I Have Had My Period For A Month

Why Am I Not Getting My Period At All

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The medical term for absent periods is amenorrhea, and is considered to occur when a woman who has previously had normal periods stops menstruating for six months or more. Many of the causes of amenorrhea are the same as those for a skipped period. Your period can be absent for a number of reasons:


The most common reason to not get your period is because you are pregnant. A home pregnancy test can quickly tell you if that is the reason.


Most women stop getting their periods in their late 40s or early 50s. The average age is 51 years old.


If you breastfeed frequently, including at night-time, you may not get a period for many months. Be aware that you will ovulate prior to getting your period back, so birth control is important if you are not ready to be pregnant again.


While a sudden stressful life event can result in a single missed period, ongoing, high level stress and anxiety can cause your period to stop altogether. Managing stress though self-care, counselling, changing your life circumstances, medication, or other strategies can help you return to having normal periods.

Weight loss

Ongoing, dramatic weight loss, from low intake, excessive exercise, gastric bypass surgery, or eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia can stop your period. This happens because the hormones required for ovulation are not produced.



High levels of prolactin

Ashermans syndrome

Absent uterus

Premature ovarian failure

Youre Actually Pregnant And Have Placenta Previa

This type of heavy vaginal bleeding is actually unrelated to a period, though you might think it is one if you don’t yet know you’re pregnant. Placenta previa is a condition that happens during pregnancy where the placenta covers the cervix, explains Dr. Horton.

Patients will usually have heavy vaginal bleeding throughout their pregnancy and will need to deliver their baby by C-section. Take a pregnancy test and see your doctor to figure out the best treatment method.

Why Am I Spotting Before After And In Between My Period

You know when youre on your period. The blood is flowing, your mood is swinging, and your cramping uterus just confirms what you already know to be true. When youre spotting, things might not be so clear. Seeing a few red dots in your underwear could mean so many different things: pregnancy, ovulation, stress, a looming visit from Aunt Flo. Regardless of how well you know your body and your menstrual cycle, unexpected bleeding of any kind can be anxiety inducing. Dont panicweve got the lowdown on spotting before, after, and in-between your periods.

Also Check: Is It Possible To Get Your Period And Be Pregnant

Your Thyroid Isn’t Working Properly

An underactive or overactive thyroid gland can cause your period to come twice in one month. The thyroid gland is regulated by hormones produced and regulated in the same area of the brainthe pituitary and hypothalamusas the hormones that control menstruation and ovulation, explains Dweck. When one is off, the other might be affected.

If you have hyperthyroidism , you may also lose weight unexpectedly, feel nervous or anxious, have a rapid heartbeat, or have trouble sleeping. Hypothyroidism can cause weight gain, constipation, fatigue, and increased sensitivity to cold, among other symptoms.

Your risk of developing a thyroid disease could vary by race, potentially due to a combination of environmental and genetic factors. According to a 2014 study in JAMA, Graves disease, an autoimmune disorder often at the root of hyperthyroidism, is more common in Black, Asian, and Pacific Islander women compared to white women. On the other hand, Hashimotos disease, which often causes hypothyroidism, is more common in white women.

What to do about it

This is diagnosed with a blood test and typically treated with medication. Hypothyroidism drugs restore your levels to a normal level so symptoms should disappear and you start feeling better soon. Hyperthyroidism medications can clear up symptoms within a few weeks by keeping your thyroid from overproducing hormones. Most of the time this treatment permanently fixes the issue, although sometimes you may need surgery.

Is It Normal For A Period To Not Stop

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For some women it may seem as if the bleeding literally doesnt stop, continuing through the entire month. But this isnt usually the case.

Since the time between cycles is counted from the first day of your period, a woman who has a 24-day cycle with eight days of bleeding will experience only 16 days period-free. It may seem like youre always having your period even though youre within a standard timetable.

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How The Procedure Is Done

In an endometrial ablation, your healthcare provider first inserts a slender instrument through your cervix and into your uterus. This widens your cervix and allows them to perform the procedure.

The procedure can be done in one of several ways. Your healthcare providers training and preferences will direct which of the following procedures theyll use:

Freezing : A thin probe is used to apply extreme cold to your uterine tissue. Your healthcare provider places an ultrasound monitor on your abdomen to help them guide the probe. The size and shape of your uterus determines how long this procedure lasts.

Heated balloon: A balloon is inserted into your uterus, inflated, and filled with hot fluid. The heat destroys the uterine lining. This procedure typically lasts from 2 to 12 minutes.

Heated free-flowing fluid: Heated saline liquid is allowed to flow freely throughout your uterus for around 10 minutes, destroying the uterine tissue. This procedure is used in women with irregularly shaped uterine cavities.

Radiofrequency: A flexible device with a mesh tip is placed into your uterus. It emits radiofrequency energy to eliminate uterine tissue in 1 to 2 minutes.

Microwave: An inserted probe and microwave energy is used to destroy your uterine lining. This procedure takes 3 to 5 minutes to complete.

Electrosurgery: This procedure requires general anesthesia. A telescopic device called a resectoscope and a heated instrument is used to see and remove uterine tissue.

What Underlying Conditions May Cause Prolonged Menstrual Bleeding

A visit with your gynecologist or other healthcare professional is the first step in determining the cause of your prolonged menstrual bleeding. Your doctor will make a diagnosis after performing a series of tests.

Depending on your age and other symptoms, your doctor may test your blood for pregnancy, hormone levels, and thyroid function. Other diagnostic tests may include Pap smears, endometrial biopsies, ultrasounds, and other procedures.

Medical conditions that could be the cause of abnormal menstrual bleeding include:

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You Have An Underlying Blood Disorder

It’s rare, but it’s possible that extra-long periods are a sign of an underlying illness, like a hematologic disease, says Dr. Toth. Some of the underlying diseases associated with bleeding, like hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease, are genetic, so if you have this you likely already know about it.

Still, if your periods are lasting a super-long time, and you’ve already been cleared for other conditions, it’s worth checking in with your doctor about tests to rule out a blood disorder that you might not be aware of.

Does A Missed Period For 2 Months Mean I’m Pregnant

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When you are pregnant, your menstrual periods will stop. However, a missed period doesn’t always mean you’re pregnant. If you’re wondering whether you might be pregnant, there are a few points that point to a possible pregnancy. These include:

  • You were actively trying to get pregnant in the months before.
  • You ovulated prior to your period’s stopping.
  • You had sexual intercourse in the ovulation window .
  • You were sexually active and not using birth control.

If all of the above points are true, then you have a good chance of being pregnant.

Signs of Early Pregnancy

The only way to truly know if you’re pregnant is a positive pregnancy test and confirmation by a doctor. However, there are a few signs that may give clues to a possible pregnancy. If a missed period for 2 months is due to pregnancy, you’ll start feeling the symptoms below around the four-week mark. Some women even notice subtle changes sooner than four-weeks.

  • Breast tenderness
  • Breast fullness
  • Nausea
  • Lower abdominal bloating and fullness
  • Feeling short of breath with exercise
  • Sensitive to smells
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Needing to urinate more often
  • Higher than normal body temperature
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation

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When Should I Talk To A Doctor About Long Periods

Long and prolonged periods may be common, but they are treatable. In many cases, they may be symptoms of a reproductive health issue that needs to be addressed.

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What Are Irregular Periods

Even though girls get their periods on a cycle, that cycle can take different amounts of time each month. For example, a girl might get her period after 24 days one month and after 42 days the next. These are called irregular periods.

Irregular periods are very common, especially in a girl’s first few years of getting her period.

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What Treatments Are Available For Prolonged Menstrual Bleeding

Many causes of prolonged bleeding can be treated with birth control pills of estrogen and progesterone. This not only provides contraception, it can regulate hormone production and so treat bleeding caused by hormones. Birth control pills generally decrease the overall amount of flow and so should lessen the length of your period, Thielen says.

In some cases, such as for endometrial hyperplasia, the hormone progestin may be prescribed alone.

Other medicines may also be used. Lysteda is a prescription drug that treats heavy menstrual bleeding. It comes in a tablet and is taken each month at the start of the menstrual period.

Prolonged bleeding caused by uterine fibroids can be treated with medication or with minimally invasive procedures such as endometrial ablation or laparoscopic surgery . In severe cases an abdominal myomectomy or a hysterectomy may be recommended.

Pregnancy And Abnormal Periods

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If your period is late or you skip a period, pregnancy might be at the top of your mind as a reason. While it’s certainly a possibility, it’s not always the most likely explanation.

For example, a woman who has taken her birth control pills regularly and has not missed any dose and has not had any medication change that would alter her birth control status could still have a period that is lighter or shorter.

In this example, having an abnormal period is more likely a result of less build-up in the endometrium . Pregnancy could still be a cause of the change to her period, but it is not the only cause in this situation.

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Cost Of A Hysteroscopy

You can expect the cost of a hysteroscopy to range from $750-$3,500. The cost depends on the extent of the procedure. For instance, a diagnostic-only procedure is much less than one involving surgery. The cost may be higher if you have a more extensive procedure which includes surgery in the hospital and general anesthesia. Costs for these extensive procedures can be up to $7,000.

Some health insurance carriers will cover a hysteroscopy, at least partially, when its considered medically necessary. Coverage varies from policy to policy, so talk to your insurance carrier to determine your out-of-pocket costs.

A hysteroscopy is considered a fairly safe procedure with minimal complications. However, its still considered surgery. Because of this there are some possible complications, though they are not common. They include:

  • infection

When To Seek Help

Dont ignore a long period. Its important to see your doctor to discuss why you might be experiencing this symptom. Delaying your diagnosis and treatment could lead to a worsening of the underlying condition responsible for the extended bleeding.

You may want to seek immediate care with a long period if you spike a fever or are losing an abnormally heavy amount of blood or large blood clots. A sign that youre losing a lot of blood is if you need to change a pad or tampon one to two times per hour for several hours. You may also begin to feel lightheaded if youre losing a lot of blood.

There are many causes for a long period, so your doctor will likely begin your appointment by asking you some questions. These may include:

  • when your period started
  • how many pads and tampons youve used in the last day
  • your sexual activity

Also Check: How To Know Your Pregnant Before Missed Period

There Are Many Reasons That Periods Can Be Irregular Or Absent Some Require Treatment And Some Do Not

It is not uncommon to occasionally miss a period, or for periods to become irregular from time to time. Under some circumstances, periods can even stop altogether. Sometimes these irregularities are due to normal changes, and are not cause for concern. Other times, they are a sign that something is going on, and a call to your doctor is warranted.

Explore Irregular or Absent Periods:

What Is Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

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Heavy menstrual bleeding, previously called menorrhagia, is abnormally heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding. Heavy menstrual bleeding is a common complaint andaccording to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, one in three women seek treatment for it. Despite its many sufferers, heavy menstrual bleeding can be a sign of a serious medical condition.

You can determine if your periods are unusually heavy if you are soaking a pad or tampon in less than two hours or passing clots larger than the size of a quarter. Your bleeding is considered prolonged if it lasts longer than seven days. It is also considered heavy if you need to change your pad or tampon overnight or need to wear more than one pad at a time to control the flow.

Prolonged, heavy bleeding can impact both your quality of life and your health. Women may find it difficult to live their daily lives normally as they may be constantly visiting the washroom or worried about leakage.Prolonged, heavy bleeding may lead to anemia, which is a blood disorder characterized by not having enough healthy red blood cells. Anemia can be mild without any symptoms or can cause you to feel dizzy or weak, cause breathing problems, heart issues and lead to further health issues.

Read Also: How To Stop Your Period For A Month

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