Why Do I Get Back Pain On My Period

Symptoms Associated With Back Pain During Period

Why Do I Get Back Pain during My Period?

When menstrual back pain starts within 24 hours from the onset of your period, it may continue for a few days. Other signs of period back pain may include:

  • Menstrual cramps which tend to radiate to your thighs and lower back.
  • Cramping or throbbing pain inside your uterus during menstruation.

Certain women may also have:

Why Havent I Gotten My Period

10 symptoms of perimenopause

Perimenopause refers to the time period that begins when the ovaries begin to decline in function and continues until menopause . During this time, a woman may exhibit these symptoms that are largely due to abnormal hormonal fluctuations:

  • Irregular vaginal bleeding

Sometimes women in the very early stages of pregnancy experience slight cramping, similar to mild menstrual cramps, right around the time that the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. This is termed âimplantation painâ and happens right around the time of the expected period.

  • Usually there are no other symptoms at this time other than the absence of a period. Sometimes there is light spotting at the time of implantation.

Other Causes Of Period

If you do not have any of the conditions above, you may have another reason for your period-related back pain. Once you rule out the most common issues for your symptoms, you can move on to the lesser known causes. Some alternative reasons for lumbar discomfort during your menstrual cycle may include:

  • Referred pain: When you feel pain in a part of the body other than its actual source, you are experiencing what is known as referred pain. It can happen in different places, including your back and abdominal areas. When your period is about to begin, your uterus contracts to help shed uterine lining. Some women may notice aching in their lumbar region or even notice period-related leg pain and discomfort in the upper thighs.

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How To Reduce Back Pain During Periods

Some home remedies may reduce severe back pain during periods and help eliminate subtle annoyance. Not just pain in the lower back portion, women during their menstruation also experience abdominal pain, bloating, and even headaches at some worst-case scenarios. However, the lower back pain usually starts before the menstruation begins and slowly disappears once it is over. The good news is almost all the other symptoms start vanishing as your menstruation tends to end. Still, if you are wondering how to get rid of back pain during periods, stated below are a few tips that you must know-

Some women choose to take medications like acetaminophen or anti-inflammatories This helps to reduce the pain in the lower back region.

Exercising is also very beneficial for women as that helps to reduce the painful menstrual cramps and reduce the lower back pain.

It is essential to maintain a healthy diet and take some additional nutritional supplements consisting of vitamin B and magnesium.

Keeping your body hydrated is essential so you must drink plenty of water and other healthy fluids.

Take a warm bath, or you may also apply warm heating pads to the painful areas.

You must avoid coffee and chocolates during menstruation.

Smoking and alcohol consumption must be avoided.

Some women may also take some birth control pills to help deal with menstrual pain

When To Call The Doc

Why do I get back pain with my period?

A mild backache in the first 1 to 2 days of your period isnt exactly fun, but its also not a big deal health-wise. But you should def talk with your doc if youre dealing with severe pain or cramps that drag on for more than 2 or 3 days, or if the pain youre having is intense enough to stop you from doing your normal activities.

Its also worth looping in your doctor if the bleeding just seems intense, especially since period backaches tend to be worse when youve got a heavier flow. Your period might be abnormally heavy if:

  • Youre soaking through one or more pads or tampons every hour for several hours in a row, or you have to wear two pads at once.
  • You have to change your tampon or pad in the middle of the night.
  • Your period drags on for more than 7 days.
  • You pass clots that are bigger than a quarter.
  • Youre super tired, low energy, or short of breath.

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Causes Of Secondary Dysmenorrhoea

Some of the causes of secondary dysmenorrhoea include:

  • endometriosis the cells lining the uterus can move to other areas of the pelvis, but behave differently, causing severe pain during periods
  • fibroids benign tumours made of muscle and tissue can grow inside the uterus and are thought to be affected by the sex hormones. In the majority of women, fibroids are asymptomatic
  • the presence of endometrial cells growing in the muscle layers of the uterus. Adenomyosis is difficult to treat.

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I Dont Have A Diagnosis How Do I Know What Is Causing My Menstrual Back Pain

Start by talking to a healthcare provider about the back pain you are experiencing. Tell them if the pain occurs before, during, or after your period. Describe the pain with explicit terms such as cramping, radiating, or aching. Tell your doctor how long the pain typically lasts, if it varies in intensity, and how it affects your daily life.

If your pain warrants testing, a gynecologist may perform an ultrasound to look for conditions such as endometriosisâalso referred to as âsecondary dysmenorrheaââor polycystic ovarian syndrome . A CT or MRI scan could help assess the health of your reproductive organs . In some cases, a gynecologist may conduct a laparoscopy or a pelvic exam .

Ask your doctor questions about which tests, exams, or procedures they recommend. Given the personal nature of menstrual pain and pelvic exams, itâs important that you feel as relaxed as possible during the examination. Request any information you need in order to understand your condition. Questions you may want to ask include:

Donât be afraid to repeat a question or ask for clarification. Especially if you are in pain during the conversation, take your time in asking questions, processing the answers, and coming up with a plan that works for you and your doctor.


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Tips To Reduce Painful Cramping And Low Back Pain:

  • Some women benefit from starting over-the-counter acetaminophen or anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, a couple of days prior to menstruation.
  • Exercise regularly. Studies show that women who exercise on a regular basis have less painful menstrual cramps and low back pain.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and take nutritional supplements with vitamin B and magnesium
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Apply heat or take warm baths.
  • Avoid caffeine and chocolate.
  • Avoid alcohol intake and smoking.
  • Some women may require birth control pills to help with menstrual pain.

If your low back pain lingers past the menstrual cycle or you develop leg pain or weakness, you should seek medical attention, as this may be more than the typical low back pain stemming from prostaglandin release during menstruation. Here are the top back pain symptoms you should not ignore, and could be potentially dangerous for your health:

Is Lower Back Pain Before Period Sign Of Pregnancy Or Period Coming

Why we get LEG PAIN and BACK PAIN on our period

Question: Is lower back pain before period sign of pregnancy or PMS?

At the age of 13, when a lot of girls will start having menstrual period, abdominal pain before or during your monthly period can be disturbing.

Sometimes, pain may get severe and prevent you from your normal academic or daily activities.

Ordinarily, before period starts, its common for girls to have both physical and emotional changes in their body.

Most of these body changes will starts within a week to your next period Nonetheless, some women may get premenstrual symptoms two weeks away from period.

In young girls, symptoms can cause severe discomfort, especially abdominal cramps. As women grow older, abdomen pain before period will begin to subside.

Low back pain before period may just be a new symptom you are getting for the first time. If youve had sexual intercourse weeks back and confused if youre having period sign or pregnancy, this guide explains what you must know.

Low back pain before period is normal and occurs because of hormone changes in your body as you get towards your next period date.

Pain is usually mild and subsides as your period commences. If you experience severe pain occasionally, it may not be abnormal. However, a persistent and severe back pain may indicate endometriosis, vaginal infections, or pelvic inflammatory disease.

On the other hand, these symptoms after weeks of unprotected sexual activity will suggest pregnancy.

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Tip #: Try Supplements

Try consuming omega 3 and magnesium supplements every day of the month. Omega 3s are known to reduce blood clotting and improve circulation. These are natural anti-inflammatories that also decrease prostaglandin production, which is related to backaches and cramps. Magnesium supplements, especially those with vitamin B6, can also ease back pain, both before and after your period. One study found that women who took 250 mg of magnesium supplements, along with 40mgs of vitamin B6, had fewer symptoms, including back pain. If you prefer to eat your magnesium, choose more beans, beets, shrimp, and salmon.

Severe Mood Changes Can Be More Than Normal Pms

If your mood changes before your period are extreme, and you become depressed easily, this could be a more severe form of PMS known as PMDD or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.

These symptoms include difficulty sleeping and eating, and not being productive at work. With this disorder, normal PMS symptoms and anxiety become much worse prior to your period, but they will usually diminish during the cycle. If these symptoms interfere with your life, discuss with your doctor.

If they become the norm, it could be depression.

Dont suffer in silence with severe symptoms of what you think is PMS. Contact Capital Womens Care at or request an appointment online to discuss the symptoms you are experiencing.

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How Are Severe Menstrual Cramps Diagnosed

If you have severe menstrual cramps, a visit to your doctor is the only way to determine the exact cause of your pain. During your visit, your doctor will talk to you about your symptoms. If we need additional information to confirm a diagnosis, a pelvic exam or ultrasound might be needed. These tests will help pinpoint the exact cause of your pain so your doctor can recommend the best treatment options for you.

What Do I Need To Remember Next Time Back Pain Accompanies My Period

Pin on back pain tips

Many underlying causesâfrom standard menstrual cramps to endometriosisâcould be the source of your back pain. Consider starting with some accessible steps for pain management such as exercise, a heating pad, or an over-the-counter NSAID like ibuprofen. You may find that your body responds well to treatments like these and that no further intervention is necessary.

If your pain does not respond to these treatments, is particularly severe, or keeps you from participating in normal activities, consult a doctor. Reactions to pain such as vomiting, fainting, sleep disruptions, or inability to sit or stand are all signs that you should seek professional medical care. Your healthcare provider can recommend the right exams and tests for diagnosing a more complicated case.

Although back pain that accompanies cramps is a normal part of menstruation, crippling pain is not. Work with your health care provider to find a solution that enables you to participate in your daily life as fully as possible, and that alleviates stress about your menstrual period approaching each month.

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Cramps A Week Before Period: Pregnant Or Not 7 Main Causes

Question: what causes cramps a week before period? Am I pregnant?

Just when you are preparing for your next period, a sudden mild or severe cramps in your lower abdomen will get you concerned.

Cramping one week from your period can be due to many reasons, and there is a possibility that it could be due to pregnancy.

If youve had sexual intercourse or youre trying to conceive, cramping and spotting a week before period is an early pregnancy sign.

Apart from pregnancy, you may also experience abdominal cramps for some other reasons.

Endometriosis, pelvic infections, early miscarriage at three weeks, ectopic pregnancy, urinary tract infections, adenomyosis, and sometimes, an ovarian cyst may cause you to feel lower abdomen pain.

Here an email I received from Perri

Hi Dr. Dunn

I saw your post about cramps and Im wondering if you could help

About a week away from my menstrual period and I felt sharp pain in my abdomen that continued till the start of my period.

During menstruation, the pain got even worse as I could hardly do anything. I took Tylenol but yet could not ease the pains.

Is this pain normal, or due to pregnancy?

The truth is, most teenage girls will experience cramps before and during menstruation, and as you grow old, menstruation pain will decrease.

This article explains

How Does Period Pain Lead To Low Back Pain

Dysmenorrhoea is more than just pain in the lower belly. It can cause widespread pain extending into the low back, hips, and even thighs. But WHY does it affect so many tissues?

During menstruation, the body releases hormone-like lipids called prostaglandins. These travel to the uterus and start the contractions to help shed the endometrial lining. Its these contractions that we feel during cramps. When they are particularly large and significant, they can start to radiate to the back.

One of the reasons for this travelling pain comes down to the nerve supply. You may have also heard of it as referred pain. This means that while there is a dysfunction in one area, we feel it in another due to a shared nerve supply. A classic example of this is shoulder pain during a heart event. Essentially the nerve supply to the uterus is from the low back, so naturally the referred pain can be felt in the low back and legs where the nerve supply is shared.

Another thing to note is that during menstruation there is a reduction in oestrogen levels . This also leads to a weakening of the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is a major support system to the bladder, uterus, bowels, and helps with stabilisation of the trunk. If there is a dysfunction in these tissues, it can mean there is some added pressure on the muscles and joints in the back causing them to become sore.

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How To Manage Severe Lower Back Pain During Your Period

The following may be able to help with severe lower back pain during your period:

  • Pain medication Taking over-the-counter pain medication or anti-inflammatories a few days before your period may alleviate lower back pain. If your pain doesnt get better with over-the-counter pain medication, consult your health care provider.

Some of these methods may also ease abdominal cramps, which commonly affect lower back pain:

  • Heat Applying a warm water bottle or heating pad on the lower back may help reduce back pain during your period.
  • Warm shower or bath Taking a warm shower or bath may help you relax and relieve back pain during your period.
  • Massage Gently massaging the abdomen and lower back may also relieve back pain.
  • Exercise Regular physical activity may help with the pain during your period. Although its easy to be tempted to avoid exercising during your period, physical activity can help reduce lower back pain. Try gentle exercises such as walking, cycling, and swimming. You can talk to a health care provider to determine what physical activity is best for you.
  • Relaxation techniques Relaxation activities such as meditation may help distract you from feelings of discomfort and pain.

Some lifestyle changes may also affect pain during your period.

  • Maintain a healthy diet and talk to a health care provider about taking nutritional supplements with vitamin B and magnesium.

What Is Period Pain

Painful Periods – How to Stop Period Menstrual Cramps | Dysmenorrhea Causes,Treatments, Medication

Lets break down what period pain is. Its not the most well-defined symptom, because of this it can be hard to put a name to what you are experiencing. The main way of breaking it down is by three categories. The first is called menstrual cramping. This is the kind of pain that falls within normal for most people. Its pain that is felt in the lower abdomen during the first few days of your cycle. Typically speaking, these cramps can be managed well and dont interrupt daily life.

The second and third categories are a more severe form of menstrual cramping, and they are called primary and secondary dysmenorrhoea. Primary refers to when there is no known reason for the severe pain, this usually happens in younger people . Secondary dysmenorrhoea refers to when there IS a physical reason for the increased pain. It can be for multiple reasons though including endometriosis and fibroids which we discuss further down.

The main difference between menstrual cramping and dysmenorrhoea is that the pain can significantly impact someones life. It can lead to people needing to take sick days off school or work. Not being able to partake in social activities. Even financially it can be costly each month to get pain medication and other medical help.

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Is Back Pain During Your Menstrual Period Normal

Back pain and lower pelvic pain during menstruation is very common. The culprit is prostaglandins. These are substances that the uterus makes that help the body heal from injury or stress. They also regulate contraction and relaxation of the muscles. These prostaglandins tell your uterus to contract to trigger your period.

Those contractions can lead to the menstrual symptoms women love to hate: menstrual cramps and back pain. If your back, abdominal, or pelvic pain show up right before and during the start of your period, its probably related to these hormone-induced contractions.

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