Birth Control Pills To Stop Period For Vacation

Remember To Take The Pill

How to Stop Your Period with Birth Control | Birth Control

You may have developed good habits in taking your pill when at home, but it can become a challenge when you are on vacation and your routine is disrupted. While combination birth control pills need to be taken once daily and are less strict about exact timing, progestin-only pills should be taken within the same three-hour period each day for the best effectiveness. You may need to do some calculating for new time zones and accounting for the hours lost or gained in flight. You want to avoid missed pills while traveling.

Some pill users are unable to take their pill due to their baggage being lost. Be sure to bring essential medications in your carry on.

Popular Reasons For Wanting To Skip Your Period

There are many reasons a woman may want to skip her period. Periods can be inconvenient for a whole number of reasons, especially if you suffer from particularly bad cramps and pains. Some women get so sick during their periods that they find themselves taking sick days from work every single month.

In this day and age, when we know how to skip a period, why not give women a chance to choose, and gain control over their cycles when they need it the most. These are some of the most popular reasons why a woman may choose to skip her period.

If My Period Has Already Started Is There A Way To Make It End Faster

Sorry, the answer is no. Once the blood is in motion, nothing will stop it. You just have to ride it out. Your best bet is to think ahead and plan in advance if you know you want to skip over the placebo pills at any given time. You cant just skip it for, say, one night that you decide you dont want to bleed.

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Other Options And Risks

Sometimes skipping your period means enjoying your best friends wedding or your COVID-19-friendly vacation that much more. Plus, if you have painful symptoms or excessive menstrual bleeding that interferes with daily life every month, you might like a break from it for a while.

Some people may not like the thought of having to take a pill every day. Another option is using a vaginal ring contraceptive to skip periods. Normally, you would place the ring in your vagina and wear it for three weeks and then take it out for seven days to have a period. Then you would insert a new ring. But if you immediately insert a new ring after the three weeks end, youll avoid your period. Fertility is also promptly restored after discontinuing the use of either methods.

The only real risk to using birth control to miss your periods is that theres a small chance of breakthrough bleeding, which is any vaginal bleeding that occurs mid-cycle or when using hormonal methods to avoid your period, explains Dr. Bradley. Because of this, you might want to carry some pads or tampons with you just in case.

Be aware that any medication can cause side effects, so be sure to ask your doctor if birth control is right for you and if you should use any backup contraceptives, such as condoms. Condoms can also help prevent sexually transmitted infections.

/8do Contraceptive Pills Impact Your Fertility

This is what birth control pills actually do to your period

Most of the pills and long-term birth control medicines used to delay periods contain doses of estrogen and progestin and come in a 28-day dose pack. The hormones released in the first three weeks work to actively “suppress” your fertility, thereby, delaying your menstrual cycle. However, they take a longer time to work, and may not suit everybody’s need.

While medicines can be used keeping in mind your choice, preferences and schedules and other health parameters, some of the other common choices include extended use birth control, IUD devices, rings, injectibles and patches.

Since all of these work by releasing hormones into your body, they have to be used at a specific time, religiously following the dosing schedule. Missing any of the doses could deem it ineffective.

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Other Ways To Skip Your Period

Taking birth control pills arent the only way to skip your period. Other options include the progestin-releasing intrauterine device , progestin injection , progestin implant , and the combination NuvaRing or contraceptive patches.

The Mirena IUD works even better than pills to reduce overall bleeding, Dabney says. Many women on the Mirena IUD either get very light periods or no periods at all.

If you arent sure about the pill, speak with your doctor about your other options. Make sure you speak with your doctor before using a birth control patch to skip your period. Compared to birth controls pills, the patch has a slightly increased risk for blood clotting. However, the patch is the same general formulation as combination pills.

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International Travel Over The Counter Birth Control

Depending on where youre traveling, birth control can be anywhere from very easy to impossible to access. Do your research and plan ahead. In some countries, like China, India, and Japan, you can buy birth control over the counter at any pharmacy, no prescription required. For more information go here. In some less developed or overtly religious countries, hormonal contraception is illegal or can be very difficult to access. But even in countries where you can get a prescription, Id rather not spend my vacation navigating another countrys health care system. Given the choice, Id prefer to have my pill that I am used to, which may not have an exact counterpart abroad. If youre planning an overseas trip this summer, put birth control on your pre-trip checklist, and make sure you have enough to last through your entire trip.

If you do find yourself in need of a prescription overseas, the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers can help connect you with an English-speaking doctor and get access to foreign health care. You can also talk to your regular healthcare provider to decide whats the best substitution.

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And If Im On Birth Control

Travel shouldnât affect your period if youâre on birth control.

Still, there are a couple of roles to taking birth control when youâre switching time zones if you want to avoid getting pregnant.

First, you should take your daily dose according to your local time zone, not the time zone you are visiting. If the time in which youâre supposed to take the pill is extremely inconvenient, delaying one dose for a couple of hours shouldnât be a problem.

However, if youâre taking a time-sensitive pill, like progestin, remember that you must take it within three hours from your usual time, otherwise, youâll be skipping a dose.

Also, keep in mind that some birth control brands arenât effective when combined with alcohol. Read the birth control pill instruction and check if the manufacturer warns against taking alcohol. To be safe, the best option is to still use another form of birth control on vacation.

How To Delay Your Period For Your Holiday

Birth Control Pills

Because the beach + period can be a faff

Technically speaking, you can do whatever you like when you’re on your period – from sex to swimming, you should never feel like anything is off limits to you because of your uterus. But between the cramps, the mood swings, the bloating, and obviously the bleeding, it’s also totes fair enough if your period and your holiday are not a match you want to make.

The good news is that with a bit of forward planning, it is possible to put your period off until bikinis and beaches are safely off of your schedule. What you need is a medicine called Norethisterone, which can give you up to 17 days delay.

“It comes in the form of tablets which you must start to take three days before your period is due,’ explains Dr Kieran Seyan, from the LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor Team. “You must then take three tablets a day during the time you wish to delay your period. You can take the tablets for a maximum of 20 days, which will delay your period by a maximum of 17 days.” When you get back from your break, you simply stop taking Norethisterone and your period should arrive 2-3 days later.

However, it might seem like a magical solution to all of your period-based problems, but as with any medication, Norethisterone is not without its caveats: Dr Kieran notes that it can cause side effects, and very rarely these can be serious – including increased risk of blood clotting, stroke, acne, fluid retention, headache and nausea.

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Youre Going On Vacation

It can be pretty annoying dealing with your period on vacation, whether youll be hiking, touring a foreign city, or lounging around at a pool or beach. Accommodations and bathroom stops can be unpredictable, so good luck finding a clean place to change your tampon or empty out your menstrual cup. Besides, you dont want to be dealing with bloating or cramping while sporting your brand-new swimsuit.

Vacation is meant to be fun and relaxing, and if the idea of getting your period on vacation stresses you out, you may want to consider skipping it altogether.

Taking 2 Packets Of The Combined Pill Back

If you take a combined contraceptive pill, you can delay your period by taking 2 packets back-to-back.

How you do this will depend on which pill you take.

Examples are:

  • monophasic 21-day pills, such as Microgynon and Cilest you take a combined pill for 21 days, followed by 7 days without pills, when you have a bleed . To delay your period, start a new packet of pills straight after you finish the last pill and miss out the 7-day break.
  • everyday pills, such as Microgynon ED and Lorynon ED you take a combined pill every day. The first 21 pills are active pills and the next 7 pills are inactive or dummy pills, when you have your period. To delay your period, miss out and throw away the dummy pills, and start the active pills in a new packet straight away.
  • phasic 21-day pills, such as Binovium, Qlaira and Logynon the mix of hormones in each pill is different, depending on which phase you’re in. You need to take these pills in the correct order to have effective contraception. Ask your pharmacist, community contraception clinic or GP for more information.

Taking your contraceptive pills in the ways described above will not affect how they work as contraceptives.

If you’re not sure which pill you’re on or which pills in the packet to miss out, speak to your pharmacist, community contraception clinic or GP.

Avoid taking more than 2 packs without a break, unless your GP says you can.

There’s a risk you could experience side effects, such as:

  • feeling sick

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Take Ibuprofen Or Naproxen

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories , such as ibuprofen and naproxen , can wreak havoc on your stomachs lining, so your doctor is unlikely to recommend that you do this too often, if at all.


You may not be able to stop your period for a night, but there are ways to get your period symptoms under control to keep them from putting a damper on your plans.

Give the following a try:

  • Ibuprofen. Taking OTC ibuprofen can help relieve cramps for a few hours at a time. It may also help reduce blood loss. Naproxen and aspirin also work. Try taking them about an hour before you head out.
  • Menstrual cups. You can skip pads and tampons and use a menstrual cup instead. Menstrual cups are worn inside the vagina and catch your period blood. They can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time and are reusable.
  • Period panties. These absorbent undergarments can be worn on their own or with tampons and pads as backup prevention. Theyre designed to comfortably absorb the equivalent of two tampons worth of blood.
  • Heating pad. It wont slow your flow, but aheating pad can work wonders on cramps. Before you go out, apply one to your lower abdomen for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Masturbation. A quick masturbation sesh is an easy and enjoyable way to control your period symptoms. Let your fingers or a sex toy do the walking and give yourself an orgasm to relieve menstrual cramps and slow your flow.

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What If I Want To Skip Just One Period Can I Do That

Should I stop taking the birth control pill?

Yes, you can if youre on the Pill! Its pretty simple really: If youre planning on skipping that period you should take the pills up until the placebos and move up to the next pill pack in order to not get your period that month, Dr. McClellan explains. And if you want to go back to taking the placebo pills in a pack at some point, thats totally fine.

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What Are Period Delaying Pills And How Do They Work

Like the name suggests, the pills are useful for women who seek to delay their period, for reasons such as not wanting their period to come on important occasions, or during vacations. They are effective in delaying periods for up to 17 days. These pills contain Norethisterone, which is a man-made version of progesterone, a female sex hormone. Your bodys progesterone levels will drop if the ovum is not fertilised, and hence prep your body to discharge the ovum and uterine lining , so taking Norethisterone will prevent this from happening, as it keeps progesterone levels artificially high, hence delaying your period.

What Happens When You Skip Your Period

To understand what happens when you skip your period, its important to get a run-down on how birth control pills work.

Your hormonal birth control pills contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone. The steady releases of these hormones in your body prevent ovulation and cause thickening of the mucus in the cervix, making it almost impossible for sperm to get through.

A regular period arrives due to changes in hormone levels after ovulation . Since you arent ovulating, the bleeding that you experience while on birth control isnt your real period its actually called withdrawal bleeding. By taking away the estrogen and progesterone, youre causing a hormonal withdrawal from your body, triggering a period.

Instead of withdrawing those hormones from your body, youre continuing to supply them by immediately starting a new pack of birth control instead of taking the placebos or skipping a week. So, skipping your period isnt actually skipping your period at all its delaying hormonal withdrawal, thus preventing withdrawal bleeding.

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Delaying Your Period With Birth Control Pills

If you are currently on some type of birth control pill, you may have the ability to limit, skip, or delay your period. Before you skip it altogether, though, it is a good idea to check with your doctor. You may also want to check the ingredients of your birth control, as a monophasic pill tends to have less breakthrough bleeding than a multi-phasic pill . This way, if you are on the pill, you can better understand how much breakthrough bleeding or spotting you might have, should you decide to skip your period. Some providers strongly recommend against using a multi-phasic pill to skip your period.

If you are on a birth control pack with 21 pills:

Finish the pack as you normally would, but instead of taking placebo pills, start your next pack immediately. .

If you are on a birth control pack with 28 pills:

Finish the pack as you normally would, but instead of taking placebo pills, start your next pack immediately. .

Looking to skip more than one period?

Ask your doctor about a pill that is a continuous birth control option. This will allow you to skip multiple periods in a row. Often they are options to let you skip up to three months, and in some cases longer.

If you are using a ring:

NuvaRing and Annovera are examples of vaginal birth control rings. You can simply use your ring as you normally would up to four weeks, and immediately put in your next ring instead of waiting. When you are ready to have your period again simply take out the ring to get your next period.

What Are Norethisterone And Norethindrone


Norethisterone is a type of progestin that is very similar to the female hormone progesterone. It is commonly used to help manage heavy or painful periods, and can also be prescribed to delay a period for a length of time for a special occasion. During menstruation, a drop in progesterone levels causes the uterine lining to shed. However, if progesterone is taken throughout your period, those levels do not drop, preventing menstruation.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Perimenopause

Although menopause is a normal, healthy part of life for individuals with a uterus, it typically entails symptoms that can become unpleasant. Some individuals may not notice any significant changes, but many will likely experience one or more of the following:

  • Hot flashes and night sweats = a sudden feeling of warmth that spreads over the body
  • Breakthrough bleeding and spotting = bleeding when not on your period
  • Irregular periods = inconsistent timing and heaviness of periods
  • Headaches and/or migraines = pain that occurs in one or more regions of your head
  • Mood swings = intense and sudden changes in mood
  • Insomnia = persistent difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Urine urgency and/or leakage = constantly feeling the need to go pee
  • Vaginal dryness = lack of lubrication in the vagina
  • Acne = blemishes that pop up on the skin
  • Fatigue = feeling more tired than usual
  • Breast tenderness = sore and/or swollen breasts
  • Lower sex drive = lack of desire to have sex and/or pain during sex

Sometimes, the symptoms of perimenopause can cause significant problems in day-to-day functioning. Fortunately, there are various treatments that can be implemented to help provide some relief.

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