Reasons For Not Having A Period

How Is Abnormal Menstruation Treated

Is it Normal to Miss a Period and Not be Pregnant? 9 Reasons your Period is Late.

The treatment of abnormal menstruation depends on the underlying cause:

There are other procedural options which can help heavy menstrual bleeding. A five-year contraceptive intrauterine device , called Mirena®, has been approved to help lessen bleeding, and can be as effective as surgical procedures such as endometrial ablation. This is inserted in the doctors office with minimal discomfort, and also offers contraception. Endometrial ablation is another option. It uses heat or electrocautery to destroy the lining of the uterus. It is usually only used when other therapies have been tried and failed. This is because scars from the procedure can make monitoring the uterus more difficult if bleeding persists in the future.

Reasons Your Period Is Late

During your usual morning routine, you open your cabinet, spot a box of tampons in the back, and you suddenly realize youre late. When was my last period? you think as you try to remember the last time you needed to reach for that box. Panic then takes over as your mind shoots straight to pregnancy.

While being pregnant is a possible reason for a missed period, there may be factors related to your health or lifestyle that are causing the delay, notes Shelley White-Corey, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A& M Health Science Center College of Nursing and a womens health nurse practitioner.


Your period may not make an appearance after your baby is born, but dont be alarmed! If you are breastfeeding your little one, a lack of periods is completely normal. Referred to as lactational amenorrhea, this is a phase that disrupts the rhythm of your menstrual cycle. After a few months, your monthly period should be right back on track.

Weight loss or weight gain

Whether youre overweight or underweight, any change in pounds can affect your monthly cycle. Common health problems linked to weight and irregular menstruation include eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, and uncontrolled diabetes. If you suspect this might be an issue for you, see your health care provider right away.

Increased exercise
Sleep schedule changes
Thyroid dysfunction
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Suzannah Smith

No Period For Three Months: Is This Normal

Not having your period for three months or more is known as secondary amenorrhea. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Natural causes of an absence of menstruation for three months include perimenopause, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Certain lifestyle factors like stress and excessive exercise may also cause it. Furthermore, having either excessive or low body fat can also cause a missed period. Tumors on the pituitary gland or a hypoactive/hyperactive thyroid gland can also lead to hormonal imbalances and trigger secondary amenorrhea. Low levels of estrogen or high levels of testosterone can also result in a missed period.

Genetic disorders such as Swyer syndrome and Turner syndrome result in a lack of menstruation without proper hormone replacement therapy. Some people experience a missed period because of medications such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, or chemotherapy drugs. You could also notice no period for three months or more if you have just stopped taking birth control pills.

Physical issues like problems in your reproductive organs could also cause delayed or missed periods.

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Can Depression Make Your Period Late

There are many reasons a woman’s period may be late or her cycle may go off schedule. An obvious one is pregnancy. Others include poor nutrition, excessive exercise, and long-term illness. A less obvious reason for amenorrhea or missing a period, however, is depression.

The link between mental health and reproductive health makes sense when you consider that nature does everything it can to create favorable conditions for reproduction.

If a woman is chronically stressed, anxious, sad, or upset, she’s really not in a physical or emotional position to go through a pregnancy and then take care of and nurture a child. Under these less than ideal conditions, the female reproductive system can shut down.

Amenorrhea Treatment And Home Care

Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant? 8 Possible Reasons

Treatment for amenorrhea will focus on the condition that causes it. Hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills can help start your menstrual cycle again. A thyroid or pituitary disorder can be treated with medication. Physical abnormalities may need surgery.

If something such as stress, weight gain or loss, or depression is affecting your menstrual cycle, you can take an active role in your treatment by taking steps to manage it. Friends, family, or your doctor may be able to help you.

You can help your doctor trace the cause of your amenorrhea by tracking changes in your cycle and symptoms and sharing this information with them. Tell them what medications youâre taking, and about changes in your diet, exercise habits, and stress levels.

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Running To The Bathroom After Sex

Many women rush to the bathroom after making love to clean up. It is essential to stay in bed for some time after sex to ensure that the sperm gets a chance to reach the egg and fertilize it. If you get up and rush, as soon as you are done with the act, you are letting gravity drag the sperm down and the rest of it is washed away when you clean up. And, this could be one of the natural reasons for not getting pregnant.

What next?

Focus on relaxing and lying in bed for a while after sex so that you can improve your chances of conception and pregnancy .

A Change In Your Schedule

Changing schedules can throw off your body clock. If you frequently change work shifts from days to nights, or if your schedule is generally all over the place, your period can be fairly unpredictable.

A change in your schedule shouldn’t cause you to completely miss your period, but it can cause your period to start earlier or later than expected. Your cycle can also change by a few days if you experience jet lag.

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Sohow Much Of A Delay In Your Period Is Still Considered Normal

âIf you have one or two irregular periods it is definitely something to pay attention to,â says Sherry Ross, MD, an ob-gyn at Providence Saint Johnâs Health Center in Santa Monica, California. A period is considered late if it hasnât started five or more days after the day you expected it to begin, according to Summit Medical Group. So if your period is, say, 10 days late, definitely take a pregnancy test and check in with your ob-gyn regardless of the results. In general, if your flow has been MIA for a week or more, that’s a sign you should take the test and also check in with your gyno to see what might be going on.

But again, you can miss a period and *not* be pregnant. If there’s no way you’re pregnant and/or your test comes back negative , one of these factors, including all the stress you might be under right now, may be to blame for your late period problems. Then, your next step is definitely calling your doc so they can help you suss out the best solution or treatment for your situation.

Why Am I Not Getting My Period At All

Missed Menstrual Periods

The medical term for absent periods is amenorrhea, and is considered to occur when a woman who has previously had normal periods stops menstruating for six months or more. Many of the causes of amenorrhea are the same as those for a skipped period. Your period can be absent for a number of reasons:


The most common reason to not get your period is because you are pregnant. A home pregnancy test can quickly tell you if that is the reason.


Most women stop getting their periods in their late 40s or early 50s. The average age is 51 years old.


If you breastfeed frequently, including at night-time, you may not get a period for many months. Be aware that you will ovulate prior to getting your period back, so birth control is important if you are not ready to be pregnant again.


While a sudden stressful life event can result in a single missed period, ongoing, high level stress and anxiety can cause your period to stop altogether. Managing stress though self-care, counselling, changing your life circumstances, medication, or other strategies can help you return to having normal periods.

Weight loss

Ongoing, dramatic weight loss, from low intake, excessive exercise, gastric bypass surgery, or eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia can stop your period. This happens because the hormones required for ovulation are not produced.



High levels of prolactin

Ashermans syndrome

Absent uterus

Premature ovarian failure

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What Are Regular Periods

Most girls get their first period between the ages of 10 and 15, but some get it earlier and some later. The first period is known as menarche .

A girl’s monthly cycle is the number of days from the start of her period to the start of the next time she gets her period. You often hear this is a 28-day cycle. But 28 is just an average figure that doctors use. Cycle lengths vary some are 24 days, some are 34 days. And a girl may notice that her cycles are different lengths each month especially for the few years after she first starts getting her period.

Early in a girl’s cycle, her ovaries start preparing one egg. At the same time, the lining of the uterus becomes thick to prepare a nesting place for a fertilized egg in the event that the girl becomes pregnant.

About 2 weeks before a girl gets her period, the egg is released from the ovary . The egg travels through the fallopian tube into the uterus. If the egg isn’t fertilized by sperm, it starts to fall apart. Then the lining and egg leave a girl’s body as her period and the whole thing starts all over again that’s why we use the word “cycle.” The first day a girl’s period comes is Day 1 of her cycle.

It’s also normal for the number of days a girl has her period to vary. Sometimes a girl may bleed for 2 days, sometimes it may last a week. That’s because the level of hormones the body makes can be different from one cycle to the next, and this affects the amount and length of bleeding.

Reasons For Missed Periods Or Absence Of Menstruation

Some peoples periods arrive each month like clockwork. For others, periods are unpredictable and may come as a surprise. Sometimes, they dont happen at all! This doesnt necessarily mean youre pregnant.

Missed or late periods may happen for a variety of reasons apart from pregnancy. Common causes of missed or irregular periods range from hormonal imbalances to medical issues. Lets discuss the main reasons for a missed period and when its time to contact a health care provider.

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Bleeding After Progesterone Challenge

  • Bleeding means that there is estrogen present and the diagnosis of the amnorrhea is likely anovulation .
  • Many doctors feel that a blood LH- and FSH-level and a testosterone and DHEAS test may be helpful at this point.
  • If the LH is high and the LH/FSH ratio is above 2:1, this supports the clinical diagnosis of polycystic ovarian disease although many patients with PCOS do not demonstrate this high LH/FSH ratio. Testosterone and DHEAS levels may also be useful in women with PCOS, especially if other signs of PCOS are present.
  • Serum estradiol levels undergo wide fluctuations during the normal menstrual cycle. During the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, levels may be lower than 50 pg/mL. During the preovulatory estradiol surge, levels in the range of 400 pg/mL are not uncommon. In healthy menopausal women, estradiol levels are routinely lower than 20 pg/mL.
  • When To Call The Doctor

    Normal Period Symptoms
    • You get irregular periods after having normal cycles.
    • Your period happens more often than every 24 days or less often than every 38 days.

    Treatment depends on the cause of the irregular periods. Your doctor may give you hormonal birth control, such as a hormonal IUD, the pill, shot, or vaginal ring, to help control your menstrual cycle. Hormonal birth control is sometimes prescribed by doctors for womens health concerns other than preventing pregnancy.

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    You Have A Pituitary Problem

    Are your nipples leaking a milky white fluid? “It’s rare but I have women come in and tell me they lost their period and have nipple discharge and a headache from time to time,” explains Dr. Dweck. She’ll give her patients a blood test to check prolactin levels, a hormone that yep prompts your body to produce breast milk. If levels are high, you may have a benign pituitary tumor called a prolactinoma. Before you freak out, know this: You’d be referred to an endocrinologist, but it’s totally treatable, most often with medication.

    Because Too Many Women Lack Access To Sanitary Menstrual Supplies

    Period shaming creates a culture in which periods are seen as unmentionable and marginal, and, therefore, as separate from âlegitimateâ health concerns. According to Plan, a UK organization dedicated to promoting childrenâs rights, âOnly 12 percent of girls and women have access to sanitary products around the world.â Many women are forced to use dirty rags and other unsanitary materials when menstruating, which can cause frequent infections. A lack of reliable access to menstrual supplies is also a major obstacle for women trying to go to school or work according to UNICEF, for example, ten percent of African girls donât go to school while menstruating, and in Bangladesh, 73 percent of female factory workers have to take almost a week off of work every month due to their periods. In the United States, tampons and pads arenât covered by food stamps, and women in prison often lack adequate menstrual supplies. In the U.K. and Australia, tampons and sanitary pads are subject to taxes as luxury items, despite the fact that many other health-related products are not. .

    Period shaming allows these problems to escape notice and to continue. If we want to make menstrual supplies more affordable and accessible for all women, we need to encourage open, accepting conversation about menstruation, that acknowledges periods as what they are â completely normal, necessary aspects of womenâs health.

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    Is Your Period Healthy

    How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign your period.

    The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future.

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