When Will It Arrive
Among women who do not breastfeed or who breastfeed on an irregular schedule, menstruation tends to return more quickly.
A 2011 analysis of six previous studies found that most women got their first periods between 45 and 94 days after giving birth. One study in the review found that the average first period happened at 74 days postpartum.
The main factor affecting the timing of the first postpartum period is ovulation. Women who want to check whether they are ovulating can try using an ovulation predictor kit , which are available in pharmacies and online.
Measuring basal body temperature every day can also help detect ovulation.
To Breastfeed Or Not To Breastfeed
Its quite difficult to determine exactly when after delivery your first period will start, but it roughly depends on whether or not you are breastfeeding. According to the UKs National Health Service , if you bottle-feed your baby from the start or combine bottle-feeding with breastfeeding, your first period could start 5-6 weeks after your delivery.
On the other hand, if youre exclusively breastfeeding which is recommended by the World Health Organization for the first 6 months of your babys life then your first period will not start until you stop breastfeeding.
Why this variation? Because when youre lactating, your body produces a hormone called prolactin. This hormone can mess with other reproductive hormones and delays the period until the prolactin production in your body reduces or stops. After the 6-month duration, as you reduce the breastfeedings your baby needs, your other hormone levels will increase as the prolactin levels decrease, and youll finally have your first period.
Relax And Take Care Of Yourself
This article was translated by Margaux Dolores and republished with permission from theAsianparent Philippines.
Dr. Maureen Laranang ofMakati Medical Center,Whattoexpect,Healthline, WebMd,Health Direct
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What Factors Impact The Return Of Your Period
Besides breastfeeding, height and weight also impact the return of menstruation, says David Colombo, M.D., Director of Maternal Fetal Medicine at Spectrum Health. “The form of birth control will also play a factor,” he says. “For example, if a person is on the shot , it could be a year before it returns.” What’s more, if your period wasn’t regular before pregnancy, it might still be irregular after a C-section.
What To Expect From Periods After Pregnancy
Thanks to the hormonal changes in your body after pregnancy, you are going to experience more discomfort in periods after delivery. This will continue for some time until your body returns to its post-pregnancy state. You may also experience spotting in between periods after delivery.Here are something more to expect from your periods after giving birth to your baby.
1. Duration
The very first period of after pregnancy may last longer than a normal one. It may take about 5-7 days to finish. Some women have even confirmed that their first period after pregnancy continued for three weeks. Talk to your doctor if your period lasts much longer than usual.
2. Use of Tampons
Another issue you may face during periods after pregnancy is regarding the use of tampons. With your vaginal muscles becoming weak, your cervix may dip down further than normal, and this makes it difficult to use a tampon. Do Kegel exercises after pregnancy to restore the strength of your vaginal muscles.
3. Blood Clots
Many women have complained about experiencing blood clots when they have their first period after pregnancy ends. That is not always due to a complication. It usually means your body is trying to heal from the inside. If the condition persists for more than a week or so, you should speak to your doctor.
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Periods After Pregnancy: What To Expect
One of the perks of pregnancy is not having a period. At this very busy time, not needing to buy products or battle with period pains at least for a while is one less thing for you to think about.
But what happens to your period when your little one arrives? Its easy to feel out of touch with your body and like you need advice when youre a new mum youll experience a lot of physical changes during pregnancy and childbirth! But understanding what to expect from your period can help you to feel more prepared for the journey ahead!
When Will My Period Return After A C
If you’re one of the millions of people who has delivered via C-section know this: You are not alone. Up to 32% of individuals in the United States give birth via this method each year. Still, if you’ve had a cesarean section, you probably have lots of questionssome of which involve your monthly menstrual cycle. When do you get your period after a C-section? Does breastfeeding affect your cycle? And should you expect light, heavy, or irregular periods after a C-section?
We’ve got all of the answersand more. Here’s everything you need to know about how C-sections affect your period.
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How Long Do First Periods After Delivery Last
Most women return to their normal cycle soon after giving birth. If your period was normal prior to pregnancy, it will occur every 21 to 35 days post pregnancy, while the bleeding may last anywhere between 2 to 7 days.
However, normal here may also relate to what you were experiencing before your pregnancy. If you have a history of painful periods or endometriosis, for example, you will likely continue to have painful periods over time.
The Link Between Breastfeeding And Periods
The link between varying times of breastfeeding and periods exists entirely because of hormonal function. Prolactin hormone that helps in the production of breast milk can suppress reproductive hormones. Due to this suppression, your body is unable to ovulate and menstruation is halted.
Getting your period will also affect your breastmilk to some extent. The overlap in hormones affects your breastmilk which can be felt by, both, you and your child. Your period may affect the composition or taste of your milk or there may be a decrease in supply. Every woman experiences some type of change differently. However, as these transitions are temporary, they should not be a cause of concern for the mother.
The long lag in the resumption of the menstrual cycle can make you wonder does menstruation occur after pregnancy? But yes, it does. There is no well-defined schedule for when menstruation will happen. However, if you have any concerns or worries, you should address them to your obstetrician.
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How Regular Will My Menstrual Cycle Be
Your period can take up to a year to become regular, no matter how consistent it was before pregnancy. To develop, grow, and deliver a baby, your body experiences several hormonal changes, and it needs time to return to normal.
Breastfeeding moms are even more likely to have an irregular menstrual cycle. When you breastfeed, you have lower levels of estrogen in your body a hormone that fluctuates with your period. Without normal estrogen fluctuation, you wont have normal periods.
Whether or not you breastfeed, dont be alarmed if your second period is late unless youve recently had unprotected sex.
Will Your Period Be Different After Pregnancy
Be prepared to expect and experience some changes in your period after pregnancy. This is because your body will be in the process of adjusting to your menstrual cycle after delivery. You may experience some of the following:
- Your period may be more painful than your earlier menstrual cycles.
- You may have a heavy period after pregnancy in comparison to your usual period.
- You may experience scantier or less menstrual flow than your normal period.
- You may experience more or less cramping than usual.
- You may notice small clots in the blood.
- Your cycle may become irregular.
The reason for a heavier period after delivery is the increased uterine lining. The shedding of this lining leads to heavier blood flow. In very rare cases, adenomyosis or thyroid, if they are co-existing, may cause heavy bleeding after giving birth.
On the other hand, women who have endometriosis before pregnancy may experience scantier or lighter blood flow after childbirth. There are some other rare medical conditions, such as Ashermans Syndrome or Sheehan syndrome, which may cause lighter bleeding.
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Birth Control After Giving Birth
Image source: Freepik
Once the womans body has recovered, her wound has healed, and she is ready, she can have sex again. But if you do not want to follow the baby immediately, it is better to use contraceptives during sex. According to Dr Laranang, contraceptives also depend on the type used.
Ask your OB-gynecologist what contraceptive method you should try and when you can start it. He or she can recommend the best contraceptive method for your situation. Read this to know more about birth control options for the breastfeeding mum.
Dr. Laranang notes that on the 6th week of giving birth, parents must come back to discuss the family planning method they need.
Birth Control While Breastfeeding
While exclusively breastfeeding is a viable form of contraception, many women may not feel comfortable relying on breastfeeding alone as a form of birth control. Its a completely valid concern, especially if youre waiting on your postpartum period after giving birth for the first time. If thats the case but youre still interested in using an alternative form of birth control, its important to seek out non-hormonal or low-dose birth control options instead.
If you took the pill before getting pregnant, it may be worthwhile to try out the mini pill. A form of oral contraception with only a low dose of progesterone and no estrogen, this non-hormone alternative may have a lighter effect on your breastfeeding. You can begin taking the mini pill once your baby is six to eight weeks old.
If the mini pill doesnt work for you, try a longer-term solution like an IUD. If an IUD with estrogen and progesterone decreases your milk supply or causes any other signs of general discomfort, a copper IUDmay also be an option. It contains only progesterone , so it has no impact on breastfeeding.
Of course, condoms will still work and will have no adverse effects on your fertility. If you prefer a diaphragm, make sure to have it refitted if youve lost more than 15 pounds postpartum to ensure maximum protection. No matter what, youll be able to find the contraceptive method that works best for you and your postpartum body.
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What Will My First Period After Labour Be Like
You first period may be different from how your period was before.
You may have:
- irregular periods especially if it returns while you’re breastfeeding
- cramping this may be worse or better than before you were pregnant
- heavier periods
- small blood clots in your periods
If you have blood clots in your period, or have much heavier blood loss than you have had before, you should speak to your midwife, health visitor or GP.
When To Talk To A Doctor
You should contact your provider with any questions or concerns during the postpartum period, but you should absolutely talk to your doctor if you experience the following:
- Any period that requires you to change your tampon, pad, or cup every hour
- Bleeding that lasts more than seven days
- Clots larger than a quarter
- Missing a period after youve already had a few
- Mid-cycle spotting
If you are formula feeding and havent had a period three months after birth or if you are breastfeeding and havent had a period three months after weaning, its time to see your doctor.
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How Will Your Period Change After Pregnancy
Once your first postpartum period does return, it may be different than the period you were used to before pregnancy. Because your body is still in the process of returning back to its normal cycle, its still going through necessary changes. Dont worrya different first period after pregnancy doesnt mean theres something wrong.
Your postpartum period may be heavier or more irregular than your previous periods. You may also notice changes to the blood consistency and color, as well as shifts in cramp severity. Your premenstrual symptoms may change, and you may encounter irregularities in discharge and cycle regulation. While these differences may be uncomfortable, keep in mind that theyre temporary your post-baby body is just going through its scheduled maintenance.
Because postpartum periods, especially those that return on the earlier side, are typically more uncomfortable, many women choose to use pads rather than tampons while their bodies recuperate. If opting for pads, you might also want to try period underwear for maximum comfort . Dont worry: eventually, your period will return to how it was before baby.
When Will Your Period Start After C
The resumption of periods after Cesarean section entirely depends on your hormones. After the delivery, the hormone levels of Human Chronic Gonadotropin or hCG, Progesterone, and Oestrogen tend to be on the lower side. One significant element that sees when your periods will return after C-section is breastfeeding.
- If you are breastfeedingâ
It will have an impact on your hormonal levels. It increases the level of prolactin, causing a delay in ovulation. Therefore, if you are breastfeeding, it may take at least takesix months to resume your periods. Furthermore, the periods may also be irregular.
- If you are not breastfeedingâ
If you are not breastfeeding, the level of prolactin in your body decreases thereby causing periods to occur sooner. However, in a few cases, the first period occurs justafter six weeks after cesarean section delivery.
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The Immediate Bleeding After You Have A Baby Isn’t Actually Your Period Fyi
While it might feel like youre having one long period after giving birth, the bleeding you experience is not actually your period. This post-birth bleeding, called lochia, is your uterus shedding all of the lining that was built up during pregnancy. The blood, mucus, and discharge that make up lochia can last up to six to eight weeks after birth, explains Kameelah Phillips, MD, an ob-gyn and founder of .
Lochia can ebb and flow during this postpartum period, Dr. Phillips says. It tends to start out red in color, and then progress to pink, and then turns to a yellowish-white color. After that progression, which typically takes a month and a half or two, you may notice your period returning, which will generally be back to bright red or the color you’re used to seeing. Or, in other cases, itll take longer before you menstruate again.
When To Expect Your Menstrual Period After Giving Birth
When will my Menstrual Period come after Birth and Delivery Of The Baby?
A regular Menstrual Period or Bleeding after Birth and Delivery Of The Baby usually come when you start ovulating again. This can last between 3-9 months on average. Breastfeeding may or may not prolong that time.
Your regular menstrual bleeding usually depends on ovulation, and you will usually ovulate before you get your first period. That means that you could get pregnant even before your first period arrives.
Breastfeeding or not?
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When Will You Get Your First Period After Delivery
Your first period after pregnancy will not come almost instantly. The time period of menstruation post-delivery for every woman is varying. If you are wondering, after delivery when periods will come? The answer lies in the practice of breastfeeding.
If you are not breastfeeding your newborn, you can expect your cycle to start in 6-8 weeks. This time can also vary from one woman to another. On the other hand, if you are exclusively breastfeeding , your periods can delay even more.
When Will My Periods Start Again After Pregnancy
It’s hard to be exact about when your periods will start again, as everyone is different.
If you bottle feed your baby, or combine bottle feeding with breastfeeding, your first period could start as soon as 5 to 6 weeks after you give birth.
If you fully breastfeed without any bottle feeding or using dummies, your periods may not start again until you stop night-time breastfeeding or start giving your baby solid foods, formula or other milk .
This is because the hormone that causes your body to make breast milk can stop your body making the hormones that control your periods.
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