn’t always mean you’re pregnant. Here are seven other reasons your period could be late.

If you’re waiting for a late period, there’s one thought that’s likely going through your mind: Am I pregnant? “Everybody thinks they’re pregnant when their period is late,” says Wendy Goodall McDonald, M.D., aka Dr. Every Woman of Women’s Health Consulting in Chicago and the author of It Smells Just Like Popcorn: The Modern Woman’s A to V Guide to Her Vagina and Beyond.

But mensuration could be late for a variety of reasons, and it doesn’t always point to pregnancy. This could be disappointing to learn if you’re TTC or a huge sigh of relief if you’re not ready for a baby. Before you run to the local pharmacy to pick up an at-home pregnancy test, read about these external factors and conditions that could cause delayed periods.

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When To See A Doctor

A person should see a doctor if they miss more than two periods.

Sometimes, a slight change in hormones can cause changes in the natural menstrual cycle. This is not typically a cause for concern.

At other times, symptoms such as a missed period and gassy stomach may be signs of a more serious condition that needs treatment.

If symptoms continue or get worse, a person should visit their doctor. Likewise, anyone who misses more than two periods should see a doctor for a diagnosis.

Anyone experiencing the following symptoms, along with signs of ectopic pregnancy or other potentially serious issues, should see a doctor immediately:

  • pain in the lower pelvis
  • abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as dark-colored blood

Should I Worry If My Period Is 4 Days Late

My period is 5 days late should i be worried NISHIOHMIYA ...

Your period is generally considered late once its been at least 30 days since the start of your last period. Many things can cause this to happen, from routine lifestyle changes to underlying medical conditions. If your period is regularly late, make an appointment with your healthcare provider to determine the cause.

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Early Pregnancy Symptoms Quiz

For each question, choose the best answer. The answer key is below.

  • Pregnancy symptoms happen immediately after unprotected sex.
  • True
  • ‘Feeling’ like you’re pregnant is a sure sign of pregnancy.
  • True
  • A missed menstrual period may indicate a pregnancy.
  • True
  • Headaches and cramping are not signs of pregnancy.
  • True
  • Nausea and vomiting are definitely signs of pregnancy.
  • True
  • False
  • Diabetes And Thyroid Disease

    Jay M. Berman, M.D., FACOG, chief of gynecological services at Detroit Medical Center’s Harper Hutzel Hospital and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Wayne State University, says other issues such as diabetes and thyroid disease may be to blame. “Many women will, for various reasons, occasionally not ovulate and this can cause an early or delayed menses,” he says. “Depending on her history, it may require further testing to determine the cause.”

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    Calculator: Is My Menstrual Period Late

    Is your period late or could you be pregnant? Use this menstrual period calculator to see if your period is late or if a baby may be the way!

    Missing a period, especially if you always had regular menstrual periods, is a significant event, so naturally, the next question that follows is, “Am I pregnant?” Pregnant women have no menstrual period. But not every woman who misses her period is pregnant.

    I Got My Period Very Late Should I Take A Pregnancy Test Can I Take It On My Period

    Making sure Iâm REALLY PREGNANT | RETESTING and Family Day VLOG!

    By | Sept. 10, 2013, 3:21 p.m.


    So, my period was 13 days late and I just got it today, should I still take a pregnancy test? If so, should I wait until Im off my period or is it ok to take it while Im still on it?

    Late periods can be stressful, but try to chill out: getting your period is a sign that youre not pregnant. Periods can be late for all kinds of reasons, like weight changes, increase in exercise, hormones, and stress. Its also really common for periods to change in timing and flow during the first few years of your menstrual cycle, while your body develops and settles into a pattern. This is probably whats causing your period to be tardy for the party.

    It is possible to be pregnant and have light bleeding that seems kind of like a period, but its not the same as a period. If you really feel like something is wrong, check with your doctor or a Planned Parenthood health center. And yes, you can take a pregnancy test even if youre having bleeding. If taking a pregnancy test will ease your mind, go for it theyre usually about $15 at the drug store.

    Since you asked about pregnancy, Im guessing its because youre having vaginal sex. Its great that youre thinking about the possible consequences of sex, like unplanned pregnancy. You should think about using a good method of birth control so you dont have to worry in the future. And remember that its also important to protect against STDs too, by using condoms and getting tested.

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