Six Weird Little Signs That Your Period Is About To Start
There are lots of little things which will give you the heads up about that time of the month
For most women there is one thing that tells them it’s almost that time of the month – stomach cramps.
Those horrible pains can last for days and apart from some painkillers and a hot water bottle, there isn’t much we can do about them
But it turns out cramps aren’t the only tell-tale sign your period is about to start.
There are actually six other things you can look out for, reports RSVP Live.
Some of them make a lot of sense, but others are slightly more unexpected.
Menstruation And Quality Of Life
The symptoms of menstruation can affect your quality of life. Its important to take note of whether your period is impacting any aspects of your life. Talk to your doctor if your period is causing you to:
- Miss work or school
- Not be able to participate in activities that you usually enjoy
- Struggle to carry out your usual daily activities
- Accomplish less than you would like to
- Have difficulty in your relationships with your family or friends
- Have severe pain
- Lack energy or feel very fatigued
- Not exercise when you normally do
- Choose not to go out when you normally would
Is There Anything I Can Do To Treat My Pms Symptoms
Nutrition and lifestyle changes are a first step. The following suggestions are healthy recommendations for everyone and are particularly helpful for young women with PMS symptoms, according to research.
Nutrition Changes:
Lifestyle Changes:
- Fit in exercise. Do aerobic exercise for 30-60 minutes a day, 4 to 6 times a week.
- Catch your ZZZs. If youre a teen, you need about 9 hours of sleep each night.
- Try to maintain a regular schedule. This includes meals, exercise, and bedtime.
- Keep stress to a minimum. If possible, try to schedule events that you think could be stressful during the week after your period.
- Avoid alcohol.Drinking alcohol before your period can make you feel more depressed.
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Youre Getting A Pimple Or Two
Have you noticed a link between your skin and hormones? If you regularly notice a change in your complexion, it may be one of the signs your period is coming. High progesterone is responsible for making our skin oilier in the days leading up to menstruation, and you might notice your hair is a little bit greasier too.
Sticking to a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water can help reduce breakouts when your period is about to arrive. Everyone’s skin is different and has different needs, so our best advice is to listen to your body and build a routine that works for you.
Are There Medications That Might Help
If your symptoms dont improve with a few nutrition and lifestyle changes, talk with your health care provider . They may be able to prescribe medicine that will help lessen or get rid of your discomforts. There are many different medicines that are currently used to treat PMS symptoms. The most commonly prescribed are oral contraceptives which prevent ovulation and keep hormone levels even. Most pills can improve symptoms. Sometimes symptoms can improve even more if the pill is taken continuously . Other medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen sodium can help to relieve lower back discomfort and headaches. A mild diuretic such as Spironolactone can lessen bloating and mood changes. If depression is a significant issue, your health care provider may prescribe antidepressants such as Fluoxetine, Sertraline, or other SSRI medicines either for the 7 days before your period or daily.
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Watch Your Menstrual Cycle & Periods
How to prepare for my first period
Since you never know when youâll get your first period, itâs a good idea to be prepared.
Here are some ideas:
- Prepare an emergency period kit containing a panty liner, pad and clean underwear in a discreet bag
- Keep a pantyliner or pad in your book bag or purse
- In an emergency, toilet paper can work until you can get a pantyliner or pad
- Ask a friend, school nurse or teacher for help â most schools keep extra pantyliners or pads for exactly this reason!
Common questions about your first period When should I see a doctor about not getting my period?
If you have missed three periods in a row or have not started menstruating by the age of 15, you may have a condition called primary amenorrhea. This affects some women who produce lower levels of oestrogen. You should see a doctor if you think you may have primary amenorrhea if breast growth has not started by age 13, or if your period has not started three years after breast growth.
Possible causes of a missed period are:
- Youâve just started menstruating
- Miscalculation or normal fluctuation?
Signs Your Period Is Coming Tomorrow
Menstrual cramps are a widespread symptom before periods start. It’s the first and one of the most noticeable signs your period is coming tomorrow. Menstrual cramps typically occur in the lower part of the abdomen. They can also occur closer to your back and upper thighs.
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Before You Get Your First Period You Might Notice Changes In Your:
In the beginning, the small bumps around your nipples become raised. Then, the darker area of your nipples will get bigger and start to puff outâit might even feel like there is a little lump on your chest. These are called breast buds. This can happen on both sides at the same time, or on just one side at first. If it happens on one side, it can take up to 6 months for the other side to catch up .
Most people first get their first period 2â3 years after their breast begin to grow . If your breast buds start to grow around age eight or nine, it may take closer to three years for your period to start. If your breast buds develop later than most people in your class, like when youâre 13, it may take less than a year for your period to start .
The shape and height of your body will also be changing around this time. By the time you notice breast buds, your whole body will have already started growing more quickly .
When Will I Get My First Period
Find out if you’re displaying the common signs of starting your period.
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As they approach their teenage years, most girls start to wonder when their periods might start. Some look forward to this moment as a sign that they are really growing up. Others are a little nervous about how they will feel, or how they might manage their period. Either way, it can be good to know whether you are likely to get your period soon.
With periods usually starting between the ages of 10-16 years, it can be hard to predict when your first period will arrive. However, your body will probably start to show some tell-tale signs when your first period is on its way. “Puberty has a predictable pattern,” explains GP Dr Jeff Foster. “Understanding the significance of different signs such as breast development, vaginal discharge, pubic hair and underarm hair can give us an indication about whether a first period is likely to occur soon.”
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Signs To Tell When You’ll Get Your First Period
Every woman during the reproductive ages will have menses. Menstruation or period is the shedding of the uterine lining called the endometrium, which is in the form of bleeding from the womb and appears in the vagina. A period is a part of the woman’s menstruation cycle and may repeat every 24 days to 35 days. In most women, it is usually about 28 days approximately.
Youre Crying At Cat Videos
This is the big one: premenstrual syndrome, or PMS for short. Normally you experience PMS one or two weeks before your period begins so this is a sign that your period is right around the corner! Recognizing the symptoms of PMS can be a bit tricky some people dont get it at all, other people really do.
You may experience some of the following symptoms: acne, tender breasts, tiredness, bloating, an upset tummy, or strange food cravings, not to mention you may feel super emotional. Even period veterans sometimes get their periods, then look back on the past week and think oh, thats why I was crying over that cat video two days ago! Pesky hormones can catch us all by surprise, so dont worry if you dont recognize the symptoms straight away.
Mood swings happen throughout puberty, so knowing if its just a mood swing or your period knocking on the door can be pretty tricky!
Though its easier said than done, try not to compare yourself to your friends. Your period will come when your body is ready if you hit 16 and you still have no sign of it, go and speak to a doctor, they will be able to run tests and give you some clear answers.
A big step towards handling your first period smoothly is being prepared.
Carry a spare pair of undies in your bag and a panty liner, just in case you get your period when youre not at home. Do a bit of research into some of the period protection products out there. You can try out everything to find out what works best for you and your body.
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Most Common Signs Before Your Period Is Coming
More than 90% of women around the world experience certain symptoms just before their period arrival and this pattern goes on till the menopausal stage. The signs are normal and it doesnt affect your health permanently. However, in certain cases, the symptoms get too severe to deal easily which needs a consultation with the doctor to understand why it is happening and how to relieve it permanently.
The period symptoms generally vary from person to person. That means the signs that one person is facing will not affect the other one and they might face some other period arrival symptoms. Also, intensity wise this symptoms of one person differ from the other one. However, the best part of those possible signs before your period is coming that you can stay ready with your precaution measures to avoid those shaming situations.
On an average two weeks before your actual period date, you may start noticing your symptoms which indicates that the period is on its way. These signs may sometimes last in the initial first or second day of your period date and will automatically disappear completely once the period is finished or once the bleeding starts.
These signs are also known as Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS. For some people developing the period symptoms, is not an issue and their life moves normally without getting affected by it anyway. However, this is not the case with every other lady or woman.
Body Fatigue Before Periods
Another sign which signals the arrival of your period is body fatigue. You might notice that your energy is dipping. This happens due to fluctuating serotonin levels . Feeling tired and out of energy before your period is entirely normal, and you have nothing to worry about. However, if you feel extreme tiredness, then you need to consult your doctor.
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How To Ease The Signs Of Pms
Women with severe PMS can visit their doctor to discuss prescription medicines to ease the symptoms. Doctors may prescribe antidepressants, painkillers, water tablets to reduce bloating or hormonal contraceptives to ease signs your period is coming. However, you may choose to make a few lifestyle changes or try home remedies:
1. Make Dietary Changes
Reduce bloating by eating smaller meals, more frequently during the day. Reduce salt intake which exacerbates fluid retention. Eat vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Add calcium to the diet. Limit alcohol and caffeine.
2. Increase Exercise
Regular exercise will decrease the depression and mood swings. Daily activities such as swimming, walking or cycling for 30 minutes should help against PMS. Regular exercise will also help you to reduce your weight.
3. Minimize Stress
Yoga and massage can help decrease stress levels. Get sufficient sleep that your body requires. Try learning deep-breathing exercises or muscle relaxation.
4. Take Supplements
There are many commercial products available with supplements to reduce signs your period is coming. These products may typically contain calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, evening primrose oil, gingko, St Johns wort, etc. Some of these alternative remedies may interfere with your other existing medicines, so consult your doctor before you begin any new supplements.
5. Try Acupuncture Therapy
6. Other Methods
When Should I Call The Doctor
If your PMS is severe, your doctor can help with treatments, including medicine. Call the doctor if you:
- don’t feel better after trying home treatments
- feel very sad or hopeless
- ever think about hurting or killing yourself
- can’t do your usual activities because of your PMS symptoms
- have PMS symptoms that don’t go away after the first few days of your period
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What Are The Signs Your Period Is Coming
Some individuals experience severe symptoms that affect their daily lives over those few days of the month. The signs and symptoms usually start a few days before the expected period and stop within 4 days of the period commencing. Some common symptoms experienced include:
Emotional Signs
- Breast tenderness in pregnancy usually occurs between 1-2 weeks after conception. It continues as your pregnancy hormone levels increase. In PMS, the tenderness resolves after your period starts.
- Bleeding or spotting when pregnant occurs within 2 weeks of conception. It is light and either pink or brown in color. There is no bleeding during PMS except if the actual menstruation has begun, and then the flow will be a lot heavier than in pregnancy.
- Nausea and vomiting experienced during pregnancy can start 3 weeks after conception. It can prevail the entire pregnancy but mostly stop after the first trimester. Nausea in PMS will stop as soon as the period starts.
- Food cravings in PMS can occur to a lesser extent than when experienced during pregnancy.
- In PMS, the cramping is acute about 24-48 hours before the period begins and stops at the end of the menstrual flow. Cramping in pregnancy occurs for weeks or months as the uterus and abdominal muscles stretch and ligaments relax to accommodate the growing fetus. If youre worried about the cramping in pregnancy, see your doctor to rule out complications.