Best Period And Ovulation Tracker App

Old Fashioned Pen And Paper

FLO | My Ovulation & Period Tracker 2022 | STORYTIME | BEST CYCLE APP ��

When in doubt, you can always track your cycle in a notebook or analog calendar, if youre not worried about someone close to you finding it.

The only equipment you need is a paper, pen, calendar and thermometer, said Karen Jefferson, director of midwifery practice at the American College of Nurse-Midwives. You can figure out all about your cycle and your periods of fertility, and nobody can take your data.

She recommends marking the first and last day of your periods to get an idea of your average cycle over time, and even write down when you have sex and whether its protected.

Best Ovulation App For Gender Prediction: Fertility & Period Tracker

Would you like to have a little fun with your ovulation tracker app? Do you believe in the Chinese gender prediction chart?

If the answer to either of these questions is yes, you might enjoy this fun little app called Fertility & Period Tracker. We know, its not the most original name on the block!

What we love:

  • Makes an often stressful time kind of fun!
  • Helps predict fertile days
  • Uses information from the Chinese gender prediction chart to determine whether youre more likely to conceive a boy or girl on any given day

It might not be the most scientifically-specific information available, but hey, it could be fun to try!

What Are The Best Ovulation Apps Available In 2021

As with period tracking apps, there are numerous types of ovulation apps available, each with its own unique collection of bells and whistles.

The wide variety of options begs the question: just because an ovulation tracker app is right for you and your situation, is it right for everyone elses, too?

The answer is no. Different apps are better for different people, so weve researched several of the best ovulation apps for 2020 to determine what truly is the best. These were our favorites!

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Our Period Tracker App Reviews

Android | iOS

Flo Period & Ovulation Tracker is the best period tracker app available on iOS and Android. You can use the app to record important information, such as your cycles start date, length, flow, and symptoms. You can also set up notifications to remind you when your next cycle is expected to start or when you need to take your pills. Flo also stands out for its many features designed to help users manage their pregnancies. The app can help you predict your fertility window, track your babys development, and find pregnancy and health advice. One of Flos most unique features is its Q& A, which lets users ask and get answers to their health-related questions.

Notable features:

  • Subscription plans: Flo Premium: $39.99/year or $7.99/month
  • Support available: Help Center

Android | iOS

Notable features:

Android | iOS

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Android | iOS

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Android | iOS

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Notable features:

Android | iOS

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Notable features:

Android | iOS

Notable features:

Android | iOS

Notable features:

Do You Have To Use An Ovulation Tracker To Get Pregnant

Period Tracker, Ovulation Calendar &  Fertility app for Android

Definitely not! If you want to conceive, the best thing you can do is have intercourse regularly, Dr. Coker said. If you’re having sex two to three times per week, you’re going to catch your fertile window and give yourself a very good chance of getting pregnant .

That said, everyone’s situation is different, she acknowledged. Some couples may not be able to have intercourse that often and may have work travel and other variables to contend with. Others may simply want more information about when ovulation is happening so they can try to time intercourse as best as possible. And for those couples, these devices and apps can be really useful but they’re not required.

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The Most Popular Apps Of 2021

While weve outlined our favorite apps for specific purposes, there are some that people just love in general. We wouldnt say theyre best for any one specific person, but we want to include them because people love them, and they might be best for you!

If youre in the market for more essential period tracker apps that have earned high ratings from users, definitely check out these three as you make final decisions about which app to use!

Find And Screen Safe Apps

Right now, its incredibly difficult for people at home to evaluate the privacy of different period apps and understand where their data is flowing behind the scenes, IDACs Palfrey said.

There are some secure apps such as Euki, which claim to have stronger privacy protections, according to Farah Diaz-Tello, senior counsel and legal director at If/When/How, a legal advocacy organization. If youre considering an app, read the privacy policies can this app share data with partners, affiliates or third parties? You want apps that encrypt your data and store it on your device instead of in the cloud, if possible.

Any digital data stored on your phone could still become a liability if law enforcement obtains your device. If youre worried about law-enforcement access to your phone in general, use a passcode instead of fingerprint or Face ID to lock it. Users should be careful about sharing information with third-party apps that they wouldnt want getting into the wrong hands, Palfrey said.

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Best For Trying To Get Pregnant: Ovia


When youre ready to have a baby, its not always as simple as it would seem to get pregnant. Many women have to try for months or even years before they can become pregnant.

For those women, theres Ovia: a fertility tracking app that keeps track of your period in addition to exactly when you are ovulating, cervical fluid, cervical position, basal body temperature, and other key factors that can affect fertility. It helps pinpoint the times when you are most fertile and can help you track data to bring with you to your doctor if you find you are having problems conceiving.

It also has tons of informative articles, important stats, facts, and helpful tips to guide you on your journey to pregnancy. If youre looking to have a baby or just thinking about it, Ovia is a great app because it allows you to keep tabs on your period until youre ready to start trying. Plus, it also lets you seamlessly switch over to fertility tracking by keeping all of your info in one app. And, if you do conceive, Ovia Health also has a pregnancy app to track your baby’s growth.

The 8 Best Period Tracking Apps For Your Iphone

The BEST Period & Ovulation Tracking App EVER! | Read Your Body App

Use these apps to track your menstrual cycle and learn when you’re ovulating, when you’re fertile, or when you’re due on.

When dealing with a busy day, the last thing on your mind should be worrying about getting your period unexpectedly. Theres nothing worse than being caught by your monthly cycle when youre unprepared and far from feminine hygiene products.

Luckily, there are many great options available on the App Store to help you plan and prepare for your next menstrual cycle. Using any of these awesome iPhone period tracking apps is a great way to skip out on the stress, learn more about your body, and better manage your entire ovulation cycle.

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Best Ovulation Tracker App For All Ovary Owners: Clue Period & Cycle Tracker

By ditching the traditional pink color scheme and gendered language, Clue’s ovulation tracker app is sure to be a comfortable, inclusive fertility-tracking space for all users. The app can log your period, keep a record of your basal body temperature, ovulation tests, and cervical fluid, and use this info to predict your cycle length and ovulation day. To ensure you never miss a fertile window, you can also set up a reminder that your ovulation day is approaching, as well as nudges to take your temperature or birth control.

Available in the App Store and on .

What We Look Forward To Testing

  • Kegg : Kegg is a 2-in-1 device: It measures electrolytes in your cervical fluid to predict ovulation, and it also works as a kegel ball to help support pelvic floor exercises. According to Kegg, it provides more notice ahead of ovulation than traditional BBT and LH tracking methods. Plus, you only have to insert it into your vagina for 2 minutes per day.

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How We Chose The Best Period Tracker Apps

To find the 10 best period tracker apps, we focused on a selection of key features that help users personalize their experience and effectively maintain their health and well-being. The best period tracker apps include fertility trackers, health and sex trackers, pill reminder notifications, and community features to help users find support.

Best Period And Ovulation Tracker Apps 2022

The 7 Best Ovulation Tracking Apps That Track Your Fertility &  More

Are you trying to get pregnant? There is an app for that. These apps will equip you with all the information required to make sure that happens when you want it. The only thing these applications cannot cater for is the lovemaking itself if you know what I mean. That is totally up to you. Here they are in our list of 10 Best Period And Ovulation Tracker Apps:

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Best Period Tracking Apps 2022

Staying on top of your menstruation cycle is not just essential for birth control or conception purposes. It also helps you catch unusual patterns and irregularities that may or may not be related to underlying conditions. The best period tracking apps allow you to track your cycle and provide useful, insightful information about your reproductive system. The greatest apps learn from the data collected, and can aptly provide sound predictions based on records.

If you want to take things a bit further, it helps that many of the best Android smartwatches and fitness trackers offer the same women’s health features. So, for example, you can track your menstrual cycle on popular wearables from Samsung, Fitbit, and Garmin, and the data logs are stored on your phone, streamlining the entire tracking process.

How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant After You Start Tracking

Experts agree this is a really tough one to answer, given that factors like your age, reproductive health, and your partners reproductive health all play a role in your ability to conceive.

Approximately 80 percent of families or people will conceive in the first six to nine months of attempting pregnancy, with the probability of pregnancy greatest in the first three months, Dr. Sassin says. Family planning studies have shown that the likelihood of pregnancy is greatest when intercourse or insemination occurs the day before ovulation.

But, again, this is all variable and individual. If youve been trying to conceive for a year with regular sex and youre under 35, Dr. Demosthenes recommends talking to your doctor. And, if youre over 35, its recommended that you check in soonerat six months.

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Do Fertility And Ovulation Apps Work

Jan 29, 2020Rosanna Turner

Whether a woman is trying to get pregnant or avoid pregnancy, it’s likely she’s tried using a period-tracking or fertility app.

Mobile apps that track your menstrual cycle are used by tens of millions of women, but how accurate they are remains unclear.

“There’s a limit to the amount of information that technology can provide before you need a real, complete medical evaluation.”

What Are The Top 10 Period Tracking Apps

FLO | My Ovulation & Period Tracker 2022 | Accurate Ovulation Calendar | BEST CYCLE APP ��

Its hard to choose a specific collection of the best period apps available.

After all, each individual period tracker has been created to meet a different set of needs.

This being said, our team at Undefining Motherhood has come up with 10 of our favorite apps.

Rather than listing them one after the other, however, weve opted to break them down based on the groups of people they benefit.

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Best Ovulation App To Get Pregnant: Fertility Friend

Is it any surprise that the most popular ovulation app on the market has the word fertility in its name?

As a pioneer in the fertility tracker app sector, Fertility Friend has become the most popular ovulation app for hopeful couples trying to conceive.

Utilizing various data based on your period dates and symptoms, this innovative app has proven to be one of the most accurate ovulation calculator options available. It has assisted in more than 650,000 pregnancies since its launch in 1998!

What we love:

Best Symptom Management: Period Tracker By Gp Apps

Period Tracker

  • Cost: Basic version is free. Premium is around $10 per month or roughly $40 per year.
  • Features: Comprehensive symptom tracker.

Why We Chose It: Period Tracker by GP Apps is an easy to navigate period-tracking app that takes the guesswork out of your monthly flow.

  • A bit basic

When youre PMS-ing, how much acne do you get? What about constipation? And do you crave salty pretzels or sweet milk chocolate? If youve never asked yourself these questions, youre missing out on a key metric for decoding your periodsand figuring it all out could make you feel better every month when good ol Aunt Flo comes to town.

Enter GP Apps Period Tracker, which admittedly has a super nondescript name but is not so generic once you download it and get to work. In addition to all of your random PMS symptoms, the tracker is adept at analyzing your daily temperatures and signs of fertility to send you customized info about your next period, fertile days, and upcoming PMS symptoms. The platform itself is simple and easy to navigate, making it a good fit for women who dont want a lot of bells and whistles with their fertility info.

You can upgrade to a premium membership here, but there doesnt seem to be much benefit: You get all this good stuff right from Period Trackers free download. Its a solid, user-friendly option for anyone wanting to track their fertility and know whats coming next, reproductively speaking.

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Are Period Apps Accurate

While a lot of time and planning has gone into creating period tracking apps, its essential to remember that 100% accuracy is not guaranteed.

These apps can help closely predict things like when youll ovulate or when your period will start, but its not an exact science.

For the best results, its crucial to find an app thats carefully tailored to your unique needs. You should also keep in mind that outside factors like illness or extra stress can throw off your menstrual cycle.

The longer you use a period tracking app, the more accurate it will become. But if youre using it to actively try to conceive, we recommend learning about the best ways to track ovulation.

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