What To Eat When You Re On Your Period

Should You Take Supplements For Periods

10 first period tips + period life hacks that you NEED to know

This is a case-by-case scenario, Dr. McClure says. Some women are vitamin D deficient or maybe they dont generally eat well so they dont get a lot of their B-complex vitamins. In these cases, supplements can be helpful. There have been a few studies with women who tend to experience premenstrual mood disorders, and they found that vitamin B6 supplements can actually help a little bit. But theres still a lot of research that needs to be done about supplementation for periods, says Dr. McClure.

She adds that another thing thats currently being researched is if omega-3 supplements can help with cramping and the inflammatory aspects of periods.

Some of the studies have shown a benefit while others have shown no difference. A lot of research just needs to be done in that area. But overall, supplements could be helpful. I recommend that women discuss them with their healthcare providers.

And if youre trying to get pregnant, youll want to start taking a prenatal vitamin or folic acid supplement for at least a month prior to when youre planning to conceive.

Quite often, women dont realize that folic acid is important for decreasing certain birth defects that occur early after conception. So, any woman whos trying to get pregnant should stay on a prenatal or at least take a folic acid supplement daily for at least the first month leading up to when theyre trying to conceive.

What To Eat When On Your Period

When youre on your period, things can get a little confusing. One of the most common questions is what to eat when youre on your period. Is it okay to eat the same foods that you usually eat when youre not on your period? While there is no wrong answer to this question, it is good to know that you can still eat well and feel good when on your period. If you eat a high carb diet, then you should limit your carb intake. If you eat a high protein diet, then you should eat more protein. You should also be mindful of any sodium or vitamin B6 intake, as these can be high when youre on your period. According to dietician at The Mayo Clinic, Dr. Susan Chaney, a few other foods are okay to eat when on your period. These include nuts and seeds, avocados, and tofu. This isnt a complete list, but its a good place to start. Your period should be a time to treat yourself well, and include foods that nourish you. Eating well during your period can help you feel good, but can also help you lose weight. Eating fewer calories than usual can help you lose weight, so make sure that you eat well to achieve this. According to a study published in the journal Nutrition, menstruation influences the overall dietary intake of women. Women who experienced heavier menses ate less calories, more fruits and more

Foods That Fight Inflammation

Naturally, eating foods that decrease inflammation in the body will help to tame menstrual cramps. These foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Research has shown that both a vegetarian and plant-based eating pattern work to decrease inflammation in the body. This decrease is due to the high number of antioxidants and plant chemicals found in plant foods that help the body to function optimally.,,

There is a connection between the food you eat and your bodys estrogen levels. Animal products and added oils increase the levels of estrogen in the body. The more estrogen-based foods you consume, the more likely your uterine lining becomes abnormally thick. As a result, when it begins to break down during the menstrual cycle, this process creates more prostaglandins, resulting in higher levels of pain.

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Cave To Your Cravings

So yes, your unstable blood sugar and a dip in serotonin from low estrogen could add to those sugar cravings, but havent you noticed that youre way hungrier right before and when youre on your period? During PMS, our bodys basal metabolic rate naturally increases, so its completely normal to feel more hungry during this time of your cycle and more importantly, its *okay* to honor those hunger cues and eat more, Williams says.

The trick is meeting your cravings where they are, while supporting balanced blood sugar as much as possible, according to Williams. Sweets like chocolate can actually boost your serotonin , she adds, so lean into that: Have some chocolate-dipped fruit, whip up some dark chocolate and oat energy bits, or snack on some dark chocolate almonds throughout your period.

Final Thoughts Regarding The Foods To Eat During The Period Days


Women are the bringers of new life into the world, and the menstrual period are a part of that process. If you have a daughter, whos of an age where shes menstruating or about to start and struggling for Dysmenorrhea, share this information with her or with your niece and girlfriends.

P.S. Like and share this post with your peers to spread the love.

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How Does Eating Citrus Affect Your Period

As mentioned, water with a twist of lemon increases your vitamin C intake and helps you stay hydrated. Fresh-squeezed juices and blended smoothies are awesome foods to eat on your period as long as you minimize the sugar content. Fruit contains plenty of natural sugars, so theres no need to add more.

What To Eat Before During And After Your Period: A Guide

Co-authored by Jessica Smith

So, how have the mood swings been coming along lately? What about the cramps and the bloating? Period symptoms are uncomfortable, sometimes even intolerable. And if youve ever wondered why these symptoms show up in a more extreme form one month, but the next its all so much easier to handle, then read on.

Well-known period symptoms such as PMS, mood swings, bloating and cramps are all due to hormonal fluctuation the reason our menstrual cycles occur in the first place. But if these hormones are out of balance, then the above-mentioned symptoms can get out of hand.

This post should help you understand how to use food as a resource to balance your hormones and support your body. Of course, for people who suffer from endometriosis or PCOS, simply trying to live a more healthy lifestyle will not help alleviate excruciating period pain.

We cant say it enough: its important to accept that if your period or your cramps are a major disrupter of letting you lead a normal life , please consult with a doctor, as there could be a more serious health issue causing the extreme period symptoms. And dont rest until you find a doctor who takes your pain seriously.

Now back to hormone-balancing food: Enjoy this guide we put together to help you choose your meals so that they can support what your body needs during each menstrual phase.

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Make Sure You Have Magnesium In Your Diet

According to research published in 2020, either 150 milligrams or better yet 300 milligrams of magnesium could help reduce menstrual cramping and improve mood, including your ability to cope with depression. One of the culprits is prostaglandins, lipid compounds that cause inflammation, contributing to cramps and mood swings magnesium can reduce prostaglandins and help you better manage your PMS symptoms.

To get extra magnesium in your diet, Dr. Gersh suggests a magnesium glycinate supplement of about 500 milligrams daily, or if you want to go the dietary route, start eating pumpkin seeds and walnuts for significant amounts of magnesium. And good news if you crave chocolate during your period: Dark chocolate, which is rich in magnesium, can also help boost mood and decrease cramping, Azzaro says. There are about 64 milligrams of magnesium in one ounce of dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa, so its not a bad deal.

What Should I Eat During Periods

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What should I eat during periods?

It is a good idea to eat foods that are rich in iron, calcium, folic acid and vitamin C. These vitamins and minerals help to keep your body healthy and reduce the menstrual pain. Some of these foods are:

Foods rich in iron:

  • Fish like salmon, tuna, sardines etc.
  • Vegetables like spinach, broccoli, cabbage etc., which can be cooked or eaten raw.
  • Find out more about what to eat during your period.

    If youre wondering what to eat during your periods, weve got the answers.

    You may have heard that its best to avoid certain types of food during your periods but is this really true? And if so, which foods are the worst offenders? Weve got the lowdown on what you should and shouldnt be eating when youre having a period.

    What should I eat during my periods?

    The truth is that theres no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to eating during your period. Everyone has different needs, so theres no single right or wrong way of doing things. For example, if you feel bloated or constipated then you may need extra fibre in your diet but if you have bad cramps then this might not be helpful at all! The same goes for iron: some people find that their iron levels drop when they get their period, but others dont notice any difference at all.

    When it comes to diet and health, remember that theres no point following strict rules unless they suit your body and lifestyle so dont stress if a f

    If you have a cold or the flu, cut back on salt.

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    Which Foods To Eat And Avoid During Your Period

    Its hard to predict exactly how youll feel during your period. While some people barely have any symptoms, others struggle to get out of bed thanks to cramping, headaches, pain, and nausea. Today, Flo reveals the top foods to eat during your period to alleviate swelling, bloating, mood swings, and much more.

    Foods To Prevent Period Pain Before It Starts

    Choose Sources Of Calcium & Vitamin D Together

    Higher intakes of vitamin D have been linked to lower PMS symptoms. Specifically, you want to look for sources of calcium & vitamin d together. Calcium & vitamin D together also help to strengthen our bones in addition to preventing- not just treating, PMS.

    During your period remember estrogen levels are low, and low estrogen levels can contribute to bone loss. Now this drop in estrogen is normal, but its still important to give your body the calcium and vitamin D it needs.

    Dairy products are a really great source of calcium and vitamin D. Heck, make yourself that turmeric golden milk with milk and BOOM, ya got a period powerhouse there!

    Or you can take some salmon and pair it with spinach which will give you the calcium youre looking for. Plus, remember we talked about earlier spinach also has non-heme iron. BOOM. Another period powerhouse. I have a delicious recipe for a spinach blueberry salad that you could throw the salmon on top of- divine! There is actually come cottage cheese in the salad, too which would be a double whammy for the calcium and vitamin D.

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    How To Handle Cravings

    If you crave chocolate cake when your body really wants the nutrients from a piece of salmon, you’re not the only one. There are real scientific reasons for the extra hunger and cravings you may feel before or during your period.

    Beckerman says “hormones like estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest while on your period which also causes serotonin, the feel-good brain chemical, to head south. When serotonin is low, we can act more irritated, frustrated, or annoyed.” One study showed changes in levels of these hormones are associated with cravings for high carbohydrate and sweet foods before your period.

    Quinoa Buckwheat Bok Choy Kale Swiss Chard

    Pin on Dietician Priya Mittal

    In week three , there is both a surge of estrogen and progesterone and then a decline, writes Integrative Nutritionist Alisa Vitti in 4-Week Cyclical Hormonal Health Plan on the Dr Oz website.

    This affects brain chemistry, and ultimately, our mood. Grains provide B vitamins, which give your body the building blocks to produce serotonin to help keep moods stable. Greens contain calcium and magnesium, which help your body use the hormones you do have efficiently. Grains and greens combined provide your body with plenty of soluble fiber to help move estrogen out of the body as quickly as possible.

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    Sweet Potatoes And Yams

    Heres what not to eat on your period: white potatoes, French fries, mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, frozen shoestring potatoes, even baked potatoes. They arent nearly as good for you as sweet potatoes and yams, and theyll leave you feeling tired and sluggish.

    3 reasons you should eat sweet potatoes and yams:

  • Theyre high in carbohydrates, which increase the feel-good hormone serotonin and satisfy your period-induced cravings for unhealthy fats, carbs, and sugar
  • Theyre super high in vitamins, which increase energy, brain power, and immunity
  • Theyre uber delicious and easy to cook
  • Yams and sweet potatoes boost your serotonin levels these foods are essential when youre on your period because they stabilize your mood and energy levels. The complex carbohydrates in foods such as yams and sweet potato will instantly help you feel better and stronger when youre on your period. But, dont add marshmallows or butter to your sweet potato and yam dishes! Instead, just bake them in the oven like baked potatoes and eat them plain skin and all.

    I add yams and sweet potatoes to my salsas, soups, and spaghetti sauces. Mostly, I just eat them with steamed veggies. If theyre good dry, I sometimes add a dollop of yogurt or a dash of cinnamon.

    What You Can Do During Your Period

    The most important thing to keep in mind during your period is to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. This is important for keeping your period at bay and preventing cramps, dizziness, and headaches. Your period is a time of bleeding that can last anywhere from a few days to a week. During this time, it is a good idea to drink plenty of water. This will help keep you hydrated, and keep your period at bay. You can also take a cool shower, or sit under a fan to cool yourself. This is all to help keep your period at bay and also reduce your risk of infection.

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    A Rainbow Of Green Red Purple Yellow And Non

    Estrogen dominance can lead to heavier periods, writes Dr Julie Holland in Moody Bi**hes: The Truth About the Drugs Youre Taking, the Sleep Youre Missing, the Sex Youre Not Having, and Whats Really Making You Crazy. Hormones in processed meat and certain chemicals in plastics, soaps, and pesticides can mimic estrogen, as can soy, which is added to many processed foods.

    If you enjoy a lean tenderloin steak or barbecued chicken breast occasionally , make sure its organic or at least labeled hormone-free. The hormones used in meat processing can affect your bodys hormone levels, and possibly cause heavier periods.

    My patients who have switched to a vegetarian or vegan diet are enjoying lighter, less crampy periods, writes Dr Holland. Also, keeping your weight at an optimal level can make a big difference in your monthly symptoms. The more body fat you have, the more estrogen your body is going to make, so aim for a leaner frame if you have signicant PMS symptoms or especially heavy periods.

    Things You Should Eat

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    Leafy vegetables and fruits

    Its common to experience a dip in your iron levels during your periods, particularly if your menstrual flow is heavy. Often, this leads to body pain, fatigue and dizziness, said Dr Patil, adding that green leafy vegetables help combat the same. Make sure you also incorporate water-rich fruits such as watermelon and cucumber. If you have sugar cravings, switch to sweet fruits. This can help curb your sugar cravings without eating a lot of refined sugar which can cause your glucose levels to spike and then crash she suggested.

    In fact, a warm cup of ginger tea can help you feel better because it has anti-inflammatory effects, which can soothe achy muscles. Ginger may also reduce nausea.

    Chicken and fish

    A great source of iron and protein, make sure you add these to your diet. Eating protein is essential for overall health and can help you stay full for a longer period of time. It is rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Consuming iron will counteract the dip in iron levels while menstruating, said Dr Patil.

    Quinoa and lentils

    Quinoa is rich in nutrients like iron, magnesium and protein. It is also gluten-free and will make you feel fuller. Whereas lentils are great sources of protein and can also be replaced with meat for vegans and vegetarians. They are also rich in iron, making them a great addition to the diet, she said.

    Nuts and dark chocolate


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    The Foods You Should Eat On Your Period To Stay Energized At Work

    Sometimes when youre on your period, going to work can seem unimaginable. Youre feeling irritable and sad at the same time. Your uterus is cramping every five minutes and energy levels are running low. Sometimes, being a woman sucks.

    Luckily, there are ways you can make the deadly combination of work and menstruation more survivable. Making small changes to your diet is a great place to start.

    What you eat on your period can make a huge difference with how you feel and how your body copes.

    In this post, well be looking at the best foods you should eat to stay energized at work during that time of the month read on for some top tips for the perfect period diet.

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    Its true what they say about berries: theyre superfoods jam-packed and full of delicious goodness in the form of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that your body needs to run at full capacity.

    In particular, berries are rich in antioxidants, which can reduce oxidative stress in your body. Oxidative stress is thought to contribute to feelings of fatigue, so if your energy is low, then snacking on some berries could be the answer youre looking for.

    Plus, berries have brain-boosting superpowers! They can even help with enhancing your brain function, learning, and memory. These are the perfect snack, especially if your period cramps are giving you brain fog and you cant concentrate on your to-do list.


    Dark chocolate

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