Mishandling Of Pregnancy Test
If you do not know how to take a pregnancy test you will certainly get a late period negative pregnancy test. In this case, it may be that you are pregnant and you have a late period false negative pregnancy test.
Mishandling of pregnancy tests includes reading results after allotted time. Read pregnancy test instructions thoroughly before conducting the test.
How About If My Period Is Late And I Have Spotting Instead
Spotting is light bleeding during your menstrual cycle, but not enough to be considered a period. If you have spotting instead of your usual period, it is advisable to take a pregnancy test. Spotting is a sign of early pregnancy, especially if it is accompanied by other pregnancy symptoms such as nausea with or without vomiting, tiredness and fatigue, dizziness, breast changes such as tenderness and frequent urination.
Spotting can occur 1 to 2 weeks after fertilisation when the fertilised egg implants in the lining of your uterus. It is not uncommon to have spotting after sex or after a vaginal exam.
However, several health issues can also cause spotting. It can also be a sign of infection such as STIs and PID, stress, or other medical conditions such as PCOS or thyroid conditions. It doesnât always spell pregnancy.
Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period
As stated above, some women can sense that they’re pregnant before a missed period due to some early symptoms, usually 1-2 weeks following the missed period Those symptoms are usually pregnancy fatigue, constipation, increase in breast size and sensitivity, and frequent urination.
Some symptoms can actually be signs of an upcoming period, though. Many women experience breast changes before a period, along with some bloating of the stomach. On their own, they may not be signs of pregnancy but instead signs of impending menstruation.
Another very early sign of pregnancy may be implantation bleeding, which some may confuse with an early period. Implantation bleeding can occur when the fertilized egg burrows into the lining of the uterus, a week or so before the next expected period. It’s usually light spotting and does not last long. Fewer than half of all pregnant women experience implantation bleeding.
If you are experiencing some of these early signs of pregnancy, it would be wise to wait until you miss your period to begin taking pregnancy tests. It will give your hCG levels a chance to build up in your system to be detected by the tests. Despite how early some pregnancy tests say they will detect pregnancy, it’s best to wait so that you are not wasting money taking multiple tests.
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Consider Taking A Home Pregnancy Test
If your period is more than two weeks late, then you can consider taking an at-home pregnancy test. These can be purchased from most drug stores , and usually arent too expensive. Make sure to read and follow the directions when you take the test. If it comes back negative, then you may not be pregnant. If it comes back positive, then
Low Levels Of Hcg Hormone Produced By The Placenta
The reason for getting a negative pregnancy test is that hCG levels are still not sufficient enough. It could be because your placenta is taking more than normal time to form.
It is the placenta that secrets the hormone hCG. Pregnancy tests detect this hormone. If your body doesnt produce enough hCG, then pregnancy test will not detect it.
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When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start
“Usually 1-2 weeks following the missed period,” says Dr. Trolice. “This is 5-6 weeks estimated gestational age.”
Did you know that when you’re pregnant, your first week is the first week of your last period?
It may seem confusing, but healthcare professionals have tracked pregnancies beginning with the first day of the last menstrual period. Forty weeks after that is when birth occurs on average. They did not and do not track from the moment of conception, simply because it is nearly impossible to determine the actual date and time of conception when the sperm meets the egg. Sperm can live from 3-5 days inside of a woman’s body after intercourse, so there’s no way to know exactly the moment of conception.
In the time after your last period, your body is preparing itself for a pregnancy. In a 28 day cycle, an egg will be released from the ovaries around the 14th day of the cycle, in a process called ovulation. That time is considered your most fertile time when there’s potential for sperm to fertilize an egg if you had intercourse. If they do meet and the egg becomes fertilized, it is considered conception.
Can Stress Make Your Period Late
Absolutely! Stress and anxiety can cause hormonal imbalances that lead to many symptoms such as diarrhea, rapid breathing, abdominal pain, and late periods. Stress can suppress the action of certain hormones that are needed to regulate your menstrual cycle. Thats why finding effective stress management techniques can be helpful in regulating your menstrual cycle.
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Is There Anything I Can Look For
Probably the most reliable physical symptom of early pregnancy is a missed period. Noticing that your breasts are getting increasingly sore, or experiencing symptoms that you dont usually get around the time of your period, are also signs that you could be pregnant. But again, a blood test will be the best way to know for sure.
How Soon Can You Tell If You Are Pregnant
Most health care providers recommend that you wait until the first day of your missed period to take a pregnancy test, because taking a test too soon after conception can lead to a false-negative result. However, some tests are more sensitive than others and can be taken as soon as 7 to 12 days after conception. The most precise way to determine pregnancy is to take a blood test to measure your level of hCG.
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Symptoms Of A Late Period And Pregnancy
The symptoms of a late period will be obvious to many women who menstruate regularly. If you were expecting your period, and it doesnt begin, youll know its late. Not all periods arrive like clockwork, and its very normal for periods to occur on a slightly different schedule. Pregnancy isnt the only thing that can cause a late or skipped period. But if youre wondering whether your missing period might mean youre pregnant, you can look for other early symptoms of pregnancy. During the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, many women experience:
1. Fatigue
During the first trimester , your body produces large amounts of a hormone called progesterone. This can make you feel sleepy. Even during the first week after conception, you may feel more tired than usual.
2. Spotting
Implantation bleeding is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. It is very light bleeding, often called spotting, that happens as a result of the fertilized egg implanting to the uterine wall. Implantation is usually 6 to 12 days after conception, or the moment the egg is fertilized by a sperm.
Some women also have mild abdominal cramps during implantation. Other women dont notice any symptoms with implantation.
3. Breast Changes
You may see changes in your breasts as early as 1 to 2 weeks after conception. Your breasts may be swollen and tender to the touch. You may have soreness or a feeling of fullness in your breasts.
4. Headaches
5. Missed Period
6. Nausea
Diagnosis And Tests For A Late Period And Pregnancy
There are both at-home tests and blood tests available to determine if pregnancy has occurred. Both are considered safe methods of detecting pregnancy.
- At-home tests: These test your urine for a pregnancy hormone called hCG. At-home tests are easy, quick, and convenient. However, they are not able to detect pregnancy as early as blood tests. They are most accurate if you wait one week after a missed period to use them.
- Blood tests: Blood tests require a visit to your doctor. But they can detect pregnancy much earlier than at-home tests.
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Understanding The Menstrual Cycle
The menstrual cycle is the process by which your body prepares an egg for fertilization, and also the period in time when your body removes the egg to prepare for the next egg. This is sometimes called a “monthly cycle,” and while 28 days is an average menstrual cycle length, it can range from about 24 days to 34 days.
Menstrual Cycle Timeline
- Day 1: Your menstrual cycle begins with the start of your period. The tissue lining around your uterus breaks down and an unfertilized egg begins to leave through your vagina along with blood. The bleeding of a period usually lasts 4-8 days, averaging 5 days for US women.
- Day 5: Your estrogen levels rise once bleeding has stopped, and this does several things. These include:
- The lining of your uterus thickens, preparing it for a new egg.
- Ovarian sacs that contain eggs grow and mature, preparing one for ovulation.
Final Thoughts: Things To Keep In Mind
The bottom line is that without a blood test, its nearly impossible to know for sure whether youre pregnant or experiencing a late period. Even home pregnancy tests can sometimes give a false negative, if taken too early, so its really smart to wait to take a test until or after your expected period.
If youre paying attention to your symptoms, just know that it can get a little stressful for some women. So if you find yourself symptom spotting, try to be aware of how often you do it, and how you feel does it distract you or stress you out? If it starts to get emotionally taxing for you, look for ways to stop paying attention to your symptoms.
Finally, make sure youve scheduled a pregnancy blood test, and keep taking your prenatal vitamins! Whether its sooner or later, when you get that BFP, youll be glad you did!
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If You Continue Your Pregnancy
If you choose to continue your pregnancy to term, then you most likely wont get your period back until about six weeks after you give birth. Factors that impact the return of your period after birth include things like stress, whether youre breastfeeding or not, and if you start using hormonal birth control.
So there you have it how to find your period when it goes missing!
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Stopped Or Missed Periods
There are many reasons why a woman may miss her period, or why periods might stop altogether.
Most women have a period every 28 days or so, but it’s common to have a slightly shorter or longer cycle than this .
Some women do not always have a regular menstrual cycle. Their period may be early or late, and how long it lasts and how heavy it is may vary each time.
Read more about irregular periods and heavy periods.
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How Do I Know If I Am Pregnant
The only way to know for sure if you are pregnant would be to get a positive pregnancy test, whether it be a home pregnancy test or a blood test. Symptoms may show up prior to taking a test, but they could be a sign of impending menstruation, so it’s best to wait and see if you miss your period.
Best of luck to you!
This content is accurate and true to the best of the authorâs knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.
When To Visit The Doctor
Make an appointment with your doctor if you can’t pinpoint the reasons for a late period they may want to check for various conditions. It’s also important to note that vaginal bleeding after a late period may not be the monthly visitor you were expecting. “Anybody who experiences heavy bleeding and pain after a missed period and/or a positive pregnancy test should go to the doctor,” says Dr. McDonald. “All bleeding is not a period, especially in a setting where something is off.”
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I Think I Am Pregnant: Now What
Do you feel as if you may be pregnant? You’re not alone hundreds of thousands of women every day contemplate the same question.
Anytime you have unprotected sex, there’s a chance of pregnancy. Here you will learn about pregnancy symptoms, early signs of pregnancy, and taking a pregnancy test.
Before you read, take the quiz below to see how much you know about pregnancy symptoms.
Late Period: Other Things To Consider
Your doctor must examine you if you test negative for pregnancy even after missing three periods or more in succession. There can be two reasons for this:
You might have polycystic ovaries
PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is caused because of high amount of follicle production by the ovaries on the stimulation of abnormal levels of certain hormones. The follicles arent mature so they dont release an egg and since your ovulation hasnt begun, your period doesnt occur too. Acne, excessive hair growth on lower abdomen, chest and face and putting on excess weight around your waist are some other indications of PCOS.
You might have high levels of prolactin hormone in your body
There is a chance of you missing more than one period if you have high levels of prolactin in your body. Women produce this hormone only when they are breastfeeding and it is because of this that no periods occur during this time. Prolactin is most definitely the cause if your nipples are producing a milky discharge even if you arent breastfeeding or pregnant.
The reason for the absence or lateness of menstruation determines which treatment plan is to be used. Medications, hormone replacement therapy and lifestyle changes like stress reduction, exercise and diet are some of the treatment plans that can be used for dealing with this issue.
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