What To Do For Painful Period Cramps

Facts About Period Pain

Period Pain | How To Stop Painful Period Pain Cramps

If you have dysmenorrhoea you are not alone. Around 80% of women experience period pain at some stage in their lifetime. You can suffer from period pain from your early teens right up to the menopause. Most women experience some discomfort during menstruation, especially on the first day. But in 5% to 10% of women the pain is severe enough to disrupt their life. If your mother suffered period pains, you are more likely to suffer too. In 40% of women, period pain is accompanied by premenstrual symptoms, such as bloating, tender breasts, swollen stomach, lack of concentration, mood swings, clumsiness and tiredness.

There are two different types of period pain:

What To Do For Simple Cramps

For simple cramps, the first-line option is ibuprofen, 400 milligrams four times a day. If that is not working, or if twice a day works better for your teens schedule than four times a day, try naproxen sodium, 500 milligrams twice a day.

Both schedules only work when no doses are missed, starting from when you know your period is coming through the number of days of cramps you usually get.

Another option is Ponstel®, or methanimic acid, 500 milligrams as a loading dose and then 250 milligrams every six hours.

Physical Activity To Ease Pain From Period Cramps

When your cramps hit, it might feel counterintuitive to move your body, but being physically active could help ease period cramp pain. Doctors think that the endorphins that are released when you exercise make you feel good, therefore helping with the pain.

For example, yoga might help. An initial trial published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that yoga helped reduce the pain of cramps as well as psychological stress.

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How Should A Guy Treat A Girl On Her Period

  • Be patient! Don’t blame her irritability on her period, but try to understand where she’s coming from.
  • Bring her the food she craves. Whether it’s ice cream she’s after or she’s one of the rare women who crave a green juice, just go and get it. …
  • Be attentive. …
    • Give her the space she wants and craves. …
    • Remember to keep her hydrated. …
    • Distract her away from her pain. …
    • Don’t talk about blood or pain or mood swings. …
    • Avoid talking anything that would irritate her in any way. …
    • Do physical exercises with her.

    Is It Normal To Have Pain During Your Period

    aandgdesigngroup: How To Cure Painful Period Cramps

    While some discomfort is normal during your period, extreme or devastating pain that interferes with your life is not. Dymenorrhea is a disorder that causes painful periods. It is the most often reported menstruation condition, with more than half of menstruating women reporting discomfort for at least one or two days per month. About 8% of women report severe menstrual pain, which prevents them from working, school, or socializing with their friends and family.

    There are three main types of pain associated with periods: cramping, bleeding, and pain after childbirth. Pain can be acute, which means it comes and goes in moments chronic, which means it lasts for several months or years or recurrent, which means you get sick about twice as often as not.

    Pain during your period can be due to issues with the uterus , ovaries , bowel , bladder , throat, neck, back, chest, jaw, arms, hands, legs, feet, scalp, or sinuses. Pain that persists beyond your period may be related to other health problems such as thyroid disease, diabetes, or heart disease. See your doctor if your period pain doesn’t go away within a few weeks.

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    How To Relieve Period Cramps Fast

    Period cramps are so common we might assume they’re just a part of life. About 9 out of 10 women have them. They can be annoying or downright painful, and usually last for a few days. Your doctor might refer to them as “menstrual cramps” – just know we’re talking about the same thing!

    Period cramps can feel different for everyone, and you may feel mild to severe pain during your “time of month,” also known as your menstrual cycle. Sometimes, the pain can interrupt your daily routine or just make you feel lousy in general.

    Period cramps seem to arrive at the most inconvenient time. If you need to get rid of them fast, here are some quick ways that help women conquer cramps :

    • Pain reliever medicine like Ibuprofen or acetaminophen *
    • Warm heating pad or compress on the belly
    • Warm bath to help increase blood flow and ease pain
    • Lying down with a pillow under the knees
    • Exercise and stretching
    • Rest and relaxation

    *Note: Before you take any new medication, read the directions, and take as directed. We recommend you speak with your nurse or doctor if you’re currently on other medicines, have a health condition, or are not sure if this medication is safe for you.

    The Most Effective Ways To Relieve Period Cramps

    If you feel pain in your lower abdominal area during your menstrual cycle every month, you are certainly not alone. An estimated 50-90% of women complain about painful periods at some point in their lives.

    If you are one of the many women who suffer each month, here are some ways to relieve the pain.

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    Birth Control For Period Cramps

    When you have period cramps you just can’t seem to relieve with the methods mentioned above, your doctor may prescribe birth control, which provides your body with hormones that may reduce your menstrual cramping. Talk to your doctor about your birth control options. They include birth control pills, injections, a patch, or an intrauterine device. Such a wide array of birth control options are available that there should be something that will work for your lifestyle and individual needs. Just make sure to let your doctor know youre hoping to find a birth control option that will provide relief from your menstrual cramping.

    When Should You Contact Your Healthcare Provider About Menstrual Cramps

    How To Relieve Period Cramps

    Bad cramps keep some women from working and going to school. You dont have to suffer and you dont have to put your life on hold. Contact your healthcare provider if you have painful periods.

    It may be helpful to keep track of your periods and the days on which pain is the worst so you can make a complete report. If you notice other symptoms, like headaches or heavy flows, you should keep track of those, too.

    Your provider will probably ask you when you started getting your period, how long they last, if you are sexually active, if other women in your family have problems with their periods and what kinds of treatments you might have tried already.

    A note from Cleveland Clinic

    Menstruation is normal. You might get cramps, but you dont have to suffer silently with them. There are ways to make painful periods less painful. Make sure you talk to your healthcare provider about painful periods.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 11/20/2020.


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    Period Pain And Fertility

    Period pain thats part of your normal menstrual cycle will not affect your fertility. However, if the cause is a medical condition, this may affect your fertility.

    For example, endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease can cause scarring and a build-up of tissue in your fallopian tubes, making it harder for sperm to reach and fertilise an egg.

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    Pregnancy Cramps Vs Period Cramps

    Pregnancy cramps usually happen when the pregnancy first takes place. These cramps are caused by the body adapting and changing to prepare for birth as well as to accommodate the baby growing inside of you. Women may get alarmed and fear that the baby is in danger, but you shouldnt be worried. Mild cramping during this time is very normal. Its also a little different from menstrual cramps. Theyre usually:

    • More mild
    • Lower than normal
    • Cramping on both sides

    However, most women say that the cramping is similar to their normal menstrual cramps. It is only very few women that feel sharp twinges of pain in their lower abdomen that can last months after pregnancy occurs. This is absolutely normal thoughthe uterus and muscles inside of your body are just stretching to accommodate the baby.

    The only time that cramps during pregnancy can be cause for concern are when:

    • Cramping is very severe and painful
    • Cramping is consistent and doesnt go away
    • Blood is present

    You should not have any cramping and bleeding seen together when youre pregnant. Any vaginal bleeding at this time should result in an immediate visit to your doctor.

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    What Causes Menstrual Pain

    Pain during menstruation is thought to be caused by prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Together, these compounds are known as eicosanoids.

    Prostaglandinsare a group of hormone-like fats that are made by our cells at sites of tissue damage or infection in the body. Their job is to direct the healing process by coordinating blood vessel constriction and blood clotting. In this process, prostaglandins cause the pain, fever, redness and swelling that we experience with illness and injury.

    Prostaglandins also play a role in the female reproductive system by controlling ovulation, initiating labor and regulating menstrual flow. In other words, prostaglandins cause the uterus to contract.

    Two specific prostaglandins have been linked to menstrual pain: PGE2 and PGF2-alpha.

    Now, normally, prostaglandins are very short-lived. Once their job is done, the body breaks them down quickly.

    But problems arise when inflammatory prostaglandins are produced in excess. Certain dietary andlifestyle factors will cause persistent tissue damage and load us with omega-6 fats, resulting in round the clock production of inflammatory prostaglandins.

    Below is an illustration of the process. As you can see, anything that promotes high levels of arachidonic acid, the precursor to prostaglandins, can lead to pain and inflammation.

    Similar to prostaglandins,leukotrienes are inflammatory molecules that are released by our white blood cells.

    What I Can Do To Relieve Pms

    Can CBD help with menstrual cramps?

    Many of the things that help ease cramps can also help with PMS. Here are some different ways to relieve PMS symptoms:

    • Take over-the-counter pain medicine like ibuprofen , naproxen , or acetaminophen . Always follow the instructions on the bottle. Talk with your doctor before taking pain medication if you have an allergy to aspirin or severe asthma.

    • Do aerobic exercise, like walking, running, riding a bike, swimming, or any activity that gets your heart rate up. Regular exercise is ideal.

    • Do breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga.

    • Get plenty of rest. Sleeping regularly every night can help with stress, mood changes, and feeling tired or fatigued.

    • Eat healthy foods like fruits, veggies , whole grains, and yogurt.

    • Limit fat, salt, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol.

    • Make sure you get enough vitamins in your diet, or take vitamin supplements. If you dont get enough calcium, take a supplement of 1200 mg of calcium daily. Magnesium and Vitamin E might also help.

    • Use hormonal birth control . Your doctor can help you find a birth control method that can help with PMS.

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    Why Is My Period Pain Unbearable

    During your period, your uterus contracts to help shed its lining. These contractions are triggered by hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. Higher levels of prostaglandins are associated with more severe menstrual cramps. Some people tend to have more severe menstrual cramps without any clear cause.

    What Can I Do For Cramps

    If cramps bother you, you can:

    • Take a pain reliever. Talk to your mom or dad or your doctor about which medicine is best for you. They can help you figure out how much to take and how often.
    • Exercise! Being physically active can ease cramps, probably because exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the body that make you feel good.
    • Get warm. Try placing a warm water bottle, warm heating pad, or warm compress on your belly or take a warm bath.

    If these tips dont help, talk to your parent or your doctor about other treatments.

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    Use Foods Against Menstrual Pain

    • Eating an anti-inflammatory diet is a more natural way to fight cramps from the inside. If you find yourself eating lots of junk food, especially leading up to your period, you may want to reach for healthier choices. Stay away from processed and fatty foods like sweets, pasta, cheese, and white bread instead, go for items like whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables.

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    Menstrual Cramp Causes And Risk Factors

    How To Stop Painful Period Pain Cramps #Shorts

    Menstrual cramps happen because of contractions in the uterus, or womb, which is a muscle. If it contracts too strongly during your menstrual cycle, it can press against nearby blood vessels. This briefly cuts off oxygen to the uterus. Itâs this lack of oxygen that causes your pain and cramping.

    You can also have cramps because of:

    • Endometriosis, a condition in which the tissue lining the uterus grows outside of the uterus
    • Fibroids in your uterus
    • Adenomyosis, when your uterine lining grows into nearby muscle
    • Pelvic inflammatory disease , an infection caused by bacteria that starts in the uterus and can spread to other reproductive organs
    • Cervical stenosis, or a narrowing of the lower part of your uterus, caused by scarring, as well as a lack of estrogen after menopause

    Certain things put you at a higher risk of menstrual cramps. Youâre more likely to have them if you:

    • Are under 30

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    A Sprinkle Of Cinnamon

    In a study of young women, those who took capsules containing 420 milligrams of cinnamon 3 times a day for the first 3 days of their menstrual cycle had less menstrual bleeding, less pain, and reductions in nausea and frequency of vomiting compared to those who took a placebo. The women didn’t report any side effects associated with taking cinnamon pills. Try a sprinkle of cinnamon on your cereal or cup of hot cocoa. It can’t hurt and it might help your cramps and other period symptoms.

    Enjoy A Cup Of Ginger Or Cinnamon Tea

    Going natural to get rid of that pain is very awesome. Drinking a cup of cinnamon or ginger tea or both can help you to fight against really bad cramps during period. The ginger tea has been found to serve as an anti-inflammatory substance which reduces pain.

    The cinnamon tea also has anti-spasmodic properties which can help to reduce the risk of pain during menstruation. Enjoying a cup of these tea is of great benefit working tremendously in different ways.

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