How To Get A Period Stain Out Of A Mattress

Some Tips On How To Get Period Blood Out Of Mattress

How To Get Blood Out Of Mattress – Clean Period Stains Out Of Mattress

Bloodstains are harder to remove than any other stain because blood contains iron and hemoglobin. When iron and hemoglobin dry out and oxidize, these two components become extremely difficult to remove. So it should be your treatment to remove stains while it is fresh.Here are some effective methods:


Remove the blood-stained sheet before cleaning the spot on your mattress. Wash it with a blanket, pillow, etc. in the washer as instructed by the manufacturer. If the mattress has a zip-off cover, wash it separately.

But before washing the stained sheets and mattress covers in the washing machine, remove the fresh or dried blood from the fabric to ensure that the stains are removed. Because sometimes, the cycle of detergent and wash is not enough to clean the bloodstains.


Blood dissolves in cold water so you should first try to remove blood stains from your mattress using cold water especially when blood stains are fresh. Soak a clean white towel in cold water to remove blood stains and wash gently until stains are gone. You can dab or press it on the spot if you want. Remember never to use warm or hot water as hot water will cook the proteins in the blood and it will make the hemoglobin harder in the cloth. So, instead of helping to clean the stain, it will set it even more permanently.

Baking soda

Salt, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap

Meat tenderizer


Or Try Sponging The Stain With Aspirin Or Baking Soda

Two other super common items, aspirin and baking soda, can also be used to treat blood stains. As far as the aspirin is concerned, crush up a few tablets and mix the resulting powder with water to form a paste that can be applied to the stain. Same thing with the baking sodajust mix some with water to make a paste . Allow the paste to sit for at least 30 minutes, up to overnight, and then launder the garment as usual.

Keep Your Clothes Bed And Mattress Stain

Removing blood stains from fabric and mattresses doesnt have to be difficult. In fact, you can get rid of these stains using some common household items like laundry detergent, baking soda and lemons.

Just make sure to stock up on cleaning supplies first so you dont panic when you need them!

Please note: The efficacy of the tips provided may vary depending on the skill, quality of tools used and the build of machines involved .

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Blot Before Removing The Blood Stain

Before mattress stain removal, consider blotting the stained area of your mattress with a clean cloth that is dampened with cold water. Avoid using warm water since it can set the bloodstains for good. Again, blot the area, but at this time around consider using a clean dry cloth for easier absorption of moisture caused by the dampened cloth.

Additionally, avoid rubbing the stained area since it might make the stain sink or spread more widely into the mattress. Repeat the entire process of blotting until the stain disappears completely. There are quite a number of ways you can choose to completely remove blood stains from your mattress. However, it is advised to consider using the gentlest method like the Cold Saltwater method of removing bloodstains.

How To Get Period Blood Stains Out Of A Mattress

How to Clean a Mattress: Guide to Mattress Stain Remover and Cleaning

Did you accidentally get a period stain on your bed? It happens. We shift a lot in our sleep and even the best tampons, pads, menstrual cups, or period panties can cause leaks, especially during the early days when heavy flow is the name of the game. If you find yourself faced with a period stain and dont even know where to start, here are some different methods to get the mattress pristine again.

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Wine Beer And Liquor Stains

These stains are made of sugars, tannins, and alcohol in water. According to research published in The Chemistry of Stain Removals by the University of Kansas, the most reliable way to remove oxidizable stains such as red wine is through oxidizing agents .

If you want to remove wine, beer or liquor stains from your mattress, absorb as much wine as you can with paper towels if the spill is fresh. To use salt, use a wet cloth to pat cold water onto the stain and blot away liquid.

Spread salt over the entire stained area and leave it for three minutes. Sprinkle, rub, and blot as often as necessary to lift the stain, then air dry.

This Process Is Good Enough For Getting Blood Out Of Sheets

How to get period blood out of mattress. Dip the clean white towel into cold water and dab the blood stain. How to get blood out of a mattress. The process on how to get blood out of a foam mattress is a bit different.

One of the most common sources of blood stain is a womans period. If you or a partner menstruates, usually every 4 to 5 weeks, you probably have dealt with period stains before. Hot water and rubbing at the stain are the worst things you can do to remove blood out of a mattress, as both can set the stain and make it harder to remove.

If the blood is new enough, it should dissolve in cold water. Remember to use firm pats, and dont rub it! A simple baking soda and water paste, left on the stain for 30 minutes, could be enough to lift the stain.

Period stains can happen especially when you have a heavy flow, and they can stain. To remove blood stains from a mattress, first make a cleaning solution by mixing liquid detergent with water. Rinse out the worst of the blood from the cloth before tossing them in the washing machine.

However, remember not to get it wet. Rinse and wring out the cloth and repeat the process until no more blood comes away from the mattress. However, we have a few simple methods you can use to get the stain out.

Salt, hydrogen peroxide and corn starch. Dab dry with towel to remove moisture. Wondering how to get blood out of clothes, sheets, or even a mattress?

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Cold Saltwater Mattress Cleaning Method

This method is effective when removing fresh blood stains on your mattress. Take one cup of cold water put two teaspoons of salt to make a solution. Pour this solution into a clean spray bottle and then spray the solution into the stained areas on your mattress. If you cant access a spray bottle, you can use a clean cloth and wet it with this solution and then it all over the affected area.

If the bloodstain on your mattress is a large one, start blotting from the outside towards the center this will contain the bloodstain and also prevent it from spreading. When absorbing the solution, blot the wet spot with a clean, dry cloth. Repeat the blotting and spraying until the stain is removed. You can also use a clean piece of cloth damped with cold water to completely rinse the remaining saltwater solution and use a cloth or towel to dry the spot.

How To Get Blood Stains Out Of Your Mattress

How to Get Blood Stains out of a Mattress

Lets face it. Weve all been there period blood stains on the mattress. But besides changing the sheets at lightning speed, how can you actually get rid of it?

Weve scoured the web to bring you the top tips for getting your mattress looking brand new !

And remember, for overnight peace of mind on your period, wear our Heavy-Overnight or Maxi-24hrs styles, depending on your flow.

Our Heavy-Overnight gusset extends to the back waistband, which is perfect for back sleepers, while our most absorbent Maxi-24hrs styles , have a gusset from the front-to-back waistband so you can sleep on your front, back, tummy or roll from side-to-side while staying safe, secure and leak-free.

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How To Clean Mattress Stains: Final Thoughts

So there you have it, some quick but effective ways to remove some of the most common accidental stains from your mattress. Plus, now you know how to avoid these stains in the first place with a waterproof mattress protector!

If you find yourself with particularly tough stains, you may have to consider getting ammonia or an enzyme cleaner and testing it on your mattress. We always recommend checking with your mattress manufacturer before using either of these more aggressive methods. They could potentially damage your mattress materials!

If you cant clean your mattress completely, take a look at our article on mattress disposal.

How To Remove Period Stains From Mattress

Your period started a day or two earlier than you expected, staining the mattress. Or you forgot to put a pad on before you went to bed, resulting in a blood stain on the mattress. In some cases, the family learns that their daughter has started puberty by the period stain on the mattress, but theyre too busy dealing with the educational aspects to stop the stain before it sets. Lets learn how to remove period stains from mattress beds.

First remove blankets, sheets and everything else on the bed. If youre lucky, the stain is limited to these layers. Rinse out the worst of the blood from the cloth before tossing them in the washing machine. Youll want to run it through the cold rinse cycle several times after youve done a full wash-rinse cycle to get everything out.

Now back to the mattress. Period blood like any other blood contains proteins that make it hard to get out. This requires using cleaners that can get it out.

One solution is an enzyme cleaner.You need not much worried to get enzyme cleaner.You can easily make it at home.But before that you need to know how to make enzyme cleaner.

If you have pet stain remover on hand, use that since the enzymes in that to remove poop and pee stains is pretty effective against blood, as well. Oxygenated enzyme cleaner is ideal. If you dont have any of this, you can go to the store and buy it.

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Effective Ways Of Removing Blood Stains From A Mattress

My kids are always having nose bleeds and it invariably seems to be when they are wearing their white karate kit or on the mattress when the mattress topper is in the wash! With the best will in the world its virtually impossible to prevent these things from happening, so, in this post, Ill be sharing with you some amazing tips for removing blood stains from a mattress. This step-by-step guide will help you get rid of those nasty mattress stains in no time.

Dried blood stains are one of the nastiest things to see, so if the thought of anyone seeing your memory foam mattress without its bed sheets fills you with dread, then youre in the right place!

How To Remove Blood Stains From A Mattress

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Blood contains lots of proteins, and this makes stains particularly difficult to remove. To get blood stains out of a mattress, you must first remove as much of the excess blood as possible, followed by a thorough cleaning of the area. Another important part of the process is letting the mattress dry fully, because a damp mattress can quickly become moldy.

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Super Solutions For Removing Blood Stains From A Mattress

Can you wash a mattress? Take care of stains and spot clean areas of the mattress to make it safe to sleep on again. If you have blood stains on your mattress, you have blood stains on the bedding, too.

It is easier to learn how to remove blood from sheets than it is for a mattress since you can add them to the washing machine after pre-treating the stains. Check out our easy tips for stain removal with common household ingredients.

How Do You Remove Old Blood Stains

Many people ask themselves, how do you remove old blood stains? And the fact of the matter is that removing old blood stains from fabrics such as clothes, furniture, and other materials can be difficult. When it comes to clothing, an at-home solution of hydrogen peroxide will work well for most garments if its a tougher stain, then try soaking in cold water before washing or using laundry detergent with enzymes. For upholstery and carpeting, one popular method is to use diluted vinegar on the spot and rub briskly until it goes away. Afterward, youll want to vacuum off the remaining residue for good measure.

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Treat With Oxygen Bleach

Create a paste with 1/2 cup dry oxygen bleach and 1/2 cup water in a small bowl. Start at the edges of the stain and work towards the center applying the paste to the blood stain with a soft-bristled nylon brush.

Allow the paste to work for at least two hoursthe longer the better. Oxygen bleach is a slow-acting, mild bleach. Dip a clean cloth in cold water and wring until it is not dripping. Blot away the oxygen bleach and blood. Move to a clean area of the cloth or rinse the cloth often as you work.

Allow the mattress to dry completely before using.

The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska

Solution : Salt And Dishwater Detergent

How To Get a Blood Stain Out of a Mattress

This is one of the solutions Mattress 1000 suggests to consider removing the blood stain from a mattress. If you do not have dishwasher detergent, you can use shampoo instead. It achieves the same effect.

  • Step 1: First mix 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of dishwater liquid to create a cleansing solution.
  • Step 2: Wet the dried bloody area of the mattress with cold water
  • Step 3: Soak the bloody area of the mattress with the cleansing solution above, letting it set for 15-30 minutes
  • Step 4: Rinse it again with cold water

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How To Remove Old Blood Stains From A Mattress Using Baking Soda

Using baking soda to remove blood stains is considered among the gentler approaches to such a situation. So, before you try doing the rougher methods, you should start with this one first.

For this, you will need at least 2 parts cold water and one part baking soda, along with clean paper towels and rags. Prepare first by removing all the bedclothes and sheets. Afterward, mix the baking soda and water in a bowl, which you will then dab lightly on the stain.

Remember to dab the baking solution instead of rubbing since that will only spread the stain further. For approximately half an hour, just let it sit and then dab the stain again by using a damp cloth. After this, take the opportunity to vacuum the excess stain residue from the bed base, under the bed, and the entire mattress. Let the excess water fully dry before you start dressing the bed.

Protecting Your Mattress From Blood And Other Stains

Of course, you cant completely prevent stains on your mattress, but there are a few things you can do to protect your mattress and keep it clean.

One of the first things you should do is invest in a high-quality mattress protector. A mattress protector provides an extra layer of protection against spills, stains and accidents. Our GhostProtector mattress cover has a super-soft knit top for quiet breathability and provides a waterproof layer built to last.

You could also consider getting a mattress topper, which is another layer that goes on top of your mattress. While traditional mattress toppers arent waterproof or as protective as mattress protectors, you can use a mattress topper and a mattress protector together. The GhostBed Memory Foam Topper is an all-in-one option, with its comforting gel memory foam and waterproof cover included.

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How To Protect Mattress From Blood Stains

As a result of blood stains, it will leave a red, rust-colored stain around the dirty area, resulting in the need to clean. However, there are certain things you can do to prevent your mattress from getting stained by unwanted blood.

When you are cleaning your mattress, you must use the correct cleaning products. This is because certain cleaning products will dry out, shrink or damage your mattress, while others may be abrasive to your bed. Always read the label of any product you intend to use to obtain information regarding how best to clean and disinfect your mattress and what type of cleaning product should be used for different kinds of materials.

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