How To Prevent Bv After Period

Risks Of Having Bacterial Vaginosis

BV versus Yeast Infection|Smell, Color, Discharge, Signs & Symptoms

Bacterial vaginosis can be especially dangerous for pregnant women, who face increased risk of second-trimester miscarriage or preterm labor. After giving birth, women with bacterial vaginosis are at greater risk for postpartum endometritis.

Pregnant women should always seek conventional treatment for BV, though the recommended lifestyle changes can improve treatment outcome and prevent recurrence. If you have persistent infection or abdominal pain with BV, conventional care is the most appropriate for treating acute infection. However, all of the preventative steps in this article still apply and can help prevent recurrence.

How Do You Get Bacterial Vaginosis

Sometimes the balance of these bacteria changes. If this happens you can develop bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis cant be passed from person to person. But it’s more common in people who are sexually active.

Other things that may increase your risk of getting it include:

  • having a new sexual partner
  • having multiple sexual partners
  • using scented soaps or perfumed bubble bath
  • putting antiseptic liquids in the bath
  • using vaginal washes or deodorant
  • using strong detergents to wash your underwear

Frequency Of Recurrent Bv

Treatment trials report cure rates of 8090% at 1 week, but recurrence rates of 1530% within 3 months. In a study of long term follow up of women who had been successfully treated for BV, 48% remained BV free, and 52% had at least one further episode. The mean follow up was 6.9 years. Most relapses were during the first year and were significantly correlated with new sexual contacts. So following successful treatment, half of women will stay cured for years.

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How To Manage Chronic Bv

If you experience reoccurring symptoms and want to know how to get rid of BV smell fast, you’re likely prone to BV infections or have chronic or long-term BV. If this is the case, there are some things you can do to say “goodbye” to BV for good, including lifestyle changes, probiotics for BV and prescription medicine for bacterial vaginosis.

Consult With your Physician

The best way to prevent recurrent BV is to speak up when you notice a pattern of triggers. If you suspect it’s returned, take an Online Symptoms Quiz to determine the best course of action. It’s possible you may need to undergo treatment for a longer duration. This can include a variety of approaches, such as extended bacterial vaginosis antibiotic treatment. For example, if you get BV more than twice in a six-month period, you may need to undergo treatment for up to six months.

However, if you get BV frequently, multiple doses of antibiotics may wreak havoc on your gut health. As a result, many individuals look for a BV treatment without antibiotics. One of the most effective BV treatments is Boric Acidan over-the-counter cure for BV that you can use daily, and especially after sex, that helps restore vaginal balance.

Getting An Accurate Diagnosis

Best Way To Prevent Bv

Getting an accurate diagnosis from your midwife, APRN, doctor, or other licensed practitioner is important. BV diagnosis requires meeting at least three of the following four Amsels criteria which can be detected with a vaginal exam and painless swab of vaginal fluids: thin, grayish-colored discharge , a vaginal pH greater than 4.5 positive whiff test, and the presence of clue cells in vaginal fluid.

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Can Bacterial Vaginosis Mess Up With Not Getting Pregnant

Bacterial Vaginosis is three times more common in infertile women than fertile women. BV, and other infections in general, can decrease fertility in a number of ways: Increasing inflammation and immune system activity, making a toxic environment for reproduction. Causing damage to sperm and vaginal cells.

Treatment For Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is not usually treated unless symptoms are a problem. Several treatments are available, both vaginal creams and tablets. Women with bacterial vaginosis may be at slightly increased risk of complications in pregnancy and of developing infections after gynaecologic surgery and should discuss the need for treatment with their doctor.

Vinegar or Aci-Jel vaginal jelly help to relieve symptoms but are not useful for treatment or prevention.

Sexual partners do not need to be treated.

For more information on treatment options, see the Bacterial vaginosis brochure

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So Why Does My Bv Keep Coming Back

Even if you know what causes BV, do you know what causes recurring BV? If you suffer from chronic BV, there are several reasons why it hasn’t gone away for good. Some factors can include your use of perfumed hygiene products, your genital-washing routine and your choice of clothing. It’s also possible that you didn’t finish your prescription medications from your last BV encounter. If a doctor prescribes you antibiotics for BV, make sure to take the full cycle. Even if your symptoms appear to be gone, it’s important to finish all of your medication to ensure you knock out the infection completely and don’t build a resistance to the antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance makes it easier for BV to act as an uninvited guest—returning too soon and staying too long. and come back scratching at your door.

Other common triggers of chronic BV include:

  • Having sex without a condom
  • Changing sexual partners
  • Having multiple partners at a time
  • Hormonal changes

Each of these behaviors can affect your vaginal pH and increase your risk of a repeat bacterial vaginosis infection.

How Is Bv Treated


BV is treated with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

If you get BV, your male sex partner won’t need to be treated. But, if you are female and have a female sex partner, she might also have BV. If your current partner is female, she needs to see her doctor. She may also need treatment.

It is also possible to get BV again. Learn how to lower your risk for BV.

BV and vaginal yeast infections are treated differently. BV is treated with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. Yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter medicines. But you cannot treat BV with over-the-counter yeast infection medicine.

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What Is Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis

If youre in the midst of a battle with BV, you know the process: Hit the self-checkout line with over-the-counter suppositories, take a break from sex, sleep without underwear, and avoid hot baths. When that doesnt work, a trip to your doc for antibiotics such as metronidazole or clindamycin in the form of oral pills or a vaginal gel can sometimes do the trick, despite common side effects like nausea and spin-off yeast infections. However, 80% of women who go in for treatment end up with another infection within three months, according to a 2020 review published in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.

Many women experience an endless cycle of BV episodes.

For decades, bacterial vaginosis has been treated with antibiotics to eliminate the harmful bacteria, but often this does not fix the underlying problem of an imbalanced vaginal microbiome, and many women experience an endless cycle of BV episodes, Dr. Hemmerling says. Recurrent BV might happen when the infection isnt fully treated, something messes up the balance of your bacteria again, or a layer of microorganisms known as a biofilm forms to protect BV-causing bacteria.

Besides disrupting your work and sex life, recurrent BV can also lead to serious complications. Once the imbalanced vaginal microbiome is overpowered as a line of defense and bacterial vaginosis sets in, other bacteria and viruses can grow, says Dr. Hemmerling.

What Does It Mean When You Have Bacterial Vaginosis

Are there any health problems associated with BV? Most often, BV does not cause other health problems. However, if left untreated, BV may increase your risk for: Sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV. Pelvic inflammatory disease where BV bacteria infect the uterus or fallopian tubes.

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What Is The Treatment For Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis often causes no symptoms, or the symptoms are mild. Also, there is a good chance that BV will gradually clear without treatment. There are various different treatments for bacterial vaginosis . There are also some things which you should avoid doing, which may help the problem to resolve itself.

These include avoiding the use of douches, vaginal deodorants, bath additives and harsh soaps. Refraining from intercourse for a couple of weeks, or using a condom and a water-based lubricant, can be helpful.

Preventing Overgrowth Of Bv Associated Organisms

7 Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis that Cause Vaginal Smell

Although intermittent therapy, on an episodic or prophylactic basis, is frequently used for recurrent BV, there are very few publications on this. Hay et al advised women with recurrent BV to collected daily vaginal specimens for between 112 months, to try to identify the times of recurrence. BV recurrences most often arose within the first 7 days of the menstrual cycle, and frequently followed candida infection. Consequently they advised oral or intravaginal metronidazole for 3 days at the onset of menstruation for 36 months, and add antifungal treatment if there is a history of candidiasis.

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What Is Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a vaginal infection caused by bacteria. It is the most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge that occurs in reproductive-age women .

Bacterial vaginosis may cause a “fishy” odor and cause vaginal irritation in some women. Others may not have any symptoms.

Bacterial vaginosis is associated with poor obstetrics and gynecologic outcomes such as preterm delivery, infection after surgeries such as a hysterectomy, and may make a woman more susceptible to sexually transmitted infections, especially HIV.

How Bv Is Spread

Although it is not clear how BV is transmitted, it is more common in women who are sexually active. It sometimes develops soon after intercourse with a new partner. Women who have female sexual partners may be at higher risk than women who have sex with only male partners. Research has not conclusively found a link between BV and specific sexual practices or acts. However, recent evidence supports the use of condoms to reduce the risk of this infection.

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Find Healthy Ways To Destress

In fact, a 2018 study points to a connection between high levels of the stress hormone cortisol and BV.

There are a variety of healthy ways to manage stress and to prevent cortisol from affecting your vaginal pH not to mention your overall health and well-being. Some effective stress management activities include:

  • Exercise. Being physically active can boost your brains production of endorphins, known as the feel-good neurotransmitters. These brain chemicals can help reduce feelings of stress.
  • Deep breathing. Also known as diaphragmatic breathing, this relaxation technique has been shown to be

Why Do You Always Get Bv During Or After Your Period

ð£The SECRET To Having An Odor-Freeðð?½Kittyð?± & Prevent BV/ Yeast Infections

You got your period, went through the cramping, craving, bloating, and other fun PMS symptoms. You are in your last bleeding days, almost back to normal and then you start noticing the fishy odor and overall discomfort. You just got BV again. Why does BV come right after or during period for so many women? Thats what well discuss today!

Bacterial Vaginosis is a vaginal infection with very annoying symptoms like a fishy or bad odor, abnormal discharge, itchiness and tenderness in the vaginal area, and more. Bacterial vaginosis is very common, 30% of women will have BV during their lifetime. Unfortunately, the only treatment for BV is antibiotics and while the antibiotics may clear the infection for a few days, weeks, or months, BV will come back in 50% of women who were treated for it. Bacterial vaginosis is a huge issue that not many like to talk about, but here at V-Luxe we help women who are suffering from recurring BV and we do not shy away from this subject.

What triggers Bacterial Vaginosis?

However, when theres a shift in your vaginal pH level, the bad bacteria sees it as opportunity to grow and develop their colonies. Thats how you get bacterial vaginosis.

What does your period has to do with it?

Now that we know the cause, how can we stop getting recurring bacterial vaginosis every month?

There are a few things we can do! First of all, lets think about the hygiene products youre using while on your period:

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Q: How Can I Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis From Returning

A: Because we dont know exactly what causes BV, it can be difficult to say exactly what will prevent it. However, there are a number of measures that may help:

  • Condom use: People who use condoms have a lower risk of BV. Although no one has studied whether starting to use condoms decreases recurrence, using condoms may help.
  • Hormonal birth control: People who use hormonal birth control have a lower risk of recurrent BV. Again, no one has studied whether starting these would help reduce recurrences, but we sometimes try this if hormones are a safe option for you.
  • Avoid douching: Douching can disrupt your healthy vaginal bacterial community and may increase the likelihood of BV coming back.
  • Longer-term antibiotics: If youve had three or more documented episodes of BV a year, using vaginal metronidazole twice a week for four months can decrease the chances of your BV returning.

When Should I Get Treatment For Bacterial Vaginosis

The body is often very good at getting back its own balance. The disruption in the balance of vaginal germs that causes BV may correct naturally, with time. So, if you have no symptoms or only mild symptoms, you may not need any treatment, particularly if you take some of the general healthy steps above?

You normally need treatment for BV if it is causing symptoms, or if the characteristic smell is noticeable to you. If you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or about to have a gynaecological procedure then you may be advised to get treatment for BV.

PregnancyIf you are pregnant and you are found to have BV then you will usually be offered antibiotic treatment with oral metronidazole .

If you are trying to conceive and you think you may have BV, it is a good idea to try to eradicate the BV through natural methods or treatment prior to conceiving. If you have symptoms then you should discuss having antibiotic treatment with your doctor.

Termination of pregnancyIf you are found to have BV and are undergoing a termination of pregnancy, treatment with antibiotics may be advised even if you do not have any symptoms. This is because there is otherwise a risk of BV causing infection of the womb or pelvis after the procedure. This could lead to later fertility problems.

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How To Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is caused by many different factors such as taking antibiotics or using regular soaps for the intimate area so many women find they suffer from BV frequently. Have a look below for our top tips on how to prevent BV. In addition to following these tips, using CanesBalance® BV Gel may help you to prevent BV symptoms in the future. .

Top tips for preventing a BV infection:

  • Avoid using deodorants or heavily perfumed products in and around your vaginal area.
  • Avoid using strong detergent to wash your underwear.
  • Change your tampons or pads frequently.
  • Ensure you wipe from front to back after going to the toilet.
  • Dry your vaginal area after washing, swimming and working out.
  • Change your underwear after swimming and working out.

What Are The Symptoms Of Vaginosis

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The symptoms associated with vaginosis do not appear all at once, and may be delayed overall. In many instances, there are no symptoms at all, but in time, they may start to appear in single changes or multiple changes. When symptoms do start to appear, they begin with odor. From that, vaginal discharge may occur, itching, redness, and even pain may occur as a result of the symptoms. Left without any treatment, these do not go away, and could get worse, and cause serious issues during menstruation, and sexual intercourse as well.

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What Should I Do If I Have Bv

BV is easy to treat. If you think you have BV:

  • See a doctor or nurse. Antibiotics will treat BV.
  • Take all of your medicine. Even if symptoms go away, you need to finish all of the antibiotic.
  • Tell your sex partner if she is female so she can be treated.
  • Avoid sexual contact until you finish your treatment.
  • See your doctor or nurse again if you have symptoms that dont go away within a few days after finishing the antibiotic.

How To Prevent & Treat Bv Naturally

Lifestyle choices and overall health are major factors in helping prevent and treat bacterial vaginosis because they are the steps that restore healthy vaginal ecology in other words, they get to the Root Causes of dysbiosis.

Here are the key steps to restoring your vaginal ecology:

Balance Your Blood Sugar

Trouble-making gut and vaginal microorganisms thrive on sugar, so keeping sugar intake low and blood sugar balanced are two of the best things you can do to support whole-body ecology and vaginal ecology. The primary dietary culprits are the added sugars found in most processed foods and the refined grains in most breads, pastas, and baked goods. At the same time, even natural sugars can add up. The dollop of honey in your morning tea or the dash of maple syrup on mashed sweet potatoes can cause blood sugar spikes for some women. The sugar in alcohol is a major trigger for BV, too. So if youre working to prevent or treat BV, and especially if you struggle with persistent BV, watch the amount of sugar you eat, both added and natural, and know that even small amounts of sugar can add up. Its smart to avoid alcohol entirely when youre treating BV and trying to keep it from recurring, and then keep it to small amounts only if youre susceptible and notice an association between alcohol intake and recurrence.

Restore a Healthy Microbiome

Probiotic-rich foods include live active culture yogurt, sauerkraut and other lacto-fermented vegetables, kimchi, and miso.

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