What Can Help My Period Cramps

How To Get Rid Of Period Cramps Naturally

What Are Period Cramps?

A lot of women have their own ways of dealing with tough menstruation cycles and PMS symptoms, from tips handed down by mom to turning to medications. And if those work for you awesome!

But if youre looking for some new, natural ways to combat that painful time of the month, then this is the list for you. From essential oils and Epsom salts to fish oil and your favorite tunes, these methods for how to get rid of period cramps will help ease period pain so you can live your best life all month long.

1. Try acupuncture.

When youre in pain, the idea of getting pricked by needles probably doesnt sound too appealing. But acupuncture, a type of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been used for more than 2,000 years to treat chronic pain and can be especially effective during a hard-to-handle menstrual cycle. In fact, one small study out of Australia and New Zealand found that acupuncture treatment can ease period pain, including secondary symptoms like headaches and nausea, in women.

The pilot study of women ages 18 to 45 years old had them undergoing one of four types of manual or electro-acupuncture treatments over three menstrual cycles. Half of the women experienced at least a 50 percent reduction in the severity of their symptoms over three months of being treated with acupuncture and reported they were able to use fewer painkillers to treat pain.

2. Take a hot bath with Epsom salts.

3. Get a dose of extra-virgin olive oil.

4. Try fish oil supplements.

5. Get more sleep.

Causes Of Secondary Dysmenorrhoea

Some of the causes of secondary dysmenorrhoea include:

  • endometriosis the cells lining the uterus can move to other areas of the pelvis, but behave differently, causing severe pain during periods
  • fibroids benign tumours made of muscle and tissue can grow inside the uterus and are thought to be affected by the sex hormones. In the majority of women, fibroids are asymptomatic
  • the presence of endometrial cells growing in the muscle layers of the uterus. Adenomyosis is difficult to treat.

Foods For Period Cramps

A well-balanced diet can help protect your body and reduce painful cramps. Eating the right vitamins and minerals will help boost your bodys natural defences and combat any painful period cramping. There are plenty of foods out there that can help fight off your period cramps. Now, we know youre hungry thanks to PMS. Here are a few foods that can help alleviate your cramps and get rid of period pain.

GingerThis ancient root is known for lessening inflammation and pain, making it the perfect fighter against your toughest cramps. Ginger is also known to relieve nausea, a common side effect to cramps. The best part? Its versatile! Ginger can be added to almost any meal and can be enjoyed in tea, soup, or on its own.

SalmonThis might seem fishy, but an oily fish like salmon is packed with omega-3, a known anti-inflammatory fat. Not only will it lessen the pain of your cramps, but omega-3s are also known to reduce anxiety and depression, can fight off heart disease and increase your eye health! No brainer, right?

Steak or LentilsYou can lose anywhere from around four tablespoons to a cup of blood on your period, which means youre also losing a ton of iron. Loss of iron can not only make you extra sleepy, but can also make your period cramps worse. Load up on foods high in iron like steak to ward off these symptoms. Not a meat eater? Not a problem look legumes like lentils or dark leafy greens like spinach or kale to replenish those iron levels.

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When Should I See A Doctor

You might have sharp pain or a dull ache in your lower abdomen. If it lasts just for the first 1 or 2 days of your period it is probably normal. See a doctor if:

  • the pain lasts for longer than 2 days
  • it doesnt go away when you take the contraceptive pill or painkillers
  • it stops you from doing your normal daily activities
  • it hurts when you go to the toilet
  • you get pain in the pelvic area when you dont have a period
  • sex is painful
  • you have an intrauterine device

The Luteal Phase And Athletic Performance

PMS and Beyond: 9 Tips and Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

During the back half of your menstrual cycle, your body is preparing for your next period or pregnancy, if you happened to conceive during this cycle. This means your hormones are running at a higher level, due to an increase in estrogen and progesterone. More hormones means a decrease in anabolic, or muscle-building, capacity. This means that its time to take it easier, focusing on lower-intensity workouts with more recovery time.

Also, rather than being able to easily access stored carbohydrates, your increase in hormones has that energy locked up tight. Now, your body needs fuel from extra carbs and calories from the outside . Plus, your body also needs more water during the luteal phase more hormones means a greater risk of dehydration.

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Hop Into The Shower Or Bath And Feel Things Out

If youre worried staining the sheets or carpet is going to interfere with your pleasure, take it to the shower or tub, suggests Luna. The blood will go right down the drain.

She suggests bringing lube into the shower. While showers are wet, they actually wash away your bodys natural lubrication, which can cause uncomfortable friction.

Just be careful: Both blood and lube can be slippery, so consider investing in a shower mat.

Causes Of Period Pain

Period pain happens when the muscular wall of the womb tightens . Mild contractions continually occur in your womb, but they’re usually so mild that most women cannot feel them.

During your period, the wall of the womb starts to contract more vigorously to help the womb lining shed as part of your period.

When the wall of the womb contracts, it compresses the blood vessels lining your womb. This temporarily cuts off the blood supply and oxygen supply to your womb. Without oxygen, the tissues in your womb release chemicals that trigger pain.

While your body is releasing these pain-triggering chemicals, it’s also producing other chemicals called prostaglandins. These encourage the womb muscles to contract more, further increasing the level of pain.

It’s not known why some women have more period pain than others. It may be that some women have a build-up of prostaglandins, which means they experience stronger contractions.

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Is There Anything Else I Can Do To Help My Menstrual Cramps

Natural remedies such as a microwavable warm pack or a heating pad placed on your abdomen may help. Soaking in a warm bath may also relieve uncomfortable cramps. Some teens find that increasing their physical activity helps others find that resting quietly for short periods of time helps.

Acupuncture is an alternative treatment that is sometimes recommended to treat menstrual cramps. You should also eat healthy foods, drink lots of fluids, and get plenty of rest. Check with your health care provider about different treatments that work best for you.

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Whats A Normal Menstrual Cycle

At-home IV drip can help relieve period cramps!

Your menstrual cycle lasts from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. The average menstrual cycle is about 25-30 days, but it can be as short as 21 days or longer than 35 its different from person to person. The number of days in your cycle may also vary from month to month. When you get your period, its normal to bleed anywhere from 2 to 7 days.

The average person loses anywhere between 1-6 tablespoons of menstrual fluid during each period. It can be thin or clumpy, and varies in color from dark red to brown or pink. If your period is so heavy that you have to change maxi pads or super tampons every hour, call your doctor or your local Planned Parenthood health center.

Everyones body is different, so their periods are different too whats normal varies from person to person, and can change over your lifetime. Some birth control methods or health conditions may also affect your period.

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Why Do You Have Cramps During Your Periods

The pain you are suffering from every period is called primary dysmenorrhea.

Mostly, menstrual pain happens because of the overproduction of inflammatory chemicals . As a result, inflammation causes spasms, cramping, and pain in your uterus. When this happens, you likely will want to pop ibuprofen, lay on the sofa with a heating pad, and just watch TV until the pain is gone. The problem is that while ibuprofen may relieve period pain, the pills can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding, which is dangerous and potentially harmful.

Unfortunately, doctors arent sure why some women have painful menstruation while others dont. There are some possible factors:

  • experiencing a heavy blood flow
  • having your first child while under the age of 20
  • getting your first period at a younger than average age
  • overproduction of or sensitivity to prostaglandins

How to best deal with period cramps? Lets learn more.

When Period Pain Isn’t Normal

Menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome are not the same thing. PMS symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, bloating, and fatigue appear approximately a week before menses begins. After your period starts, PMS symptoms usually improve dramatically.

PMS symptoms fade after a menstrual period begins, but new pain may emerge in the form of menstrual cramps.

The lining of the uterus releases prostaglandins that make contractions more powerful and painful, especially during the first few days of the menstrual cycle. For many, this discomfort is simply a nuisance, but sometimes it’s indicative of more than just “normal” period pain.

There are two types of menstrual pain:

  • Primary dysmenorrhea: This type of pain occurs around the time of a first period and usually doesn’t indicate a medical condition.
  • Secondary dysmenorrhea: Pain that develops some time after a person first begins menstruating it can even begin after a long history of normal periods. It usually indicates the presence of conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease .

If period pain is not relieved with anti-inflammatory medication or is so severe that it interferes with going to school, working, or socializing, there could be an underlying condition that needs treatment.

In this case, it’s best to call a doctor or other healthcare professional. If your tween or teen is the one experiencing menstrual pain, you can contact either a gynecologist or your child’s pediatrician .

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Treatment For Primary Dysmenorrhoea

Women with dysmenorrhoea need a thorough medical examination to make sure their period pain is not caused by certain reproductive disorders such as endometriosis or fibroids. Treatment options for dysmenorrhoea can include:

  • pain-relieving medication, such as paracetamol
  • medication that inhibits prostaglandins, such as ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory medication
  • regular exercise and attention to overall physical fitness
  • applying heat, such as a hot water bottle, to the abdomen
  • relaxation techniques
  • the oral combined contraceptive pill, which reduces prostaglandins and therefore reduces pain
  • bed rest during the first day or so of the period.

If Youre Using Sex Toys

5 Natural Ways to Deal with Menstrual Cramps

Toys made out of nonporous materials like silicone, ABS hard plastic, metal, and glass are the safest option in general, Luna says. Especially during your period, because they can be cleaned completely.

When used without a condom, toys made out of porous materials like TPR, TPE, jelly, rubber, and PVC can harbor bacteria, which increases the risk of infection.

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What Can Make Period Pain Worse

Maintaining a healthy weight may be important for managing period pain. Research from the University of Queensland found that both underweight and overweight people who menstruate were more likely to experience painful period cramps.

Diet can affect periods, and in some cases those who are significantly underweight can see their periods stop altogether, says Overton. Stress can also impact the length of a womans cycle, and sometimes stop periods altogether.

The good news is there are a number of things you can do to help support your monthly cycle. Eating a balanced healthy diet rich in healthy fats like oily fish, nuts, and seeds, as well as plenty of fruit and vegetables may ease the pain you have around your period. However, a study published by the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology has highlighted that your diet doesnt necessarily make period cramps any worse.

Drink plenty of water and, as ever, consume alcohol and caffeine in moderation. If your periods are very heavy, it might be worth taking an iron supplement during your period to replace the iron being lost with the period blood, Overton says. Consult a medical professional to find out if thats the right course of action for you. Theyll be able to advise you on the right dose and whether you need blood tests.

Menstrual Cramp Causes And Risk Factors

Menstrual cramps happen because of contractions in the uterus, or womb, which is a muscle. If it contracts too strongly during your menstrual cycle, it can press against nearby blood vessels. This briefly cuts off oxygen to the uterus. Itâs this lack of oxygen that causes your pain and cramping.

You can also have cramps because of:

  • Endometriosis, a condition in which the tissue lining the uterus grows outside of the uterus
  • Fibroids in your uterus
  • Adenomyosis, when your uterine lining grows into nearby muscle
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease , an infection caused by bacteria that starts in the uterus and can spread to other reproductive organs
  • Cervical stenosis, or a narrowing of the lower part of your uterus, caused by scarring, as well as a lack of estrogen after menopause

Certain things put you at a higher risk of menstrual cramps. Youâre more likely to have them if you:

  • Are under 30

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Foods For Managing Period Pain

In general, eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins may help alleviate cramping.

When it comes to specific foods, the evidence is less clear.

Many food claims reference studies using supplements, which dont necessarily translate to actual food sources.

Here, well take a closer look at some of the foods and drinks that researchers have suggested can help with period cramps, and we’ll see what the research says.

When Do Women Usually Get Cramps

How I Stopped My Period Cramps Naturally| Menstrual Pain Relief

The moment when period cramps start usually depends on their cause. Primary dysmenorrhea tends to cause cramps that last between 8 and 72 hours, and they usually coincide with the start of your menstruation. Some women can get bad cramps before their period since the uterus is already preparing to shed its lining.

Primary dysmenorrhea can cause painful cramps during your period, and they can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as back pain and nausea. These cramps tend to start around your first menstruation, and they will usually remain constant during your period for years.

Secondary dysmenorrhea, on the other hand, causes bad cramps during your period that increase over time. This increase in pain can be accompanied by a heavier flow, pain during different times of the month, or painful intercourse. These new, worsening symptoms can be a sign that its time to go to the doctor.

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Why Womens Athletic Research Is Catching Up The Role Of Hormones

Lets address the big question in the room. Why havent we discovered this sooner? It all comes down to the primary focus of early sports medicine science: male athletes. As a result, many of the results from past nutrition and training research apply perfectly to men, but not so much for women.

Fortunately, as the field has become more diverse, more recent womens sports medicine research has produced a wealth of information on how the female bodies interact with activity and nutrition. And it shouldnt come as much of a surprise that the more we study, the more we discover just how distinct and different a womans needs really are.

Even more importantly, were finding that those needs arent particularly constant from week to week. A womans hormones affected by age, maturity and pregnancy history set the pace for her reproductive system and physical performance.

Were finding that hormone levels can influence a womans susceptibility to certain injuries, how your body processes food and even how flexible your joints are. Of course, as physicians and dietitians, were just starting to scratch the surface plenty more research needs to be done in a lot of areas. However, theres a lot you can do with what we know now to hack your menstrual cycle and make it work for you.

When Do People Usually Get Cramps

It is no secret that pain symptoms can appear at specific times in a womans cycle.

  • Perimenstrual cramps. Pain starts before your period and lasts during menstruation. It can be felt in the lower back and thighs.
  • Mid-cycle/ovulation pain. This pain can also occur in the middle of your cycle. Ovulation pain is usually felt in the lower abdomen. It may last from a few hours to even a couple of days.

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What Causes Period Cramps

Period cramps are caused by contractions in your uterus. These contractions are triggered by changes in your bodys hormone levels, particularly prostaglandins. When you menstruate, your uterus contracts and sheds its lining, which is released as blood through your vagina.

Some people are more likely to experience period pain, particularly those who:

  • are younger than 30 years of age
  • bleed heavily during their periods
  • have irregular bleeding

Research shows that heating pads can help relieve period cramps and may even be more effective than taking acetaminophen .

You can buy abdominal heat patches online or at any drugstore. Theyre super easy to use just peel and stick them on your abdomen.

Electric heating pads and hot water bottles arent as convenient to use as patches, but theyre good choices if youre spending some time at home and dont need to move around much.

Research suggests that some essential oils can help ease period cramps when massaged onto the abdomen, especially when used in a blend of oils.

Oils that seem to be most effective at reducing period cramps include:

Before using essential oils, youll want to mix them with a carrier oil, like coconut oil or jojoba oil. Carrier oils work by safely carrying the essential oil into your skin and helping to spread the oil over a large area. Youll also want to do a patch test before applying essential oils to your skin, just to check for an allergy.

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