How Late Is Too Late After My Due Date
This is why the question of how many weeks pregnant am I? is important to address. Basing due dates on LMP increases the risk of categorizing mothers as late or post-term. In these cases, your doctor will talk to you about inducing labor.
For truly post-term pregnancies, labor induction can be a safe and reasonable option. The primary cause for concern for the infant is neonatal mortality, as the risk for stillbirth sharply increases after week 42 of pregnancy. For mothers, risk of chorioamnionitis , obstetric complications, and maternal mortality increase after week 42.
What Is A Due Date
It takes about 38 weeks for human babies to develop fully in the womb. Your due date is the day youre expected to give birth based on this 38-week gestation process.
But keep in mind that healthcare providers consider a pregnancy to be full-term anywhere between 37 and 42 weeks. Babies can be born at any time, and many factors play a role in determining when you go into labor and when your baby will actually enter the world.
What Should You Plan For This Week
If your period is late or if you have an irregular period, you may want to take a home pregnancy test. If the result is positive, you can try to schedule an appointment with a health care provider, although many health care providers wait to see you until you are 8 to 12 weeks pregnant. If your test is negative and your period is late, then you should wait a week before testing again. Some women take 2 to 3 weeks after a missed period before producing a detectable level of the pregnancy hormone. You also want to begin looking for a health-care provider and decide where you will have your baby. Many doctors and midwives will allow you to arrange an appointment so you can meet them and ask questions before deciding if they will become your provider. For more information on choosing your health care provider, see our information on your birthing choices.
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What Is The Menstrual Cycle
The menstrual cycle is what your body goes through to get ready for pregnancy. This cycle is the time from the first day of your period up to the day before the start of your next period.
Ovulation usually happens during the second half of the cycle. This is when an egg is released from one of your ovaries. To get pregnant, the egg needs to be fertilised by the sperm.
Ovulation doesnt happen every month for every woman. There are some conditions that may interfere with ovulation, such as endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome . If you are not getting a monthly period and are trying to get pregnant, speak to your doctor.
Youre Regularly Becoming Nauseous
We arenât talking about that nasty feeling you get after a greasy meal but chronic bloating and/or a recurring upset stomach. Nausea during pregnancy, often referred to as âmorning sickness,â usually starts around a month after you become pregnant. You may also develop intense desires for particular kinds of foods or suddenly become averse to foods youâve historically enjoyed. This nausea may or may not involve vomiting, so itâs important to note both kinds. If youâve been sick to your stomach for several days or nights and you arenât sick, pregnancy could be the reason.
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What Are The Signs Of Pregnancy
For a lot of people, the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Most pregnancy tests will be positive by the time youve missed your period. Other early pregnancy symptoms include feeling tired, feeling bloated, peeing more than usual, mood swings, nausea, and tender or swollen breasts. Not everyone has all of these symptoms, but its common to have at least 1 of them.
What Changes Are Occurring In Your Body When You Are 4 Weeks Pregnant
You may begin to exhibit some early pregnancy symptoms such as breast tenderness, headaches, lower backaches, and nausea. It is important to know that many early pregnancy symptoms are similar to those you may experience before your period. Other women may not have any pregnancy symptoms except for a late or irregular period. If you have missed your period, then you could take a pregnancy test. This would be the earliest that a home pregnancy test can detect pregnancy.*
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Would you begin feeling pregnancy symptoms then? Not exactly. The fertilized egg, now a ball of developing cells, still needs to travel down to your uterus and implant itself in the uterine wall, releasing the hormone hCG as it completes implantation. That can take up to 6-10 days after conception. At that point in your cycle, you would be very close to expecting your next period.
For most women trying to have their first baby, the first noticeable sign then of a pregnancy would be the missed period. Others who are more in tune with their bodies or who have already experienced a pregnancy would notice other symptoms, like fatigue, a few days sooner, suspecting pregnancy before the missed period.
What Factors Determine The Outcome Of You And Your Baby’s Health
Many events determine the outcome of a pregnancy.
Maternal weight gain: The amount of weight a woman gains when pregnant can be important in predicting the outcome of pregnancy. Excess weight gain places a woman who is pregnat at risk for diabetes and hypertension, and it may increase the chance for needing a cesarean birth . Too little weight gain places the infant at risk for interuterine growth restriction and the mother at risk for anemia, nutritional deficiencies, and osteoporosis.
Nausea and vomiting: Even if a pregnant patient experiences what seems like an abnormal amount of nausea and vomiting , it probably will not affect the baby’s health, particularly if the woman is still gaining weight at the anticipated rate.
Low or high red blood cell counts: The normal red blood cell count range varies slightly between laboratories, but is generally 4.2 – 5.9 million red cells per microliter. The risk of delivering prematurely is increased if the woman’s blood count is low . Low blood counts also put her at risk of requiring a transfusion following a delivery. If the woman’s blood count is too high , her baby may be larger than expected.
Maternal obesity: A person with a body mass index over 30 is considered obese. If a woman who is pregnant is obese and has diabetes, her baby is three times more likely to have a birth defect. If she is obese but does not have diabetes, the risk of birth defects is not increased.
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Why Pregnancy Is Counted From The Last Menstrual Period
Pregnancy is counted from a women’s last menstrual period because the start of a period is easily observable and usually known to a woman whereas the date of conception is much less likely to be known.
Historically, the first day of the last menstrual period became the date from which pregnancy is counted even though conception occurs about two weeks later.
The LMP formula is good for working out an initial age of pregnancy but ultrasound is more accurate. The age of pregnancy may be revised following your ultrasound scan.
How Many Weeks Pregnant Am I
Calculating your baby’s due date isnt as easy as you might think. Heres how to figure out how many weeks pregnant you are.
OK, How many weeks pregnant am I may seem like a funny thing to ask Dr. Google, but its pretty common to be a little confused about your due dateor how many weeks pregnant you arein the earliest stages of pregnancy. Thats true even if youve been tracking your cycles religiously, and even if you suspect you know the exact date of conception.
Heres why: Pregnancy is actually measured from the first day of your last menstrual periodbefore youve finished bleeding, before youve ovulated and before youve engaged in any, um, baby-making activity.
Youre having a babysubscribe to our Todays Parent Pregnancy by Week newsletter!Many women dont even bother taking a pregnancy test until theyve ovulated, had sex, and missed a period. Home pregnancy tests will not work until youre at least 5-6 days away from the expected date of your next period, anyway.
Because most womens menstrual cycles are around 28 days or four weeks long, some couples who are trying to conceive refer to the time between ovulation and being able to take a pregnancy test as the two week waitor TWW, in message-board acronyms.
Heres an example: if you just got a positive result on a home pregnancy test and suspect you likely ovulated and conceived about two weeks ago, your medical providers already consider you to be four weeks pregnant.
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What Are The Earliest Signs Of Pregnancy
Some symptoms to watch for before you miss your period are sore breasts, fatigue, sensitivity to smell, food aversions, nausea, and more frequent urination. Keep in mind, however, that it’s very likely you will have no symptoms.
One study found that 50% of women showed no symptoms at five weeks after conception, 30% had none six weeks after conception, and 10% still didn’t have any at two months after conception!3
Below there are three tables.
- One is the signs of pregnancy you might experience before you miss your period.
- The next is the most commonly reported first signs of pregnancy, so you can get a sense of how common these symptoms are.
- The third shows 14 signs of pregnancy you might experience within the first three weeks after conception to get a better look at some other symptom possibilities.
The Best Time In Your Cycle
The best time to take a pregnancy test is after your period is late. This will help you avoid false negatives. If you’re not already keeping a fertility calendar, proper pregnancy test timing is a good reason to start one.
If your cycles are irregular or you dont chart your cycles, don’t take a test until youve passed the longest menstrual cycle you usually have. For example, if your cycles range from 30 to 36 days, the best time to take a test would be day 37 or later.
Something else to consider is whether you know if your period is even late. According to the FDA, out of every 100 people, between 10 and 20 will not get a positive pregnancy test result on the day they think is just after their missed period, even if they are pregnant.
Tests labeled for early pregnancy detection may be able to detect a pregnancy several days before your expected period. However, the most accurate results come after your period is late.
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How Long Are Women Actually Pregnant For
A study from 1990 of over 1000 women found that the median gestation length for first-time mothers was 277 288 days since LMP. For second-time mothers, median gestation length was slightly shorter and about 275 287 days since LMP.
Interestingly, one study of a small population of 125 Caucasian women found that gestation lasted on average 268 days from ovulation, and that despite no labor or preterm complications in the sample pool, gestation length varied by 37 days across the sample. Progesterone may explain the variability because a slower rise in progesterone after implantation correlated with a longer pregnancy. But, keep in mind, this is a small sample size with one racial background.
Although research doesnt understand why yet, racial background does affect gestation length. A study of over 100,000 women in London found that women of African or Asian backgrounds had a median gestation length of 273 days, which is about a week shorter than Caucasian women.
Bottom line: how many weeks pregnant the average woman is when she gives birth does vary considerably, but about 282 days from LMP seems to be more accurate although whether thats true for women of all ethnic backgrounds definitely requires more research.
Early Pregnancy Symptoms Quiz
For each question, choose the best answer. The answer key is below.
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Role Of Fundal Height
Your midwife or doctor may measure your fundal height at your pregnancy well-checks. The fundal height is the measurement in centimeters from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus. It should grow at a predictable rate as your pregnancy continues.
After 20 weeks, your fundal height in centimeters will typically be the same as the number of weeks you are pregnant. In other words, at 21 weeks pregnant, your fundal height should be around 21 centimeters .
Sometimes, the fundal height won’t match perfectly. Slight variations are normal, but if you are measuring much smaller or larger than expected, your primary care provider may want to investigate with another ultrasound.
While useful, the fundal height is not an accurate measurement of gestational age and would not affect the estimated due date in any way.
What Is Happening With Your Baby When You Are 4 Weeks Pregnant
There are three layers to your baby- the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. These three layers will form the babys organs and tissues. The ectoderm will become the nervous system , skin, hair, nails, mammary glands, sweat glands, and enamel for the teeth. The mesoderm will become the heart, circulatory system, skeleton, connective tissues, blood system, urogenital system, and the muscles. The endoderm will house the lungs and develops into the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, the liver, pancreas, and thyroid. Arm and leg buds begin developing at this point, although they are not clearly distinguishable. The placenta has also begun to form and is producing some important hormones including hCG. There is a movement of rudimentary blood through the main vessels.*
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What Happens During Each Week Of Pregnancy
Our pregnancy week by week emails will keep you updated about whats happening every week of your pregnancy!
Simply enter in your estimated due date, and well send you emails based on what week of pregnancy youre currently at no need for calculations!
All the best for a wonderful pregnancy and be sure to bookmark BellyBelly for all your pregnancy questions and answers.