How To Tell Your Getting Your Period

How Do I Manage Symptoms


If your cramps are bothering you, there are a few remedies that can help:

  • Take a warm bath.
  • Place a heating pad or warm washcloth on your belly.
  • Take medicines that contain ibuprofen or naproxen .

Dont take aspirin for your cramps unless your provider says its OK. Aspirin has been linked to a rare condition calledReyes syndromein people under 18.

How Does Pms Affect Other Health Problems

About half of women who need relief from PMS also have another health problem, which may get worse in the time before their menstrual period.12 These health problems share many symptoms with PMS and include:

PMS may also worsen some health problems, such as asthma, allergies, and migraines.

When Does A Girl Usually Get Her First Period

The average age for a girl in the United States to get her first period is 12.6This does not mean that all girls start at the same age.

A girl may start her period anytime between 8 and 15. The first period normally starts about two years after breasts first start to develop and pubic hair begins to grow. The age at which a girls mother started her period can help predict when a girl may start her period.

A girl should see her doctor if:

  • She starts her period before age 8.
  • She has not had her first period by age 15.
  • She has not had her first period within three years of breast growth.

Get more information for girls about getting their period at

Recommended Reading: Starting Your Period For The First Time

What Medicines Can Treat Pms Symptoms

Over-the-counter and prescription medicines can help treat some PMS symptoms.

Over-the-counter pain relievers you can buy in most stores may help lessen physical symptoms, such as cramps, headaches, backaches, and breast tenderness. These include:

Some women find that taking an over-the-counter pain reliever right before their period starts lessens the amount of pain and bleeding they have during their period.

Prescription medicines may help if over-the-counter pain medicines dont work:22

  • Hormonal birth control may help with the physical symptoms of PMS,12 but it may make other symptoms worse. You may need to try several different types of birth control before you find one that helps your symptoms.
  • Antidepressants can help relieve emotional symptoms of PMS for some women when other medicines dont help. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, are the most common type of antidepressant used to treat PMS.23
  • Diuretics may reduce symptoms of bloating and breast tenderness.
  • Anti-anxiety medicine may help reduce feelings of anxiousness.

All medicines have risks. Talk to your doctor or nurse about the benefits and risks.

Treatment For Period Discomfort

What Is Ovulation Period

During your period, you may experience discomfort, such as cramps or headaches. Getting regular exercise and staying well hydrated may help improve these symptoms. A heating pad can also be used to help with abdominal cramps, along with over-the-counter ibuprofen.

Talk to a parent or nurse if you dont feel good before, during or after your period so you can address any discomfort.

Some girls will experience heavy bleeding, painful and often times debilitating cramps and periods that last longer than one week. Treating cramps with hormone therapy can help alleviate painful periods. Hormone therapy can also help regulate your period if you are experiencing missed periods , long periods or unpredictable bleeding .

Also Check: When Will I Get My Next Period Calculator

Can I Get Pregnant

Although the onset of menstruation is widely regarded as the start of your reproductive years, its possible to become pregnant before youve had a period.

It all comes down to your hormones. In some cases, your body may begin to release ovulation-causing hormones long before it triggers the start of menstruation.

And when you do begin menstruation, its possible to get pregnant if you have sex during your period. It ultimately comes down to where you are in your menstrual cycle.

Talk to a trusted adult or reach out to your healthcare provider if:

  • You havent started your period by age 15.
  • Youve had your period for about two years and it isnt regular.
  • You experience bleeding between your periods.
  • You experience severe pain that prevents you from completing daily activities.
  • Your bleeding is so heavy that you have to change your pad or tampon every one to two hours.
  • Your periods last longer than seven days.

If you call to make an appointment, tell the person whos scheduling it that youre having problems with your period.

They may ask you to write down details about:

  • when your most recent period started
  • when your most recent period ended
  • when you first noticed your irregular bleeding or other symptoms

Jillian Michaels: 5 Ways To Control Pms

Open the Lines of Communication

Instead of having a formal menstruation “talk” with your daughter, try opening up the dialogue and, openly and honestly, asking your daughter about her questions.

Here are some suggestions for answering your daughter’s questions about menstruation:

The more information that you share with your daughter about periods and PMS symptoms, the more comfortable and prepared she will feel as her body grows and changes.

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When To See The Doctor For Your Period

If your period lasts more than 7 days, if you experience strong pain, or if you have a heavy menstrual flow and need to change pads or tampons every hour, discuss your symptoms with your doctor.

You should also call your doctor if:

  • You havenât experienced a period in 90 days
  • You have periods more often than once every 21 days
  • You have periods less often than once every 35 days

Missed or irregular periods can be a sign of stress or a medical condition. Talk with your doctor to find the cause of your irregular periods and how to treat it.

How To Treat Pms

5 Signs Your FIRST Period is Coming! (how to tell) | Just Sharon
  • Take ibuprofen or aleve for pain
  • Start an oral contraceptive to regulate your period
  • Speak with a mental health professional about anti-depressants

Note: Because a drop in hormones causes premenstrual symptoms, some providers encourage patients to take birth control pills continuously and skip the “sugar” or placebo pills. However, talk to your doctor before doing this.

Also Check: Signs Of Starting Your First Period

What To Do If Your Period Is Delayed

If your period is late, the first step is to complete out a pregnancy test from the pharmacy. If you havent had a period for more than 3 months and you cannot identify the cause, you should go to a gynecologist so that he or she can identify the cause and treat the problem. In some cases, the use of medication is recommended to stimulate your period.

The doctor may order bloodwork to assess progesterone and prolactin levels, which may help to identify the reason for this delay and guide the most appropriate treatment.

Also, depending on what is causing your period delay, you may need to reduce the intensity of physical exercise, take it easy, avoid stress and maintain a varied and balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. These are all factors that contribute to a regular menstrual cycle.

It is also recommended that you see your doctor regularly to identify possible health problems or diseases such as polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, anorexia, bulimia, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, all which can cause changes to your menstrual cycle.

Period Pain Or Menstrual Cramps

Period pain is one of the most common menstrual symptoms. Most women at some point in their life will experience some cramping during their period or around their period. It can feel like painful muscle cramps around the abdomen as a dull or constant pain, or even as intense spasms.

Some women may feel the intensity of this pain vary between cycles, with some periods causing little to no pain, and others being much more painful.

Period pain usually begins when you start bleeding, but some women may also experience menstrual cramps in the days leading up to their period.

Recommended Reading: When Do You Start Ovulating After Your Period

How To Tell Your Mom About Your First Period

09 Jul, 2021

Getting your period is a big deal, and telling your mom can feel scary. Whether youve already started having your period or are still waiting, thinking about how youll talk to your mom can make you feel more stressed out than a math test.

Take a deep breath. Youve got this. Well give you all the info you need to know about how to talk to your mom about your period. Well also go over some important facts you should know about getting your first period like:

  • When will it happen?
  • What it will feel like.
  • What youll need to make sure youre comfortable.

What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor

How To Tell If You Get Your Period

Menarche is a good time to develop a relationship with a gynecologist. They can answer questions you may have about the changes youre experiencing. Questions you may ask include:

  • How much bleeding is considered normal during menarche?
  • When should my periods become more predictable?
  • What symptoms can I manage at home?
  • What symptoms require a doctors visit?

Your provider can also answer questions you may have related to pregnancy, birth control, and sexually transmitted infections .

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Menarche is an important milestone during puberty. As you adjust, pay attention to the changes youre experiencing. Most provider visits from now on will involve questions about when you had your last period and what your periods are like. This information helps your provider assess your health. Talk to your provider or an adult you trust about what menarche means regarding your health, pregnancy and safer sex practices.

Recommended Reading: How Long Does A Period Last On Birth Control

Your Discharge Has Dried Up

Another sign your period is coming is discharge, or rather a lack of it. Cervical mucus is a type of vaginal discharge that changes in amount and consistency throughout the menstrual cycle. When were most fertile, cervical mucus is sometimes visible in our underwear or when we wipe after using the toilet. Since were not fertile in the days directly before we get our period, there should be very little or no discharge to see.

Even after your period has ended, it will likely be a few days before discharge is visible. You can look out for the changes in your cervical mucus throughout your cycle as it varies in amount and consistency as you approach your fertile window.

You’ve Recently Had A Big Growth Spurt

  • Your first period usually comes about 6 months after a big growth spurt. If you’re keeping track of your height on a growth chart, you’ll notice that changes come really rapidly and then start to slow down. At the point when you start growing more slowly, you can figure you’re about 6 months away from having your first period.XResearch source
  • Even if you don’t have a growth chart, you can still keep track of your growth by looking at how your clothes fit. For example, you might try on a pair of pants that fit well 4-6 months ago and see how they fit now. Then, try something from last yearyou’ll probably notice a big difference.
  • Speaking of pants, around the same time, you might also notice that your hips are getting widerthat’s a part of puberty too, and can also cause your pants to fit a little weird.
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    You’re Bloated Or Have Other Digestive Issues

  • If you have a puffy belly, your period might be on its way. If you notice anything like this or feel a little sick to your stomach, think back to what you’ve eaten recently. If you haven’t eaten anything that might cause you to feel sick, you might be getting your period in a week or two.XResearch source
  • Diarrhea or constipation, nausea, and other digestive issues are also pretty common just before you get your period.XResearch source
  • If these symptoms are bothering you too much, ask your parents if you can take some over-the-counter medicine to help you feel better.
  • The Most Common Sign Of Early Pregnancy A Missed Period

    First Period – Girl Talk Episode 1

    Your menstrual cycle is your bodys way of preparing for a possible pregnancy each month. Part of that is the thickening of your uterine lining, which is where a fertilized egg would implant to begin a pregnancy.

    If youre not pregnant, your period is how your uterus sheds that extra lining. If you are pregnant, that lining stays put and you dont get your normal flow. This is why a missed period is often the earliest sign of pregnancy.

    Of course, a delayed or missed period doesnt always mean youre pregnant. If your body is under a lot of stress or you have a hormonal imbalance, you could be experiencing an irregular menstrual cycle.

    Also Check: How To Swim On Your Period No Tampon

    When Do Periods Stop

    Your periods will continue until you reach the menopause, which usually happens when you are in your late 40s to mid-50s. In the UK the average age of menopause is 51.

    Your periods may start to become less frequent over a few months or years before stopping altogether. In some cases they can stop suddenly.

    Youre Getting A Pimple Or Two

    Have you noticed a link between your skin and hormones? If you regularly notice a change in your complexion, it may be one of the signs your period is coming. High progesterone is responsible for making our skin oilier in the days leading up to menstruation, and you might notice your hair is a little bit greasier too.

    Sticking to a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water can help reduce breakouts when your period is about to arrive. Everyones skin is different and has different needs, so our best advice is to listen to your body and build a routine that works for you.

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    Diagnosing Early Pregnancy And Periods

    You may have an easier time determining which symptoms youâre having if you start by tracking your symptoms on a calendar each month. This will help you determine how youâre feeling and notice any patterns you may have including PMS.

    Your doctor will ask you several questions to rule out possible problems. They may want to know about your eating habits, exercise habits, work, and family history.

    Keeping track of your symptoms will also help you know if youâve missed a period.

    Only a licensed healthcare professional can diagnose pregnancy. If your doctor suspects you may be pregnant, they will order a blood test and ultrasound scan to confirm.

    What Does A Period Feel Like

    how you know when you are on your period

    Some women will have pain in their belly . This can be a crampy pain or just a mild ache. You may have lower backache on its own or with the pain in your belly. The pain can often be stronger on the first day or two of your period and will vary in strength and severity from one women to another. Some women also have a headache or feel very tired just before their period arrives or on the first day. Mood changes, teariness and easily losing your temper can sometimes be an indicator that you are getting your period, this is referred to as premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual tension . For some women this can be so overwhelming that they are unable to go about their normal lives. Any symptoms that you find hard to manage should be investigated with your GP.

    Many women have no symptoms at all. It is not uncommon for women to notice that they have their period only after they have gone to the toilet and found that there is blood on their underpants or on their toilet paper.

    Even without overwhelming symptoms, some women still find it comforting to simply take time out when they get their period, and cuddle up with a hot water bottle.

    Adolescent girls and women can both experience skin changes and pimples with their periods.

    Read Also: If My Period Lasts 2 Weeks When Do I Ovulate

    What To Do To Manage Periods Signs And Symptoms

    At some point, every woman has wished she had some control over her menstruation. And this is something they all have discussed with others or secretly tried to look at on the internet.

    Its time we bring them to light and clarify once and for all period signs and symptoms are not under your control.

    Every female body is unique and differs in this matter too. But the good news is that some of the discomforts can be managed with some tips.

    Tip #0: Know Your Interest

    How to avoid credit card interest? Simply put, know your interest-free period during which you can carry a balance on your credit card without being charged interest. Though it typically lasts 1855 days, it can vary depending on your credit card.

    For instance, if you make a purchase on March 17 and your interest-free period lasts 25 days, you wont be charged interest on that purchase until April 11.

    Its important to keep an eye on when your credit card grace period will end so that you can make it a priority to pay off your balance before that date. Otherwise, youll be charged interest on your outstanding balance as of the end date of your billing cycle.

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